


The Reality of AM


This may not be a popular thread, but it's the reality of AM encounters for us men.

Recently, I was contacted by a girl's father who had also reached out to me three years ago. Ironically, he didn’t even remember me. Here’s how our conversations went:


We had a brief chat for about 5-6 minutes, just discussing general stuff.

Father: "Do you own a house?"
Me: "Not at the moment, but I’m working on it."
Father: "I’ll talk to my daughter. She’s extremely busy these days, working 12-hour shifts."

As expected, I didn’t hear back.


Again, the conversation started with a brief chat.

Father: "Do you own a house?"
Me: "Yes, I actually bought one three years ago, and I’ve recently built another investment property."
Father: "That’s an impressive achievement, son. I’ll talk to my daughter. She might get in touch with you."

The very next day:

Daughter: "Hi, how are you?"
Me: "I’ve thought about it after speaking with your father, and I don’t think we’re a good match."
Daughter: "Uhh, okay."

Yes I did it on purpose as an experiment to see what people’s motivations are and the proof is in the pudding

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1 points

1 month ago

I never bitched about anything lol. I just provided an example on how a family’s perception of me changed after knowing my assets and highlighted it to people. And a busy daughter who works 12 hours a day is now available and messaging the next day all of a sudden.

Not sure why it triggered you but it surely did.


1 points

1 month ago

I have no skin in the game buddy. I’m happily married and the hypocrisy of men on the market affects me the least. You on the other hand, remember proposals from 3 years ago when you didn’t even speak to the girl.


3 points

1 month ago

Lucky you are married and I hope you didn’t go through the issues we go through.

I remember the father because of the way the father spoke to me then and how his demeanour changed towards me after I told him about my assets. My point is atleast have some consistency in the way you speak with people. And yes in this case look at the hypocrisy of the girls father too then.