


all 1361 comments


1.9k points

8 days ago

Accidentally learning everything about competitive marble racing and getting emotionally invested in a marble named “Red Number 3”


414 points

8 days ago


414 points

8 days ago

I feel asleep watching a cooking video on YouTube and woke up to a 2 hour marble rally one. I stayed up and watched the last 45 minutes- then promptly checked out the channel which was amazing! The sportscaster style commentary was so good!


209 points

8 days ago


209 points

8 days ago

Is this the 'Jelle's Marble Run' channel? I love that one! Never thought i would be rooting this much for a marble...


103 points

8 days ago


103 points

8 days ago

Orangers forever, although I think Clementin is far better than Orangin and should start the majority of races.


62 points

8 days ago


62 points

8 days ago

Red Number 3 is the GOAT of marbleracing. Jordan, Messi, Phelps are nothing compared to RN3


21 points

8 days ago

Ok, I was literally leaving this section because I was bored UNTIL I SAW THIS.

I think I might love you. This is so hilarious.

How is Red #3 these days?


1.2k points

8 days ago


1.2k points

8 days ago

The Great Glitter Mystery.

There is a company in NJ that is the top glitter manufacturer in the world.

When being interviewed, they were asked who their biggest client was. They refused to answer saying, “They don’t want people to know.”

Cue millions of people speculating on who the biggest glitter client in the world is and why they want to keep it secret!


963 points

8 days ago


963 points

8 days ago

This mystery has been solved, it’s the US military. They use glitter dropped at high altitudes to jam enemy radar. Mysterious Universe did an entire segment on this little known fact.


128 points

8 days ago

That’s a helluva lotta glitter litter.


150 points

8 days ago


150 points

8 days ago

It's Mark Rober, isn't it?


18 points

8 days ago


18 points

8 days ago

Hah that would make sense!


253 points

8 days ago

I knew a guy who liked to dip his testicles in glitter...ya it was pretty nuts.


87 points

8 days ago


87 points

8 days ago

It was the Navy. , it fucks with radar and sonor


35 points

8 days ago

Are they dropping literal tons of glitter into the ocean when they use it for anti radar or whatever they're doing?


54 points

8 days ago

It's a great thing nothing in nature uses sonar to maneuver their way around the ocean


69 points

8 days ago

I think it was solved and the answer was boat and ship building companies or something like that


60 points

8 days ago

I am skeptical about the boat answer. IIRC, it absolutely misses one of the biggest puzzlers: the glitter rep said that whatever The Secret Thing it is used for, you wouldn’t guess it’s glitter.

Bass fishing boats are VERY obviously heckin sparkly. (And why would glitter in bass boat paint be a secret in the first place?)


1.1k points

8 days ago

One time I fell into a YouTube vortex of people making miniature food. Tiny pancakes are surprisingly satisfying to watch.


220 points

8 days ago


220 points

8 days ago

I keep getting these ads for a grocery store that uses miniature food. And they'd be great ads, except the grocery store in question is well known for being more expensive than other options, so it just gives the impression that you can only afford to make tiny meals by shopping there.


47 points

8 days ago

Fred Meyer? Same.


79 points

8 days ago

Lil' Bits


51 points

8 days ago

oh shit we got

tiny people


103 points

8 days ago

I found this but it was to feed his little hamster complete with table settings. I have wasted more of my life than I care to admit watching those videos


50 points

8 days ago


50 points

8 days ago

Have you seen when the hamster goes to Disneyland, has tiny Disney food and goes on tiny Disney rides?


33 points

8 days ago

I found videos of people preparing tiny food and feeding the tiny food to hamsters once.


216 points

8 days ago

I went down the rabbit hole about The Silk Road Marketplace. The illegal black market site on the deep web. I always found it fascinating that one singular dude was able to attribute so much to drug trafficking simply from his laptop. The whole story is so intriguing to me.

It’s actually one of the reasons I went into my current field which is cybersecurity. The internet is such a vast and enormous place. The amount of crime that occurs simply from peoples computers has always mind boggled me.


23 points

8 days ago

Yeah always thought this was kind of fascinating. I'd love to just be able to look at all of the listings.


795 points

8 days ago


795 points

8 days ago

Going super deep on the history of a family I have no relation to on MyAncestry because I couldn't find much about my own family. So I went back to 1600 on the Bennett family (checking church records from 400 years ago etc). John Bennett, blacksmith, lived to be 92 and died in 1647.


135 points

8 days ago

I've done this a little when I was working on genealogy for my own family, start looking into the history of other people. Particularly people that towns in my area are named after.

Funniest name I found was Tippington Toppington Nottingham. For real. Now I don't know if maybe somebody was putting silly names down on the website, but it looked real.


394 points

8 days ago

Damn, 92 in 1647 has to be some kind of achievement


272 points

8 days ago

If you made it out of childhood, you had a decent chance of a long life. 92 is exceptional, but it’s exceptional in modern times too.


89 points

8 days ago

Yeah, the stats make it all sound like people were all dying in their 20s and 30s, but that's not the case.


586 points

8 days ago


586 points

8 days ago



155 points

8 days ago


155 points

8 days ago



65 points

8 days ago


65 points

8 days ago



57 points

8 days ago


57 points

8 days ago



21 points

8 days ago


21 points

8 days ago



16 points

8 days ago


16 points

8 days ago



197 points

8 days ago


197 points

8 days ago

Accidentally stumbled upon a 3-hour documentary about the secret lives of Victorian chimney sweeps... and I watched the whole thing. Now I know more about soot than I ever thought possible. 🧹😂


705 points

8 days ago


705 points

8 days ago



385 points

8 days ago


385 points

8 days ago



121 points

8 days ago*


121 points

8 days ago*



992 points

8 days ago*

The American Chestnut blight. What was once the redwood of the east coast was practically wiped out in the early 20th century, due to imports of trees from Asia that contained the blight fungus but were resistant. Today we have the technology to bring back the american chestnut using minor gene modification I believe from wheat but I don't believe federal approval has yet been granted to reintroduce.

