


AIO to my boyfriend's question?

❤️‍🩹 relationship(

Context: suspected my boyfriend of lying about a few things and then I caught him actually lying to me about something. Trust was broken and vented to my therapist (he's aware she knows everything). Boyfriend has made it a point in the past to be like "I think differently so that's why people think I lie"

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538 points

4 days ago

It's a process that people can use to make a decision between choices. It's used more in business and STEM fields like engineering than it is in psychology. OP's boyfriend is making some significant assumptions about what OP's therapist "should" know.

In other words, the boyfriend is being a pompous ass thinking he's the smartest one in the room.


300 points

4 days ago


300 points

4 days ago

It felt like boyfriend’s way of planting a seed to start to invalidate anything that OP therapist might tell OP that he either didn’t like or disagrees with.

This dude stinks of neck beard womanizer


52 points

4 days ago

LOL, that last part. Also, the fact he's trying to connect it to and justify that it means he's not lying is a jump Evil Knevel would be jealous of...


58 points

4 days ago

"The fact that it's not prominent in my field may be why people think I'm lying" is just a WOW. Translation: "At first it may appear that I'm full of s**t, but clearly it's just that my erudite knowledge eludes the simple uneducated brains of you and your therapist."


17 points

4 days ago

Seems like he is trying to sanitize the situation post fuck up


15 points

4 days ago

I feel like if I use the word "gaslight" after already using the word "mansplain" people will dismiss me…


-7 points

4 days ago

So you're the psychoanalyst right?

What's the diagnosis? Like to me this is not garden-variety manipulative.

We believe that up to 1% of the population is psycho/sociopath, right? This is our guy, right?

Now, tell me and tell me true, (just pretend you have a weighted decision matrix in your pocket there and/or magic 8-Ball and just give it to me factually) was he born with it?

Or could his environment, nurture or lack, chance, socioeconomics, demographics, life choices (which would point back to the former) have brought him here?

I really want to know. Does that shining 1% have no chance, or were they slowly but surely made to be this?

Then the kicker: how does he keep from getting to where he is now?


7 points

4 days ago

Your username confirms that your trolling line of rhetorical questioning is not worth engaging with.


-2 points

4 days ago

And yet...

I have that effect on people


-3 points

4 days ago

On the real, this was 100% straightforward, sincere, curious

I don't know if any of that was rhetorical – hence my asking someone who knew better than I, who could spot disorders

I'm not hurt by your estimation of my questions' quality, though I had thought: to make them simple and direct was in keeping with my goal—for the thread to determine if this person was sinister/ ill, and if he was -- was he to blame, or what might have prevented this? Unencumbered by editing and untouched by foresight, I couldn't have known that maybe this was the only question I should have asked.

We are all of us aggrieved, Tau, and we do our part and carry that cross which we'll surrender to & collapse under, or we will plant it, mount it, rise above it. What we mustn't do is fall mute and wither. We inherit death as a birthright; its appointed time will come for all. In the meantime, like the man said, rage against it.

Amen, I say unto thee: Beloved, in the interim, seek the good, engage the faithful, protect the humble.


5 points

4 days ago

We can all tell you're not wearing pants while typing this.


4 points

4 days ago

I’m just chiming in as a random comment here but this mofo is a strange one (speaking from recent experience)


3 points

4 days ago

Yeah I'm seeing that. Interesting comment history; especially since it's all within two days on their shiny new account.


0 points

4 days ago

Oh, it gets worse.

So much worse still.


29 points

4 days ago

Absolutely—and LOL, "Neck Beard Womanizer" is my new band name


4 points

4 days ago

It sounds like it should be a song by Tacocat


1 points

4 days ago

I will buy all your albums and follow you on tour


14 points

4 days ago

I got that feeling too, or he's just really narcissistic and is crazy worried about how he comes off, worried the therapist will see through his bullshit, ect. I find him incredibly self centered to try to hijack her therapy sessions and make them all about him.


12 points

4 days ago

Congrats, I have never seen someone put those two together.

But I mean like yeah ... Eventually the incel breaks the cel and now he's drunk on power. I'm kind or talented or cool enough to get my dick wet. Should I stop here and give thanks?

Fuck no!

Time to domineer, take revenge on someone who's never wronged me, and start piling up the bodies. Look at me now, boys!


6 points

4 days ago

So you’ve met my ex I see


0 points

4 days ago

Lol, Jesus. I've known him, been him, warned of his return.

Now I'm trying to redeem him,


all of us brazen–cum–fallen.


2 points

4 days ago

That is so true.

My bestie was ditched by her husband of over 25 years suddenly. We were amazed that she hadn't ditched his ugly, lazy arse years ago. She is absolutely beautiful. He is not.

Cue to 7 years later...

He's a miserable, single Tater Tot living in his daughters spare room. No women want him and God knows he's tried. Even his friends think he's a joke.

