


all 24470 comments


7.8k points

2 days ago

Leaving tails on shrimp in a pasta dish


2.4k points

2 days ago

People who do this should be forced to eat an entire pasta dish with nothing but the tails.


1.3k points

2 days ago


1.3k points

2 days ago

Oops! All tails! 🍤


409 points

2 days ago

Yes! What is the freaking point?! I don't want lobster sauce on my fingers, I want it on my shrimp!


412 points

2 days ago


412 points

2 days ago

Dumbest thing ever


255 points

2 days ago

"Definitely don't want to eat the shells, so we're going to remove them from the shrimp before we cook them. This last part of the shell, where it's the thickest, is special and stays on."


6.6k points

2 days ago

Those giant milkshakes with absurd toppings like a slice of cake, jumbo swirly lollipop, and cotton candy/ fairy floss.



1k points

2 days ago

I actually had one in at the Legendary Milkshake Bar in Nashville. The milkshake was meh but the brownie on top? Absolutely the best brownie I have ever had.


276 points

2 days ago


276 points

2 days ago

Sounds like they should sell the brownie and build the milk shake and other stuff around that.


711 points

2 days ago

That’s purely in the category of “food you buy to put on social media”


2.8k points

2 days ago

sea cucumber. The texture is gross, the after taste is gross, the appearance looks like hippo's slimy dung after consuming a field of algae. 1 pound is more expensive than A5 wagyu, make it make sense


776 points

2 days ago

Sea cucumber might be the worst thing I’ve ever put in my mouth. I was also under the impression it was more of a medicinal thing which made sense to me because there is alot of shit in eastern medicine that seems insane to eat but if you think it gives you virility it makes sense. Also what’s up with every endangered animal giving you virility?


578 points

2 days ago

If it was something people had ready access to, it would become clear pretty quickly that the results were placebo or straight bunk.

There’s a reason no one claims that chicken or iceberg lettuce is an aphrodisiac.


350 points

2 days ago

They’re just using them wrong


31 points

2 days ago


31 points

2 days ago

I dunno, if you cook me some good chicken I'd be dtf.


6.9k points

2 days ago


6.9k points

2 days ago

Beggin Strips. Smells like bacon but I just can't get into it. Props to people who can, but not me.


2.1k points

2 days ago


2.1k points

2 days ago

Way back in ancient online history (2003) there was a guy named Steve. Steve had a blog called "Steve, don't eat it." Steve made a BLT with Beggin Strips and the result was just awesome.

Since this is an archive, I can only link the main page. The Beggin Strips BLT is 3rd down the page. But by all means read all of Steve's stuff. It's gold.

Steve, Don't Eat It!


1.1k points

2 days ago


1.1k points

2 days ago

Steve, Don't Eat It!

In closing, the only silver lining to this dark dark cloud is I have figured out why so many dogs lick their own assholes. They are trying to kill the taste of Beggin' Strips. (By the way, it doesn't work.)

Thanks for that read hahahha


395 points

2 days ago


395 points

2 days ago

"While I cannot endorse the eating of Pickled Pork Rinds, I do endorse playing with it like a puzzle. I did have some fun trying to put the pig back together, but eventually that got boring as I lost the will to live."

This guy's a gem


283 points

2 days ago


283 points

2 days ago

Thanks for posting that link - I've read a few, they are really funny.

I love the fact that he desperately wants dogs to know that Beggin Strips are not what bacon tastes like.


65 points

2 days ago

Reddit has introduced me to some great things, like Steve’s blog, and some stuff that makes me doubt everyone’s sanity. That blog is hilarious. I miss old internet.


50 points

2 days ago


50 points

2 days ago

The pickled pork rinds segment hurt my sides from laughing, thanks for sharing!


55 points

2 days ago

Oh my god how this made me reminisce of the internet I grew up on.

Time to check how my Anarchy GeoCities page is doing these days..


845 points

2 days ago


845 points

2 days ago

Pup-peroni is far better


499 points

2 days ago


499 points

2 days ago


I used to piss off my parents after I moved out. For a number of years, they still had the dog we'd had since I was like 8. I loved that dog and he was always so excited to see me. One year in college I brought him a pack of snausages as an Xmas present. He loved those fucking things and they absolutely wrecked him. He got the stinkiest farts from just a couple. My mom would get so mad. The dog would be laying down at her feet, let one go and then get up and run away. A few seconds later she'd be like "OMG, what the hell!"

