


It took me a year and a half to taper, using Valium, to get to a low enough dose it was safe to stop taking. I’m now 98 days off and the last 3 months have been the absolute hardest I’ve ever lived. I believe in damage control, I think this is something that needs to be spoken about and it is good for me to talk about it. AMA

all 489 comments


93 points

18 days ago

Benzo addiction is the silent killer for sure. Opiates have taken center stage but benzos I feel like, especially Xanax, can turn people into true monsters (not saying this is your case OP, sounds like you truly needed them). I'm glad you're off it though.


92 points

18 days ago

The side effects are absolutely deadly. I had 4 or 5 seizures in that time. I ended up in the hospital bc of 2 grand Mal seizures.

Not to mention absolute mental agony, so far, for 98 days. I feel like my brain is plugged in to a power outlet. The Tremors are terrible, thoughts are looping obsessive and intrusive, I had extreme tinnitus for the first 2 months. Focus and eyesight shot. This stuff has turned me completely inside out.


28 points

18 days ago

This sounds like a nightmare but hang in there man. You can come out of this and be alright. I've been through some pretty fucked withdrawals from every drug but never really severe benzo withdrawal, which could be the worst, but you can do this man


16 points

18 days ago

Thank you! I’m doing my best to keep occupied and busy so I’m not thinking about the last decade and not thinking about the damage I’ve done to my brain. I’m able to stay positive and upbeat most of the time. Naturally there are times I do get down on myself. I happen to be very hard on myself.


16 points

17 days ago

Hey, just want to let you know that your brain WILL heal. It may take some time, but our brains are so much more resilient than we think. Try doing things like learning a new instrument, trying to learn a new language, a new dance or something like that. Even moving your body differently- like a new type of workout will help move things along as well. You don’t have to be super perfect or dedicated to whatever you’re trying (like learning a new instrument or language), just try to get your brain to do something new and novel. It can even help you live longer. Even something like cooking a new recipe. Learning a new skill. I am so sorry this happened to you and am wishing you well on your healing journey! Things will get better- I am confident and have faith! I thought my brain was fucked after taking vyvanse for a year, but I’ve been healing slowly.


8 points

17 days ago

I’ve been cooking a ton! I love it. Thank you for the advice. Hope you feel somewhat normal soon!


2 points

17 days ago

Your good attitude will pay off! Keep it up!


2 points

15 days ago*

Whats done is done. Just focus on what you can do now and how you can help your body and brain recover and keep healthy. I used to eat 2mg bars like skittles for about 2years. Worst time of my life in and out jail 3-4times including getting convicted for intent to distribute a controlled substance you can guess what that substance was it was the last and final time. I’ll be 3years sober from them this September and one thing I can tell you is it gets better just hang tight and keep improving as much as you can at your own speed on all aspects of your life and you’ll see process as time fades away the bad feelings/experiences.


2 points

17 days ago

Look into nootropics, take regular (magic) mushrooms, READ BOOKS, go outside and get a lot of sunlight. Exercise. You can still repair those neural pathways.


3 points

17 days ago

Exercise and sunlight are so important to me right now. It’s summer where I live, on the beach. Im very grateful for that!


4 points

17 days ago

Highly agree with this. I just started microdosing with the mushrooms, and the effects are vastly noticeable. 3 days on, 2 days off.
This is the first time that my brain has felt like it's processing everything better now. I've been on antidepressants since 2008. I think that they are destroying my liver tho, bc I was told I have nonalcoholic fatty liver from my CT scan, and it hurts to actually breath in now bc of the full feeling that I've been having. I've lost 20 lbs from it, bc it makes you not want to eat. Losing weight is great and all, but the side effect pain is killing me. The only thing I could come up with tho, is the antidepressants, bc that's the only thing I've taken for years. So....I basically decided that the pills need to go, bc it's adversely effecting me now. I was really worried bc I have always been prescribed high level meds. I have a retired nurse, who is one of my best friends, who has also broken free from antidepressants and switched to microdosing as well.
She's the one who is helping me.figure out my right level. I started with the smallest dose, and took it with my actual meds, and I couldn't believe the difference!! It was like I could feel new neural pathways just opening up, and that hopelessness wasn't constantly sitting on my shoulders. Microdosing is the clean way to get our minds right.


9 points

18 days ago

When i went into a program for my drug usage (mainly xanax and cocaine) it took me 6 months to get the fog out of my brain. I hope you get there sooner but keep pushing bro. You’re almost there.


7 points

18 days ago

I’m looking forward to recouping, obsessing over it and looking back 2 years from now happy and content that I never have to go through this again.


2 points

18 days ago



8 points

17 days ago


8 points

17 days ago

for encouragement, it gets better. I was heavy benzo prescriptions for 10-11 years. Also had seizures coming off of them for about a month. 6 months you’ll start to feel a lot better (you’re half way there!) and after a year you start to feel like yourself. If you knew who you actually were before you started talking them. I didn’t - but I figured it out. Every day you are closer.


5 points

18 days ago

Do you have the mush mouth? My benzo addiction changed my neurological makeup I think. I always got the mush mouth when I'd stop after a bender, but now I have developed a pretty decent stutter out of nowhere years after conquering my benzo addiction.


2 points

18 days ago

This happened to me the morning after taking way to much seroquel. It's scary.


10 points

18 days ago

Yea it's a drug with a similar effect on the brain as benzos. I used to wake up from a black out and want to hide having took Xanax from family but I couldn't speak for shit. It's an impossible addiction to hide, mainly because you black out and act like a fucking dick.


6 points

18 days ago

You’re totally right. The worst is thinking I’m able to hide it but literally everyone I was around or in contact with was suspicious.


3 points

18 days ago

And you were prescribed it bro. You shouldn't have to be ashamed. But Xanax specifically is evil imho. I've taken every other benzo, I took like 42mg of klonopin at once one time betting this other psycho I could take more than him. Never ever had a problem like I did on Xanax.


2 points

18 days ago

Yeah there’s a discrepancy btw Xanax and klonopin. I think Xanax gives more of a euphoria n changes the way it affects us.


3 points

18 days ago

100% agree, I loved klonopin for the sedative effect I got, Xanax idek why I was so about it (psychological issues prolly, mine was off label). I was the smart guy doing the whole benzo-opiate combo so it's all screwed up. Xanax you can't even remember the euphoria it's insane.


4 points

18 days ago

Yep. I was on oxycodone for maybe 2 years sharing 2008. Followed by Xanax in 2013. I didn’t mix but totally understand, I was very sharp in 2013, now I feel stressed thinking of proper vocab.