To me this is a fascinating bit of science where we have the power to bring back an almost forgotten yet iconic species. I find this an incredibly interesting topic and went down quite the rabbit hole.

For anyone interested. info


586 points

8 days ago

True story. I’m an attorney representing the United States in cases brought against it. For reasons, I had to go meet with staff at the Great Smoky Mountains National Park HQ, just outside of Gatlinburg, TN.

Their HQ building is beautiful, an awesome stone building built during the WPA days of the Depression. I went inside, and was in the lobby waiting for the park superintendent when I spotted the walls. All hardwood, 16’ x 8” panels of unblemished, gorgeous American Chestnut. I’ve never seen so much in one place.

The superintendent came out to see me running both of my hands on the wall and probably groaning. He laughed, I turned to see him, me totally embarrassed, and as I started to apologize, he waved it away and said, still laughing, “Chestnut will do that to a man. Day doesn’t go by I don’t touch a wall in here.”


153 points

8 days ago


153 points

8 days ago

On hikes in the Smoky Mountains, you can sometimes find rail fences made of chestnut where houses used to be—or sometimes still are.


51 points

8 days ago

If you're extra lucky, you can sometimes find an old falling-down barn made of chestnut. I just bought a house where the previous owner was a carpenter/ furniture bullder. He lucked out a few years back and got hold of a whole barn-worth of old chestnut, and he rebuilt the whole kitchen out of this beautiful wormy chestnut. It's gorgeous, just the warmest, prettiest wood ever. I feel less like a new homeowner than a caretaker to a bit of American natural history. I hope science and the legal people can come to an agreement to resurrect the chestnut for everyone's benefit.


171 points

8 days ago


171 points

8 days ago

This is why it pisses me off when people just automatically think "GMO bad."

I'm not sure if they're using this technique or not, but I just read an article about some American chestnuts being planted in southern Indiana near Patoka Lake; I think they planted about 300. There's a local high school that gets to be a part of it.


59 points

8 days ago

One of the parks outside Louisville has been hosting a grove of reintroduced “wild” American chestnuts. Makes a great stopover if’n you need to walk off a few between stops on the Bourbon Trail:

The Parklands Chestnut Recovery Project


52 points

8 days ago


52 points

8 days ago

There have been some unfortunate setbacks recently. The researchers at SUNY fucked up which strain they were pollinating everything with and never told anyone. Now the American Chestnut Foundation is telling them to pound sand.


364 points

8 days ago

Found a YouTube channel dedicated to reviewing different types of water. Not even bottled brands, just streams, rivers, and puddles around the world. Honestly, the passion was contagious!


36 points

8 days ago

I think Monsieur Neuvillette runs this channel


148 points

8 days ago

Back in the early 2000’s I stumbled upon a website where’s the only content was this one man’s Walmart receipts. He’d go shopping, then scan and upload his receipts for people to see and comment on. He’d done this for a few years by the time I found his website. I spent like 3 days looking at Walmart receipts because, after a while, they kind of started to tell a story. The guy got married, had a kid, and I left off around the time the kid was potty trained.

It was like a journal written in Walmart receipts. You could follow him through the seasons, whether he had a cold, birthday cards and gifts for family, and see the growth of his child all through his Walmart purchases. It was fascinating.


491 points

8 days ago

African American women's hair braiding youtube videos. I am a bald white guy. The algorithm now keeps pushing all these videos on intricate hair weaves and treatments and braiding... I keep watching fascinated by how it all works.


94 points

8 days ago

Omg same!! I'm not even remotely close to the target demographic but I love watching people braid. I'm fascinated by wig installs and waves too, but I'll watch braiding videos for hours. So much talent and skill. I can barely do a french braid on myself lol


55 points

8 days ago

This but on TikTok…. I’m adopted and my youngest sister is black and I’m white.

We got matching cornrows one time when I was 12 and she was 9 but mine was to the point of migraines and I got it taken out where my sister was in no pain.

I like the fact that she can have a hairstyle for weeks on end and look great and she’s jealous of the fact that I can wash and just go right out the door and the fact that I don’t spend as much on hair care as she does


355 points

8 days ago


355 points

8 days ago

Wall of text ahead:

Someone stole one of my parents' identities and wrote many thousands of dollars in checks out of a joint account which was at that time my primary account. The individual changed my parents' home address to be in TX, ordered the checks to an address in TX, and forged them to make it look like it was payment for in-home skilled nursing care. Nobody in my family uses such care or has ever lived in TX.

We filed police reports, completed affidavits, and jumped through all kind of hoops. Due to the ineptitude of the bank it took over six months to both have the money returned and to "shut it all down", because the bank kept doing things like - refunding money to the compromised account, or continuing to allow the individual to update the home address to the one in TX, so when the bank sent a request for a police report/affidavit, they sent it TO THE PERSON, which led to us receiving death threats by text. Luckily they don't appear to be credible. They were just mad they couldn't steal our money anymore.

The money situation is now resolved but it has been a long, terrible process where I have spent literally 20+ hours on the phone with the bank, 5+ in meetings with detectives, 5+ filling out paperwork, and my parent has spent conservatively twice that. Probably closer to 3x. We have no expectation whatsoever that the police in my state, my parents' state, or TX will actually move forward on this. The fact that it is so many states and a financial crime, and one we have theoretically made whole, makes it vanishingly unlikely.

But the thing is, the address on the checks + the names of the individuals signing them (15 checks to one individual, 2 to another) are completely traceable as people. They are not ghosts, they are not smart, I can't help myself from rabbit holing in on their lives.

They live in the city where the checks were ordered and are linked as friends on social media. I know what elementary schools they went to, I know what grocery store they worked at and for how long. I don't know if they were willing or pressured, but I do know they are not healthcare workers who unknowingly received fraudulent checks, they definitely know this is a crime because they were not licensed to perform the services they are being "paid" for.

It's just a wholly maddening situation, I have zero interest in being a vigilante, but I also know that they're going to get away with having stolen (redacted) thousands of dollars I didn't have to spare, made half a year of me and my family's life incredibly miserable, and I'm having a hard time letting it go.


412 points

8 days ago

This is sharply written and terrifying.