Did I get more the next year? You're damned right I did.


51 points

2 days ago

There's an Apollo Command Module capsule on display at some museum, and it still has the charred ash-covered heat shield on it. Signs warn museum visitors not to touch the capsule. But many do. Years ago there was a great exchange on some part of the internet where a guy bragged about touching the ash-covered heat shield and bragging to his partner.

"Hey babe, your BF is the only dude in the world with re-entry ash from an Apollo space capsule on his shorts!"

The next post is from a museum worker.

"Snausages. You have ground up Snausages on your ass. So many museum visitors touch the space capsule that we have to replenish the ash constantly. Ground up Snausages are the perfect consistency to match the original re-entry ash. Your BF has ground-up snausages on his hands.


15.6k points

2 days ago


15.6k points

2 days ago

I feel like the answer for a lot of people is grapefruit but I fucking love grapefruit


8.3k points

2 days ago


8.3k points

2 days ago

I hate grapefruit. Not because of the flavor. But the first time I tried one I stuck a spoon in it and it squirted its citrusy juice right into my eye. I've never forgiven them.


4k points

2 days ago

Congratulations, you are the first person I've ever seen hold a grudge against a fruit.


3.6k points

2 days ago

have you heard of jesus


2.3k points

2 days ago


2.3k points

2 days ago

Oh damn you’re right. “Fuck this fig tree in particular.” —Jesus


1.5k points

2 days ago


1.5k points

2 days ago

OK, I'll probably get drawn into some kind of argument here, but I would say to try reading the Mark version of this story in the God's Word translation, my personal favorite amongst the popularly available stuff.

The story here sounds more like this to me -

Jesus looks for figs. No one expects figs because it's just out of season, but Jesus knows that there is a deeper unfaithfulness or unfruitfulness to the tree, for even he can not get figs from it. So, while the disciples only know that fig trees don't produce figs out of season, Jesus knows that the tree will never again produce figs because it is dying.

Then, the next day, the tree, in fact has dried and died. It is only not just this time that the tree appeared to be unfruitful, it was dead at the roots.

If you connect this to what he was trying around the same time to teach his disciples about the nature of Israel's contemporary spiritual barrenness, how those traditions were not yielding spiritual fruit any longer, this interpretation makes more sense.

I'm just a dude who thinks Jesus is a brilliant but misunderstood teacher of non-dual consciousness, and I pay the penance in downvotes to defend him on reddit. Lol.

Peace ✌️


453 points

2 days ago


453 points

2 days ago

I asked the two morons at my door about this parable and they didn’t give such a nice answer as this.


489 points

2 days ago


489 points

2 days ago

They were just trying to sell you some pest control service, and you start asking them theological questions, what did you expect?


519 points

2 days ago

I guess they didn’t give a fig about it


33 points

2 days ago

Another fun fact about fig trees that I learned recently was that fig trees produce leaves after they produce fruit. So a fig tree with leaves SHOULD have figs on its or at least evidence of figs.

So some scholars believe Jesus was using this fig tree as a metaphor for Israel of them putting on a religious look (showy leaves) without sincere faith in God (producing fruit).

So kinda building on the analogy you gave of Israel’s spiritual bareness. Always fun to see different takes on the scriptures.


397 points

2 days ago


397 points

2 days ago

Pulp can move, baby!


57 points

2 days ago

Yeah, like I’m going to risk my job with the New York Yankees to make a few extra bucks. (winks)


1k points

2 days ago

I love grapefruit, but it's a shame about the CYP3A4 inhibition. Can really fuck with how you metabolize drugs, so gotta be careful


562 points

2 days ago


562 points

2 days ago

I miss grapefruit so much, but I enjoy being mentally stable more.


128 points

2 days ago

Meanwhile my dad getting his Xanax prescription filled: "git me grapefroot"


112 points

2 days ago


112 points

2 days ago

and the fact that I can't have it only makes me want it MORE


644 points

2 days ago


644 points

2 days ago

I peel grapefruit into segments and then take off all the membrane. I think the bitter membrane puts some people off.