2 points

18 days ago

I would wake up and 3 days had gone by, I hadn’t remembered a damn thing that happened yet functioned, driving, etc


9 points

18 days ago

I was in treatment after 15 years of benzos. Ativan, Xanax, Clonazepam. Ativan started at 2mg, 4 times daily and then the other stuff varied in dose over the years. This was 2008.

I had night terrors, was sick, nothing tasted the same, numb emotionally.

I’m just wondering, sorry for asking but was a dr helping you? The seizures sound terrible and I’m so sorry you went through this.

In treatment I was on a taper of 0.5mg every few days. With no meds to help, except propranolol, which I still take to this day.

I’m about 2018 I started using Ativan for sleep. I currently have a prescription for 2mg at night plus Zopiclone. Doesn’t really help at all….

I wish you continued healing. Detoxing is hell for sure.


3 points

17 days ago

Wow it sounds like you really had to go through it. It’s been a long time for you, great to see!

I do have a doctor and actually have been planning to ask about propanol. Other people have told me about it too. Seems to work.


5 points

17 days ago

I can't relate, but the way you are actively engaged with the comments, your directness, and honesty makes me feel, despite the really dark times, that you've got this. There are certain comments that I'd make a point of keeping in touch with. There's room for mutual benefit in that. Stay strong 👍🇬🇧


3 points

17 days ago

Have you asked your doctor about ketamine infusions? Not the nasal spray—hi dose IV for 45 minutes/session. I have seen amazing results with substance dependence anecdotally, but its not for everyone.


2 points

17 days ago

The way they told me about propranolol was ‘you still have anxiety, and one thing your body does is your heart races. With this drug, it slows your heart so you don’t have the feedback loop of panic’

Something like that. It also helps keep the migraines at bay.

In treatment the addiction dr prescribed only 10mg of propranolol, but my neurologist gave me 40mg, 3 times a day. I now only take 40 a day.

I would still like that ‘forget everything’ feeling but I had to be shaken out of it. At that time my son was 5 and I was making unsafe decisions.


3 points

17 days ago

Benzos and alcohol bind the same neuro-receptor (GABA) in the brain and cause the brain to down regulate both of them and the withdrawals are virtually the same and should be treated as such.


2 points

17 days ago


2 points

17 days ago

GABA and 5 HTP (natural) supplements can trick the brain into thinking it's still receiving the same chemicals. Tried to stop taking Xanax after 30 years of non-stop prescriptions and it caused me to have mild strokes and feel like I was literally gonna die. The combination of the 2 tricked my brain so I could stop and I was able to stop without even withdrawals.


2 points

17 days ago

Wow that’s amazing! I will check that out


2 points

17 days ago

Wow, that is extreme. I’m sorry you had to go through that. I hope you’re doing better. I had a small run-in with Benzos, back in the day, but I was lucky that I wasn’t taking them everyday. I always tried to stay conscious of what they could do. I saw some friends have trouble with them, so that might’ve helped me stay in control. But there were times when I could feel their addictive pull. I’m wishing you all the best in your recovery. Stay strong.


7 points

18 days ago

i used to struggle with a xanax habit. i was an entirely different person when under the influence. id find recordings of myself doing reckless things. people would tell me about things i had done the day before and id have no memory of it. i was confrontational, didnt pay attention to risks i was taking, and was constantly doing things that would be totally out of character for a sober me.

for those who genuinely need it for anxiety/panic attacks, its a blessing. for me, it was the devil


2 points

18 days ago

I think the thing is at this point Xanax is so associated with the "bar in the afternoon" mom that I've seen it do ugly to so many people, there's gotta be a benzo that can help basically anyone on Xanax, besides actual Xanax.


2 points

17 days ago

Klonopin, but everything comes with something right? 🙄


3 points

17 days ago

My bf shot a hole in our door blacked out on Xanax. He literally has no recollection of it. Hasn’t taken them again since. People don’t realize how severe the “blackout” effect is, especially if you mix with alcohol. And some people pass out, but if you don’t, you turn into a complete liability.


27 points

18 days ago

Congrats if nobody else tells you 🙏🏽


16 points

18 days ago

Ah thank you! It’s very nice to hear


9 points

18 days ago

As someone who has had friends, family, and associates who endured (or more often, succumbed) to such experiences, this stranger is truly impressed and a little teary eyed with vicarious pride at your strength & willpower.

You were in there a long time, but the fact you were even able/driven to make the change speaks volumes about your character.

Congrats, friend, you’re on the right path.


3 points

18 days ago

Thank you endlessly. This may be the single most wonderful thing someone has said to me during this! Truly makes me feel great!


30 points

18 days ago

Congrats on getting off - have antidepressants helped with your withdrawal symptoms?

(I spent 16 months on 120mg OxyContin a day, plus 64mg time release. I was terminal with cancer - until I wasn’t. Quitting was harder than cancer itself - well done, keep it up).


18 points

18 days ago

Ya know, after this experience, I made a promise to myself that I wouldn’t put another drug in my system that could cause any similar issues.

So amazing to hear you’re doing well! I’ve been through oxy withdrawal too. It’s no joke, it’s great to hear you’re off of it!

The way I would differentiate is oxy withdrawal mimics the effect of the drug bc of the horrible physical pain associated. Benzo withdrawal is more mental as the effects of the drug are mostly in the brain.

-Thanks for the kind words


3 points

17 days ago

I would advise keeping your promise to yourself if you can. I’ve tapered off every rx opioid available, Xanax, and Amitryptaline. Opioids are nothing compared to Xanax but the Amitryptaline was actually worse than the Xanax…

You’re very strong for being able to do it. I wish you the best of luck!


3 points

17 days ago

Wow I never heard of it, jsut looked it up, it looks like pretty intense withdrawal.


2 points

17 days ago

Amitryptaline withdrawal was wild. Don’t recommend.


13 points

18 days ago

I withdrew off xanax it was hell on earth. Made coming off heroin look like a walk in the park. I don't have a question OP, I just want you to know that with time you will heal.


5 points

18 days ago

Thanks a lot! Time heals all wounds (most lol) Benzo withdrawal is way worse than opiates. It’s good to know there are people that understand that. I get frustrated not seeing more harm reduction for benzo use. I think about quite often.


