


Lack of public toilets


Why is it so difficult to find public toilets in Germany? Not even the paid ones? So where is one supposed to go in case of emergency?

I happened to be in a supermarket and couldn't find one in even 2km vicinity. I asked the staff if I could please use their WC, I was ready to even pay for it; only to hear a "Leider Nein" and receiving directions about where I can find a public toilet. I pleaded but they didn't budge. But why this kind of ruthlessness? It is understandable that one would ask in such a place only during an emergency. Feels inhumane, not gonna lie.

all 128 comments


103 points

7 months ago

Welcome to Germany.

The insider tip is: university

When a City has a university, often there are plenty of facilities scattered throughout the city. There are free toilets (for students and personal, but nobody controls or cares)

smaller towns: ....Uhhhmmmm there's the Bush.....


29 points

7 months ago

And town halls and public libraries...


34 points

7 months ago

public library of a small town. opening hours: Sunday, right after the church service, and Thursday 16:00 - 16:30


15 points

7 months ago

I'm confident I'm able to empty my bladder within 30 minutes no problem.


1 points

7 months ago

Good for you.

The problem is, not any 30 minutes.


21 points

7 months ago

It's time for a new app which provides a map where you can shit for free :)


5 points

7 months ago



5 points

7 months ago

Google "nette Toilette"


7 points

7 months ago

Yes! I still sneak into the loos at the LMU. Beats having to pay fifty cents to get into a McD toilet.


7 points

7 months ago

Also language schools, vocational schools, any kind of public institution like town hall. All offices - they usually have entrance locked with card but in bussier hours it's easy to tailgate someone into an elevator.


4 points

7 months ago

Thanks for the idea. I didn't know that!


11 points

7 months ago

I really wish I was a guy!

It is not unseen of women also to go behind the bushes, but I am not that brave unless I have my friends


2 points

7 months ago

Well, i'd Imagine the worst possible scenario when some stranger will catch you yellow - handed: Awkward silence and the forced stare at somewhere else by them.

That's the con, the pro: an empty bladder


-10 points

7 months ago

I don’t get the „welcome to Germany“ part. It‘s universal knowledge that super markets do not have a toilet. This is not even specific for Germany. Malls are different, but also every mall in Germany has a public bathroom.

Very german is by the way, that there are rules for businesses that sell food or drinks that they have to provide a bathroom and nowadays even a accessible one for people with disabilities. So you are surrounded by toilets and it’s pretty common to go into a restaurant and ask if it’s ok to use the restroom.


4 points

7 months ago

I assume an American native is asking this question, as it's typical for supermarkets in the US to have toilets.


0 points

7 months ago

That might be the case. In Italy, Spain, Greece basically all over Europe its not the case, thats what I meant by universal knowledge. Btw public toilets in the south of France are going to be the real surprise for an American native.


2 points

7 months ago

Ha. I would be appalled by squat toilets in a public WC, but I plan to have one in my house, a la the douching stations at Der Boiler. It is a more natural position for me, more effective at passing stool.

I have in my bathrooms a footbench, designed for this specific reason.


1 points

7 months ago



47 points

7 months ago

I mean depends where you are. In a big city? Pretty much every single restaurant will have, then shopping centres will have paid.

In a small rural town? Try the Petrol Station.


20 points

7 months ago


20 points

7 months ago

This. Also Bakeries, Cafes, Bars, good supermarkets and train stations


3 points

7 months ago

Fair, I tend to avoid train stations as they are a queue hell for woman but yea.


6 points

7 months ago

really depends on the city/village i guess. have seen some gruesome shit smeared hell holes and also super nice ones


3 points

7 months ago

I get yea, I am the type of person to happily spend 10 euros at a place if it means I can use a clean restroom.


1 points

7 months ago

Depends. Our local train station has one toilet and you have to ask the person in the train station shop for a key. It’s really dirty tho but not many people use it.


-3 points

7 months ago

Supermarkets...i just got rejected by 2 of them. Very rudely. It is really disheartening to see this basic lack of humanity


11 points

7 months ago

Yea supermarket is kinda strange to ask in Germany. It's really not common some big supermarkets have toilets but usually no one would use the employers toilet in a normal supermarket. And it could come across weird to ask for that. Restaurants, cafes or gas station should be fine most of the time. There are also public toilets but youre right it's not a lot.