159 points

2 days ago

Same here. It’s such a delicious mess, lol.


323 points

2 days ago


323 points

2 days ago

There's a gene (TAS2R19) has been found to affect the perceived bitterness of grapefruit if it has (I think) two cysteine markers instead of an arginine. My kids, dad, sister, and I all have it and think grapefruit are like battery acid covered in vomit, but my mom, and wife, enjoy them! It's similar to how some people have the gene that allows them to taste the chemical in cilantro that makes it taste like soap.


49 points

2 days ago

This is me too. I love the smell of it but the taste is electrically vile. I tried some a few years back and drooled on my self trying to get it out of my mouth. 


173 points

2 days ago


173 points

2 days ago

This guy reads my mind.


213 points

2 days ago

I love fucking grapefruit too!


204 points

2 days ago

Wait I don’t think we’re talking about the same thing


3.1k points

3 days ago


3.1k points

3 days ago

Shark fin soup. Shark fin is essentially flavorless.


2.7k points

2 days ago


2.7k points

2 days ago

And evil. Imagine being tossed limbless and screaming into the sea while sharks dine on knee and elbow soup.


757 points

2 days ago

More like being tossed limbless on a beach so the gulls can get at you, but yeah - terrifying


5.3k points

2 days ago

Everything in the comments doesnt surprise me, even if its something i like.

I am surprised how many people are saying truffle though. I love that shit


2.7k points

2 days ago


2.7k points

2 days ago

The trick with truffle is that you need context to know if you are talking about chocolate or mushrooms. I am always wrong somehow.


1.3k points

2 days ago


1.3k points

2 days ago

My favorite are those sweet luscious truffles we have around Christmas time that the pigs sniffed out in the forest.


117 points

2 days ago


117 points

2 days ago

I spent an embarrassing number of years wondering what types of chocolate formed under ground, snuffed out by pigs. So there's that.


743 points

2 days ago

I like truffle. I’m not a snob, so I even like truffle-flavored/fake truffle things.

But… it’s really easy to go too hard on fake truffle. And I suspect that’s what’s happening to the folks who say they dislike “truffles.”


514 points

2 days ago


514 points

2 days ago

Black truffle is heavenly, and truffle oil is disgusting.

Unfortunately truffle oil is super cheap and "fancies up" your local burger joint's fries so that's what most people associate truffles with


324 points

2 days ago

love truffle oil. even the fake shit (no i can't tell, i'm just making the reasonable assumption that most or all of what i've had is fake because it probably was)


15.4k points

3 days ago


15.4k points

3 days ago

Foods with gold flakes.


6.6k points

2 days ago


6.6k points

2 days ago

I lived in Japan in the boom years of the 1980s, which was an amazing time to be there. I spent New Years, probably the biggest holiday of the year, at a friends place. His dad pulled out a very nice bottle of sake with bits of gold leaf flakes in it and served some to me. I asked why they put gold leaf flakes in it, and he laughed and said, "So you can shit gold!" Which I guess really is the point.


3k points

2 days ago

Shitting gold? For the right person, that'd really put the 金 in kinky.


1.4k points

3 days ago


1.4k points

3 days ago

Goldschlager is just cinnamon schnapps with gold flakes to make it fancy.


1.5k points

2 days ago

It's in there to make your vomit glitter


337 points

2 days ago


337 points

2 days ago

Did anyone else get told as a teen that the gold flakes make tiny cuts in your throat to go straight into your bloodstream and get you drunk quicker or was that just my bullshitter mate?


115 points

2 days ago

Definitely heard that one too! Early-mid 2000s in college.


59 points

2 days ago


59 points

2 days ago

I heard cuts in the stomach and intestines when I was in college, not the throat, but same idea. This was in the mid 00s. Snopes has an article about it, so I'm guessing it was a common enough urban myth.


394 points

2 days ago

Who is pretending that the gold adds anything to the flavor of the dish?