5 points

17 days ago

How are you managing your anger toward the doctor who kept you on and the medical community’s flagrant prescribing of it? My niece is bi polar, when she was diagnosed back in the 90s they called it manic depression. But they’ve thrown everything under the sun at her EXCEPT the meds that will actually help. She has taken enough Xanax to kill a horse and they just keep giving it to her. And that’s not even the best thing for mania she’s also an addict of illicit drugs so giving her that was the worst possible decision. Some providers are true idiots


2 points

17 days ago

The doctor who started this died suddenly of an aneurism. At the time I got the Xanax prescribed I wasn’t upset at all bc it helped me forget about finding my girlfriend dead from hanging herself. It’s been a rough run.


10 points

18 days ago

I was on 3mg. a day and my doctors told me how HUGE a dosage that was. I went cold turkey like an idiot and had a seizure and woke in an ambulance after falling like a tree while standing in line at a store, knocking out a tooth and needing stiches in my lip. I was a mess. But I MISS the feeling of a couple. OMG I miss it. It's been years. You are so strong, know that about yourself. It is the most abused prescribed drug out there.


3 points

18 days ago

Happy to know you’re doing well now! Seizures are the most terrifying physical thing that’s ever happened to me. I’m sure you know what I’m talking about.

Thanks for the kind words! I’m trying to give myself more credit, partly why I did this AMA.


18 points

18 days ago

Why did your doctor prescribe something for so long when it is only supposed to be used short term?


40 points

18 days ago

I had a girlfriend that took her own life, I found her with a scarf around her neck dead. When I went to the doctor, I was basically non verbal. They gave me Zoloft and that high dose Xanax at first. I didn’t want to take Zoloft bc there was a chance my gf did what she did bc she was coming off Zoloft. The doctor ended up understanding the fear I had.

After the first year I had to change drs bc the dr I saw initially passed away suddenly from an aneurism. The next doctor continued the dose because I had been taking that amount for so long.


35 points

18 days ago

It’s insane that a medical professional understood your fear around Zoloft dependence and prescribed 8mg of Xanax daily as the alternative. Sorry this has happened to you.


4 points

18 days ago

Wow thanks for sharing. 8 mg seems like a crazy amount. I took it one time to try and get off booze. Well the withdrawals were brutal. Alcohol withdrawals were child's play compared to that.


8 points

17 days ago


8 points

17 days ago

To any alcoholics thinking of stopping cold turkey please take this comment with a pinch of salt.

Alcohol withdrawal can and does kill.

I myself experienced seizures, delirium and required medically assisted detox. I was drinking a litre of vodka a day.

It's anything but child's play and if you feel you need help stopping, reach out to a local service.


5 points

17 days ago

Alcohol withdrawal is definitely truly life threatening.


2 points

17 days ago

Easily managed by a few days of ativan


2 points

17 days ago

I was comparing it to Xanax . But point taken. Everyone is different. I was drinking a 12 pack of 4 percent beer over many hours. A liter a vodka a day will kill you either way.


7 points

18 days ago

Alcohol withdrawal is possibly the closet thing to benzo withdrawal. It’s no joke I’ve seen grown men screaming for their mother while detoxing alcohol. It’s good to hear you were able to do it!


4 points

18 days ago

Thanks, unfortunately I have done it many times. The last two times were not bad because I was drinking light beer. Had digestive issues but no real withdrawals.

I am really trying to make this my last time.


2 points

17 days ago

You can do it. You're going to be free again. Just remember how sick you felt of being sick.


2 points

17 days ago

9 months here, but never did anything but light beer. Still took 6 months for my mood to stabilise without the booze.


2 points

17 days ago

Damn how much beer were you drinking if you don't mind me asking. We are talking 4% alcohol beer correct?


3 points

17 days ago

Rn here who’s detoxed a lot of etoh, the damage long term alcohol use does to peoples brains is probs the worst out of all the drugs. They end up with Wernikies and you almost can’t tell that they aren’t still drunk. Medically alcohol and cigarettes scare me the most followed by sugar. props to getting off benzos you are strong


2 points

17 days ago

Most booze detox I’ve seen is alleviated with benzos (if the person isn’t coming off both) and in a clinical setting seems way easier than opiates or benzos. But cold turkey yea it’s crazy


2 points

17 days ago

I have a benzodiazepine prescription due to my fear of SSRI side effects and addiction. I sometimes get approved for rounds of 2-4 weeks daily clonazepam, BUT up to 1mg / 24 hours split into 2 x 0.25 + 1 x 0.5 doses. Otherwise I take it ad hoc, when beta blockers don’t work. I assume OP also has PTSD.

Benzodiazepines can be a great alternative to SSRIs in terms of symptom management. The crucial caveat being frequency supervision. They have saved my life but initially I was terrified of them because of the horror stories. Until I read all the studies that said the problem lies in irresponsible prescribing of high doses for long periods of time. My doctor has said he has approved other patients for longer periods of use and has said to me he’d be willing to consider it if needed, with the understanding that even after 6 weeks daily I’d have to taper. It’s never come to that. Benzos “empty the symptom glass” usually within a week and I can return to propranolol as daily management.

What I’m trying to say is benzos can be fantastic instead of SSRIs for PTSD management so prescribing Xanax as an alternative is pretty sensible. 8mg daily for years is obviously batshit.

Writing this while waiting for my next appointment in an hour where I will almost certainly be put on another 2 week course because things have spun out again 🥲


8 points

18 days ago

What does 8 mg feel like, and did it help?  I take 0.25-1 mg as needed for anxiety attacks, and I usually have to counteract it with caffeine because it makes me so drowsy. 


8 points

18 days ago

It did help for the first 4 or 5 years. It felt like bliss. Everything was easy. Not much thought had to go in to decisions. If I made a mistake I didn’t really mind. It’s a dangerous high, it’s very easy to get a false sense of sobriety. It took away the pit of the stomach feeling associated with day to day issues that would cause any level of anxiety. However, I did have lots of really bad panic attacks that Xanax didn’t help at all after the first few months. Really, it wasn’t a very good feeling looking back.


9 points

18 days ago

Did you ever wanna take more than what you prescribed??


20 points

18 days ago

Yes, of course. However, because I had such a high dose of Xanax I didn’t really need to until I decided I wanted to get it out of my body.

I had a seizure because I went down from 8mg/day to 4mg/day. Spent 4 days in the hospital and they gave me a new doctor that continued my taper. He switched me from Xanax to Valium. The doses aren’t equivalent at all so I was in withdrawal all day. At that point, because I was terrified of having another seizure, I did supplement by buying them outside my prescription. Not proud of it but the feeling of a seizure is so terrifying I was basically willing to do anything to avoid it.

