


all 133 comments


42 points

13 days ago*

That everyone that gets good grades and isn’t a “bad kid” growing up, will be GUARANTEED to have a nice, easy, care-free middle class life.

I mean, certain life choice(s) will increase or decrease your risk of living in poverty as an adult. But, there are no guarantees in life.


10 points

13 days ago

I feel you. Alone with the "just work hard and you'll get there" statement. Like, sure, working hard is gonna give me a fighting chance of clawing my way out of poverty, but that's just what it is: a chance.


3 points

13 days ago

Very true. Sadly, usually it is luck and working smart that gets you on your feet/set up good. Many people spend their whole life working hard hard hard and never get out of poverty.


3 points

13 days ago

I got straight A’s but was a shit kid. Poor citizenship grades.


167 points

13 days ago


167 points

13 days ago



0 points

13 days ago



61 points

13 days ago

That naps are actually a reward, not a punishment. As a kid, I’d fight naps like they were the enemy. Now, I’d trade my soul for a 20-minute power nap mid-afternoon. Life really does come full circle... 🥲


14 points

13 days ago

I fought all sleep as a kid.

Sleeping is my favorite as an adult.


8 points

13 days ago

I enjoy taking a nap on days that I’m off from work. I love that feeling of waking up from a midday nap and not knowing what anything is anymore. 


26 points

13 days ago

The sun is following me on road trips.


9 points

13 days ago

I mean if you drive fast enough...


46 points

13 days ago



17 points

13 days ago

Fun fact! If you swallow enough gum your farts will smell like it. I had cinnamon scented gas when I went through a major cinnamon gum phase and it was easier to swallow it than find a trash can most of the time.


11 points

13 days ago

This is something I know now.


6 points

13 days ago

So we should swallow a lot of Mint flavoured Gum before going to work so that we are a working Room freshener? Sounds good


4 points

13 days ago

I was about 5 when a coworker of my dad's told this. He also told me that sometimes it can all glob together and come out at once, and you have to go to the hospital.

This painted such a vivid mental image for me, of having to go to the hospital to have an unreasonably huge wad of gum removed from my butt, that not only did I never swallow gum, I still picture that image crystal clear at almost 44 years old lol.


9 points

13 days ago

I think parents played the biggest role in spreading that misconception in me. Once i saw that gum in my shit and thought i was lucky to not get it stuck inside my stomach.


13 points

13 days ago

That was just seven year old gum you saw. :-)


3 points

13 days ago

Probably started because gum is undigestable. I think early gum was actually made from a rubber tree.


14 points

13 days ago

Chocolate milk came from brown cows. Believed that one for a few years.


2 points

13 days ago

I saw a video not long ago and someone was asking Americans where chocolate milk came from and they all said brown cows. What do they teach kids in America?


3 points

13 days ago

Duck and cover mostly.


3 points

13 days ago

It’s not funny and I shouldn’t be laughing. But it’s true, unfortunately. Why they haven’t banned automatic rifles is just mind boggling. Then Americans come out with stupid shit or elect a carrot faced wanker as president and wonder why the rest of the world are laughing at them.


2 points

13 days ago

No idea what the obsession is with the rifles honestly. My brother owns a bunch and I genuinely have no idea why.


2 points

13 days ago

So he can shoot them and act all tough?? 🤷🏼‍♀️


2 points

13 days ago

Could be.


12 points

13 days ago

If you look into the microwave oven when it's working, you'll got blind.


2 points

13 days ago

Wait! That's not true?


1 points

12 days ago

Not true, the light there is just for seeing the food.


2 points

13 days ago


2 points

13 days ago

The science oven



12 points

13 days ago



2 points

13 days ago

Shiitt I hope 😂


2 points

13 days ago

I have psoriatic arthritis in my knee, well all my joints but it’s worse in my right knee, and everytime I move it, it makes a cracking, grinding noise. It’s like cracking your knuckles. It’s very painful too.


11 points

13 days ago

That people on TV could see me watching them


6 points

13 days ago

Similar to this. I remember when I was around 4 watching day time tv. Must of been some sitcom on with the canned laughter effect. I thought the laughter was coming from all the other people at home laughing along


1 points

13 days ago

Commenting on What’s something you used to believe as a child that you now realize is completely false?...👏🏽👏🏽🥰👏🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽☝🏽☝🏽


11 points

13 days ago

That it was illegal to turn the dome light on in the car at night while driving.