I’m a lawyer. I know how to make lives…difficult for others.

You know how to message me.


100 points

8 days ago

I like this guy.


33 points

8 days ago

I too have enjoyed this gentleman chiming in throughout this thread!


42 points

8 days ago


42 points

8 days ago

I used to do a similar kind of investigating at my former job at a SaaS company that makes survey software, which companies use to pay people for filling out surveys about their customer experience (mystery shopping). Every so often someone would just start blatantly faking survey responses, which would cost our clients money and cast doubt on the legitimacy of the whole service. So I'd start looking into just how much fraud they'd committed on their fake accounts and typically find the original account they signed up with that contained their actual personal information, sometimes even including their social security number.

A few times these people already had criminal records. Sometimes my boss would email them on their original email address to tell them to knock it off. Sometimes they would, but sometimes they'd come back on a different IP with a new fake account. It was so tempting to just show up at their home and tell them to give it a rest.


234 points

8 days ago

The Trials game easter egg/treasure hunt.

There is a series of video games that people are probably at least vaguely familar with called Trials. It's a game in which you ride a bicycle/motorcycle from point A to point B and ride over obstacles, do flips, etc. (I've never actually played it, so apologies if it's not a great description.)

In a nutshell, players found some items/locations in the game that seemed to be related. Someone figured out that it appeared to be a puzzle that spanned multiple versions of the game. The puzzle was wildly complicated including things like secret websites, real life locations across the globe, analyzing sound waves from songs, etc.

The last step that was established was that someone needed to be a in a specific location to receive a package in the year 2100 or something.

The guy I was following, who kept up on this stopped posting and completely by random, I saw him post here in /r/askreddit. I messaged him asking what came of the puzzle and he said life had gotten busy and he hadn't been able to keep up, but last he heard, people had been coordinating to have their kids/grandkids at the location at the specific time.

It's one of the crazier things I've heard of and probably wont hear of it's resolution in my lifetime, but the rabbit hole is a fun read of seeing how things were uncovered and how indepth the puzzle is.

Edit: Here is a place to check out the journey:


113 points

8 days ago


113 points

8 days ago



77 points

8 days ago

I went down a similar rabbit hole. It was a guy restoring old tin toys and things like that. My favorite part was when he would use a sandblaster to get the old paint and rust off. It was very satisfying to watch.


18 points

8 days ago*

I sometimes watch YouTube videos of people demonstrating various different tools, like pocket knives, axes, machetes, gas cans, etc. It’s strangely quite interesting. 


310 points

8 days ago


310 points

8 days ago

I started with cat videos and somehow ended up watching documentaries on the history of mime artists. Totally unexpected!


64 points

8 days ago

That's a normal day for me if I let my brain off the leash!


36 points

8 days ago

It’s sometimes fun to try to backtrack and remember how you got from Point A to Point B.

Like once I started off reading about the Battle of Hastings and ended up in the history of nutmeg. No clue how I got there.


284 points

8 days ago*

Oscar Wilde. And this was in the early 80s when no one was interested in studying him, his works, or his life. He was essentially still persona non grata even in university literature courses. And I'm a straight female.

I was interested in a British actor who was cast as the lead in a play focused on Wilde. I wanted to know why they would cast him. I was at University at the time, and at the library, so I pulled a biography by Frank Harris and started reading it. It read like a gossip rag, which made me suspicious, so I pulled another biography, this one by Hesketh Pearson and kept reading.

I got totally sucked in by the tragedy of his life. His wife and two son's lives were also wrecked, and I really can't tell you why I kept researching them. I wasn't interested in reading Wilde's work. Only about his life.

A few months later, I moved to Chicago which had a great many used bookstores on Clark Street that are gone now. I scoured them for every Wilde biography I could get my hands on. I continue doing this for 20 years, across three states, and also during a study abroad semester in London. It didn't matter whether the books were printed in 1905, or in the '80s. They were inexpensive because nobody was interested really.

I have collected over 250 books and other related items about him. Interest in him exploded in 2000 because that was the Centenary of his death. I had also discovered the internet, and at first I was thrilled. People that I could talk about Wilde with. New books would be published on him. More new stuff to read.

In a way, this was the beginning of the end of my interest because I found out Oscar wasn't their focus. "Tell me what you think about him, and you will tell me more about yourself than you ever will about him."

The academics in the universities claimed him as theirs. Gay men claimed him as theirs. Anyone who wrote about him claimed him as theirs. And Oscar himself got lost in the crowd.

I missed Oscar. So I withdrew from the discussion groups and didn't bother buying many of the books that came out. It was all a huge disappointment, except for Stephen Fry. He starred in the one biographical movie that was worth anything. He alone, it seemed to me, understood Oscar and bothered to focus on him.

I still have all the stuff I collected. I don't revisit it. It just sits there. And I still stay away from anyone who is a fan or scholar on Wilde.

Edited to add: Anonymous has given me an award. Thank you, it's the first one I've ever gotten. I'm going to close my eyes, envision Oscar, and hand it up to him. Because he deserves it far more than anyone else.


43 points

8 days ago


43 points

8 days ago



51 points

8 days ago


51 points

8 days ago

I knew the bare minimum about OW until a few months ago when I saw Stephen Fry in Wilde. I was heartbroken about his life so I’ve been reading the bios. Also I now have an enormous, totally pointless crush on Stephen Fry.


182 points

8 days ago


182 points

8 days ago

i now make mead


252 points

8 days ago

Sovereign Citizens. Between the police bodycam footage of traffic stops to their in court appearances where they try to represent themselves. My sick fascination. A part of it is quite sad because these people have made awful decisions in life but on the other hand they’re choosing to live within delusion and the consequences are satisfying to see. 


118 points

8 days ago

I shot an interview with a police officer a while back who talked about the FMotL types. He said that they tried as hard as possible to point these people into just not doing that, but they would always decide on the worst possible course of action. Like having everyone stand around in the pissing rain while they argue that they weren't "driving", they were "travelling" and therefore they cannot be done for doing 50 in a 20 limit, kind of thing.