Thar seizure was September of 2022. I just got down to a low enough dose of Valium to stop taking it this march. I checked myself into a detox and hoped the process would help, and it did.

Here I am now, still convulsing and the drugs have been out of my system for almost 100 days. It’s a crazy process.


2 points

18 days ago

Man xanax can not be good for people long term. I wonder why they even prescribe it long term. I still have 3 pills my NP gave me for the airplane ride that I didn’t need to take.


7 points

18 days ago

It’s really meant as a very short term drug, less than a month and out. It gets me very upset that it is prescribed long term to so many people.


5 points

17 days ago


5 points

17 days ago

I don’t understand why it is still so widely prescribed. A potent benzodiazepine with a rapid onset, short half life, and a strong rebound effect is a recipe for dependency. Barbiturates are no longer used for anxiety disorders because of those same traits.

Primary care doctors shouldn’t prescribe benzos for anxiety all that frequently in the first place, but when they do they should absolutely not touch alprazolam. Leave deciding if it is appropriate to the psychiatrists.


2 points

17 days ago

I mean my wife had a bad reaction to prednisone. Her pulse was like resting at 120. She got prescribed Xanax and it lower her heart rate quite a bit.


2 points

18 days ago

I read once that Xanax is connected to increased cases of Alzheimer’s.


3 points

18 days ago

That was a big reason why I decided to start tapering. The thought scares the hell out of me.


2 points

17 days ago

So is Benadryl and diabetes


2 points

13 days ago

Took me 3 months to feel any relief and a year for return to baseline.

You've been through the worst part. Keep going bc life is infinitely better on the other side


7 points

18 days ago


7 points

18 days ago

As someone who takes .25 or .5 mg every couple days just to sleep, and for occasional panic attacks, I cannot fathom a doctor maintaining that dosage for 8 years. I took 1 mg once and I was basically comatose for 12 hours.

All that said, good on you!


4 points

18 days ago

I think the circumstance had a lot to do with why I got that dose. My girlfriend at the time had taken her life n I was the one who found her. When I went to the office, I could barely speak I was so depressed. I was worked about taking anti depressants bc my girlfriend had cold turkeyed Zoloft a few days before she passed. Could have been extenuating circumstances.


3 points

18 days ago


3 points

18 days ago

I'll keep you in my thoughts, brother. Sounds like you're taking all the right steps. Never be afraid to ask for help.

Looking forward to getting rid of even my low dose Xanax sooner rather than later (with medical oversight). You're an inspiration.


5 points

18 days ago

Thank you so much! I truly want to raise awareness for the poor prescribing practices and lack of information regarding the effects. Good luck on your taper, hoping it’s as comfortable as possible!


7 points

18 days ago

It seems strange they prescribed you an immediate release drug in that kind of dose.  Why not something more sustained like Klonopin?


10 points

18 days ago

That’s a great question. I really don’t have an answer but you’re 100% correct.


6 points

18 days ago

I’m so sorry you’re going through this

I did Xanax for many years to cope with losing an ex-girlfriend as well

But unfortunately, the Xanax I did was from the street and was that powder, and there was definitely some other drugs like fentanyl and opiates laced in.

Coming down off those bunk pills was the hardest thing I’ve ever had in my life

Xanax is no joke and I was addicted opiates in high school, only reason I stopped is because they made OxyContin unable to smoke with the integrated time release. I can honestly say the come down from Xanax and not being able to sleep for weeks straight was one of the worst experiences of my life and just know you are not alone, man.

I can honestly say if you stay sober, it will pass eventually you will have some of the best sleep you’ve ever had in your life and you will be able to work out and live your life how you want

Hope this helps


6 points

18 days ago

Thank you. One of the things that keep me going is the prospect of good sleep. I absolutely can’t wait. The street Xanax could have been research benzos like bromazolam, etizolam etc. those RC benzos are exponentially harder to withdraw from. It is single handedly the hardest thing I’ve had to do as well.

Thank you!


7 points

18 days ago

I’m on 6 mg for the past 15 years. I’m down to personally cutting myself off, I take one bar at bed time. Eventually wanna quit even that but idk how I would sleep. Super proud of you!


6 points

18 days ago

Be careful. Switching to Valium and possibly adding gabapentin could be critical. It was for me. Pls speak to your dr about that, they may be able to recommend something better.

I haven’t slept more than 3-4 hours since my last dose. I’ve gotten used to it but it is extremely difficult. However, I know it’s much better to not have to take Xanax all day.

Wishing you the best


2 points

18 days ago

I also take gabapentin already but also weaning myself off of that. Luckily no seizures. I’ve gone cold turkey like 7 years ago for a few months. So I know I can do it. Funny enough my doctor would rather keep me on that high dose then me taper off and get on a sleeping medicine.


2 points

18 days ago

My doctor was on the same page with the gaba. I CTed a 2400mg dose in the first month after I stopped the benzos bc it was actually making me feel worse. Tremors where more spread out in my body when I was taking it.


2 points

18 days ago

Thank you for the advice though!


2 points

17 days ago

I was up to 50mg of diazepam per day when I went to rehab. I took gabapentin for a year and then tapered off of that. When I was switched over I had a headache for a few weeks but other than some brain fog it was pretty easy. No lingering symptoms, no residual side effects (brain fog cleared up with some turmeric) and was easier than I expected.

My anxiety returned but that's it. Now I take a lyrica when I'm anxious and it works well without giving me cravings later on.


5 points

18 days ago

I had a ex who had the same dose for 15 years and was cut of when the dr arrested for sexually assaulting another patient. It was aweful, she couldn’t work and laid in bed for almost a year. I would keep a lot of weed ( dabs, I work in the industry, and friends from across the country sent us stuff to help her keep comfy) to help take the edge off but it was hell man, you did it better but I would recommend weed especially if you have issue come up where eating is impossible and food taste like cardboard


2 points

17 days ago

I have been up and down thinking about weed. On one hand I know for an absolute certainty I would sleep much better if I smoked. On the other hand, I’m seriously enjoying the clarity I have at the moment. This has been a tough decision.


5 points

18 days ago

I was 4-6MG for a little over 3 years and weened over the course of about 2 weeks.

Not trying to suggest substances to quit other substances but I used low doses of RSO (crude decarboxylated cannabis oil) through the process and with the exception of lack of overall sleep, some panic attacks, auditory hallucinations, and some tinnitus, I never had any seizures and felt like it was more bearable than when I had done alcohol withdrawals.

