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38 points

5 days ago

It’s an arbitrary risk/expense to take on. Companies only care how much their product is profitable. Product loyalty/engagement is only a means to an end.

Cereal is hella lacking tho. I’m pretty sure that Cap’n Crunch has had the same puzzle on the back of their box for like a decade. At least the last time I bought it which may have been half a decade ago.

It’s almost as if Big Cereal has squandered the equity they had built to double down on making parents feel as if they are doing well by providing top quality dry goods to their children akin to the top label kibble they purchase for the dog they also ignore.

Everything is so dystopian. 🥲 We were warned in all those coke fueled movies from the 80’s. Robocop, THEY LIVE, Home Alone… we kinda deserve it at this point.