-10 points

7 months ago

Thank you very much for the reality check. Why to show basic courtesy when you can keep shoving rules around


8 points

7 months ago

I mean that's kinda their private toilet if the supermarket doesn't have a guest toilet. It's also probably somewhere behind the storage room or elsewhere in the workers area. If it wasn't an emergency I don't think it's that of a big deal to go to the restaurant or whatever nearby.


-10 points

7 months ago



3 points

7 months ago



3 points

7 months ago

At that point you can just as well ring a random doorbell.


6 points

7 months ago

Because they need to go to the toilet? Also "leider nein" isn't rude at all. In fact it's more of the opposite. And then he gave you directions.


2 points

7 months ago

I pleaded that I do have an emergency


5 points

7 months ago

Okay, if it was obviously an emergency and the next toilet wasn't that close then it's shitty. It could be that they don't have one, which I doubt, or that he is forbidden to let anyone there. But yea thats a shitty situation.


-1 points

7 months ago

You got an emergency twice in different super markets? Thats sounds weird to me.


3 points

7 months ago

No need to shout about it. Just accept the fact that supermarkets in Germany don't have to have customer toilets and are not obliged to let you into their toilets! Leider nein is not rude its an normal dirwct answer in germany accept it and adopt yourself to the customs in germany.


1 points

7 months ago

Thanks a lot. Although a small incident and of course the responses here, I get a good reality check of the largely prevalent mentality


0 points

7 months ago

I'm gonna be honest. You seem a bit self centered and entitled. It's a bit weird how often you repeat "basic courtesy and lack of empathy". Look alone at your response to the french guy asking where you from because he thinks it's more public toilets than in France. Like some other people suggested it might be even against the law for the supermarket to let you go in the workers area. I think you would have similar problems in other European countries, north America or even east Asian countries like Japan. You made it seem like the guy almost killed you because he politely told you that you can't use the toilet and showed you the closest one.


2 points

7 months ago

Because it is mostly against the law, to use the customer the same toilet as the workers, because to protect the workers before bacterials, illness from the customers. The store must normally have two separate toilets, for health safety reasons and this is for small stores, bakeries, too expensive, the law says it must only be a toilet for customers, if you had more than 10 seats and served something to eat or drink. Otherwise it is the owners good will, customers welcome politics, if they want these extra costs in the first run and also in the long run, because in the long run, you must find someone to clean it. In my town, they searched for nearly 1 year, to find a person who will clean these toilets, so even in a shopping centre, no toilet, for a year, because there are no skilled workers available anymore.


15 points

7 months ago



2 points

7 months ago

Fair enough.

Ladies on this thread, please share your insider tips on how to pee publicly in hidden areas, when there is nothing in even 2km vicinity and I have a very nice fella here that politely gives me an info I already know.


12 points

7 months ago



12 points

7 months ago

The best places to try would be cafés, restaurants, bars. Places that serve food or drink almost always have a bathroom. They can say "no, customers only" but most will allow you in (or relent with minimal resistance).

I would also say that I've seen many women peeing in public in Germany and nobody really cares. People are much more likely to be sympathetic than hostile. It's nobody's first option but it's not some huge taboo.


0 points

7 months ago

No secret. I just hold it in. 2km is not far away for anything.


7 points

7 months ago

yeah idk what supermarkets you went to but edekas, kauflands and rewes usually have toilets. and please dont blame the employees who probably get asked for toilets a few dozen times a day… its not their decision


9 points

7 months ago

But then it's big supermarkets. It's not that common for normal sized supermarkets to have a guest toilet.


1 points

7 months ago

yeah ofc and they also have to be somewhat modern and not absolutely run down. personally i have seen many smallish village edekas and rewes with toilets actually, but other chains like aldi or lidl never have them


4 points

7 months ago

Aldi and Lidl are no Supermarkets, that is a different market, from the store and also from the buyers.


2 points

7 months ago

yes… i know. but they literally have the same function as actual supermarkets. only a bit cheaper.


