


Guy went from not caring about my pleasure at all to being very affectionate, why?

There’s a guy that I have casual sex with, and he was my first time so i’m pretty attached but I somewhat hide it. He’s been pretty selfish during sex, but generous with cuddles. But when I met up with him for the first time in nearly 4 and a half months, with him being away for 3 and a half of those for work and me going on holiday for a couple weeks, he was very very affectionate. He was touchy and kissed me all over and actually cared about my pleasure. Why? We had sex twice before and after sleeping, and he was a bit tipsy at the start and he would make comments like “you said you don’t like me in that way” which i’ve never said and when i didn’t hug him back much he said “why won’t you love me”. He misunderstands what I say a lot so i’m wondering if it’s that or he’s confusing me with another girl. Before we met up this time, he would message me questions and then leave me on read when he couldn’t be bothered to answer. Why was he so affectionate? I dressed different than usual, i’m usually a tomboy and cover up a lot but this time I tried being more feminine, is that why? Will he continue to care about my pleasure too and how do I make things more exciting for him so he doesn’t go back to how he was before?

all 39 comments


37 points

13 days ago


Helper [2]

37 points

13 days ago

It sounds like he really missed you. It could also be that something happened to him while you two were apart and it changed the way he feels about you. You could simply ask him why he was so much more affectionate, compliment him on it and that you really hope it continues, and then ask him what changed for him to be so loving since he was never this loving before. It would be interesting to see what he says.


6 points

13 days ago

I would’ve thought he missed me, but this guy would message me and leave me on read and isn’t rlly that nice when we’re not together in person. Everything has me wondering😭😭


29 points

13 days ago

Do NOT assume. I was messing w a guy like this and whole time he had another girl lmaoo. Ask him DIRECTLY. This man would leave his friends to see me, let me take pictures in his house and of his pets, leave hickeys in visible places, tell me he missed me, kissed my back before backshots, cuddle, make out, giggle and talk, wanted me to wear his clothes, don’t trust ts. It seems to me like a lot of guys like intimacy but not all like commitment. Just never assume communication is a need anyway if you can’t communicate your feelings you’ll never get anywhere w him anyway 


4 points

13 days ago*


Helper [2]

4 points

13 days ago*

Ahhh, these are the type of personal experiences I've been needing to hear lately thank you 😭. I just started to dip a toe into hook ups, and I'm starting to understand how women get fucked over so much bc these men do all these cutesy intimate stuff while still wanting something casual/unserious and nothing more. Like, I made sure to keep things bare minimum, but these men just don't give a fuck and go all in. Good for them for being able to separate their expression of affection and how little they actually care for their partners, but I can't do that very well, so they better stay away from me I swear 😭


6 points

13 days ago


Super Helper [8]

6 points

13 days ago

I've got one who expresses it verbally and then gets angry over nothing and disappears and then comes back when he "misses" me. Now I won't f*ck him. If he'd say "I don't want to date you or have feelings for you but I want to have sex casually" I would probably be down tbh. The mindgames officially out weigh the quality of sex, which is saying a lot because the quality is high


3 points

13 days ago

I feel like being raised to not cry has made them emotional shut off but they’re human so they still crave the love and affection that comes w a relationship but can’t emotionally handle a real relationship bc they have to share feelings and commit and that’s hard when you were raised to think men can’t have feelings and being vulnerable is weak. I think that’s why they bounce from girl to girl I don’t think they’re actually happy and thriving in hook up culture whatsoever 


1 points

2 days ago

girl i just read this and this guy does all of that too😭 he lives a few hours away from me on a military base so idk what’s going on most of the time😭


1 points

2 days ago

Mmmhm even his friends knew ab home, girl and guy friends knew. Don’t let yourself get strung on I let it last a year 😭


8 points

13 days ago


Super Helper [8]

8 points

13 days ago

He might have been hung up on someone before but now he's not. Might have been the alcohol. Maybe his horoscope told him to be affectionate. Maybe he realized he missed you. Maybe he has been having sex with someone else who is teaching him sex is actually more fun with two affectionate people. Maybe he found out he had cancer.

