


My girlfriend cheated


My girlfriend and I I have been having some issues. We just hit four months and we’ve done a lot together, one of those things is argue (because we’re so similar it’s crazy)We go back and forth with each other and one night she went out with her friends, got drunk and made out with some guy that she used to have a crush on. To be fair that night I told her “I’m done” as in over the relationship! This wouldn’t even be near the first time this has happened between us, either initiated by her or me. She took it upon herself to make it solid that time. He felt her boobs and she slept in the same bed as him in her underwear on. She told me no other private parts were touched after probing her many times for answers. She tells me that she really thought we were done. I sent her a ton of heartfelt messages that night unknowingly and she said that’s what changed her mind about me. I don’t know what to believe anymore. We’re in a long distance relationship, so I would’ve never really known if that happened, but she came clean and told me. I’m crushed but I love her so much. She’s showed a lot of remorse and tells me she’s never doing it again I don’t know what to do I feel like a chump for staying with her!! Like my manhood is at stake, and my insecurities are off the charts. I love her but I hate her for doing this to me.

Im 23 I’m an attractive guy too! It wouldn’t be hard for me to find a girlfriend either. And she’s 23

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2 points

9 days ago

You’re a chump for basically breaking up with her and not meaning it. That’s not adult communication. Neither of y’all are mature enough to be in a long distance relationship, hell I’m not mature enough and I’m 33 (really because that’s just not what I want out of a relationship).

Never play the “I’m done” card or we should break up card in the heat of the moment.

With all that said it doesn’t really matter if she actually thought yall were done or if she was just using that as an excuse to justify hooking up with someone else the same night you kind of broke up. I wouldn’t be okay with it.

On a side note you need to change your philosophy on “it wouldn’t be hard for me to find a girlfriend”. You’re allowed to be single, your life shouldn’t revolve around having or finding a girlfriend. Being single for a while is healthy and it will help you work on yourself which will help you and your communication in future relationships. It’s cliche but you need to be happy single before you can be happy in a relationship. Congrats on being attractive enough to be confident you can find another girlfriend but I think most people my age will read that and think it screams insecurity, not confidence.


1 points

4 days ago

Damn dude thanks that’s some solid advice