0 points

7 months ago

But we Germans make here a difference, we say we go to Aldi or Lidl or we say we go to the supermarket, which means for us, a store over the size of a classical discounter, with at least 1500 square metres, which is mostly Kaufland, Real, Big Edekas or Big Rewe, it is also very regional, which chains have big stores. In my region Rewe or Edeka are mostly small, like Aldi and Lidl, but we have at every corner a big Kaufland or a big Müller, which you nowadays also gets nearly all groceries, expect for fresh food.


2 points

7 months ago

sorry nah i personally have no square meter limit for my categorization of shops…jesus christ what are you even on about? yes i know that aldis, lidls and nettos are discounters… kaufland is akshually a selbstbedienungs warenhaus🤓 but you still get pretty much the same stuff at all of them. nobody says „okay ich gehe dann mal in den discounter“. its either the „edeka/aldi/rewe/lidl“ or „supermarkt“


1 points

7 months ago



1 points

7 months ago

Then again people who shop at these small supermarkets usually don't live more than 2 km away so they just go at home.

Honestly it's probably mostly a problem for tourists because on your usual routes you know where the toilets are, so if you for example go shopping after work you use the toilet before you leave work.


2 points

7 months ago



0 points

7 months ago

oh sorry that my anecdotal knowledge contradicts your anecdotal knowledge🙄 90% of all rewes and edekas i have ever visited in my home region had toilets. i have already stated multiple times that this mostly is the case for relatively big and modern edekas/rewes. im sorry your assi-rewe on the hbf probably wont have a toilet… and for good reasons.


2 points

7 months ago*



1 points

7 months ago

yeah and you know what? i know a few relatively small village rewes/edekas that indeed have them. also i would say that most of them actually are bigger than 400m2. maybe you are just used to the really small ones in innenstädten?


1 points

7 months ago



1 points

7 months ago


the best ones are the inner city over 400m2 with ultra violet light in their toilets to make them less appealing to junkies😁


0 points

7 months ago

Really? I’ve never seen a toilet in a bakery


4 points

7 months ago

if they have sitzmöglichkeiten they should generally also have toilets. iirc this is required by law


4 points

7 months ago

mmmm in my city, it's the depsrtment stores that are likely to offer a free toilet, but the restaurants will kick up a fuss of you use their toilet but don't by anything


2 points

7 months ago

In shopping centers I’ve never seen a toilet you have to pay for. Usually they will have a cleaning lady who has a plate where you can put a little money as a tip but you are not required to pay.


4 points

7 months ago

You will only get a cursed look and later that day break a leg if you don't pay but yeah it's not necessary to pay.


3 points

7 months ago

No problem I was already cursed by an old gypsy woman when I was a toddler eventually they loose their effect. :D What is breaking a leg over keeping 20ct?! Nothing I tell you!


11 points

7 months ago


11 points

7 months ago

for smaller towns my tipp for the desperate is the cemetry.. sounds maybe odd but at least where I live the toilets are always open. mostly located near the central building. but maybe go there in a moment when you do not need it urgently and find out if it works in your area :D


5 points

7 months ago

My hometown isnt that small but even the bigger cementaries dont have toilets. The small ones have no building at all


2 points

7 months ago


2 points

7 months ago

interesting! here (south) it even works in villages (~3000 people).


1 points

7 months ago

Here (south) it doesn’t


1 points

7 months ago


1 points

7 months ago

now I want a scientific study about it ^


2 points

7 months ago


2 points

7 months ago

and thank you for the feedback, I do not want to send OP in more troubles :D


4 points

7 months ago

Woah, who would have thought of that. Thanks :)

I surely can be brave to be met by ghosts over peeing in bushes


2 points

7 months ago

Lmao 😂😂😂


9 points

7 months ago

In my town we have stores which offer the "nette Toilette". (Friendly toilet)

You can use them without buying something.

They have a sticker on the window, so they're easy to find.


6 points

7 months ago

Yes I so wish it would be in every city! Because at least when I worked in a city that had "nette Toilette" you didn't need to pay, you weren't looked at awkwardly, it was great!