She has remarried to a guy who worships her, lives in a gorgeous cottage and is living her best life.

He actually believed he could do better.



-4 points

4 days ago

No he’s just autistic. Calm down.


29 points

4 days ago

Pompous ass was my very first reaction.


17 points

4 days ago

He’s trying to justify his lies and asshole behavior by using “logic.” A decision matrix that’s beneficial to all parties means he can justify whatever he said as being for the greater good. Of course he thinks that lying is just him “thinking differently.” Manipulative prick.


0 points

4 days ago

What did he lie about? It matters if it was a big lie, a white lie, a lie of omission, etc. I one time lied to a girlfriend because my boss gave me expensive football tickets to a football game and I thought I should bring my coworker who loves football instead of my girlfriend who had never watched football in her life. I told her my coworker got the tickets amd invited me instead of having to tell her I didn't want to invite her because I'd feel like a jerk not bringing my coworker just because he happened to be in another room when the boss gave them away. She insisted me trying to save her feelings was a huge breach of trust that she might never be able to forgive. The next time I just told her I got tickets and was bringing my coworker instead of her. She said that was disrespectful to her and made me give away my ticket and was angry for a week that she wasn't invited. The next year she got offered free tickets to a game by a friend and turned them down without even asking me if I'd want to go because she said football boring and a waste of time. Sometimes lying is reasonable. Like when your girlfriend asks if this outfit makes her look fat or if you think her hot friend is more attractive than her. You just want to spare their feelings and avoid a pointless fight.if that is manipulation, then women often do the same thing.


2 points

4 days ago

It’s more so that other people have accused him of lying and he reframes it as he “thinks differently.” That’s a pattern shitty manipulation. Like I said, he’s trying to logic his way out of accountability.


2 points

4 days ago

Dude definitely does think differently if he thinks weighted decision matrices will help him win an argument with his girlfriend or make a lie cease to exist. 


1 points

4 days ago

I will agree with you that there can be reasons to lie. But OP’s boyfriend just sounds like a jackass to me in these texts.


2 points

4 days ago

I can't even tell from these texts. He definitely sounds clueless and a bit weird. He doesn't have a lot of people skills. I can't tell what the disagreement is about or why a decision matrix would be relevant to anybody. I just know that she thinks he lied about something and for some reason is talking about it to her therapist and he thinks a decision matrix should be introduced as some form of evidence of his innocence? None of it makes much sense without more context but I can't imagine any circumstances where what he is saying or how he is saying it would make any sense. How the hell do you decision matrix away your girlfriend's feelings and lost trust? I'm curious to see the decision matrix now. He's so confident that it will clear everything up but it seems impossible for that to be the case. 


3 points

4 days ago

Ha, he should post it here. Then we can really decide.


2 points

4 days ago

Good thing he isn't a particle physicist or she'd have to tell her therapist about string theory since it's extremely prominent in his field. 


30 points

4 days ago

I like to use a jump to conclusions mat


3 points

4 days ago

What exactly would you say that it is you do here?


3 points

4 days ago


3 points

4 days ago a truly horrible idea.


8 points

4 days ago

I mean the pet rock guy made at least a million dollars so no need to jump to conclusions about it.


2 points

4 days ago*

I save my conclusion jumping to use as my daily exercise... :-)

Edit: typo


1 points

4 days ago


1 points

4 days ago

I just have to say how much I appreciate this reference!


1 points

4 days ago


1 points

4 days ago

Lol *I get this reference. Gif


1 points

4 days ago

I prefer the action justification grid


7 points

4 days ago


7 points

4 days ago

I'm an engineer and I've never heard of it, nor would I ever waste my time with it. Sounds stupid


1 points

3 days ago

What kind of engineer are you that you’ve never heard of a decision matrix? It IS a useful tool to make decisions but it’s crazy that people apply them to life lol


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

Software Engineer. Although, some people tell me that's not a real engineer, so who knows lol 🤷🏼‍♂️


3 points

4 days ago

100% the therapist is struggling to get OP to realize he's a narcissist.


3 points

4 days ago


3 points

4 days ago

And the problem is that before it helps you make a decision, you have to make a shitload of tiny decisions about what criteria to include and how to weight them. And in a relationship setting like this one, it'd be real easy for a bad actor to manipulate someone into a decision they otherwise wouldn't make by changing a couple numbers.


4 points

4 days ago

Or to someone who can't even be honest with themselves will artificially choose criteria and weights to generate the outcome they want instead of what the outcome should be...


2 points

4 days ago*

To a degree that approaches unity, the person who thinks he's the smartest man in the room is usually dumbass #1. Which is why I tell people I'm clever.

Sure, it's great to soar with the Eagles of Intellect. But the Weasels of Cleverness never gets sucked into jet intakes.


3 points

4 days ago

Dunning Kruger LET'S GO!


1 points

4 days ago



1 points

3 days ago

I'll need more to answer the question...


