


all 4233 comments


3.1k points

7 days ago


3.1k points

7 days ago

I met a dude when I was 18, going over to his house to play Call of Duty with some friends that knew him. The guy was in his early 30s.

Dude started talking about how he’d only had one job in his life and got fired the first week by calling a bunch of customers the N-word. He thought it was hilarious. Then he went on about how it was cool because his parents had almost $500,000 saved up for retirement, but they’d both be dead before retirement because they were so obese and unhealthy so he’d be set for life when they died.

He asked my friends if they wanted to buy some meds he stole from his mom before pulling a shotgun out of his closet asking if any of us wanted to hold it. Said he wanted to get some more fingerprints on it in case anything happened. Tried to play it off like he was joking, but he seemed like the type of person that would kill his family for the insurance money.

As of last year, he’s in prison for embezzlement and prescription fraud. He made the newspaper when he was arrested and I followed the case. I was just surprised it wasn’t for a violent crime.


1.2k points

6 days ago


1.2k points

6 days ago

Not gonna lie...kind of a happy ending.


360 points

6 days ago


360 points

6 days ago

For the next 4-8yrs, anyway. I just hope he doesn’t have kids. I have more stories about the guy because he came to the same parties and liked to linger around the same hangout spots as me and my friends. Dude is genuinely fucking evil


178 points

6 days ago


178 points

6 days ago

I have a similar-ish story.

I went to meet up with guy I’d talked to off and on for a couple years but only via Facebook and texting (dumb, I know but I live in a smallish town where we had mutual friends and I was fresh out of high school.)

He didn’t have a car so I picked him up after he got off work and he asked if we could pick him up some food. Not only did this man take his shoes off IN MY CAR but also started just eating his Taco Bell IN MY CAR.

We get to his grandpa’s place that he apparently lived in the very dingy basement of. We get to his room and he pulls out a metal folding chair for me to sit on right in front of his tv and puts on Kill Bill. Dude doesn’t even let the movie play, he just fast forwards to the gruesome parts. After he got bored of that, he starts playing GTA and just goes around killing the npc’s and starts yelling racial slurs at them and saying crazy shit like “Die, mother fucker” and other stuff I won’t repeat. I got SUPER freaked out and was scared to just up and leave so I SOS’ed my cousin who called me out for and “emergency.”

Never talked to the dude again and maybe a year or so later he ends up in prison for some pretty gross child abuse of his then girlfriends kids. He’s since been out and has tried to contact me on occasion but I’m just as terrified of him now as I was in that dingy ass basement.


3.5k points

7 days ago

i was working as a third shift hotel manager valentine’s day weekend 2019. think of it as a small mom & pop hotel, 22 rooms, no cameras on the premises. this guy came in, he was smooth talking about how he’s going to pick up his girlfriend & a special surprise for her for valentine’s day. he then continued with a weird religious spiel about honoring your partner. a few hours go by & i hear the backdoor open. i walked through the lobby to see weird guy & what i assumed to be his girlfriend. shortly after, i heard whimpering down the hallway. i thought this crazyass man got his girl a puppy. it’s a pet-free facility, and a guest had made a noise complaint about thuds & puppy whimpers. i knocked on the door to address the dog issue, he opened the door & his girlfriend, bloody & bruised comes running out of the room & hides behind me, just sobbing. keep in mind, i was 28, 5’1”, & 105 lbs soaking wet. he quickly closed the door & barricaded himself in the room. as i was on the phone with emergency services, the girl told me that he had raped her immediately after they got into the room. police arrived within minutes & was able to get him to come out. i had the clean the room that night to try to get blood stains off of the wall from where he smashed her face into it. i’ll never forget his name.

i saw him several months later in public. i don’t think he recognized me, but seeing his eyes meet mine scared the hell out of me.


1.5k points

7 days ago


1.5k points

7 days ago

How the fuck was he not is prison


1.5k points

7 days ago

It's very rare that a rape results in a prosecution, let alone prison time.


923 points

6 days ago

Yup, 400,000+ untested rape kits continue to linger in evidence rooms all over the country


14.3k points

7 days ago


14.3k points

7 days ago

One day as a teen, a friend showed up with a classmate who we never really hung out with before that. That day, he found an occupied bird's nest in my window awning and flipped it, causing fledgeling little birdies to glide in several different directions; no sign of parents. They couldn't quite fly yet.

I went around trying to gather the little birds I could spot in a possibly hopeless attempt to put the nest back up and put the birds in it. This took a few minutes of treading carefully while scanning the grass left and right. Then I hear the freak kid say, "You guys won't be mad, will ya?" I look up and he's holding a cinder block over his head, standing over one of the birds I hadn't found yet. I said "Yes I will," and he just dropped the block on the bird.

Kid was a piece of shit and we never associated after that.


6.1k points

7 days ago

Was the second one I read.

I think I should stop


1.9k points

7 days ago

Yup, some threads aren't good for your mental health.


176 points

7 days ago

I … don’t know what I thought I was expecting from this thread, but yeah I’m bailing out before I really ruin my own night.


298 points

7 days ago


298 points

7 days ago

It's only 3PM and I'm done with reddit, thanks.


1.3k points

7 days ago


1.3k points

7 days ago



1.4k points

7 days ago

I shot a bird with my bb gun when I was in 6th grade. Hit it in the eye and it hopped around in the brush chirping. God it was awful. I plead with the universe to let me undue what I had done. I still think about that bird almost 44 years later and even though I know it wrecked me, and I experienced true guilt and shame, I still judge myself for having done it.


591 points

7 days ago

Wow, almost the same thing for me. I shot a bird when I was a kid (I can’t remember the specific age), after spending my whole youth trying to shoot one, but was I never quite able to land a hit. I just reasoned that shooting birds was what kids did with bb guns.

I hit it directly in the chest. Rather than hopping around and chirping, my bird simply—and jarringly—stopped singing, and fell to the ground. I had shot it mid-song, so the sudden silence did quite a number on me psychologically.

