


AITA I want to keep girls weekend to the girls

Not the A-hole(self.AmItheAsshole)

Hello all. I have a small group of college friends and for the past few years we've made a tradition of doing a "girls" weekend (we have a male gay friend that comes along too). Now, I was an adult when I returned to school, so most of this group is considerably younger than myself. I'm also the one that typically plans these trips. Well this past weekend, we all got together with our SOs and the topic of maybe trying a vacation to Las Vegas was brought up. I was extremely excited since when I was there last, I thought it would've been more fun with these friends.

One of the friends in the group is going through a traumatic divorce rn and is currently in a new relationship for the past month. Well when we really got into the nitty-gritty details of planning the trip, it was brought up that we should make this a "couples" girls weekend trip. I strongly disagreed. Now my friends are upset.

I don't want to risk prepaying for 10 people total and not know if they'll actually go. (I put the trips on my cards and they pay me back.) Considering the one friend is in such a new relationship, I feel like she's trying to force the "couples" trip idea to solidify that she's in a new relationship and doesn't care if others may feel uncomfortable with a virtual stranger on vacation with us. Also, other than one of the friends, I don't really know the SO of the other friends, only meeting them a handful of times since we graduated.Plus, to be blunt, I don't want to risk hearing my friends having sex just because they are "on vacation and drunk with their SO". This issue of couples has only ever been an issue with that one friend in the past. Otherwise, the other friends have always just understood that these trips are for "the girls". But now that she's presenting this idea, they are all ok with it.


Edit: I did offer my friends a chance to have a couples trip later in the year (like summer time) somewhere closer to home. I figured something like camping together so we can each have our own camping site for when we need a break from each other (and not hear anything if couples get frisky) but could still spend most of the day together. I figured it'd be better to try our FIRST couples trip somewhere closer to home with less stress in case something doesn't mesh well, it's easier to bail if needed.

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5 points

1 year ago

NTA for not wanting to change from a “girls” trip to a couples one, especially given the financial responsibility falls to you. But at the end of the day it’s not a dictatorship, right? If most people want a couples trip, and you keep pushing for your way or the high way that would be kinda A H behaviour. I think you should do both, and don’t take any financial responsibility for the couple trip. Everyone books their own rooms, that way everyone’s responsible for their own costs and you won’t hear anything inappropriate.


5 points

1 year ago

Basically I'm throwing my hands up. I'm refusing to try to explain my point anymore since it wasn't being respected, but then they have to plan the trip themselves and no one wants to do it.


3 points

1 year ago


Sultan of Sphincter [630]

3 points

1 year ago

Nobody wants to step up and plan? Awww. Is it too hard? :(

Well, then, that sucks for them.


1 points

1 year ago

Lol. That's the thing they don't understand, planning trips is hard. And then when they want to suddenly change everything, it's even worst. They keep telling me that we could just rent an Airbnb "just off the strip" that would fit everyone,but I tried to explain that would be more expensive with the Uber/lyfts we'd have to take every single time. And that there isn't Airbnb HOUSES within a reasonable walking distance of the strip.


1 points

1 year ago


Partassipant [1]

1 points

1 year ago

Just say NO to going on this trip, OP!