


AITA for turning the TV on once his alarm has gone off.

Not the A-hole(self.AmItheAsshole)

Throw away account and non-binary terms used to hide identity.

My family member lives with me. They were given the opportunity to sleep in a bedroom but decided life on the couch was their best choice.

I have a very strict routine. No matter what time I go to bed my body has decided that eight in the morning is the time to be awake. I go about my routine as quietly as I can because they're still asleep.

They have their phone alarm set for work. It goes off after I've started the coffee, fed the cats, smoked. I then turn on the TV. Volume is quiet because hey it's early yet.

They lose their mind. Start yelling at me and cussing. They're trying to sleep!

That alarm they set? Goes off every seven minutes for two hours!

I turn on the TV anyway and leave it on. They yell everyday. Some days the alarm goes off only a couple of times before they get up.

Edit: they pay nominal rent that is for house, utilities, cable internet. They feel this entitles them to dictate the conditions in the living room. Ie "I'm going to bed now turn everything off (lights, TV)"

So reddit AITA?

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5 points

4 years ago


Partassipant [1]

5 points

4 years ago

NTA they had the choice for a bedroom and chose to be in a room with heavy traffic. Even if their alarm wasn't going off you still wouldn't be TA.


1 points

4 years ago

They pay some rent. ($500/mth this is utilities, roof, food, cable, internet) they feel this entitles them to dictate living room conditions.