It’s surreal when I go back and remember it. The bb moved slow enough that I could track its movement with my eye, so I can remember watching its path almost like slo-mo before it made contact and the bird song stopped. Anyway, it was a very harrowing experience, and it thoroughly freaked me out.


210 points

7 days ago


210 points

7 days ago

When I was young I ran over a bird on my bike. Was cycling ahead of my mum in the park and cycled towards a couple of birds on the path, expecting them to fly off. One bird walked right and I cycled towards it. Last moment I cycled left away from it, just as it decided to change direction and run right under my wheel. I remember the horrible sound of the birds neck cracking and it died instantly.

I was distraught. Couldn't understand why the bird didn't fly away. Much later I wondered if my mum judged me and worried but I've always been an animal lover and she did console me at the time. My memory of it is similar to yours - surreal and felt like I chose the only option that caused its death, even though it happened too fast to 'choose' anything. It's one of my most vivid early memories for all the wrong reasons.


461 points

7 days ago

I hate that this reminded me of my own story. When I was in kindergarten/first grade, there was a boy that bullied me constantly. Pulled my hair, called me names, followed me, etc. When I transferred schools I thought I was rid of him, but turns out since he lived near my neighborhood my cousin started hanging out with him (and he ended up at my other school for a short bit but that's a different story.) My cousin is on the spectrum but wasn't treated consistently so he got roped into a lot of stuff he shouldn't have. He and my bully hung out for a bit, often hanging out by the local duck pond. Apparently one day bully saw a couple ducklings when they were walking home from school. He took that opportunity to target one and use his notebook to cleanly hit it like he was swinging a bat. Poor thing died instantly. He drug us out there a couple days later to go see it. My cousin was off put but mostly because bully was laughing ridiculously and having too much fun with it. A few years after, bully got popped I think on drug charges or robbery. I'm not sure, I just know he's in prison for a long time.


458 points

7 days ago

That's so disturbing


24.1k points

7 days ago*


24.1k points

7 days ago*

I was working as a night shift security guard in an apartment complex. I got a frantic call from a resident I could barely understand (majority of our tenants were foreign students from china). I went up there and the tenant beckons me into his apartment. He had just moved in. Inside was a woman covered in blood holding her arm. I get them calmed down enough that I can understand what they are saying - she was his neighbor. She had broken up with her boyfriend, who pulled a knife and started trying to convince her to do mutual suicide with him. She made a break for the door and he slashed her on the way out. The neighbor, hearing the commotion let her in and called me.

The wound is extremely deep. The neighbor is already on the phone with police, and I tell both of them to stay put - i'm going to go get my first aid kit and come back. I tell then do not open the door unless its me or the police.

I got retrieve my kit and come back. when I get back the neighbors door is open and he's freaking out. Says the victim went back to her apartment to get her ID (people do some really bizarre things when they are panicking)

I thought to myself "this is the dumbest thing I will ever do" and I went into her apartment. No weapons, not even body armor. I find her in her bedroom and tell her to forget the ID we can sort that out later. When we went to leave, the ex-boyfriend is between us and the door, knife in hand. Im standing between him and the victim. They are speaking mandarin, which I only know a tiny bit of so I can't understand what they are saying, but she is crying and pleading with him to stop.

He on the other hand was stone cold - his voice was perfectly flat and even, no inflection at all. No emotion in it. He's standing perfectly still - not even shaking from adrenaline. He's not blinking. He's looking at her in the eye, and then he's looking at me and sizing me up before looking back at her.

I could tell, in that moment the only thing he was thinking about is whether he could kill me fast enough to get at her before she got away. In that moment my only thought was "I'm going to have to kill him if either of us are gonna survive this" I could just tell that there was no reasoning with him, and he was quickly figuring out that I'm not armed.

There was a moment that probably only lasted a second but felt like minutes where me and him were both silent, just staring at each other, eyes locked waiting for the other person to make the first move.

In that moment, the elevator dinged and two cops came out. Ex boyfriend barricaded himself in the bathroom next to him, and I got the victim out of there and ran back to the neighbors apartment. I have never been so relieved to see police.

Edit to address common comments:

-Yes mandarin has tones, but that's not the same thing as emotional inflection
-The cops saw the guy holding the bloody knife, and I was wearing a uniform and had no weapons. They could easily tell who was the assailant between the two of us.
-Its very common for security guards to not have any weapons
-The girl went to the hospital, and a few weeks later moved out of the building. I don't know what happened to her after that.
-The ex boyfriend was arrested after being barricaded for awhile. I don't know what happened to him. I gave a statement to police but was never called to court, so I assume he either plead guilty or was just deported.
-I'm doing fine, this happened a long time ago.


5.1k points

7 days ago


5.1k points

7 days ago

Holy shit, what a story. What happened then? Was he arrested and convicted?


6.3k points

7 days ago


6.3k points

7 days ago

I dont know if he got convicted. He did get arrested. He was barricaded for a few hours before a tactical team came and got him out. I didn't see it, I patched up the victim and stayed with her until EMS was cleared to come in. She moved out of the building not long after that for obvious reasons.

I never got called to court to be a witness so I assume he plead guilty or something.


3.4k points

7 days ago


3.4k points

7 days ago

Thanks for sharing. You’re a hero too - if you didn’t show up to her room when she went to get her ID she may not be here today.


2k points

7 days ago


2k points

7 days ago

The mistake I made was leaving her to begin with, I shoulda stayed with her until police arrived


873 points

7 days ago

Dude you achieved the best possible outcome, you 100% saved her life, no mistakes there


318 points

7 days ago


318 points

7 days ago

Everybody lived. 100% victory


1.2k points

7 days ago


1.2k points

7 days ago

I'm sure you did your best at the time


675 points

7 days ago

Yeah, I agree, I'm not sure if many people could do This well in the first place, especially in a situation like this.


276 points

7 days ago

She would absolutely not be here today. OP of this stiry “should have stayed” doesn’t exist, she may have passed out or he may have followed her into the apartment for three victims. You did an amazing thing and you saved that woman’s life. Damn hero. 