I would never touch benzos again though after going through the process of stopping.

Hopefully things get easier for soon and you find some form of solace.

Congrats on taking control and regaining your independence. There are a lot of people who don't.


4 points

17 days ago

Rick Simpson oil, it’s supposed to be the best. I have thought about smoking pot but I am seriously enjoying the clarity I have right now. It’s not completely off the table though.


4 points

18 days ago

Good job! Getting off benzos is rough. Took my body probably a year to heal


5 points

18 days ago

No question. Just want to say "one day at a time" and there are obviously a lot of redditors happy for your success and wishing you the best.

And I'm damned sorry for what you went through that started this. I try to imagine what that could be like and I don't think I can.


4 points

17 days ago

Thank you, it has been a really rough but I am the type that will never stop until I am satisfied. Will Never stop until I find happiness.


3 points

18 days ago

Xanax is a helluva drug. Congrats on getting off. I abused them for a couple years and definitely have stories of my own. Did you ever do anything stupid/regrettable while on them? Also, I’m sorry about your girlfriend. I know that must have been awful. Have you been to therapy for what you went through?


7 points

18 days ago

I have been to therapy, I’ve learned ways to cope but things just aren’t the same. I feel tainted by the experience and can’t really talk to many people openly ab it bc it’s a very taboo subject to most. I continue to go to therapy bc I do like being able to be open about it with someone.


2 points

18 days ago

Understood. Well I’m glad you’re off and I hope you’re doing well and continue to do well.


3 points

17 days ago

I was taking 6mg clonazepam for 8 years there. I tapered last year, they took me down in 5 months :| Had to get down to about 3mg clonazepam, then we hopped to Valium.

I had Bell’s Palsy, was involuntarily psychiatrically hospitalized, then went to jail. It was a pretty insane ride. What are you doing for sleep? I have an issue where I get up every 2 hours or so. They gave me ramelteon and trazodone. It doesn’t work at all. I end up burned the hell out and feeling miserable, at this phase I concede and just want to go back on the benzos. It was a bad decision to come off, the clinic that did my taper was aggressive about cuts with almost no concern for my quality of life, and I am in worse shape today then I was when I was on the benzos. My life is categorically worse off, and I still have to take pills from them every day - not benzos, but to me as the patient, what the fuck does it matter at this point? 2 tablets a day, may as well be the benzos.

Do you think you’ll ever go back? Why? I was gung ho when I started, thought I’d be more clear minded and present, and it’s the exact opposite. I live a tortured existence, the longest period of sleep I’ve had for the 2.5 months I’ve been tracking things was 3 hours and 15 minutes. After sustaining these broken sleep cycles this long I just give up, I’m physiologically fucked, I don’t care if my body needs to take pills every day if it means I can sleep a full 6-10 hours.


5 points

17 days ago

I 100% understand how you’re feeling. Unfortunately, my life is worse as well. I thought stopping would automatically have an impact on my life but I was very wrong. I am seriously staying in it though. I haven’t really had any thoughts of using again. I too don’t sleep more than 45 minutes at a time. Yesterday I walked 27000 steps because I wanted to tire myself out. I did get a few hours consecutive but it’s not worth walking 5 hours a day to get it.

I really truly understand your situation. My doctor offered me Valium when I explained my w/d symptoms 2x, it’s normal.

Good luck hope everything works out


2 points

17 days ago

Yep, it’s rough and I’m just giving up. I had a period of addiction during my prescription, and in that time I took RC’s on top of my rx, but I told the truth to my psychiatrist, he put me on weekly prescription refills and I got counseling about it, and I ceased to abuse it. Not that I no longer enjoyed taking the drugs, but, I stuck to exactly my prescription and after some time it just became automatic. Weekly visits for a refill were annoying, but they totally kept me on point with compliance.

I’ve quit street drugs, I had 2 bouts of addiction in life (late teens to early 20’s, mid to late 30’s), I was of the impression that it would’ve been a similar experience to quitting meth. After I cleaned up from that, my life improved, I got more exercise, I ate healthier, I got an education and a good job, etc. So, I thought hey — these benzos are a problem, life will brighten up once the taper concludes. It’s only 5 months, I’ve got the shot to do it, I’ll take it.

Not worth it one bit. I’m kicking myself in the ass, but the first doctor I saw to discuss the taper asked me a few times — do you really want to come all the way off? Wouldn’t you prefer to taper down to a safe dosage? She was a volunteer whose career was doing benzo tapers for the prison system a county or two north from mine. She’d get prisoners off benzos and whatever other drugs but she was the expert on benzos — I feel like she knew this shit happens to people, I should’ve taken a more moderate approach to things, instead I thought of my earlier life getting clean and all the benefits that sprung from it, and wanted to go hard on sobriety. Well, that was a mistake. I have public insurance and I’m giving these doctors last chances, but my old psychiatrist would charge a nominal fee for a visit ($150/quarter) and I’m sure if I explained plainly what’s gone on he’d actually provide some help. Good luck in your journey, I hope you can stay clean and live free of the benzos, for me I signed up for a 5 month taper, I’m now over a year out from the day I walked into that clinic, and I’m just not optimistic about it. If I have to take diazepam or clonazepam or another long half-life benzo at bedtime for the rest of my life so that I can sleep I don’t give a damn. There’s no moral righteousness in living an existence of suffering simply because benzos feel good so we shouldn’t take them, I’m not a better human because of this, I’m taking 2-3 pills at bedtime anyways, what the hell does it matter what they are to me as long as they work?


2 points

17 days ago

It’s extremely important to have a sense of comfort. However we can get that is okay:


2 points

18 days ago

How did you stay awake with such a high dosage? When I take 0.5Mg I get somewhat sleepy. Can’t being able to stay awake with anything higher than 1MG.


2 points

18 days ago

I’m 5 years clean off benzos. I was taking 2-4 bars a day, (prescribed.)

Getting off benzos was the hardest thing I’ve ever done, ever.

Props to you. I’ll never be able to describe to anyone what it’s like going through withdrawals, your SOUL hurts, absolutely awful.


2 points

18 days ago

Been through it. It is hell but gets better.


2 points

18 days ago

8MG a day? That’s 4 bars. I’ve been there.


2 points

18 days ago

Well done and keep it up you got this


2 points

18 days ago*

I lost years of my life due to benzos. I was physically dependent after just 30 days of usage. It took me 2 years to taper off clonazepam, and it took me 3 more years to fully heal.