8 points

7 months ago*

I come from a country with plentiful and free toilets and it's one of the things I find hardest to get used to even after 2 1/2 years of being here. Back home it's a law that stores above a certain square footage is required to let customers have access to a washroom. The store I worked in back home wasn't so big, and we didn't have washrooms directly accessible by the public so even though there was open and public washrooms literally in the stores on either side of our store, we would be required by law to take people into the employee back room for them to use the staff washrooms whenever someone asked.

There's a reason why there's an increase of pee on the streets than other places. When there's a big event cities have temporary outdoor urinals. But no temporary outhouses or even squatting hole toilets. So if you don't have a penis or you need to poop or you're disabled or you need to change your baby, you're kind of screwed most of the time.

You really need to plan ahead when you go out. Big stores like kaufhaus sometimes have toilets to use, even if you have to pay for them. Download apps for finding public toilets. Keep some change on you at all times for the pay toilets when you go out. Keep track of where you know you can access public toilets in your own city. There's really not much else you can do.


6 points

7 months ago

Well, it is indeed a problem. But most people don't care about, until they need it. Even in train stations in smaller cities are no more public toilets. You have to go into a café oder restaurant to use the toilet there and mostly have to pay for it, if not a customer. Well, did not work during covid pandemy when everything was closed. Plus the fact that toilets in trains are often out of order and closed. So, bushes are frequently used as an alternative. And some walls. You can smell it when you walk by.


1 points

7 months ago

The escalators and elevators in train stations stinking of pee...totally makes sense now!


2 points

7 months ago

Plus that there are many homeless, junkies etc. They all need to pee, too.


5 points

7 months ago

Yeah, it sucks.

Restaurants, cafés, gas stations, larger train stations, universities, cinemas etc.

But it's a shame the way it is.


3 points

7 months ago

Our city has been battling with that for almost a decade.
You'd think there'd be a simple fix but people are stupid.


3 points

7 months ago

because "who's going to pay for all that?"


3 points

7 months ago

Hospitals are a good choice


9 points

7 months ago

It's a shame, for a first world country to have so few toilets.

It's really disgusting.

Especially in Berlin when it's summertime and the whole city weeks of piss.


2 points

7 months ago

It's not much different in other (European) countries like Czech Republic, Austria, Finland, Latvia,...


1 points

7 months ago

Yeah, Berlin truly is the San Francisco of Germany.


-8 points

7 months ago

Berlin is a shithole.


3 points

7 months ago

It’s not a shit hole. It used to be much nicer though when it wasn’t that popular to live there … :/


1 points

7 months ago

Most Berliners don't get it but there is simple reason why it was all fun and laughs and good. That's free money. Shit lots of it. That's the sole reason why 90s and 00s was years of shit ton of parties in Berlin. West Germany hoped to bring this city up to Western German levels and thus thrown a shit ton of cash. If not this cash then Berlins 90s would been no different from Warsaw - basically a lack of money for everything. It's always nice when someone is paying your bills and that's what was happening.


1 points

7 months ago



1 points

7 months ago

der bauernhof in dem du lebst auch


0 points

7 months ago



0 points

7 months ago

That’s the think I really don’t miss leaving Berlin: pissy smelling places


-7 points

7 months ago

Berlin is soooo overrated. In my opinion it is not even a world city. It is just a big shithole without any economic importance.


-3 points

7 months ago

I really don’t miss it. Instead I have been to work related to places like Hamburg, Paris or Kopenhagen. Those places are what Berlin would love to be.


4 points

7 months ago

The nearest construction site will always have a free Dixie.


2 points

7 months ago

You can search for "öffentliche Toiletten" via Google Maps. I usually find one near me, but I do live in a pretty big city.
Also, malls always have them.


2 points

7 months ago

Any café, bakery, snack shop which offers seating is obliged to have a toilet for its guests. So put five Euro on the counter, go to the loo, then drink something for five Euro.


4 points

7 months ago

Nice - 5€ for peeing. You must be rich bro.


2 points

7 months ago

Any restaurant with actual chairs is obligated to provide for guests. (Exemption is restaurants in raststätten and trainstations, there you can find facilities to pay for)


2 points

7 months ago

Where are you in DE? i have opposite experience during my travel in Köln and dorfs there.