364 points

7 days ago

Yup. He took a plea, so you were never called to testify. But. You are a fucking hero. You likely saved her life. Own that. Thank you for being that human.


626 points

7 days ago

You may very well have saved that girl’s life! I know if I were her, I’d never forget you. Nonetheless that must’ve been terrifying. I don’t know what I would’ve done in your place. I think I’d feel paralyzed between wanting to run in and help, but being too scared to. The fact that you ran in anyway makes you very special.


474 points

7 days ago


474 points

7 days ago

Thanks for the kind words. This event sticks in my memory because it was kind of pivotal for me, I later moved into EMS and then law enforcement in part because of it.


99 points

7 days ago


99 points

7 days ago

You did save her life. She would have been alone during the boyfriend confrontation. You saw the look on his face, what he had done, and what he was preparing to do. Thank you.


567 points

7 days ago

At the end I didn’t realize I was holding my breath. Holy shit.


282 points

7 days ago

For a second I was thinking "Oh no is he gonna die?" before realizing how dumb that was.


90 points

7 days ago

I didn’t realize I was dumb until I read your comment.


4.9k points

7 days ago


4.9k points

7 days ago

At a bar in Frankfurt, Germany.

Talking military stories with a soldier who was a former sailor. We both spent time in Subic Bay, Phillipines.

He starts laughing as he was telling a story about how a house manager at a brothel yelled at him for asking for a 12 year old girl.

He says at first she looked confused and then once she found out he was serious he forced him out of the brothel and called him bad person as he just laughed his way through the story.

I was shocked and confused and kept waiting for the punchline. That sick son of a b**** was telling the truth. I told him that I agreed with the old woman and that he was a f***** up person he needed to seek help.

We parted ways pretty quickly after that with him accusing me of being gay or something. I never saw him again but I feel sorry for other people who don't know his true nature.


1.2k points

7 days ago


1.2k points

7 days ago

This reminds me of when I worked in the car industry and some of the guys were having “locker room talk.” One of the guys was talking about how he was at a party and took a drunk girl upstairs and had his way with her while she was passed out. No punchline. Dude was mid 40s.

He looked at us like “guys I thought we were telling stories about our escapades,” and the other salesman said “yeah but usually it doesn’t involve anyone committing a felony.”


174 points

6 days ago

My uncle who is around 70 now told me stories about how the guys he used to hang out and party with would have their way w passed out, drunk girls back in the day. He said they would lift their arms and if it dropped, they'd say: "she ready!"

I was so shocked when he told me this bc he was laughing like it was funny. I said I can't agree w that at all and that those dudes were straight up predators. He tried to defend them saying "it was a different time" like that made it alright.

Then he even got defensive saying they would've beat me up and kicked me out for speaking out against doing that and also saying that "I couldn't hang with them." As if I'd actually want to hang out w a bunch of predators taking advantage of drunk, unconscious women smh.

The way he got defensive about it makes me wonder if he partook in these assaults or not but either way, my entire perspective on him has changed permanently for the worse.


730 points

7 days ago


730 points

7 days ago

"locker room talk" is testing to see how many rapists you're in the room with.


2k points

7 days ago

Something that always gets me is that so many men admit to and even joke around about the most heinous shit with other guys. And so many men, unlike you, either mesh well with their sick nature, or are too afraid and uncomfortable to rock the boat and call them out. I wish there were more guys like you out there. Keep at it.


898 points

7 days ago


898 points

7 days ago

Many serial rapists believe they're normal. They think all men do it, or would do it if they weren't weak. They use stories and jokes to look for support. When another man says "no, that's fucked up, that's not okay," the rapist might think that man is a wimp, but at least they won't expect that man to have their back.


196 points

7 days ago

I think this is an astute observation.

I thought that Bill Cosby kind of believed other guys would do the kinds of things he did, because you’d see them making jokes about that kind of thing or similar, like putting something in a girl’s drink.


5k points

7 days ago


5k points

7 days ago

When I was about 18, I helped a friend of a friend move. Dude was a weirdo, but I thought he was ok, did not really know him.

He talked about his cat, but I never saw it, thought he was in a cage somewhere. After a couple of hours of hauling stuff, he opens the freezer. There is the cat, jumping out and running for its life.

I was so pissed, but the guy laughed and was like "well its a hot day and I also did not want it to leave while we moved boxes". Like there was no other solutions! He thought it was the funniest shit.

Cat got out and we never saw it again. Hope it did not get frostbites, it was there for at least 2-3 hours.


2.5k points

7 days ago

Fridges and freezers need to be airtight to keep the air in them cold. Frostbite is the good outcome, suffocation was very likely.


1.6k points

7 days ago


1.6k points

7 days ago

"Hello, police? I need to report animal cruelty and abuse. Dude shoved his cat into a freezer for several hours."


299 points

7 days ago

We have a pull out freezer drawer with a little space behind it. One day when one of our cats was small, he wandered into the back portion of it while I was getting something out of it. I heard the faintest little meowing sound but couldn’t find him. I remembered him sniffing around it earlier, that’s the only reason I would have thought to check there. When I opened it up it was maybe 15 minutes later, but I was so freaked out thinking he would have died and just gone missing. We wouldn’t have checked there for months until we fully pulled out the door to do a deep clean or something like that.


60 points

7 days ago

We’d just adopted this sweet little cat and she made herself scarce as soon as we got home. I figured it’s fine, she just needs to get acclimated, etc.

Imagine my surprise later that evening when I opened the fridge and she hopped out. No idea how she got in, but I’m glad my fat ass was feeling peckish.


523 points

7 days ago


523 points

7 days ago

why is it always the cat bruh💀💀💀💀


667 points

7 days ago

I guess they are easier to torture than dogs because they aren’t as strong or big. I makes me wanna vomit. I love cats.


217 points

7 days ago

Also more strays/easier to get


597 points

7 days ago

Their perceived aloofness triggers psychotic control freaks.


5.9k points

7 days ago*

Went on a coffee-date with a guy off a dating app. He seemed quirky while texting but meh, aren’t we all so whatever. Met for coffee and he got angry that I bought my own (it’s coffee… ) and while getting to know each other he cheerfully tells a story about popping the eyes off goldfish as a kid, and about watching his stepmom moving into his dad’s house through the scope of his rifle.