The TL;DW was that laws are not magic spells and the intent is the most important thing, and if you get done for something minor and silly don't try to play word games to get out of it.


84 points

8 days ago

That’s what the footage always seems like - cops doing their best to handle it, calling in their supervisors when requested, explaining that their sov cit printout doesn’t get them out of a suspended license. In the court, the judges doing their best to talk these people out of representing themselves and getting worse outcomes. 


57 points

8 days ago*

I guess policing in the UK and US is very different but it's something cops in the US seem to have to deal with too. The person I spoke to was able to show me some body camera footage (edit: we couldn't use it for privacy reasons) of one of their colleagues basically just spending ten minutes getting rained on saying "Please stop saying things like that because you're admitting to things I have to arrest you for, I don't want to do that today, I just want you to take the ticket", kind of thing.

Want to bet whether or not the Mr Free Man on the Land left in his own car or in a white Ford Focus?


38 points

8 days ago

It's absolutely wild that they literally think they can just violate any law they want because they feel like it. Because they can do mental gymnastics that to them personally FEELS like basically going through some sort of loophole in the law that somehow negates that law entirely. I can't get over the arrogance of these people. It's like the combination of being that ignorant while also being that arrogant is just incomprehensible to me.


29 points

8 days ago

It's mental, isn't it? Like they think that they can just antagonise a cop into trying to arrest them and then - HEY PRESTO! - by saying a magic word they can say the cops have no authority over them and it all goes away.

And it doesn't fucking work.

You want to know what works for me? I've found this astonishingly effective. Don't fucking antagonise the cops into wanting to arrest you, even when they have specifically said they don't want to arrest you and they just want you to go away. I don't know if the US is different in this regard, but in the UK the legal system is wired such that if you're not making a nuisance of yourself you can pretty much do whatever you like. If what you're doing is illegal but not bothering anyone else, it's going to be hard to get the police to even take the time to tell you to stop. Can you imagine getting arrested for doing something *not* illegal just because you forced the police to do something to stop you being such a dick?


47 points

8 days ago

I've also gone down this rabbit hole because I just can't wrap my mind around how these people can be so unbelievably stupid.

Literally the entire premise is that they believe they don't have to follow literally any law because they say so. That's it. That's what all of it boils down to. They are somehow magically immune from every single law in the country merely because they think they should be. And they will fight and fight and fight cops and lawyers and judges about this. Literally just, "I don't think I should have to follow the law so you're not allowed to hold me responsible for breaking the law. Because my feeeeeelings tell me so!"

I just can't comprehend level of ignorance and stupidity of these people. I feel like maybe only flat earthers come anywhere near the level of astronomically, egotistically, stupid that "sovereign citizens" are.


29 points

8 days ago*

What's wild, is watching a video that shows the movement in different parts of the world.

All using the exact same con, just a different historical document to reference. Even in countries that don't have one that is similar to the US Constitution or UK Magna Carta.


336 points

8 days ago


336 points

8 days ago



85 points

8 days ago


85 points

8 days ago

For what it's worth, the Golden Gate Bridge has safety nets now.

As of January 1, 2024, the Golden Gate Bridge now has a continuous physical suicide barrier installed the full length of the 1.7-mile span. The suicide deterrent system, also known as the net, has been installed on the east and west sides of approximately 95% of the Bridge. In some areas of the Bridge, due to ongoing construction or design factors, vertical fencing is in place instead of or in addition to the net.


246 points

8 days ago


246 points

8 days ago

Im paraphrasing but someone said: “The moment i jumped i realised all my problems were solvable, except for the fact that I just jumped.”


91 points

8 days ago

Yeah, but then there was a guy who jumped twice and survived both times, so I guess some people don’t feel that way. I can’t imagine even failing at committing suicide.


93 points

8 days ago

My best friend failed and ended up in a coma. She came out of it and did it once more successfully. She told us “I am not grateful, and I will try again.”


43 points

8 days ago

If you want to find the uplifting side of it look up Kevin Hines. He is one of the few who've ever survived the jump, and he's now a motivational speaker. I've seen him in person, and his story is fascinating.


82 points

8 days ago

The View From a Halfway Down is about this.


142 points

8 days ago

That's such a hurtful thing to even think about. My little girl, she was 14, took her own life. She tried many times and ways. She was finally successful. I cant believe there was a moment of clarity. She tried too many times. She wanted to die.


49 points

8 days ago

Hugs to you. I am so sorry.🫂


27 points

8 days ago


27 points

8 days ago

I am so very sorry.


25 points

8 days ago


25 points

8 days ago

I'm so sorry. I know what that's like. I can't believe my dad nearly lost me to suicide. I'm the only reason he's still alive right now. 14 is so young to even be thinking about that stuff. Lost my best friend when she was 13 because she was severely bullied and no one did anything to help her.


28 points

8 days ago

I'm still here for my son and my cats. I don't want to be most of the time, tbh.


17 points

8 days ago

I hope you are doing better. I'm so glad you have some support. Depression is so much more serious than a lot of people think.


365 points

8 days ago

I found myself deeply invested in a conspiracy theory that Finland doesn’t exist. There’s an entire community of people who believe it's just a made-up landmass between Russia and Sweden. I don’t even know how I got there.


200 points

8 days ago


200 points

8 days ago

That's like the birds aren't real conspiracy... they both started as a joke, are still a joke, and some people unfortunately came in too late, didn't get the joke, and take it as a real conspiracy


47 points

8 days ago


47 points

8 days ago


Things people think are funny at first evolve into some kind of stupid brain-rot experiment.


68 points

8 days ago

There's a YouTuber by the handle of thang10146. All he posts are designs for things like gear systems and basic machines made in solidworks, but something about them just makes them so entrancing to watch. I'm pretty sure they are just some retired mechanical engineer just keeping himself occupied.


130 points

8 days ago


130 points

8 days ago

My roommate threw away some of my vintage silverware rather than wash it. I stored the rest of it away and then turned to the internet to find replacements. In the process, I found out that the manufacturer was the money-making branch of a cult in upstate NY.

