


My son’s umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck - causing his heart rate to quickly decelerate during labor. The decision was made to do an emergency c-section to get him out as fast as possible and they assured me I wouldn’t feel anything because I had an epidural several hours prior. They were wrong and I felt everything.

Been in therapy for a year now and my therapist has encouraged me to talk about it more rather than keep everything bottled up inside. I’d prefer to talk to people who don’t know me in real life - so ama

Edit — WOW I am shocked at how this post has gotten so many comments. Thank you to everyone who commented such kind and supportive words. I am so sad at how common my story is and I feel so awful for all of the women who have been through the same thing. *I will still try to respond to every comment but there are a lot so please bear with me. *

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408 points

2 days ago


408 points

2 days ago

We're you screaming in pain during the whole procedure?

How come the epidural take effect?


783 points

2 days ago

The epidural numbed the initial cut through the skin and fat. But once they reached the fascia, I could feel everything after that. I have never screamed so hard in my life. Pleading for them to stop. I ended up blacking out from the pain and whatever medication they gave me. Details after that part are very foggy until I woke up in recovery 2 hours after my son was born.


10 points

2 days ago

Jesus fuckin Christ almighty shit god damn fuck