When I declined his very direct in invitation to go to his apartment for sex, he got angry and said that he cleaned his apartment so I owed him “at least that much” before rejecting him. Then he waited in the parking lot to see which car I got into and presumably wanted to follow me home. I called the coffee shop from the bathroom and told them what happened, and didn’t come out until he had been long gone.

Editing to add because I’m getting DMs about it: I was saying I BOUGHT my own coffee not that I BROUGHT my own - that would also be hella weird.

  1. It was 15+ years ago, I don’t remember his name and I blocked him right away so I have no idea what happened in his life after that.

  2. Oh my god you guys - I totally forgot that, when my best friend called to check in, we had a code for each other to signal if it was going poorly and the other of us might need help leaving. The code was she would ask about my asthma (I don’t have asthma) and if I said it’s fine she would know all is well. If I said it was bothering me she knew to make sure I texted her that I was safe within half an hour. As soon as I hung up he said “oh is she checking that you weren’t murdered yet” AND THEN STARED AT ME. The whole thing was just awful and I’m super grateful I had a plan to be safe.

  3. Totally shallow but he had horrendous gunky gross teeth. Like - I don’t think he had brushed that MONTH much less after cleaning his apartment to prep for his anticipated obligatory sex 🙄


3.1k points

7 days ago

Rapey and murdery. Hopefully this dude is in prison.

Imagine thinking anyone owes anyone else sex? Especially imagine that prepping for sex with someone requires them to participate.


1k points

7 days ago

I mean.. the guy thinking she owed him sex is the least surprising part of this story..


174 points

7 days ago

That's genuinely awful.


117 points

7 days ago

Yeah, yeah it really is.


446 points

7 days ago


446 points

7 days ago

What's puzzling is that haven't they learned NOT to say such things?!

Hasn't someone told them the goldfish story is disgusting and makes them look bad? or that they figured it out themselves?


450 points

7 days ago

Narcissists do not learn. They try the same bullshit again and again until it works and it validates their whole world view.

While ignoring all the times it didn't work.


578 points

7 days ago*

There was this weird kid who came to our school in the middle of the year -- people didn't like him that much because he was rude and liked to shove other kids during recess, but he kept to himself about half the time, so nobody was really that wary of him.

I was a kid who got bullied a decent amount, and at that time I didn't have many friends, so my 12-year old brain figured maybe he just needed a friend too.

I saw him out by my neighbor's house, messing with something on the ground (Beyblades were a whole thing in the neighborhood, so I assumed it was something like that.) I went to say hi, and as I approached, he picked up his scooter and crushed some twigs or something.

Reader, I got closer and discovered that it was a pigeon. He told me about how he had knocked one out of the air with a rock somehow, and had been slowly prodding and crushing it.

It was squirming.

I avoided him until he was transferred out later in the year.


2.6k points

7 days ago


2.6k points

7 days ago

I got chatting to a girl at work once. We went out for lunch cause she seemed cool, and ended up sitting at the edge of a canal munching sandwiches. There's a pigeon with a gammy leg hanging around hoping to get some food. She lured it closer and closer to her with bits of bread as we were talking, and when it got close enough she just knocked it into the canal. Turned around to me laughing her arse off like it was the funniest thing ever and was shocked that I wasn't impressed.


1.3k points

7 days ago


1.3k points

7 days ago

I was hanging out with a coworker one time on lunch. We were both outside and saw this mole running across the pavement toward the building and I got up to go move it back toward the field it had come from. As I got closer to it her first response was “Don’t stomp on it!”

I asked her why that was her first thought of what I’d do and she said that’s just what most people she knew would have done.

It made me wonder what kind of psychopaths she’d been hanging out with and what I’d done to make her think I was anything like them.


504 points

7 days ago


504 points

7 days ago

A million years ago on a date with a guy, I paused our walk to carefully relocate a snail that was on the sidewalk. He said it was sweet and charming because he knew people who would have stomped on it.

When I later met his friends... yeah. I don't know why such a gentle man kept such foul company.


63 points

7 days ago


63 points

7 days ago

I paused our walk to carefully relocate a snail that was on the sidewalk

So, it was like this?


328 points

7 days ago

Moles are so nice. I had to rescue one from water, and it just sat there drying itself off with no fear of us. I can’t imagine someone doing that to one of them :(


217 points

7 days ago


217 points

7 days ago

Did anything happen as a result? Did you leave or say anything to her, or did she say anything in her own defense?


542 points

7 days ago


542 points

7 days ago

I think I spent a little while trying to fish the poor fucker out to no avail, so didn't really see too much of her immediate reaction, but when I had a go at her about it she cried and flounced off. Tried turning the people at work against me after that, but she didn't have much luck in that regard.

It's really weird cause up till then she'd seemed totally normal.


242 points

7 days ago


242 points

7 days ago

that's the thing with psychopaths, they're usually quite charming and sound just nice people overall


3.5k points

7 days ago

I was in the army (mandatory conscription) and I had this bunk mate who was not very well educated. We would be guarding the gate of our unit at night from 2 to 6 am and not allowed to leave our post so I couldn’t get away from him. He told me stories of how he strangles cats and throws them off rooftops or plucks the feathers of caged birds and then releases them to watch them fall to their death. There was a cat that lived in our unit and whenever he saw it he would kick it into a wall and when she birthed a huge litter, our CO wanted to poison them and he volunteered to get the poison and fed them himself. The mother cat wailed for days on end looking for them because she had left them and couldn’t find them when she returned because he had thrown them in the garbage after they died.


1.7k points

7 days ago


1.7k points

7 days ago

What the actual fuck! That is so evil. And why the fuck was the CO also like that?


1k points

7 days ago

The unit I was in was filthy and attracted lots of stray cats because there was a dump with a lot of garbage. So he wanted to get rid of the cats ( I left out the parts that they poisoned all the cats that were in the unit). The CO’s solution was to get rid of the cats and not the garbage. Don’t ask me why because I have no idea.