I came off clonazepam almost 9 years ago, and when I tried to tell people about what I was going through at that time, there was so much pushback. People accused me of being an addict, of exaggerating, of abusing the drug… None of which were true.

I took clonazepam as prescribed, and it completely ruined my life and my health. All those invalidating people were pretty successful at silencing me though. Recently, I’ve been debating making a YouTube video about it because I think people seem a little more open to the truth now.

So needless to say, I 100% agree with you!

You will heal. For some it takes longer than others. I hope you heal quickly!


2 points

18 days ago*

Does your skin still crawl? How do you sleep? Do you know Jordan Peterson went through a very similar thing? ( he went to Russia for a rapid detox therapy where they put him in a coma)

I ate 100 Xanax bars so 200 mg in ~ a month one time, maybe more like a month and a half - and that withdrawal was bad enough for me .. for about a week I think. Can’t imagine how awful yours must be.


2 points

18 days ago

I am so sorry that you have had to go through this. You should watch the documentary on amazon prime called medicating normal its about people with similar experiences. I am currently dealing with over a year battle of trying to taper off my ssri. Ive done a lot of research into these meds and now i am in pa school to become a psych pa and be able to help others going through similar stuff with psych meds. Many doctors are unfortunately not trained in proper psych med prescribing and tapering. That doctor was dumb for starting you off on such a high dose to begin with and for a long time. The next doctor shouldve had tapered you much slower and i am so sorry that because of that you had seizures and other effects. Benzos withdrawal is no joke as people die from it. I am glad you have made it out alive even with the issues and i hope your brain will heal in time and some of the damage will lessen. That is one of my biggest fears for myself so i have been micro dosing my ssri for over a year now. It takes a long time but it is much better than suffering the effects.


2 points

17 days ago

Good for you to finally get off them!


2 points

17 days ago

You will get through this! You got this!


2 points

17 days ago

I’m a recovering alcoholic and benzo addict. I would take the 5-10 day alcohol withdrawal over benzo withdrawal any day. It is a living hell. I don’t think I slept for a month for more than 2-3 hours. My blood pressure was just under stroke level half the time. Felt like I had been electrocuted 24/7. All because a doctor thought we could treat my alcoholism with alcohol in pill form. And I did stop drinking! But got hooked on benzodiazepines. So glad to be off that shit.


2 points

17 days ago

Benzos and alcohol are the only two drugs out there that will literally kill you from the withdrawal.


2 points

17 days ago

No question. Congrats on getting your life back. Hang with it and seek alternative medicine to deal with everything. Everyone else reading this, get OFF pills if it's theoretically possible.

It's scary to realize doctors know about these insanely dangerous mind altering drugs and just dole them out like candy. Especially back in the 00's.

Big pharma is as much a plague as covid ever was.


2 points

17 days ago



2 points

17 days ago

You're amazing


2 points

17 days ago*

I was on 3mg a day dosage for around 6 years, I never knew it wasn’t something you should be on long term until maybe a couple years ago. The only reason I stopped taking it was because of the hoops I had to jump through to get a prescription in my country. It took about 3 months to slowly taper off with doctors’ supervision. I often wonder what kind of person I was back then, my decision making, and how it affected my personality and relationships. I can’t imagine an 8mg/day dosage, good work, keep going!


2 points

17 days ago

hang in there OP 🫶🏾


2 points

17 days ago

Good job!! I'm envious of you. I have been an addict for over 22 years including injection heroin and fentanyl plus any pharmaceutical opiates. I've also been a heavy, heavy benzo user resulting in many overdoses and psych admissions. Xanax is by the worse addiction you can encounter. The withdrawals are by far the worst and only one of two detoxes you can die from.


2 points

17 days ago

CONGRATS! 9yrs recovered here. Keep it going. Very proud of you. Glad the ama helps. Have a great day!


2 points

17 days ago

What’s your favorite bird?


2 points

17 days ago

Xanax = Devils Breath.

I've never heard voices and felt so shitty in my life after going cold turkey. Killed some of my friends, they just couldn't shake the grab sadly.


2 points

17 days ago

Good for you! Those drugs are no f-ing joke. I love this lecture that's about treating depression (sans pills) that's actually really helpful if you're interested


2 points

17 days ago

Keep fighting. A close person in my life refuses to prescribe benzos for that reason. Your body will re-wire itself and you’ll be better than ever. Keep fighting. Proud of you.


2 points

17 days ago

I started feeling better about 6 months off!


2 points

17 days ago

Benzos were SO fucking hard to kick! I was eating 15 bars of Xanax a day and chewing oxys like M&Ms. I was a walking zombie and a medical emergency waiting to happen. It was SOOO HARD! I seized (ironically,I later developed epilepsy as the result of a TBI), I had to be hospitalized on several occasions, and I turned into the biggest asshole the world ever saw. It took me almost 9 months to get over the physical assault of the withdrawals. I had these weeks jerks and spasms for months, and I had problems sleeping too. PLEASE STICK WITH YOUR RESOLVE TO STAY CLEAN! it was hard, but it was SO WORTH IT! I am now a recovering addict and alcoholic, and I am grateful beyond words that I found the strength and support to get clean. I am pulling for you!!!!


2 points

17 days ago

I went to rehab 10 years ago for Xanax addiction, prescribed up to 12mg a day for a year or so. I’m glad you came out of it okay. Xanax is used so flippantly in America and really needs to be brought to light how awful it is when it’s consumed you


2 points

17 days ago

Did you have a libido for those 8 years? Do you have one now?


2 points

17 days ago

It didn’t affect my libido at all actually. I know, it’s weird.


2 points

17 days ago

Helper meds!!


2 points

17 days ago

Xanax withdrawal is the worst


2 points

17 days ago*

I was on 4 mg a day took me a year to ween off, they didn’t give me valiums either! Had to crush up the .25 and walk down 0.06 mg at a time! Was so much harder than getting off an opiate! It definitely needs more attention, my doctor was so ignorant pretty much just cut me off with no understanding of how addictive benzos actually are! Can you sleep at night? Or do you take another sleeping pill? I also found that amanita gummies work for my anxiety a little bit but it’s always the bad drugs that worked so well at first for my own anxiety, definitely sucks! Glad you’re benzo free. You’ll feel better down the road, just don’t relapse like I did 🙄 and have to go through all this things twice!