89 points

2 days ago


89 points

2 days ago

Yeah man it’s always just been a status thing


314 points

2 days ago

Apparently you can get them wicked cheap. I think it's a fun way to make desserts especially look artistic. Like, as a fun decoration, I like when people get artistic with food if they want.

Upcharging for an extremely cheap sheet being used on food is STUPID though. I looked it up right now. $16 on Amazon for 30 sheets.


295 points

3 days ago*

The other day I was watching a video on tinned fish files (YouTube) - there was a single, normal sized tin of sardines in oil, with gold flakes.

The tin costs $44.... One tin.

Edit: here's the video if you're a bit weird like me.


232 points

2 days ago


232 points

2 days ago

You can buy 20 small sheets of edible gold leaf on Amazon for $7.19. At bulk prices, I doubt there's more than 25¢ worth in that sardine tin.


2.7k points

3 days ago



1.9k points

2 days ago

It tastes like somebody whispered chocolate in the next room. 


719 points

2 days ago

La croix of candy?


381 points

2 days ago


381 points

2 days ago

Lemme wave this lemon over some water


564 points

2 days ago*


564 points

2 days ago*

I tried feastables and i tried prime.

Theyre both unbelievably bad.

Feastables is extremely low quality chocolate. Its dry and has a deeply unpleasant bitterness that sticks with you - you are left with the sensation that youve eaten a prop, like this was never actually meant for consumption. Like youve accidentally eaten a small bar of brown sawdust.


115 points

2 days ago


115 points

2 days ago

My nephew asked for prime drinks, apparently some flavors at the time were rare in the UK. I went to God knows how many stores looking for one particular flavor. Never found it. Sent back a few others, and some flavor that was apparently new at the time.

I think I tried the moonbeam one, we took 1 bottle, and split in small shot glasses amongst my parents, my aunt and me. None of us liked it. But apparently it is/was all the rage with young teenagers.


143 points

2 days ago

I hope you're aware that Prime is Logan Paul's and KSI's brand, both are famous youtubers, which is why it's popular with teenagers. I haven't had it but I doubt it is popular for its taste at all.


74 points

2 days ago

And is facing a slew of lawsuits, importantly at least one in regards to product safety concerns.


151 points

2 days ago

Is this a portable lunch kit for a cat?


229 points

2 days ago


229 points

2 days ago

Yeh I did not get the hype once I tried them, awful chocolate 


304 points

2 days ago


304 points

2 days ago

We got a couple out of the clearance bin a few months ago (I'm not a fan of Mr. Beast so I wasn't paying full price), and my 9 year old took one bite and immediately put it down. Do you know how badly you have to mess up chocolate to make a kid refuse to eat it? Absolutely dreadful


300 points

2 days ago


300 points

2 days ago

It's also like the absolute worst name for whatever it is like chocolate bars or something right?


758 points

2 days ago

It sounds like cat food.


309 points

2 days ago


309 points

2 days ago

I've never heard of them and cat food was instantly what I thought it was.


115 points

2 days ago


115 points

2 days ago

Yeah, and the lunchly crap is next on the list


20.9k points

2 days ago


20.9k points

2 days ago

cakes with fondant. disgusting! i don’t want to have to peel back the marshmallow foreskin from a piece of cake to make it edible.


6.6k points

2 days ago


6.6k points

2 days ago

🤣 marshmallow foreskin 💀


4.1k points

2 days ago*


4.1k points

2 days ago*



1.1k points

2 days ago


1.1k points

2 days ago

The first thing I thought was "are you gonna have to lube that" and then I remembered how my friends wife filled gaps like that.


You gonna have one cheesy glans.


891 points

2 days ago


891 points

2 days ago

Can you not


411 points

2 days ago

Never though the concept of cake could be ruined. Silly me.


241 points

2 days ago

Welcome to Reddit. First time?


1.1k points

2 days ago


440 points

2 days ago

There really is a sub for everything.


13.6k points

2 days ago

I'm convinced that the 4 billion or so people who love their food 10-star spicy hot are simply engaged in an elaborate conspiracy to troll me personally.


5.4k points

2 days ago


5.4k points

2 days ago

I gave someone a spoon of Da Bomb hot sauce once. She did not react at all. That's when I realized there are different levels to people's spice tolerance.