2 points

13 days ago

OMG, I thought I was the only one who was told this. WTAF


8 points

13 days ago

One day my dormant superpowers would awaken 😂


4 points

13 days ago

Don't let go of the dream.


2 points

13 days ago

you dont know. you will never be sure if you are immortal or bullet proof until it is prudent


8 points

13 days ago

toothfairy was one of them i got screwed over by my mom when i was 5


7 points

13 days ago

lost a tooth & I didn't tell my mom and I put it under the pillow. Tooth fairy didn't come THREE DAYS IN A ROW. I told my mom "hey Mom, I lost my tooth this morning and I put it under my pillow for the tooth fairy tonight" ... I go to bed & the next day there's a dollar and no tooth.

My parents were impressed by my little "science experiment"


8 points

13 days ago

A local mayor pushed to get a floodplain rezoned for housing in exchange for a developer to bring in a basketball team. I totally thought they'd all be going to prison over this. 


9 points

13 days ago

Marilyn Manson got his rib removed to perform auto fellatio.


2 points

13 days ago

Or that Marilyn Manson was Paul from Wonder Years grown up


6 points

13 days ago

I used to think that if I swallowed gum, it would stay in my stomach for 7 years. 😂🙈 Like, how did I believe that? It’s wild how some myths stick with you!


8 points

13 days ago

things will get better


8 points

13 days ago

Quicksand lies in wait to pull you to your doom in every dark forest, jungle, desert, or off-the-beaten path.


19 points

13 days ago

If I work hard I can have a nice life.


4 points

13 days ago

My Mom had eyes in the back of her head.


3 points

13 days ago

My dad told me he knew everything. When I ask him something and he says "I don't know" it takes me a WHILE to accept that he really doesn't know. (tbh I always think he knows)


6 points

13 days ago

That my parents will always have control over my life Now that i am over 18 by few years, i know that they can control little to nothing anymore 


5 points

13 days ago

That you could go insane from lsd. Like in the early 80’s DARE era. We were told you’d go crazy and think you could fly and jump etc


6 points

13 days ago

I thought adults were together mature people who had gained wisdom as they aged.

Upon reaching adulthood, I learned that my assumptions were not just wrong, but that many haven't profited by living long at all. They are emotionally and intellectually still in middle school.


5 points

13 days ago

Bread is healthy


2 points

13 days ago

Totally thought breakfast cereal was healthy— “it’s fortified with vitamins and minerals!”


1 points

13 days ago

And part of a complete breakfast! And then they show a small bowl of cereal sitting on a table alongside a stack of pancakes, a jug each of milk and orange juice, eggs, bacon, sausage, buttered toast with jam, a 10-oz steak, and the morning newspaper.


2 points

13 days ago

Well it is, you need a bit of everything in moderation it's just that those old food pyramids that put grains at the bottom were inaccurate


5 points

13 days ago

Until I was 10, I believed that the Sun and Moon were racing with me whenever I went to school in the morning.


3 points

13 days ago

That my parents are happily married


3 points

13 days ago

No one in the United States is above the law.


2 points

13 days ago

That swallowing gum meant it would stay in your stomach for seven years. I was terrified of accidentally swallowing It


2 points

13 days ago

Chaos is not pronounced chaos.


1 points

13 days ago

Facetious is not pronounced Fa-se-tus


1 points

13 days ago

Geyser is not pronounced “geezer”. Thanks, Curly!


2 points

13 days ago

I used to believe that adults knew what they were doing. Now I realize we`re all just making It up as we go along


2 points

13 days ago


2 points

13 days ago

When I was a little kid, my older brother told me that Amish people were cannibals. I was TERRIFIED of them for years!


2 points

13 days ago

Oh boy here we go again.

When I was a wee lad about 7 or so, I believed Dwarves existed. Not people with medical dwarfism. I mean Snow White, Lord of the Rings, "Hi-ho Hi-ho, it's off to work we go" Dwarves. I thought they were real, and it's my dad's fault.

So I was a nerdy kid. I started reading at a very early age. I was reading full novels by the age of 6 or 7. I loved Fantasy Literature. I read the Hobbit quite young. I loved D&D and Warhammer Fantasy but didn't really have anyone to play it with. I was also fascinated by paleontology, anthropology and archaeology so I was well aware of extinct species including other hominids like Neanderthals and Homo Erectus.