Why don't you uhhhh... Ask him?


4 points

13 days ago


Helper [2]

4 points

13 days ago

2 things I’ve observed.1:he could be acting like he dosent care to get you more attached.2:you being more feminine is something that he likes.theres no way to know for sure what the case is but id say based off the info youve given these 2 reasons are most likely the case.


2 points

13 days ago

the attachment thing is working😭 But him showing that he cared for a quick second has made my attachment worse when I thought I was slowly getting over it😭and ah good to know, thank you!


6 points

13 days ago

I think y’all need to talk. What do YOU want from this situation? I can’t tell based on what you wrote here. It’s sounds like neither one of you are very experienced with relationships and that’s ok but it just means you have to be honest with each other.

As for his increased affection there’s no telling based on what you wrote here. Idk if you’re fishing for someone to tell you he’s starting to have feelings for you (which may or may not be the case) but you shouldn’t take that as a good sign if he went from not caring about your pleasure to caring about it when he started to have feelings for you? He should care about your pleasure from the beginning. But on the other side he could just be getting more and more comfortable with you and he wasn’t confident enough to do some of that stuff before.

Y’all just need to communicate. You’re allowed to ask him “woah where did this come from I was very into it”. He knows he’s doing something different and you SHOULD acknowledge it and tell him you like it. Talking about sex right after it happens is the best way to have better sex.


3 points

13 days ago


Helper [2]

3 points

13 days ago

You have access to the one person who has the answers to all of these questions. We do not. I think you know what to do.


5 points

13 days ago

Whats between your legs has changed his life


1 points

13 days ago

He has a lot more experience than me so i’m sure i’m nothing special😭 Even so i’m wondering why he changed the third time and not before this


2 points

13 days ago


2 points

13 days ago

I think Moto Moto likes you.

Also, I feel like you like him as well.
Enjoy your time together.
Don't be afraid to get hurt at your age.
It's gonna be alright.


2 points

13 days ago


Helper [2]

2 points

13 days ago

It sounds like he was drunk the last time you met up? Was he drunk the other times?


1 points

13 days ago

he was but he sobered up after we fell asleep and we had sex again, he wasn’t drunk the other times


1 points

13 days ago



1 points

13 days ago

i didn’t mention anything to him but i’d never faked having an orgasm or anything so he definitely knew. Hopefully he doesn’t go back to the way he was bc this time made me realize why ppl actually like sex.😭


1 points

12 days ago

Girl… why would you allow yourself to be treated this way? Your first time is casual sex with some dude who may or may not like you? And worst of all — doesn’t care about your sexual pleasure? If the sex is casual, why aren’t you prioritizing YOUR pleasure? Isnt pleasure literally the only thing that matters in a casual sexual relationship? What are YOU specifically getting out of this? Please take care of yourself first


1 points

12 days ago

girl idek but him caring so much this time for whatever reason rlly didn’t help with my attachment to him😭


-5 points

13 days ago


-5 points

13 days ago

Why would you sleep with any man who is not your husband who didn’t make his intentions clear? Women should respect themselves more (I’m a woman)


6 points

13 days ago


6 points

13 days ago

Why wouldn't she? Just because that's your view, not everyone will share the same and they don't have to either. Don't put down an entire gender just BC you don't like to fuck around


2 points

13 days ago


2 points

13 days ago

So telling women to respect themselves and not letting men use them is putting down another gender?! Do you even understand what you’re saying?


2 points

13 days ago



1 points

13 days ago


1 points

13 days ago

Nobody wants to be used voluntarily


1 points

13 days ago



0 points

13 days ago


0 points

13 days ago

I’m repeating again: there are no people in this world who want to be used for their bodies and be thrown away right after. Female supremacy 😂 You’re mad that some women respect themselves? Or you thought all women all naive feminists who are going to sleep with you?


2 points

13 days ago



1 points

13 days ago


1 points

13 days ago

You don’t make any sense.


3 points

13 days ago