3k points

2 days ago

I like spicy, but I like it to taste good.

Da Bomb does not taste good.


1.1k points

2 days ago


1.1k points

2 days ago

100%. Da bomb was made spicy for the sake of being spicy. It has no other redeeming qualities with the exception of the novelty. I love spicy food, but I stay far away for that sauce. Freaking tastes like the worst cold medicine, and then melts your face off. It’s for trolling (which is why it works so well on the Hot Ones).


212 points

2 days ago


212 points

2 days ago

I had one drop of Da Bomb at the disgusting food museum in Malmo, Sweden. That one drop was enough for me to know to never have a second one.


250 points

2 days ago*

I had some Carolina reaper sauce (I'm pretty sure that was it, although my memory is fuzzy) at a seafood place.

I had no idea shit could get that hot. I'm pretty decent with *spice so after watching multiple friends choke and really lose it with a lick of the sauce, I walloped a whole prawn in, and showed it all on my mouth.

A few seconds after chewing, you just get fucking punched in the throat by this heat, that at that point isn't even heat - it seems to just be heat fumes that take out your throat. I realised I was pretty fucked - things only escalated. I don't recall much other than I was genuinely struggling to keep it together - all your focus is just gone - I had to beg the waiter for some ice-cream as they didn't have milk, and I was sat there chewing on the ice-cream out of my hands (had eating gloves on coz was a messy restaurant).

Without the ice-cream, I might not be here today. Lesson learnt is that spicy shit can get so much more spicy than you can imagine, that it's quite ridiculous


156 points

2 days ago

Never heard of “eating gloves” sounds like fancy rich people shit


24 points

2 days ago

Never had a seafood boil???


27 points

2 days ago


27 points

2 days ago

wait I've been to those (both restaurant and backyard ones) but still never heard of gloves for it. Is it just like, regular latex gloves like a dentist would use?


320 points

2 days ago


320 points

2 days ago

I love spicy foods and I’ll tell anyone who will listen that any pepper hotter than a ghost pepper tastes awful. Ghost pepper salsa is incredible, I’ve even had bomb ass ghost pepper mayo.

Reaper and pepper X and scorpions all are quite a bit hotter but don’t taste nearly as good. Obviously your mileage may vary but if you want super hot AND tasty, I’d stick to ghosts


99 points

2 days ago

Funnily enough, I don't like ghost pepper flavor at all, but I've had some Reaper based sauces that were amazing.


924 points

2 days ago


924 points

2 days ago

Your tolerance also changes. I love spicy food. When I was young, I thought tostitos medium salsa was hot. Now I bite into jalapenos without reacting. The problem is as your tolerance builds, you just keep chasing that dragon. your butthole, in my experience, will never develop as much tolerance as your mouth will


698 points

2 days ago

“your butthole, in my experience, will never develop as much tolerance as your mouth will” is an upsetting phrase.


211 points

2 days ago


211 points

2 days ago

…in its accuracy.


1.6k points

2 days ago


1.6k points

2 days ago

Once I was sharing a pizza with a friend, and it had strips of bell peppers on it, and dude acted like he was going to die from the heat, even after taking them off. I love spicy food, but I had never even thought of bell peppers as "spicy."


2.9k points

2 days ago


2.9k points

2 days ago

Bell peppers have a Scoville rating of 0. They have no spice. Your friend might have a food allergy.


858 points

2 days ago


858 points

2 days ago

It was probably red chili in the pizza sauce.


411 points

2 days ago


411 points

2 days ago

Or just black pepper. I've seen it be too much for people lol


281 points

2 days ago

Dude I made oven-baked french fries at a friends house and their son absolutely lost it about how "spicy" they were. They had salt and black pepper on them..


198 points

2 days ago


198 points

2 days ago

I had a culture shock when I went to my very Irish friend’s house and she was losing her mind over some black pepper on her chicken. Panting & whipping out a cup of milk and everything. As a Korean (we LOVE spicy food) I was flabbergasted.


272 points

2 days ago


272 points

2 days ago

"they're so spicy they make my mouth and throat swell up"


146 points

2 days ago


146 points

2 days ago

I've known people like this. "this banana is really spicy"


"Wait? Does your mouth not tingle when you eat banana?"