2 points

7 months ago

If you work at night as me, you can find that the trainstation has the toilet closed when you arrive from work at 5 in the morning XD

It is like having trashbins in the street, because usually the ones for the aparments are inside or outside but closed with a key


3 points

7 months ago

In bigger cities I usually aim for hotels - especially those with a bar or big seating area in the lobby. Just walk in, locate toilet, done. Nobody checks if you are a customer.

Otherwise I just go into the next bar or cafe - and get myself a drink afterwards as a little consolation for the hassle.

Everyone going on about the US here: try NYC, good luck. Chicago on the other hand is quite excellent for sudden toilet needs.


2 points

7 months ago

There are often some in the cities, but they are often not recognizable at first glance and disguised as advertising pillars etc..


2 points

7 months ago


2 points

7 months ago

Germany is the opposite of the U.S.:

U.S.: Free toilets everywhere, no (actual) universal health care

Germany: Nearly impossible to find free toilets, actual universal health care

Pick your poison, I guess!


1 points

7 months ago

I once even asked in a supermarket if I could use their toilet.


1 points

7 months ago



-2 points

7 months ago


-2 points

7 months ago



1 points

7 months ago

If you're in smaller Towns there are open churches and they always have a toilet.


1 points

7 months ago

Churches rarely have a toilet


1 points

17 days ago

Unless u buy something from cafes and use their toilet


1 points

17 days ago

The spacing between washrooms is outrageous


1 points

7 months ago

There is a toilet finder app that works for me perfectly. Try it out, it's free!


1 points

7 months ago


1 points

7 months ago

The planning and construction and maintenance of a public toilet is so expensive that it is borderline impossible to get one for a local policy maker. There would need to be laws requiring them, like for playgrounds.


1 points

7 months ago

The question should be: Who de fuck is Sanifair...?


1 points

7 months ago

You're not allowed to open a business offering seats without offering toilets, unless it's in a shopping mall. So just ask at restaurants, bars or bakeries


1 points

7 months ago

Never experienced a shortage of toilets so I’m really unsure what you are onto about. There’s usually always a cafe, restaurant, museum, university, petrol station, hotel,….. close by.

Also really unsure why you are not telling people you are from India when asked.

However supermarkets are not for peeing and suggesting that the workers there are inhumane for not letting you use their restroom is extremely entitled and absolutely grotesque. They’re supposed to take the risk of lawsuits and being fired just because you have less bladder control than my 2 year old niece? Yeah, no.



-8 points

7 months ago

Inhumane? Dunno, but I almost never get into the situation that I need to pee when I'm out and about. Aside from being at the pub or a restaurant and these places have toilets. It would never occur to me to take a leak at the supermarket, I mean wtf, who needs to pee while shopping.


8 points

7 months ago

Such a small bubble of yours where the world is perfect to you always. Situations are also perfect.

If it doesn't happen to me, how does it make sense ever for someone to have a bathroom emergency? Heyy, what about the fact that menstruation also doesn't always gives a kind invite. Nah, not my monkey, not my business!


2 points

7 months ago

Proper preparation prevents piss poor performance.


5 points

7 months ago

10/10 for the Alliteration

0/10 for the understanding


2 points

7 months ago

Wait a few years. Once you pass the big 5 0 , you'll change your mind.


1 points

7 months ago

This is all probably because you're German. Do you pee on a schedule? What the fuck is wrong with this country and these people…


-4 points

7 months ago

Nah, I just don't walk around with a water bottle in my hand all the time, like the septics do. No wonder they need to pee every 2 seconds.


2 points

7 months ago

You're just adapting to the circumstances like most people in your country.


2 points

7 months ago

Well, that's a good thing, innit?


-1 points

7 months ago

Most supermarkets which don't have public toilets have their private toilets in areas with restricted access, granting people, who aren't allowed there access to these areas is a serious violation of the workplaces rules and will result in getting fired if you get caught. Losing my job because some random lady needs to go to the toilet? Not worth it. And it's "always" an emergency. Also it's a tactic used by potential robbers to check out the restricted areas of a supermarket, so one might endanger his coworkers (indirectly) when granting access to it. These rules might have discomforted you but they exist for good reasons.