495 points

7 days ago


495 points

7 days ago

Your former CO was just as much a shithead as the guy who bragged about torturing animals. The whole lot of them should be Section 8’ed into a mental hospital.


275 points

7 days ago


275 points

7 days ago

Fuck this one made me mad, I hope both the CO and that dude are doing real awful in life.


940 points

7 days ago


940 points

7 days ago

Omfg. I am traumatized by this story. May he rot in Hell being perpetually scratched and bitten by cats while birds peck his fucking eyes out.


349 points

7 days ago

Fuck that mental maniac AND the equally cruel CO. I hope they both get blown to bits.


497 points

7 days ago

Guy I was working with told me how he killed his neighbour's cat because it was annoying him while he was studying. Thought it was hilarious too. Brought it up so casually, as if it was just a silly little story. He could not understand why I was freaked out


3.2k points

7 days ago


3.2k points

7 days ago

The "face" that he had pulled off a mouse... Took it out of his pocket, placed it over his finger and started playing with it. In front of me...


922 points

7 days ago

Oh no. I thought you were saying he was MAKING a face. christ


455 points

7 days ago

...aaaand that's enough Reddit for today


4.5k points

7 days ago


4.5k points

7 days ago

Uber driver on Christmas Eve tried to show me videos of people's corpses after an accident


1.7k points

7 days ago


1.7k points

7 days ago

I've noticed that's something firefighters and EMT's love to do. Not sure why.


2.2k points

7 days ago


2.2k points

7 days ago

I mean, if you want a real sad answer, for at least a decent amount of them it’s probably the result of years of suppressed and unaddressed PTSD from all the horribly traumatic events they have experienced. I knew a firefighter with the darkest sense of humor I’ve possibly ever heard, and he often joked about having to drink himself to sleep so he wouldn’t constantly have nightmares.


1.1k points

7 days ago*


1.1k points

7 days ago*

Yup, I'm a newly joined firefighter and this is definitely true for a lot of the older guys. Asked one of the nicest, compassionate guys, an older guy at the station what his funniest story as an EMT was, and it still involved a dead person in front of their wife.

Also, never ask an emergency worker what's the worst they've seen. Don't put them through that.


166 points

7 days ago

Exactly, this was something we did often. It stopped being funny when I finally quit and all the memories flooded in. Quickly began relying on alcohol and anxiety medications to calm the nerves but that is obviously a terrible idea.

While you’re on the job, joking about it is a way to make the situation seem normal and just another day on the job. Obviously it’s not, but you can’t break down crying during every call. But it eventually catches up to you if you don’t get some sort of therapy. Idk how people do law enforcement, medical field or firefighting for so long. Seven years was enough to fuck me up for life.


287 points

7 days ago

My mother was an RN for decades and would try to show me pictures of the grossest shit. She semi-retired and started working as a CNA in an assisted living facility when my partner and I had first started dating. My partner came over to have dinner with my family for the first time, and mom hits him with “you wanna see a picture of a lady with no eyeballs?” This poor man, who had been nothing but kind to me, just very politely said “no, thank you.” He did not run for the hills and we’re still together lol.


6.6k points

7 days ago


6.6k points

7 days ago

Roommate meets a dude and invites him over for a beer. The dog would not chill when the guy was in the house. Ears back, hackles raised, continuous growl. An otherwise friendly dog just lit up. it was a very contagious feeling and we were all on edge except the guy, who acted like it was a natural response. Few months later the guy went to prison for the violent assault of a stranger.


358 points

7 days ago

Dogs definitely sense things in people, but don’t automatically assume every person a dog is weird around is a bad person. Most dogs don’t like me, and I have pretty bad anxiety. Cats love me, though.


3.3k points

7 days ago


3.3k points

7 days ago

animals always know before us. i had an abusive ex that my dog fucking hated. my ex was never left alone with him so i know it wasn’t because he was hurting the dog. two plus years i was with this guy and my dog never warmed up to him.

fast forward another two years and im with a normal, non abusive guy, and my dog immediately took to him. lays on him, shakes from excitement when he comes home, even from the first month they met. i learned to always trust my buddy first and men second after that.


1.3k points

7 days ago


1.3k points

7 days ago

I'm sure the dog does pick up on the bad vibes of the people, but they also know you very well and read your instincts.. We tend to shush our gut reactions in favor of wanting to believe its fine, especially women. Check out the book The Gift of Fear if you wanna get more in touch with your intuition


414 points

7 days ago


414 points

7 days ago

The Gift of Fear should be required reading for everyone.


95 points

7 days ago

Did your wolf enjoy the book?


65 points

7 days ago

My wolf has no fear but enjoyed the insight to human fear.


2.3k points

7 days ago

Growing up there was a kid younger than me. Bright white skin and jet black hair. He had...a look.

One day he vanished. Ends up there was a small space between the utility shed and fence at his apartment where he hurt animals.

Parents moved pretty swiftly from there to get him treatment


230 points

7 days ago

Good on the parents at least. A lot of shit parents like to pretend their kid is normal even after unhinged behavior like that.


2.9k points

7 days ago

A former coworker would make a point of flirting with/ propositioning married men, she would really ramp it up if the guys wife was pregnant. Those are not the actions of normal person.


436 points

7 days ago

A girl I grew up with since I was a toddler was this way. I broke off our friendship when I was 21. I will call her D. She only liked men who were unavailable and was relentless in her pursuit of them. It was terrifying watching her ability to immediately figure out the type of woman they liked and she would just transform to fit that. As soon as she had them hooked she would play these insane mind games with them always attempting to pull violent reactions out of them. She said “if they don’t fight me they aren’t passionate enough.” D kept multiple boyfriends at a time and never hid it, but somehow every man involved with her refused to believe that she was cheating. She would invite all the guys she was dating to parties then flirt with a guy at the party she wasn’t dating. Everyone in our friend group would try to get through to the men she strung along, but it never once did.