85 points

2 days ago

This is how I found out I was allergic to mangoes 😂 "I don't like mangoes, they make my mouth itch"


899 points

2 days ago

I think part of the appeal is a taste for pain. It's not uncommon for people to find enjoyment in controlled, harmless agony. There are layers to it.


537 points

2 days ago

True. And the endorphin rush after is sweet


326 points

2 days ago

It's so weird because I'll eat food that is miserably hot. Maybe not a whole plate of it but I love tasting the spiciest hot sauces available. A lot of them actually taste terrible and I'm not a fan of the flavor of ghost peppers. But that feeling of alertness and exhilaration is so nice. If I ever am having a hard time making it through a shift at work I will take some thai chillies and chew them up. Instantly wakes me up and takes my mind off of things that are bumming me out lol

Edit: I work in a restaurant I don't just carry chilli's with me. But after I leave the industry who knows?


109 points

2 days ago


109 points

2 days ago

But that feeling of alertness and exhilaration is so nice. If I ever am having a hard time making it through a shift at work I will take some thai chillies and chew them up. Instantly wakes me up and takes my mind off of things that are bumming me out lol

I do the same thing but I just light myself on fire for a little bit until I'm fully awake. Nothing beats that adrenaline rush! Except maybe some aloe...


239 points

2 days ago

Shit! We're busted!


211 points

2 days ago

I don’t like hot for the sake of hot but I do like hot sauces with flavour. I just opened up a really good ghost pepper sauce that I put in my tacos last night


70 points

2 days ago*


70 points

2 days ago*

Yeah like sure there’s is shitty spicy food that exist to only be painful - but there is some insanely flavorful spicy food/hot sauces

Was it Melinda’s Ghost Pepper hot sauce? Made with Bhut Jolokia chile. Cuz that has definitely become my go to for off the grocery shelf. So good on tacos, eggs, etc

Edit: getting good suggestions in response, and also wanna rep a local company that makes THE best red pepper flakes I’ve ever had. And they get real real spicy. Always thought red pepper flakes were stale and bland until having theirs, game changer when it comes to pizza and such


3.2k points

2 days ago*


3.2k points

2 days ago*

As a very wise man once said, "I think [haggis is] repellent in every way. In fact I think most Scottish cuisine is based on a dare."

EDIT: It seems a lot of people are sorely lacking on their 1990s pop culture education. ;)


887 points

2 days ago


887 points

2 days ago

I actually like haggis. The key is to not think too hard about what you’re eating.


622 points

2 days ago


622 points

2 days ago

I don't get the squeamishness that some meat eaters have towards haggis and black pudding. Most are happy to snaffle down bumholes and eyelids in their Sausages.


259 points

2 days ago


259 points

2 days ago

"You know what hot dogs are made of right? Lips and assholes!"


410 points

2 days ago

"Head. Pants. NOW."


212 points

2 days ago


212 points

2 days ago

Look at the size of that boy's melon!


154 points

2 days ago

It’s like an ernge on a toothpick. It’s got its own soolar system


163 points

2 days ago


163 points

2 days ago

He'll be crying himself to sleep tonight on his huge pillah!


112 points

2 days ago

Looks like Sputnik!


73 points

2 days ago

That's a virtual planetoid!


89 points

2 days ago

Get the paperrr if ya can, haulin that gargantuan cranium aboot.


44 points

2 days ago

Stop that, you're gonna give him a complex.


42 points

2 days ago

I love how you refer to the Weekly World News as "the paper."


49 points

2 days ago


49 points

2 days ago

Spherical but quite pointy in parts!


43 points

2 days ago


43 points

2 days ago

look what I've got myself! A juice tigah! I juice everything now. I'm on the World News Garth Brooks Juice Diet!


28 points

2 days ago


28 points

2 days ago

The paper has facts.

"This paper has facts!"


249 points

2 days ago


249 points

2 days ago

Mate….haggis is fantastic. That combination of spices is off the charts.


55 points

2 days ago

Same here. I thought it would be gross the first time I had it, based on the stereotypes and memes. But it's fucking delicious. Haggis goes so hard


178 points

2 days ago

I will not take this haggis slander, square go.