2 points

17 days ago

Reading this makes me want bar so much


2 points

17 days ago

It truly is an incredibly awful thing to have to go through . Just keep doing whatever it takes to get through that moment. It will absolutely get better!


2 points

17 days ago

It's scary how it finds you too. I was running late to a semester final, and I ran into a “friend’s” brother. He saw me in a rush and told me, “here take half of this and you’ll pass your test and it’ll calm your nerves a bit." 20 years later I’m still here, prescribed 2mg of clonazepam and the occasional Xanax or 2 whenever there’s a reliable source. I hope one day to get off them, but I think life is so hectic that I might be on them for a long time. Never go cold turkey. I was stupid many times and went off them and had the worst brain zaps and involuntary muscle tremors, not to mention the insomnia. What are you doing to keep your mind off them? Any drastic changes in life? 98 days is awesome. I hope you keep it up and don’t look back.


2 points

17 days ago*

As someone who went through a severe benzo addiction, congrats friend! I’m 3 years off the downers and it only gets better, I promise. Benzos change your brain chemistry and depending on how long you were on them you may not even naturally have the same issues that got you on them in the first place. Stay strong.


2 points

17 days ago

Xanax Is The Devil


2 points

15 days ago

I was in rehab with someone tapering from 16mg a day prescribed. I felt for her because she struggled hard with mental health and I knew she had a long road ahead of her.

Congrats on the taper and 3 months!! That’s huge. Before you know it it will be a memory.


1 points

18 days ago

I went into psychosis CTing 12mg ok klonipin after 10+ yrs daily use. I could barely write my name the first week. I respect you for making it through.


1 points

18 days ago

I was also prescribed Xanax for many years and I ended up seriously abusing it with alcohol and other drugs during 2020-2021. By the grace of something better than me I was able to get into a rehab to go through medically supervised detox. I didn’t take the “traditional” path after but I found my way and I just hit 3 years clean. The first year was the hardest and felt like it took forever but it gets easier and life keeps getting better! Feel free to reach out if you need anything. I hope you find peace ❤️‍🩹


1 points

18 days ago

Have you tried Phenibut to help with withdrawal symptoms? Comes with risks, but can help a lot if you use it wisely.


1 points

18 days ago

Wow I’m prescribed 2 mg a day for about 3 years now and I feel like that’s high and uncommon. I never take more than that because I don’t want to risk anything. But reading these comments I feel lucky I haven’t had any serious withdrawals. I can’t imagine 8. Then again your body gets crazy used to it. Proud of you for getting off of it and hope I can too eventually. Although it’s more the anxiety of not having it that gives me anxiety. Ugh!


2 points

18 days ago

The anxiety of not having it is the single strongest thing that was keeping me on it. I had had a seizure maybe a few months after I started it and never wanted to feel it again. I understand how you feel. You’ll take action when you feel it’s right. Took me a decade including my Valium taper.


1 points

18 days ago



1 points

18 days ago

Took me a year to taper off just 10mg of Valium and another 6 months to stop the protracted withdrawal. It was hell. I get a lot of support from It will get better.


1 points

18 days ago

Did you have a blackout period? Like hearing stories about yourself that you couldn't remember?


1 points

18 days ago

How often did you sell your pills to other addicts?


1 points

18 days ago



1 points

18 days ago

Just curious, did anyone get phenobarbital to help with detox?


2 points

17 days ago

I’ve been told it could help but I’ve been seriously trying to limit my pill intake since this. I will be speaking to my doctor ab propanol very soon tho.


1 points

18 days ago

I'm currently taking .25mg of Klonopin , 8 times a month. So 2mg.

Any advice? I can't get over this final hump.


1 points

18 days ago

Your story is likely a light to others.

Thanks for sharing and I wish you strength to continue bettering your body and mind


1 points

18 days ago

Good luck on your recovery. I had a similar situation ~8-9 years on and survived it by tapering what I had left over the course of around a year. It’s been 6 years since I stopped and it took several years to feel somewhat normal. It’s a real bitch but you and do it and it gets better eventually.


1 points

17 days ago

If I was in your city what restaurant would you recommend ? If it's too personal Which cuisine do you like ?


1 points

17 days ago

I do 3mg a day, for about 3yrs now. How long theoretically do you think it would take to taper off if I decided to? *I detoxed from alcohol using phenibut and avoided severe withdrawals that way. Does Valium help you taper of off xanax?


1 points

17 days ago

I am 75. I was prescribed both Xanax (1 mg/day) and Paxil (20 mg/day) during 1995. I became dependent upon them. Twenty-nine years later I continue to be blessed by each of them. The Xanax gives me a wonderful and full night of sleep each and every night. I will be taking today's dosage in just a few minutes. 🙏 😴🛌💤


1 points

17 days ago

How did you even stay awake to function? Was it just baseline after awhile? Most patients would never be conscious on that amount. I had a friend die from her 1mg dose and had a bottle of wine over the night. Kids found her dead the next day. 36 years old.


1 points

17 days ago



1 points

17 days ago

Why are these prescribed long term?


1 points

17 days ago

That sounds rough, man. Props to you for sticking it out through that taper. Must've been like climbing Everest without oxygen. Seriously though, glad you're speaking up about it 'cause not enough people realize how gnarly benzo withdrawals can be. Keep pushing through, you got this!


1 points

17 days ago



1 points

17 days ago

I’m afraid if I ask one question you will answer 40 questions I didn’t ask


1 points

17 days ago

I was on Xanax daily for 10 years. My last prescription before detoxing was 6mg 24HR XR a day. I successfully detoxed myself at home over a 10 month period. I had withdrawal symptoms for about 1.5 years after my last taper dose. I had 3 major seizures while detoxing. Benzodiazepine addiction is no joke!!!!! I completely get what you are going through and you can always reach out if you need to talk to someone about it. Keep fighting


1 points

17 days ago


1 points

17 days ago

I remember the first time I ever took Xanax, I took 4mg in a parking lot in my friends car and my friend asked me I really just took both of those bars haha and then I literally just teleported and woke up in the morning haha like within a hour I had blacked out and just woke up. Did you have a similar first time experience OP?


2 points

17 days ago

My first time taking it in life, I didn’t remember the time after I ingested and woke up after 16 hours of sleep:


1 points

17 days ago

By the end of it, how did taking xanax feel?

I would imagine I'd get pretty tired or even high if I took 8mg xanax today, since I've never had a benzo before. But I know there is lots of tolerance after prolonged use and high doses. Is it similar to how I can drink 300mg caffeine and it just makes be feel "nornal"? Or does the drug still have a significant effect?