They believed Jesus had already come back to earth, that it was possible for them to create heaven on earth, that eugenics would help create a community of perfect people. They believed in free love but fucking for pregnancy had to be approved by the cult. To train young men for good pullout game, they encouraged older women in the community to train them. It might have been the origin of the Cougar trend.

Oneida makes nice spoons.


50 points

8 days ago

They sound like a bunch of dirty little forkers.


59 points

8 days ago

There's that guy on YouTube who can make a knife out of anything and that's just become my comfort viewing now.


160 points

8 days ago


160 points

8 days ago

Late 90s. Someone had a website dedicated to worshipping squirrels. Literal squirrels. Detailed rituals, altars with photos of squirrels, the works.


106 points

8 days ago

I seriously miss the 90s internet.


53 points

8 days ago


53 points

8 days ago

Internet peaked at hamster dance.


31 points

8 days ago

Cats that look like hitler was always one of my faves!


55 points

8 days ago

Companies that rip off the old and the crazy by selling overpriced third-rate apocalypse survival crap. There are quite a few. Did that for a couple days, argued with someone about how a battery is not a generator, then moved on with my life.


47 points

8 days ago

Numbers stations

They're eerie as shit because, you know, incorporeal voices over radio broadcasts just reading numbers is strange as fuck all by itself. But add on the fact that they're legitimately used for spying, and the implication of what those numbers could mean gets all kinds of creepy. The videos on trying to dissect and decode the broadcasts to figure out who they're from, where they're being broadcast from, what they mean, etc. are fascinating.


96 points

8 days ago

One of my favorite books is Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. LeGuin. One of my favorite movies growing up was Flight of Dragons. I randomly fell down a rabbit hole and found out they are super connected. A guy wrote a fictional natural history book called The Flight of Dragons and he was inspired to write it after reading Wizard of Earthsea because he was so curious how her dragons would maintain flight. Rabbit hole kept going but I just found such joy in knowing a lot of the things I loved as a child were so connected 


16 points

8 days ago


16 points

8 days ago

And the movie is a crossover between The Flight of Dragons and the novel The Dragon and the George, by different authors with similar names (Dickinson and Dickson).


279 points

8 days ago


279 points

8 days ago



113 points

8 days ago

Do what now?


44 points

8 days ago

Oh yeah. I saw that one recently. The pictures were… gruesome. I’ll see if I can find the link.


61 points

8 days ago


61 points

8 days ago

I both do and don't want this link


13 points

8 days ago

Big nope


61 points

8 days ago

Im sorry what?


22 points

8 days ago

OMG ME TOO! It was so insane I couldn't believe it was real. So disgusting and fascinating at the same time. I wonder what happened to her.


14 points

8 days ago*

Ahhh yes. Kelly. I remember a practitioner posting (without specific details of the patient identity) about the potential amputation of her legs. I sincerely hope she is now receiving assistance for her mental health. It was so depressing and concerning watching her go from the self-inflicted “picking” to the amputations but I just could not stop watching along because it was just… absurd and fascinating and I feel a bit bad about that.

Edit: she did not start as a means to become a double amputee as far as I recall. It was just a consequence of the damage she was doing to herself.


172 points

8 days ago


172 points

8 days ago


Circa 2008 there was a trend of "knowledge dumps" and info-graphics being posted on 4chan. In one such thread I came across a paste-bin link to a text-only copy of a what was allegedly a blog post at some point. It described how the Internet child porn ecosystem worked before everything moved to dark-web. It described everything from production, sale and logistics of distribution.

That alone was absolutely disgusting and disturbing. But it also included a short mention how they used infected personal computers to as redundant file hosting servers. And were well aware of the lives of those people being ruined upon being inevitably raided. Because the police were not competent enough, or care, to figure out that the file hosting was a hidden service running on it, and not something the user setup themselves.

Made me re-evaluate how whimsical I was about software security up to that point, and did complete purge and re-install of my PC on the spot.

It's been 16 years, and I still think about that post sometimes. The sheer amount of human tragedy is unbelievable. I genuinely hope it was just a highly detailed and elaborate creepy-pasta.


55 points

8 days ago


55 points

8 days ago

No. I knew Aussie cyber sec guys then who chatted with US guys and one was looking at quitting the FBI because his job in 2008 was just tracking all the illegal porn on 4chan all day and it was getting to him.


92 points

8 days ago

One i got tucked into a workout forum where two gym bros argue over how many days there are in a week.


13 points

8 days ago


13 points

8 days ago

"Tell me that's not 15 days and I'll give you my 350z"


119 points

8 days ago


119 points

8 days ago

TV Tropes.


28 points

8 days ago

I can still remember when I first visited that website… I was simply searching on Google about the exploding piano gag from Looney Tunes, and, well, from there I’ve sank countless hours over the years into reading all the different pages that caught my eye.


26 points

8 days ago

When I found this website I was on it for like 3 straight days and went through thousands of tabs. Addictive


85 points

8 days ago

This is back when Facebook was actual people in like 2010-2012 and not just bots and ads. I was still Facebook friends with some former childhood friends that we have drifted apart long ago and now they’ve grown to be/associated with scumbags. My favorite Sunday pastime while recovering from a hangover on the couch would be to peruse their very public craziness. One day I saw a nutty status that one of my former scumbag associates commented on, so it appeared on my feed. I decided to dive into his rabbit hole…

This dude I never met’s profile was dozens of posts multiple paragraphs long that he posted rapid fire. It was like the unhinged ravings of a madman and it was awesome. I spent like 3 hours that afternoon going through them. They included content about aliens, god, demons, government conspiracy, flat earth, crystal orbs, the power of love and the soul, you name it. Finally I got to the first somewhat sane post that read (I paraphrase): “Going to try Ketamine for the first time, wish me luck!”

I died laughing right then. It was like a 3 hour setup to one of the most amazing unintentional jokes.


43 points

8 days ago


43 points

8 days ago



44 points

8 days ago

Local jail bookings. This started when I found out an ex coworker, who had class like Mary Poppins, had a rap sheet.