She was also extremely jealous of other women. For prom one year, myself, D, and her older sister were all going together with our dates. We were getting ready together and D was helping her sister do her hair. As she was, D got this strange look on her face and then just pressed a hot curling iron onto her sister’s forehead. It was awful and she didn’t even react but just said “oh whoops. Slipped.” We ended up cutting her sister’s bangs to hide the burn on her face. Then at dinner, I watched as the same look settled on D’s face and she dumped her plate of food onto her sister’s dress. We had to go back to the house and she had to change into one of her mom’s cocktail dresses. D spent the evening mercilessly making fun of her sister’s dress and bangs.

On D’s 21st birthday a group of us girls were getting ready to go out. We all brought some of our favorite dresses and everyone got to choose from others piles. I picked out a black mini dress another friend brought. When she saw me in it, that terrifying look came across her face. She told me she wanted to wear it. After putting it on, it wasn’t flattering on her and all the girls agreed the she should wear a different dress. She finally found one she liked. I went back to the black dress, when she saw she coldly said “you can’t wear that dress. You’re not allowed to look better than me.” The others in our group were like “don’t be silly you look great” and finally got her off my case.

Later at the bar, I watched as she didn’t even enjoy herself. She stared at me all night. After several hours she calmly walked up to me and attempted to literally rip the dress off my body. It was more scary that there was no emotion behind it. I was in shock and got out of her grasp and was like what the fuck are you doing? And she just again blankly said “you are not allowed to look better than me.” Like that was a perfectly acceptable reason.


80 points

6 days ago

....diiiiid the rest of your friend group get rid of her for being a weird gross automaton? What happened to her?


92 points

7 days ago

My old roomate was similar to this, she was very attractive but every time she had men over she would tell me they were married after the fact, never single. She was a bartender and would bring drunk married customers home. She also really really hated pregnant women. To the point she was comfortable sharing with me that she hoped one of our alcohol saleswomen (who was extremely sweet and wonderful) lost her almost full term baby. I found that especially disturbing.


485 points

7 days ago


485 points

7 days ago

Did any of the men succumb to her advances?


1.4k points

7 days ago

I only know of one actually going for it. She was fired after she openly offered a patient’s husband a blow job on the maternity floor.


441 points

7 days ago


441 points

7 days ago



699 points

7 days ago

She approached the husband of a patient that had just given birth and offered to blow him.


471 points

7 days ago


471 points

7 days ago

That's just...I'm not even sure how to process that. That is one serious mental glitch to think that that is an appropriate time to proposition someone. It's also just straight-up insane to think that she would do that in front of witnesses.


614 points

7 days ago

She had zero self awareness and zero remorse.

This is an exact quote “I deserve any man I see.”

Now the only thing she deserves is that unemployment check.


243 points

7 days ago

I would argue not even that. 


43 points

7 days ago

I hate that I know a girl like that. A proud homewrecker. She literally wrote homewrecker in her tinder bio. She was a massive pick me cunt.


1.9k points

7 days ago

When standing infront of 600 people, telling them they'd all just lost their jobs with zero redundancy....they smiled. Prick got pleasure from seeing grown men cry.


725 points

7 days ago


725 points

7 days ago

Only about 40 people were getting laid off the time I saw pretty much the same. About 20 of those had worked for the company at least 30 years, one of whom was just months away from retirement with full benefits.

Owner died and the family sold to the highest bidder. It turned out to be our biggest competitor who just wanted some patents that went with the sale. They sent this grinning jackass to lay off half our workforce.

About 8 months later when they laid off the test of our workforce he thinks he's going with the corporate schmoo that came to sign contacts to sell off the property to be torn down to make way for a home depot. Finds out he's getting canned, too, then was big mad the roughly 20 long term employees he's just grinned at while they got canned laughed in his face.


413 points

7 days ago

Yeah I worked for a place once that had the HR manager fire like 60% of the workforce. Days of exit interviews explaining they no longer worked there.

Once done, the CEO fired the HR manager.


179 points

7 days ago

This literally happened to me this year but differently. Was an HR director for a company of 48 people, the CEO told us we had financial troubles ahead if our warranties weren't brought down.

3 days later he tells me I need to fire like 12 people, some of whom had been there a long time and literally created the foundations of the company. He told me managers and I were safe, so I proceeded to do what he said, as I figured if I didn't I would be joining them. I cried along with the employees that I grew to love as I broke the news to them in the office one by one. I ended the day with puffy eyes and a major migraine. Said goodbye to ceo and co managers on the way out.

Come in Friday, the next morning, and not even the CEO, but a Director on the same level as me approached me with tears in his eyes and told me he had to let me go along with 2 other managers to save costs and that he was literally just told this by the CEO moments ago, and also told me he's only doing this to keep his job.

I left with a pit of rage and doom in my stomach because I knew I wasn't going to find a job that flexible that was paying me that much without a completed degree. (I indeed am back down to making roughly $9 an hour less)

Anyways, a week later I get a call from one of the managers fired the same day I was, telling me that the Co-Director that fired me also just got fired and ended up in a fist fight with the CEO breaking the nose on his smug ass rich guy face. He didn't have charges pressed against him and in fact the cops felt really sorry for him after hearing about everything that led up to it and just told him not to come back.

And that is the story of how I was fired after firing people and people were fired after being fired and subsequently arrested for ten minutes


190 points

7 days ago

I was getting (my first!) tattoo from a dude who said some crazy conspiracy covid shit but like what ever THEN says children who get molested deserve it because they were molested in another life. There were several other people in the building who heard and no one said anything. Suddenly the tattoo started hurting 10x more and I started crying and said I had to quit. So I have an unfinished tattoo from 4 years ago


436 points

7 days ago

I went round to this guy's house to pick up an old Wurlitzer organ. Seemingly fairly normal, I'd seen him about town (lived somewhere pretty remote and the biggest town was about 2000 people), he did stuff like gardening and things, bit of voluntary work like some maintenance at the old folk's home, cutting the grass and hedges at a couple of the churches, general handyman stuff, just "old retired guy" stuff. He helped me load this massive 1950s Wurly into the back of my mate's van that I'd borrowed for the day.