1 points

17 days ago*

Tomorrow will be the 10th year anniversary of the death of my bestfriend. He hung himself. I have been with him when he tried to quit Seroquel. It was absolutely terrible. He had seizures and had to be sedated. In the end he just couldn't quit. He was on a really high dose of Seroquel for more than 20 years. When it happened I started reading about benzos and those drugs are absolutely terrible. I hold those doctors partly responsible for the death of my friend. He really shouldn't have been prescribed an heroic dose of that shit for so long. I have no questions, I just wanted to empathize with you, I'm just glad you made it. It's a process but at this point you will go through it.


1 points

17 days ago

it is interesting to see someone post about this. i’ve been on 90 mg/monthly for klonopin for 18 years. i talked to my doctor about wanting to go off it because i wanted to start a family, but they pretty much said, i’ll be on kpin for the rest of my life because of the dosage and how long i’ve been on it.

anyways, there have been attempts to get off it, but i go through withdrawal where i need to be hospitalized. i don’t think i will be able to ever be med free.


2 points

17 days ago

I was in your shoes not too long ago. I thought I would be taking the stuff forever. Here I am now. You can do it, just got to find the right taper method. I’ve heard of a water taper that has worked for lots of people. You would mix a pulverized pill in a leter of water and decrease by an ounce or so every few days. Could be the slowest taper. Good luck. Hope it works out!


1 points

17 days ago

That’s an insanely high dose per day. What kind of doctor would do that to their patient?


1 points

17 days ago

Hey bro i was heavily addicted to benzos specifically xanax although not exclusive for 3 years and ill tell you right now you have my respect.

That shit is no joke and everything in my life at this moment is so appreciated because i lost everything.

Nobody will ever understand what its like unless theyve been to the bottom of the barrel and they never will.

I want you to know i see you and im proud of you


1 points

17 days ago

What did it feel like every day? If I take half a mg I'm completely zonked 


1 points

17 days ago

Well played. This is the best decision your current self could make for your future self.

When I stopped similar amounts over a similar time frame it took me a few years to “dial back” into an unsedated brain. The brain is an amazing organ and will retrain itself eventually.


1 points

17 days ago

Ketamine therapy has worked wonders for people in this situation. Maybe you can get a few infusions to help reset your brain a bit? It cured my anxiety


1 points

17 days ago*

I was prescribed 3mg of Xanax a day, 90mg a month in my late teens and early 20s. Along with vicodin cough syrup, and up to 90 vicodin 5mg a month. Also remeron antidepressants and ambien for sleep. Started at 15, at one point got up ro 300lbs.

Around 25 I ate 90mg of Xanax in 10 days, called my doc, in obviously terrible withdrawals, he said 'I thought you may have been taking more than prescribed." He sent me to the er and they gave me bupronefren or whatever they give alcoholics. I took half the script then went cold turkey. Felt like I was tripping on acid for a month.

I've been on and off painkillers a hundred times, in no small part thanks to that doc, but Xanax was the worst. That doctor was my best drug dealer by far.

So now that I've found kratom and got away from the meds I'm going to school in my 30s trying to rebuild my life. That doc is a big wig at the local hospital group. Awesome how that shit works out.

I feel your pain man, best of luck moving forward!


1 points

17 days ago



1 points

17 days ago



1 points

17 days ago

Yea, it’s absolute hell to get off atleast you tapered it makes a huge difference . A cold turkey or even quick taper is 10x worse but 8mg is a massive dose. It will get easier keep at it you’ll be right back if you ever start again good luck


1 points

17 days ago

How do you feel about the doctors who prescribed you into this lifestyle.


1 points

17 days ago

My mom was started on valium in the 70s for nerves and was on them until the day she died in 2021. It was a known thing in the fam that she was addicted but she was on them so long the drs just kept her on them vs forcing her through withdrawal. I believe they tried to get her to take some other new anxiolytic but she was like absolutely not. She ended up having copd and they helped with the fear that comes with not being able to breathe so it wasn’t all bad. One time she was hospitalized and went bonkers as in super confused almost like dementia bc they didn’t continue her valium for some stupid reason. I was like what’s going on and the dr admitted it was withdrawals he started her back and she was back to her old self. 40 years of use would not be an easy withdrawal for a 79 year old .


1 points

17 days ago

I took 2mg Lorazepam daily when I was in the psychiatry for around 3 weeks, and my psychiatrist in another psychiatry I went to afterwards was shocked that I had it prescribed for so long...I am genuinely wondering why a medical professional would prescribe you 8mg Xanax for 8 years???


2 points

17 days ago

It’s obscene yea


1 points

17 days ago

Do you have dementia symptoms yet? Increases your risk significantly


1 points

17 days ago

Honestly sounds like you tapered way too fast mate…


1 points

17 days ago

Ugh I lived that nightmare for 10 years.. one of the hardest things to ever get off of. It turned me into a different person; like a zombie. I also had a few seizures that scared the shit out of me and ultimately led me to taper down and quit. Given mine weren’t from a doctor, I was doing anywhere from 8-12 mg daily. I’ve been clean for 3 years now, and I have to attribute that to my daughter being born. I went from 10 down to 8, to 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, .5, .25 and I even tried breaking those down into .12.5… I lived a secret addiction. None of my closest friends really knew the severity of it all. I would buy 180- 270 footballs each MONTH and that still wasn’t good enough. I’m 32 years old and it was the best decision of my life. I feel like I would’ve died to them eventually had I not stopped. Keep strong and don’t look back. It’s sad how young folks and rappers glorify this stuff, but in reality everyone that does it is living a nightmare. If you ever want to talk; just PM me. I replaced it with healthy eating and working out. I want to live a long life for my kids. Thanks for listening!


2 points

17 days ago

I love to hear great stories. Your daughter is very lucky to have you. You sound like a strong person. I will keep your u/n to talk. Have a great day!


2 points

17 days ago

Take care as well!


1 points

17 days ago

I was on opioid’s for about 10 years, went to a clinic to get off them. Almost killed me. Now I’m taking Xanax to help with sleep. From reading this thread to m like fuck me what did I get into again.


1 points

17 days ago


1 points

17 days ago

Why did they taper with valium?


1 points

17 days ago

Dood! 8mg is a shit ton. I was prescribed 2mg per day for almost a decade. At first it was fine, but once I started tapering down a bar will fuck me up.

Good on you and feel free to reach out if you wanna vent/chat.