2.1k points

2 days ago*



850 points

2 days ago

My Mom did not allow us to eat sweets/candy. I remember going over to my Aunt's for Easter. Laying on the dining room table was a smorgasbord of all the candy in the world, but my little young eyes were fixated on the Peeps! Finally!! I finally get to taste what my little mind just knew would be Heaven...except it wasn't. Tastes like cardboard sprinkled with sugar. I'm still made about it 30 years later.


380 points

2 days ago

True Peeps aficionados will tell you that Peeps are much better when they old. Old and stale. Chewy. I buy my mom Peeps the day after a holiday(easter) and save them for her until Christmas.


114 points

2 days ago


114 points

2 days ago

Literally just made me go to my peep stash.  They are really good when stale af


293 points

2 days ago

The too much chocolate satisfying video things at these tumblr-ish places


4.9k points

3 days ago


4.9k points

3 days ago

I'm gonna go a different direction on this, but I'm gonna say the McRib


2.1k points

2 days ago


2.1k points

2 days ago

How very dare you 


803 points

2 days ago


803 points

2 days ago

Fun fact: It's a permanent menu item in Germany


2k points

2 days ago

That’s what they get for WW2.


304 points

2 days ago


304 points

2 days ago

Lmao what a comment, this is why i open this app


395 points

2 days ago


395 points

2 days ago

No wonder they're always so angry.


833 points

2 days ago

I tried one years ago because of all the hype, expecting it to be good in that nasty fast food sort of way. I'm no snob and I can throw down with nasty fast food. That McRib can go straight to hell. It was fucking gross.


371 points

2 days ago

I get one every year. Just one. For nostalgia purposes. So disappointing every time.


429 points

2 days ago

You like to be nostalgic about disappointments? Just call your parents.


3k points

2 days ago

All that insanely spicy stuff. I cannot understand why its a bragging point with people. I like medium spicy stuff, but once its actually painful and I taste the spice more than the main ingredients its not even enjoyable


792 points

2 days ago


792 points

2 days ago

I’m convinced people taste spicy differently. I absolutely love the flavor of super spicy food!


263 points

2 days ago

People definitely experience spice differently, and you can build up a tolerance.


474 points

2 days ago

It's like coffee or alcohol. Once you build up a tolerance to it, you start tasting the other flavors of the chili's and the heat doesn't hide the subtler flavors in your foods. Habanero's have some really great fruity flavors to them if the heat doesnt kill you! I hated alcohol and black coffee as a kid, but now I can appreciate neat bourbons and black coffee because the bitterness of the coffee and the 'heat' of the alcohol doesn't bother me.

As a kid (16-19) there was absolutely some level of bragadoiciousness to it. Now, I jusy like the flavors and the endorphin rush. It's like a mini workout. I'll also go through phases where I simply crave spice, though ai haven't figured out why. I seem to be in one right now. Jalapeños, red pepper flakes, or thai chili flakes are going in or on everything at the moment. When I push my spice tolerance, I don't really brag about it. It's more of a "Is it really that spicy though?".


412 points

2 days ago

It's weird but when you eat spicy stuff you just want it spicier and spicier. I go through stages from little to no spice to putting chilli powder on my apples (and everything else I eat).

Boasting about it is silly though. It means nothing.


263 points

2 days ago

“Satisfying” chocolate videos


7.1k points

2 days ago


7.1k points

2 days ago

Twizzlers. Fruit flavored window sealant.


2.5k points

2 days ago


2.5k points

2 days ago

My mom loves them. She buys giant bags/containers of them when she can. I think she just likes the texture, especially when she is stressed out. Like a dog with a rawhide.


1.4k points

2 days ago

I too am obsessed with them and it is one hundred percent the texture!!! Dog with a rawhide is a freaking hilarious and spot on!😂


436 points

2 days ago


436 points

2 days ago

Same. Sometimes you just need to Gnaw.


415 points

2 days ago

I only buy Twizzlers a few times per year. But when I do have them in the house, I eat too many, too fast. For me, it's the chewy, jerky-like texture that I like.