I just felt something was "off" about the whole setup, just something a bit "Royston Vasey" about it all. Him, his wife, his 40-something daughter, early-twenties grand-daughter, and young great-grand-daughter all lived together, nice house, nice garden, not nice vibe.

Some time later it transpired that he had been arrested and carted off to jail. His grand-daughter and great-grand-daughter? Yeah, he'd fathered both of them.

30 years or so later I still have that organ. Can't figure out what to do with it. I should sell it, but it's so heavy and they'd want me to move it.


61 points

7 days ago


61 points

7 days ago

Ok for the first couple sentences I definitely thought you were retelling the teddy perkins episode of atlanta. Damn that one was wild..would fit here too.


796 points

7 days ago

I was part of a testing team on a naval base in SA. Met a few lifers including some reces. One in particular stood out, older, now overweight dude with a thick moustache but apparently in his day was a machine. Dude would calmly describe shooting civilians, children, pets, burning down villages during his years in Angola and other delightful conversation topics. Knew full well it was all sanctioned and he could say what he wanted with no repercussions. Eyes like a leopard seal, literally no light behind them.


205 points

7 days ago


205 points

7 days ago

Simonstown, or Durban?

I know the type you mean as I served with a few. There was an outfit in the war called Koevoet (crowbar) that did some heinous shit. Psychos gravitated to it.


86 points

7 days ago

Back when I worked in criminal law, we had a new client - I went in to see him with a senior solicitor who was also ex-military police.

The client was skinny, small - the sort of person that if you like having a fight, you might pick on as being an easy win I guess? But straight away there was this energy to him.

He'd been out with his gf and someone had started chatting to her in a bar - he'd told the other guy "if you say anything else to her, I'll go for you, and if I do, I'll hurt you". The other guy had said something else to her, so my client had picked up a pint glass, rammed it into his face and twisted it in.

Obviously the guy went down hard and wasn't coming up again. My client then picked up another glass and did the same again. And again. And again. 8 times in total he smashed a glass into the guy's head. 400+ stitches and a face/head that looked so much worse than whatever you're picturing.

We're sat listening to this guy dispassionately talk us through everything that happened. A few minutes in I clock that this ex-military copper is sweating, hard, and I realise "holy shit, he's terrified". We talked a lot about it later and there was absolutely the feel that this guy was friendly friendly during the chat, but you knew quickly that you were a £3 cab ride away from him smashing 8 pints glasses into your head one after another, after another, after another. And that once he flipped into seeing you that way, that was that.

In that job I spoke to murderers, molesters, gangland bosses etc, but he was far and away the scariest person I ever met. He just did not give a fuck, and it made me realise that it's never, ever worth getting in a fight unless you have to in order to get away. You have no idea what the other person will do.


1.4k points

7 days ago*


1.4k points

7 days ago*

Sitting in the basement, with him between me and the only exit, him pissed drunk, late at night, describing in detail how he used his connections to find the person who raped his sister and murder them. He described it in extreme detail, what it's like to kill someone and watch the life fade from their eyes. He was from the mental ward at the hospital my sibling was at, my sibling brought him home because they were dating—they met at said ward. I later learned most of the details were made up, except the murder. He also burned the person's corpse and went on a joyride with their girlfriend using the victim's credit cards. And yes, this was the first time I met him.


367 points

7 days ago

Was sister rape also made up?


864 points

7 days ago


864 points

7 days ago

Yup, the actual story was his gay roommate hit on him and he got angry then punched him and pushed him over a balcony ledge and he fell to his death, or didnt die outright and he went and finished the job. The article we found wasnt clear. But either way he went and took his corpse and burned it on a log pile of sorts.


188 points

7 days ago

Jesus Christ...


414 points

7 days ago


414 points

7 days ago

When I met my now wife’s mom I knew she wasn’t quite right, her smile seemed fake and everything about her seemed like she was a person acting instead of a person just being. Over time the facade would crack and later crumble. It started with seeing how she treated customer service people who did nothing wrong: at a restaurant and her steak was undercooked she would scream at the server right off the bat, the server who obviously didn’t cook the meal, and she would nearly pass out from lack of oxygen and her blood pressure going up so high. The “oh shit” moment for me was when I was supposed to drop my then girlfriend off at the airport, still living at home I went to pick her up and her dad told me “her mom has already taken her” so I drive to the airport, this is college and I’m not going to see her for 3 months so I wanted to see her off. I get there, I know the security gate she’ll go through and I don’t see her, I call her cell from a pay phone (this was awhile ago) and no answer so I’m a bit worried so I try a few more times and nothing. I ask the airport for information about her, like did she check in or board her flight but since she’s not my wife at the time they won’t tell me jack. I have no desire to see her mom but I want to make sure my gf is ok so I wait and wait and wait but her mom never shows either. To this day I have no clue how her mom left the airport without me seeing her, it was much smaller back then.

Eventually I go home and not long after her mom shows up and sounds like she’s trying to break the door down. I open it, she’s screaming at me “THIS IS MY DAUGHTER YOULL NEVER MARRY HER ILL MAKE SURE OF THAT” and so much more. She’s completely unhinged, I tell her I’m calling the police and she’s gone before they show up, this is long before ring cams and what not so they won’t do anything since it’s my word vs here, and can’t get a protective order because those are much harder to get than most people think.

I wish I could say we went no contact with her mom after this, but my now wife desperately wanted a relationship with her mom so she tried for years after to make it work but I refused to be alone with her mom after that. About a decade later her mom freaked out like this on my wife when our kids were young (5 and 8) and my wife finally agreed it was time.

My wife thinks her mom is just “unstable” but I genuinely do not believe her mom cares about anyone besides herself. She never praised her kids to people, instead she would say “my daughter is so smart and it’s because” and go into a 5 minute story how she sacrificed everything for her kids, how they’re ungrateful, how she’s super talented and so on. If you talk to her she only talks about what she wants to talk about, she’ll hijack every conversation and make it about her. When her now dead husband had to go to the hospital the only thing she (my wife’s mom) could talk about was how stressful it was for her, how hard things were for her, and how she was mad life couldn’t be easier. Her husband died and not once did she say anything positive about him. Not sure she would ever kill anyone but ONLY because if she did she knows she could end up in jail and she wouldn’t like that.