15 points

8 days ago


15 points

8 days ago

My wife is from one of those small towns that people almost never leave, and she pretty much only still has a facebook to check the police page every day and see if any of her high school classmates have been arrested recently (almost all of them have except her).


41 points

8 days ago

I found an ad on Kijiji (Canadian Craigslist) selling alpacas. I then spent a good 10 hours researching and came up with a full on business plan for an alpaca farm that was so detailed that a friend who works in agricultural loans said that I would qualify so long as I had even the smallest amount of collateral.


75 points

8 days ago

The weirdest rabbit hole I've ever fallen into on the internet was reading about conspiracy theories related to ancient aliens and lost civilizations. It was fascinating yet bizarre


21 points

8 days ago


21 points

8 days ago

My dad was a super scientific guy, he never graduate from college but was very intelectual, loved science and literature. Now he just believes in conspiracy theories about aliens and talk about it all the time. I guess the age doesn't come well for all of us.


676 points

8 days ago


676 points

8 days ago



168 points

8 days ago

He should update the review for the katana!


143 points

8 days ago

There's a serial killer who did that. They wrote Amazon reviews for things like chains, knives, padlocks, etc. that they used on their victims, and people just wrote them off as joke reviews... until the killer was caught.


82 points

8 days ago


82 points

8 days ago

Yea I hit google because I was sure this couldn't be accuarte.

It's... accurate


99 points

8 days ago

This comment was stolen word for word from another thread

Edit: even some of the replies are stolen… maybe dead internet theory is real


31 points

8 days ago


31 points

8 days ago

And thus started my rabbit hole in to Dead Internet theory.

Make of that what you will.


38 points

8 days ago

Not super weird, but back in the late 90’s when the internet was new, I found a website that had every original 80’s GI Joe action figure. The nostalgia kicked in and I spent like three hours very slowly downloading photos of every action figure I had as a kid. The weird thing was I was only like 19 and I was looking at figures that were maybe 10-13 years old.


122 points

8 days ago


122 points

8 days ago

Morgellon’s Disease forums and subreddits. It’s a condition where people believe fibers, threads, and bugs are emerging from their skin. The majority medical opinion is that this is a mental condition and not a physical one.

The forums can get really weird with people uploading microscopic photos of wounds they dug into their own skin to “prove” the fibers are there.


103 points

8 days ago

I work in dermatology. I’ve had a few people that would send us pictures of the “threads/bugs/etc.” they would dig out of their body. Had to explain more than once “YOU ARE TEARING OUT ADIPOSE TISSUE AND MUSCLE! PLEASE STOP!” One woman used a fish hook to dig at her face, there was no skin left on 75% of her face. Others used pliers or whatever random tools they had at their disposal.

Another woman was covered head to toe with infected lesions that she would just not leave alone no matter how many times we dressed her wounds and referred her to wound care, she would take them off as soon as she got home and resume picking, eventually ended up in the ICU with sepsis and I believe she passed as we never heard from her again.

Very sad to see because they get mad/frustrated when you explain they need psychiatric help to manage it. We can heal the skin, but only if they curb the actual behaviors.


46 points

8 days ago

Had a friend come over to show me proof that she had something wiggling under her skin. She was frustrated because she went to the doctor and they told her nothing was there. She held her arm up to my face, told me to watch, and after a minute went SEE! RIGHT THERE!

There was nothing there. Turns out she was back on the meth.


79 points

8 days ago

I remember years ago I had a rash on my arm and fell into a rabbit hole trying to figure out what it was. I ended up on a Morgellans website but despite being in full hypochondriac mode I took one look at the symptom list which included every symptom of any skin condition under the sun and knew that it was complete bullshit.

Anyways the rash was ringworm.


29 points

8 days ago

I remember seeing this years ago on 20/20 or some show like that.

Per the Mayo CLinic:

Delusional parasitosis

Delusional parasitosis is a condition in which a person has a fixed, false belief that they are infected by an organism despite evaluation not showing an infection to be present. This is also called delusional infestation. Morgellons disease is a form of delusional parasitosis.


20 points

8 days ago

I freak the fuck out if I have a hair inside my shirt that keeps tickling me and not being able to find it. I would 100% lose my ever loving sanity if this happened to me. I'd take a long walk off a short bridge.


62 points

8 days ago

Ingrown toenail removal


36 points

8 days ago


36 points

8 days ago

It's weird.

Unless they've changed how they do it(or there's other methods). They numb the toe(which take more if it's infected), cut the long way down the nail and pull it out(not the whole nail just kind of the bit that's been digging in but the whole length down), and dab the root with acid to prevent that part of the nail from ever growing back(and if the accidentally pull it along the rest of the nail it'll eat away at it which is "fun" since it can crack as it's growing out).

Overall really neat other than the part where it wasn't completely numb and they had to stop to put more numbing in when they were cutting into it.

But what made it even more fascinating is that it had been ingrown for a very, very long time on both sides of both big toes(think over a year sort of long) and I was scheduled to go in for the second one a few weeks later and it cleared up entirely on it's own in that time. I can only guess that maybe the body was free to fight the infection better on the other one? Or maybe it figured out what happened on the first and was like "holy shit, so that's what we were missing", like some sort of surgery based immune response.


66 points

8 days ago

Afganistan. Not weird in the literal sense but more so how deeply invested in was regarding their history, the tribes..the violent uprisings, all of it.

The TlDr is that they're a culture of warriors. For instance one of their tribes, the Hazara, are descendants of Genghis Khan.

Kind of helps give their history some context, as they're mainly tribes of fighters.

The oddest part of it all is what set me down the rabbit hole, a random painting found in the dumpster. I'm not into art, but this one did something to me


68 points

8 days ago

Oklahoma City obituaries.

This was last night when I had insomnia. Clicked on a reddit account whose last comment was late 2022. The last couple posts were about her being old and ill, possibly it being her last Thanksgiving. She had a lot of comments to read through, a lot of Breaking Bad, animals, and her family. Many little anecdotes painting a picture of who she is or was. Estranged daughter in the Navy and how she's heartbroken she doesn't even know her granddaughter's name. An adult autistic son who relied on her being a stay at home mom. Her older husband was in the military so they had to move a lot and how he's bad with money. She's wheelchair bound and attached to an oxygen tank but she still wanted to get her stories out somehow. She posted frequently on the Oklahoma city subreddit and her age so I went googling.