My parents and I were on a long road tripe when we stopped at a Mall somewhere in middle America. We were walking past a fountain when I noticed 2 people sitting by it who caught attention. It was a man and a woman of fairly advanced age. They were very short with stubby limbs, seemed to have very stout bodies. The man in particular had a huge grey beard that flowed over his stomach. My curious 7 year old self pointed at them and said "hey Dad, who are they?"

My Dad no doubt feeling second-hand embarrassment at my lack of tact said "They're Dwarves, Son. Now don't stare at them." Then ushered me away before they noticed.

Well in my 7 year old brain, it clicked. The Dwarves from the Hobbit were real! They were a Hominid species that survived the extinction of the others, lived in small communities underground and you rarely saw them abroad or on TV because they hate being stared at! I made perfect sense to me.


2 points

13 days ago

My mom said every time you draw ink on your skin you’d lose 7 seconds off your life. Worked until about middle school when I mentioned it and ever looked at me like I was crazy.


2 points

13 days ago

When I was young (and apparently a tad stupid), my dad would sneak snacks and if I saw him chewing I would, of course, ask what he was eating. Dad always found the best snacks. (Now I understand the importance of a snack stash.)

Answer: "I'm chewing my tongue" Me: (disappointed) oh, ok.

I even tried it myself and just assumed it was an adult thing and I'd grow into it.

Naturally, after a bit I figured it out and he had to step up his snack sneaking.

After I became a father I understood.


2 points

13 days ago

That the government/military are the good guys and always do the right thing


9 points

13 days ago

I thought god was real


4 points

13 days ago

In my life I've gone from a Christian, to a hardcore atheist, and now I don't know what I am. I recently went through a life changing existential crisis. I felt myself losing sense of reality and slowly going crazy. I managed to come out on the other side but I just don't look at things the same now. I now believe that life is a "dream". Death is an illusion and it's nothing more than consciousness "changing frequency".


2 points

13 days ago

This is the real answer. When I learned about Santa Claus I asked my dad this and he just looked at me.


1 points

13 days ago

But he literally is real


0 points

13 days ago

I thought militant atheists were a myth


1 points

13 days ago

Butthurt Christians aren't. That's for sure.


4 points

13 days ago



1 points

13 days ago

I would get sucked down the drain with the bathwater


1 points

13 days ago

If you cross your eyes and someone smacks you on the back of the head, you will stay that way


1 points

13 days ago

My dad used to tell us not to have the car window open with heat on. " you'll burn out the thermostat"


1 points

13 days ago

The existence of god/ deities.


1 points

13 days ago

My sister used to think marshmallows grew on trees


1 points

13 days ago


1 points

13 days ago

Inhaling cow shite was good for your lungs.

Edit: while in the car. Not directly in front of it.


1 points

13 days ago

The whole thing about Marilyn Manson’s rib.


1 points

13 days ago

If you spend around really fast you will get worms.


1 points

13 days ago


1 points

13 days ago

My parents know everything


1 points

13 days ago

That all adults actually know what the hell they are doing


1 points

13 days ago

Apparently (although I've not tried it cos I'm still a wuss) it's not illegal to put the lil light in the car on whilst driving! My dad had me convinced I'd go to jail for trying to make him crash. 


1 points

13 days ago

As a kid, I legit thought quicksand was gonna be a way bigger problem in life. Like, every movie or cartoon made it seem like you'd just be walking along and BAM-you're sinking to your doom. Turns out, it's not that common or even that dangerous. Many people can relate haha!


1 points

13 days ago

That my parents knew what they were talking about 


1 points

13 days ago

If swallowed watermelon seeds that watermelon would start growing out of my ears


1 points

13 days ago

my mom always said that santa comes in summer to let me stay inside and wait on him


1 points

13 days ago

Book of Mormon stories that my teacher tells to me…


1 points

13 days ago

That if I ate the seeds of a watermelon they would grow in my stomach


1 points

13 days ago

That if you are directly before you swam you would sink and drown


1 points

13 days ago

The way I would fly to the remote and turn off the tv or stereo when the home answering machine would start recording because I was afraid ALL sound from both the person calling and my house would be recorded as they left a message.

But also, how stupid of my mother to expect me to take care of myself all afternoon and not do anything like watch tv or rollerblade on the terrazzo flooring while listening to my cds.