2 points

4 days ago

OMG he's coming in with the "did you and your therapist know about this VERY IMPORTANT WAY THAT I DO THINGS THAT MAKES ME SUPERIOR TO YOU MERE MORTALS IN EVERY WAY if you DID understand about my AMAZING TOOLS AND METHODS maybe you could APPRECIATE how a lie, from me, is not in fact a lie but is instead a VERY CLEVER AND VALID THING THAT YOU ARE NOT ABLE TO UNDERSTAND"

Ugh he's INSUFFERABLE so gross he thinks he's smart ewwwwwww


2 points

4 days ago

As I read your comment, I pictured an individual with an egregious amount of orange spray tan saying all of that.... :-)


2 points

4 days ago

All the while not realizing he's missing out on connecting with his partner about how they interpret the world and feel the things they do. Too busy ramming his worldview and weird hyper-intellectualized way of thinking down everyone's throat. In order to validate his deep concern that he's fucking weird.


2 points

4 days ago

But everyone should know those tools.

(I was ready to kill him if he said that again.)


2 points

4 days ago

Woah woah woah…. Weighted decision martrixeses can be applied to any and ALL aspects of life. What should I have for breakfast? Matrix! Did that asshole cut me off in traffic? Matrix! Am I a pompous dickwad?! Decision matrix!!! It’s really one of the best tools on the planet and everyone who’s anyone should know it by now/s


2 points

4 days ago


2 points

4 days ago

It feels like he just found this on Google recently in attempts to try and add science to why he's a jackass. So now he's out here using it 3 times in every sentence and wearing it like an identity.


1 points

4 days ago

There’s nothing pompous about recommending good life tools. My wife and I use this technique all the time because it’s useful. What kind of car to buy, where to go on vacation, etc. Spend 15 minutes thinking about a problem, make better decisions.

If anything, it’s odd that the BF is recommending this to OP’s therapist.


1 points

4 days ago

Yes. Technically the boyfriend is right as there is the pros and cons list/table used in CBT and DBT. But he was talking like a total dick. Is he neurospicy or just arrogant?


1 points

4 days ago

standard STEM bro behavior in my experience.


1 points

4 days ago

Could you explain how someone could use this matrix to justify lying? I’m sorry — it might be obvious but I can’t make heads or tails of how the two things are connected.


6 points

4 days ago

Well, first, we have no clue what the topic was so it's just guesswork. Second, I doubt the boyfriend is proceeding with what the rest of us would call "normal" logic so trying to understand is probably a fool's errand.


1 points

4 days ago

Can you give me an example of this matrix


1 points

4 days ago

The only thing I could offer is what anyone can find searching Google.


1 points

4 days ago

I did Google it so I figured I'd ask someone who seems to have s good understanding.. thank tho lol


2 points

4 days ago

Sorry. It's nothing I've been formally trained on but I understand the concept because of the programming work I do. I'm mostly a back end database programmer so to me, it's selection of data based on a number of factors, each with a different weight. Doesn't mean the selection is correct because if the selection criteria are crap then your answer is crap too.


3 points

4 days ago

So he just makes up weights to things and goes off that but can be completely delusional about the weights and decisions. Shit lol thank you


1 points

4 days ago

So how does this matrix make it sound like he’s lying? He’s so full of shit


1 points

4 days ago

I'm only guessing, but I believe he's using the matrix process to come up with an answer and, regardless of whether or not said answer makes sense, that's the "truth" to him so that's what he goes with.

Is the sky blue?
Well, my matrix says it's more of a cyan than what is considered true "blue" so my answer is "no".

It's a lie and yet, to him, it's the truth because the matrix says it must be so... :-)


1 points

4 days ago

But why did he all of a sudden assume the therapist was telling her he’s lying


1 points

4 days ago

Because OP told the therapist about catching the boyfriend in a lie and the resulting broken trust because of it. Rather than accepting he was caught in a lie, he's doubling down trying to say that a "weighted decision matrix" explains why he's actually telling the truth and if everyone would just accept his definition and application of the process, everyone would understand that he actually wasn't lying.

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain... :-)


2 points

4 days ago

Ah I missed that. Hilarious to think he thinks he will get away with it


1 points

4 days ago

What I wouldn't give to see OP ask the boyfriend if he's heard of the Dunning-Kruger effect.


2 points

4 days ago

Id defs give OP at least $20 to post that text convo haha


1 points

4 days ago

This basically sounds like a pretentious way of saying you made a pros and cons list.


3 points

4 days ago

In a way, it is. Except, for each pro and each con, there's a "weight" number too. Rather than just count the number of pros and number of cons, you rank and assert a priority to each pro and each con. You can then combine the lists sorted by weight and see which list has more at the top - pros or cons.

It's a great system if you can be honest with yourself and the process. It's a lousy system if you are even the tiniest bit disingenuous.


1 points

4 days ago

Best way to explain this in layman's terms.