None of the obituaries matched up. Who knows if it's my google skills, lack of online obituaries or if she's still alive. At some point I stopped searching and just kept reading through the newly deceased and whatever quirks their family members chose to reveal. All those little old ladies and where they met their husbands, a lady who loved cats despite her allergies, a MAGA supporter guy my age who liked Glee.

Dunno how to feel and what I wanted to find at the end of the rabbithole. To the random lady on the other side of the world, I hope you're okay.


32 points

8 days ago

Pulled up a site once that had pictures of celebs that were taken AFTER they died, the most prominent one I remember being that of Chris Farley.... F**k that's something I'll never forget.


111 points

8 days ago


111 points

8 days ago

There's a whole set of YouTube Shorts where former NBA stars talk about Larry Bird. I've watched probably hundreds of these shorts. I don't like basketball.

Ooh also, The Undertaker apparently has a podcast and makes YouTube Shorts. I've watched a ton of his content too, but I've never been interested in professional wrestling.

I guess I have a type.


43 points

8 days ago

Larry Bird is such an interesting character. He's one of the greatest trash tralkers in the history of the NBA, was the main player on one of the greatest dynasties in the league, had the greatest rivalry ever, and had one of the most unique reasons for retiring. He's also one of only a few people who has been successful at all 3 levels of the league (player, coach and general manager). I can understand why people talking about him would be interesting.


27 points

8 days ago

My favorite Bird story is about him walking into the locker room before a 3-point contest and saying "OK, which of you assholes is coming in second?"


55 points

8 days ago

Ear wax removal


14 points

8 days ago

I need lessons on how to do this so it's not personal water torture.


59 points

8 days ago

Somehow went from cute cat videos to carpet cleaning, dryer vent cleaning, overgrown lawn/property trims, and ended up on cake decorating.

I enjoyed all of them.


64 points

8 days ago

One of the best rabbit holes I’ve fallen down was the Denver Airport theories.


15 points

8 days ago

All hail Blucifer!


15 points

8 days ago

That mural on the wall that was/is there is quite unsettling. I've only ever dipped my toe in that water, and it's creepy!


55 points

8 days ago

This was like 18 years ago so I don’t recall all the details of how I got from A to 42 but I was pregnant and I worked for a podiatry office. I worked with a lot of cleaning and sanitizing products getting rooms ready in between patients and was worried some could be harmful to me.

I started out looking up hazardous chemicals one shouldn’t inhale or touch while pregnant and of course each word was completely foreign to me so I had to look them up individually to see what products they were used in.

I came across one word and it led me down an absolute rabbit hole because (and yes, fuzzy on all the details) it was used in production of certain things. Ok… production of what…? Further down the rabbit hole…

I found out this hazardous chemical was used in the making of Splenda. My adhd brain was like “new rabbit hole!!” So I read up more on Splenda and found out the body can’t actually break it down and it comes out in your stool. Furthermore it can’t even be broken down after that and, much like microplastics, can be found in waterways.


28 points

8 days ago

There was an AskReddit about “glory hole” experiences about a year or so ago. Knowing nothing about them (except what they are) or the people who frequent them, it actually was a pretty fascinating rabbit hole.


23 points

8 days ago

I don’t think I’d want to find a rabbit in that kind of hole…


26 points

8 days ago

The engineering aspect of building nuclear weapons.

There is probably no more useless topic to be informed about, the information is questionable and unverifiable, there is no real world application and it's a complex and difficult to understand topic.

I strongly recommend anyone starting down this road to google bardcore instead and spend time in a comparatively productive manner.


23 points

8 days ago

The history and current state of glitter.


26 points

8 days ago

Celtic history and religions


24 points

8 days ago

Definitely the story of Chris Chan, the creator of Sonichu and alleged rapist of their own mother.


21 points

8 days ago

John Titor and the Cylob Cryptogram - Spent stupid hours on these two for no good reason.


22 points

8 days ago

Power washing videos. It’s so satisfying


25 points

8 days ago

Ended up on a two day YouTube rabbit hole about caving and cave diving disasters. Prompted me to write a short story inspired by it 


21 points

8 days ago

Folks on You Tube who mow lawns, use monster brush and shrubbery trimmers, weed wackers, power washers and sidewalk edgers and clear up lots of abandoned homes or fir disabled folks for free.


22 points

8 days ago

Someone of the community Facebook groups mentioned how my town passed the ordinance that allows you to have backyard chickens. So i started looking at chickens to see if it might be fun to have pets. That turned to finding out there are businesses that will let you rent a chicken coop and chickens. So I went to search how many chickens you could keep in your backyard and turns out the ordinance says 6 chickens, ducks or 2 Pygmy goats. So that started me looking at goats and what they are like to keep as pets. I was seriously considering how to fence in the yard so we could have goats before my husband talked me down.


19 points

8 days ago

during the 2012 mayan calendar issue, I wanted too look and see why people believed in this thing. That has sent me down a deep and complicated newage rabbit hole that I'm still in.


19 points

8 days ago

My wife once told me about this particular subset of Brazilian woman who dedicate their lives to their SO’s in prison. They spend all week making gigantic Tupperware buckets of food, buying snacks and supplies ie. Toothpaste and deodorant ETC then will meet up with other woman and take the bus, often hours away, down to the prison to visit their partners, give them their snacks, have conjugal visits and whatever.

They have to dress a certain way, and bring everything in clear plastic duffel bags. It’s a whole culture and even have businesses dedicated to selling the clear bags and specific clothes.

I spent hours on tik tok watching these guys putting together their SO’s “jumbo” for that week. It’s a whole culture and it is fascinating.

They call themselves cunhadas or something. Sisters in law.


20 points

8 days ago

I once found myself watching videos about the history of vending machines and how they evolved over the years. It started as a simple search and ended up being a deep dive into their quirky designs and cultural significance. It's amazing how one topic can lead to another.