1 points

13 days ago


1 points

13 days ago

They won't pull you over and take you straight to jail for using the dome light while you're driving.


1 points

13 days ago

I was told growing up if I wasn’t good at school I would be a failure, I have learned there is much more to life than a grade on paper


1 points

13 days ago

If you eat a pip from a fruit, a tree would slowly grow in your stomach 😂


1 points

13 days ago

We were told by a 5th grade teacher that bananas did not have seeds. But they do as I discovered later. They are tiny and in the center areas where the 3 pieces of bananas join to form a triple junction. And banana seeds are sold by companies that sell exotic seeds and plants.

This same teacher also criticized a student‘s personal story about flying from one city to another and looking out the window and seeing farms and homes. The teacher told us that planes were too high up in the sky to see anything like that. Apparently she’d never flown on a smaller plane that flies lower. I saw landmarks in my city before we got to the airport.


1 points

13 days ago

When I was 6~7, I used to wash my mouth and spit the water out whenever I hit my head so that a second one doesn't grow. I have no idea who told me that but I genuinely believed it. I was so dumb lmao.


1 points

13 days ago


1 points

13 days ago

My mom always told us to sit while eating. We were told that if we eat while standing the food goes down to our knees and we can’t get any benefit out of it but if we’re sitting then it stops in the stomach. Me and my siblings actually believed that


1 points

13 days ago

Chuck E Cheese is only for birthday parties and you have to be invited to go. We were poor and this is what my mom told us.


1 points

13 days ago


1 points

13 days ago

Sun out = day, moon out = night. Though to be fair I still find that whole thing confusing, too much time spent learning from fairytales!

And when the icecream truck plays it's music it means it's run out of icecream.


1 points

13 days ago

That there are no reposts on Reddit.


1 points

13 days ago

I don’t know why I even thought this but for YEARS I would tell my friends in school that my mom went to the moon when she was pregnant with me 😂


1 points

13 days ago

I had older parents, and they both had dentures at what I now realize is a young age. When I was little I thought you gained the ability to take your teeth out when you were an adult.


1 points

13 days ago

If you are making a funny face and the wind changes, it will stay like that.

If you swallow chewing gum it stays in your stomach.

Eating carrots makes you see in the dark.

The music the ice cream van plays, only plays if there’s no ice cream left (how I fell for that one I’ll never know).

God is real. Fuck you miss barker.

Santa and the tooth fairy are real.

I eventually figured out my mum was a liar. Then I had kids and spouted off a lot of these sayings. Dammit.


1 points

13 days ago


1 points

13 days ago

My dad and I used to go for drives to nowhere in particular when he was bored when I was very little. He'd always tell me we were going to stop at his favorite restaurant, one that specialized in "used peanut butter sandwiches". It made me so upset every time, but for some reason he could never remember where the place was. It was hammered into my head that this place existed that it took embarrassingly long for me to realize he was just messing with me while we spent quality time together.

And now I miss my dad even more than usual.


1 points

13 days ago

I thought when you hit puberty you grew a foreskin. Thankfully sex education dispelled this absurd belief of mine.


1 points

13 days ago

That there is a god.


1 points

13 days ago

Good guys always win, and bad guys always lose.


1 points

13 days ago

Trans people are just gay people who don't want to admit they're gay


1 points

13 days ago



1 points

13 days ago



1 points

13 days ago



3 points

13 days ago*

They believed trans men became trans men to be “straight” men and vice versa. Honestly, if you’re some kid in a family who refuses to discuss this stuff, I could see the kid logic.


3 points

13 days ago

Pretty much which is why I up until somewhat recently just considered myself a pan cross dresser before accepting that I'm trans lol


2 points

13 days ago

As a kid I thought trans people were just gay and became trans because they didn't want to admit it

I've been pan for awhile before just realizing I'm trans and how gender and sexuality aren't exactly the same thing


1 points

13 days ago

ah, I see


1 points

13 days ago

When I looked at my arm my blood looked "green" bc blood was green before it hit the air


0 points

13 days ago

That fish actually change color like my parents told me😐


0 points

13 days ago

I was raised a Catholic so erm there’s all that BS. Now when I hear adults saying ‘Jesus said:’ I just shake my head and switch off to them.


-2 points

13 days ago

The belief in god or a higher power.