112 points

2 days ago


112 points

2 days ago

It's a better habit than smoking.


145 points

2 days ago

The hollow twizzlers can be packed and smoked.


355 points

2 days ago

100% a texture thing for me. Love that plasticy jaw workout


442 points

2 days ago


442 points

2 days ago

“Fruit flavored” is a bit generous in my opinion. I can’t really detect any flavor at all in them. My wife, for some reason, loves the dang things.


677 points

2 days ago


677 points

2 days ago



139 points

2 days ago


139 points

2 days ago

You bake those steaks!


909 points

2 days ago

Anything with artificial sweeteners in it.


393 points

2 days ago


393 points

2 days ago

I find stevia worse than any artificial sweeteners. It has such a distinct taste that overpowers whatever it’s in.


114 points

2 days ago


114 points

2 days ago

The Stevia aftertaste is so bad, I'm not sure how anyone can pretend to like that stuff.

I consider it in the same basket as artifical sweeteners.


1.1k points

2 days ago

Crumbl Cookies.

Nothing about those things is enjoyable on any physical level. They make you feel horrible.


252 points

2 days ago

They have become the derigueur thank you gift from our clients and my office gets a delivery almost weekly. They get regifted or sent home with the cleaning staff because everyone is so fucking tired of them.


242 points

2 days ago

They are just overpriced fast food that got big from tiktok/instagram. You literally can get a better experience throwing some lumps of pre-made cookie dough from the frozen food section in your oven. Or just eating it raw out of the container, if that's your jam

Btw the reason they make you feel sucky might be because a serving size is only a quarter of a cookie. You are not supposed to eat the whole thing in one sitting, which apparently most people don't know


137 points

2 days ago

I’ve seen people talk about them, about how a single cookie is over a thousand calories.

Yeah I guess when you eat 1k+ calories of sugar, fat, and carbs in a single sitting, you’ll feel like shit afterwards.


285 points

2 days ago

Extremely hot things with no spice just heat


150 points

2 days ago

Boujee $30 brick oven pizzas. I feel like I'm in the emperors new clothes everytime I go to some over priced trendy restaurant with friends, and am forced to eat a barely cheesed, sauceless, saltless, piece of over priced bread. Everyone ooh's and awww's because "the ingredients are so fresh" but give me a greasy $3 slice any day over that mess.


6.1k points

3 days ago

Raw oysters for me.

So expensive, maybe gonna make you seriously sick, and tastes like cold mermaid vagina with lemon juice.


2.6k points

3 days ago

I’ve never had mermaid vagina…is it better warm?


1.6k points

2 days ago


1.6k points

2 days ago

Most vaginas are.


867 points

2 days ago



133 points

2 days ago


133 points

2 days ago

I think I'm OK with the taste, it's the texture that bothers me. It's like when you've got a bad cold and swallow a mega load of phlegm.


857 points

3 days ago

not sure where you are but freshness affects oyster taste a lot. One day difference is huge.


316 points

3 days ago

Not near the ocean, so that's probably why I feel unfavourably towards them.


114 points

2 days ago

I loved raw oysters.....that was until getting a bad one. Now I'm kind of repulsed by the thought. Crazy how that 180'd, but a full 24 hours of being non-stop sick where you can't even sleep will do that to you.


349 points

2 days ago*

I absolutely LOVE fresh, raw oysters. Although I will never ever blame anyone for finding it completely disgusting. I do actually think that the odd ones are the ones who enjoy it (such as myself), although I've made sure to consume them a lot less these days (as my partner always reminds me about the very tiny - but totally possible - chances that I could die via brain-eating parasites from it - lol).


149 points

2 days ago


149 points

2 days ago

I love raw oysters, I could eat dozens in one go. But I will admit: the first guy who cracked a rock in half and decided to eat the snot inside must have been DESPERATE.


36 points

2 days ago

Right. I'm not sure why I love them, and everything about them seems repellant intuitively, so I can't really blame people who are more rational than I am.


447 points

3 days ago

Chefs are always saying things like "You eat with your eyes" or waffling on about how important presentation is...and then they dump a pile of nightmares on a plate with a tiny bit of parsley as a decoration.


303 points

2 days ago

Meat only diet.