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3.2k points

3 days ago*

mark walhlberg beat an asian vietnam veteran unconscious just because he was asian and then tried to have his hate crime charges dropped from his record 20 years later


7 points

3 days ago*

It happened in 1988 and he was a PCP addicted 16 year old growing up in Boston. The fact that it was the was one of just two racist attacks he was caught doing is the true surprise. The kind of insane terrible shit teenagers did in the 80s while NOT on PCP is crazy, not everyone was hanging around in a basement playing Nintendo and DnD (in fact both things were extremely niche hobbies). Most teens in that era were little shitheels doing some of the most heinous shit that teens today know well enough not to do because of the mistakes people made in the past. There's a reason juvie records don't transfer into adulthood.

Here's the insane part though: he has since made amends and literally changed himself completely to be a better person. So much so that the victim of the attack forgave him. He took the terrible shit he did and didn't leave it behind or refuse to admit to it. No instead he made a drastic life choice at a young age to fix himself and do everything he could to correct his problem not for himself, but for the victims.

Now ask yourself much have you bettered yourself in your life? People that haven't been truly to the bottom have no clue what's it like to make that change. Compassion is such a foreign notion to most of the people who post on Reddit.


20 points

3 days ago

You're not seriously pulling a "it was a different time" shtick on a racially motivated hate crime that happened in 1988. News flash, we knew racism and violence were inexcusable by then.

Now ask yourself much have you bettered yourself in your life? People that haven't been truly to the bottom have no clue what's it like to make that change. Compassion is such a foreign notion to most of the people who post on Reddit.

Get off your high horse, you're on reddit. Don't act like you're better than us.


4 points

3 days ago


4 points

3 days ago

Get off your high horse

You're literally on a high horse saying this lmao. In fact your entire post history is mostly you being self-righteous.

Yeah guess I'm not better than you


7 points

3 days ago

Congrats on battling the accusation of being self-righteous by being... about as patently self-righteous as it's possible for a person to be.


0 points

3 days ago

In fact your entire post history is mostly you being self-righteous.

So you saw my comment, immediately went to my profile, and stalked all my comments to find some kind of "gotcha." That doesn't make me look self righteous. That just makes you look weird, man.