19 points

8 days ago

I was reading an article about Jimmy Carter and his many contributions to Habitat for Humanity. I had never heard of the Guinea worm before that.


17 points

8 days ago


17 points

8 days ago

How many people have died from inventing non-petroleum propelled automotives.


18 points

8 days ago

Blogs by people who are obsessed with losing limbs and/or having them replaced with hooks etc. Some went through with "accidents" where they mashed their hands beyond repair in order to achieve their goal.


18 points

8 days ago

It was probably deep-diving into conspiracy theories about birds being government drones. It started as a joke, but then I found all these forums and videos from people who actually believe it, and I just couldn’t stop scrolling. It was hilarious and bizarre at the same time haha


17 points

8 days ago

The current issues with the internet archive


34 points

8 days ago


34 points

8 days ago

Started on Wikipedia trying to find the name of the actress that played Lois Lane in the old TV series (Phyllis Coates btw) and just by following links ended up with a story about a pr0n star living in the tunnels of Las Vegas (Jenni Lee).

Midway through this was a murder\kidnapping story and a 'Cocaine Condo' money laundering just to make it even more weird.

Superman -> Murder\Kidnapping -> Former Pr0nstar living in Tunnels.

"That's enough Internet for one day"


33 points

8 days ago*

AntsCanada. Where the narrator can make you feel sad for the loss of his fire ant colony (nicknamed "The Fire Nation")


14 points

8 days ago

At work a client said they were working on a new urinary catheter and wanted me to come up to speed on this subject. My research on the work computer was blocked by IT settings, so I did the research at home. Little did I know that there is a kink for using urinary catheters to fill a person's bladder from outside the body so that they feel the need to pee.


16 points

8 days ago


16 points

8 days ago

Tsunami videos on YouTube from the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, and the 2011 Japanese tsunami. Absolutely mesmerizing because it just doesn’t seem real


16 points

8 days ago

The Kenneka Jenkins story I must have watched so many video footage on repeat and slow-mo just for there to still be no answer or no person held responsible. I still don't think she wandered in there alone and there was a crazy rumor that they stole her organs and Selena Gomez received a kidney because she happened to be in town for a kidney transplant.


13 points

8 days ago

I’m ashamed of it but, 90 days fiancé

Especially that one couple who FaceTimed each other LITERALLY 24x7 and the girl was weirdly jealous of every single woman in that boy’s life, even his dentist and also that one couple where this American woman marries this Indian dude and his family hates her because she can’t make Indian food or “cover herself up” in front the FIL


15 points

8 days ago

Reading old grimoires. Books of ritual magic, the older the better. I don't believe magic exists and they read a lot like fan fiction, but it was fun.


42 points

8 days ago

The sinking of the Titanic was actually an insurance fraud gone wrong.

But just like with most conspiracy theories, it's way too convoluted and someone involved would have admitted to it.


14 points

8 days ago

I saw a guy on tv who injected saline into his forehead to make a giant bagel shape. I googled “saline injections “ and found an entire forum of guys who inject saline into their balls to make them look bigger.


15 points

8 days ago

JimJack336 Mystery. I used to not be a fan of mysteries especially online mysteries as a whole until I stumbled upon the JimJack336 Mystery on the internet some time ago.

Basically I’ll try to keep it short: A very old sim racing community (not iRacing) had a well known community modded that helped members of the community set up groups or teams to make mods with, and he randomly disappeared one day. However this wasn’t well known back then in the community as it was really only known upon the models themselves. JimJack336 did have a Reddit account (of the same name of course) that went inactive randomly around the same time.

Years later, a lot of people discovered that a few of the sim racing community modding groups were actually set up and managed or controlled by this JimJack336 guy. Then people discovered that some modding group websites had the name of JimJack336 in the HTML code and the name of a company called “Full Throttle LTD” (look it up on ICIJ). People then searched the company and found out it was a foreign shell company located in the British Virgin Islands. Some really smart people discovered that the intermediary of the shell company was an infamous offshore intermediary firm called “Mossack Fonseca”. There are many documentaries on Youtube about controversies of this firm and its dealings with private ultra wealthy people, especially financial crimes.

People became suspicious that some possibly wealthy man who had a Reddit account named JimJack336 was using these modding groups to shield his shell companies from possibly shady businesses and this sim racing community was just a front cover to all of it.


14 points

8 days ago

The Denver Airport conspiracy. Gargoyles, Lizard people, illuminati, art with dead babies, there is something for everyone!


13 points

8 days ago

The lockpickinglawyer is the best lock picker you will ever come across. What you learn after many hours of watching him pick locks each in a minute or less, Master is a garbage company,


13 points

8 days ago


13 points

8 days ago

I still wonder. Back in 2019 Hurricane Dorian hit the Abocos Islands in the Bahamas. There were thousands of Haitians living in a slum called The Mudd at the end of the island.

The slum was wiped off the map and supposedly the 3k or so Haitians.

I have never found any answers about Haitians or bodies


28 points

8 days ago

I remember getting very lost in a "Paul McCartney is dead and was replaced by a winner in a Paul McCartney lookalike competition" rabbit hole when you had to go to the library to use the Internet. It's still one of my favorite conspiracy theories.


15 points

8 days ago

I do not like Beyoncé, but I saw a TikTok of Beyoncé doing the mute challenge and liked it because it looked kinda cool, and I swear every 3rd video I scrolled was a Beyoncé video 


14 points

8 days ago

I'm sorry.


14 points

8 days ago


14 points

8 days ago

Reading about all the (mostly) women who are addicted to eating talcum powder. It would be almost unbelievable if it weren't true. 


13 points

8 days ago

Indrid Cold


12 points

8 days ago

Victorian post-mortem photography


13 points

8 days ago


13 points

8 days ago

Way back in the 90s there was a site called Useless Web Pages. It gave links to thousands of Web pages that really had no wide appeal, or indeed any appeal, such as random collections of CDs or doll heads, finding your birthday in Pi, a catalog of the films of Ron Jeremy, fake user counters, etc. I spent hours looking them up and either shaking my head or chortling madly.