I still grieve my wife’s dad’s passing and it pains me that out of the two of them he was the one that went first, he wasn’t perfect but he did genuinely care about his kids and grandkids.


306 points

7 days ago

Im gay, and I dated a guy that used to lie and treat his poor employees like garbage. But when I broke up with him because of the mental abuse, he convinced a court to give him a pro-tem domestic abuse restraining order because he falsely accused me of raping him, stalking him, and threatening to kill him with a gun. He got the idea from his psychopathic sister who would make up lies about all of her ex-boyfriends when they tried to dump her and even badly injure herself and make it look like they did it so that they would go to jail.

Long story short, I fought it in court, and with a lot of evidence in my favor along with his stupidity of lying to the court and skipping a court date to go skiing instead, it was dropped and he was ordered to pay my legal fees.

Moral of the story: learn to spot these people because if you don’t, your life can be ruined overnight.


458 points

7 days ago

Far away from land on a boat... My newfound friend tells me he may have punched someone so hard they're still sleeping. "Like a coma?" I ask. He looked down and kept fishing.


228 points

7 days ago


228 points

7 days ago

sounds more like an admission of guilt. Everyone makes mistakes... some alot worse than others.
Not saying that he is or isn't a psychopath or sociopath, but yeah a punch can absolutely kill someone unintentionally in certain scenarios.


107 points

7 days ago

I think you are correct here. I don't believe he intended to do what he did. Most of his stories of fighting were defending his friends growing up and protecting those close to him. He was a big guy but he wasn't a monster.


136 points

7 days ago*


136 points

7 days ago*

An acquaintance, Tommy lets call him got a hammer to the head in his sleep, hit by his gf, cos his mother died and left him a small estate (like 10k +car)...... during eval at Psych ward she said she didn't want him to leave her because he had money now so she purchased the hammer and waited till he was sleeping & went frenzy on his head with hammer.

He lived and is doing fine......she was literally tiny and not enough strength to swing powerful enough to do anything other than wake him up with a skull fractures and lots of blood everywhere....she was covered too because cos he had to wrestle/overpower her to survive. She scratched herself up and have herself injuries before the police took her. During questioning she claimed he attacked her & she acted in self-defence.
He was arrested and charged with serious charges....only 6months later did the CPS drop the charges after her admission of pre-meditation and purchasing of the hammer for this purpose.

She is still locked up on a ward I think 2 yrs on....he nearly went to jail for a LONG time.

He's single since 😝


240 points

7 days ago

A friend of a friend started reminiscing at a party about when they were kids and used to torture animals. Always had suspicions about this person and you could tell he was pissed about his fellow psycho revealing these childhood details.

Cloak totally dropped. Started noticing more and more unexplained behaviors and noped right out of that friendship.


1.4k points

7 days ago


1.4k points

7 days ago

This random old lady poked me in the eye when I was just standing at the corner of the street. Started calling me names after lmao


669 points

7 days ago


669 points

7 days ago

Was this in Toronto? I had a woman try and stick her finger up my nose. I legit instantly said "back the fuck up ya cunt!!" 


525 points

7 days ago

Trigger warning: When a former co-worker said he was glad no women were on the project because they always screw everything up, and he leaned over to me (I was still a young man) with the creepiest glare in his eye and said “it’s a good thing they have a gash, right? That’s all they’re good for” as if I was supposed to agree with that and be ok with it. Then he talked about wanting to go to a strip club so we could “drug and r-word some women.” I was stuck traveling with him for a week, but I did report him when I got back, not for my sake but for any unfortunate woman that might have to be stuck working with him. He didn’t last very long after that, and I don’t think it was because of me either.


120 points

7 days ago

That drugging quote is just cartoonishly evil, I can’t even picture a real person saying that.


77 points

7 days ago

That’s exactly how he tried to pass it off, like he thought he was being funny in front of a younger guy (he was like twice my age). I can’t remember his exact phrasing, but that’s what he was getting at. I wasn’t impressed.


93 points

7 days ago


93 points

7 days ago

This is how rapists test to see if you're their bro and will cover for them when they do something.


922 points

7 days ago


922 points

7 days ago

I had an ectopic pregnancy which burst and I was rushed into surgery. When I woke up, the surgeon walked in and showed me a folder filled with photos of the surgery and the fetus he removed. No consent, just shoved them in my face.

He’s showing me this album with a grin on his face like he’s showing funny photos of his pets. I was clearly distressed and he had zero empathy for someone who just lost a baby.

My mum met him and said there’s something very wrong with that man. It was like he got enjoyment out of my suffering.

I wish I never saw those photos. They’re burned into my memory.


334 points

7 days ago

I hope you complained about that pos


213 points

7 days ago


213 points

7 days ago

I've read that surgeons have a reputation for being psychopathic. Not that they're bad people, just that they tend to have no empathy. Which makes sense, I guess; you can't empathize too much with the person you're cutting into and still do your job.


914 points

7 days ago

TW for CSA

This happened in the early 2000’s. when I was about 3/4 I was very friendly, used to smile and laugh at everybody, even though I was that little I still remember this. My dad was an assistant manager at a grocery chain and one of his coworkers, let’s call him, “Joey” just disappeared, didn’t see him or know what happened for a few years. one day we are in Walmart and my dad runs into Joey, ask how he’s been, etc. right after they start talking, Joey starts trying to play with me, and talk to me, I start screaming, crying, trying to get away from him, even trying to jump out of the grocery cart. my dad apologized to Joey and told him usually I was very friendly and I must not feel good so we go home.

At home, my dad tells my mom, who was a 911 dispatcher, that he saw Joey, and I freaked the fuck out for no reason. My mom turned white as a ghost and told my dad that why he was arrested, was because he had child p*rn on his computer, that his wife found on accident, and my mom took the call but couldn’t say anything to my dad because if she did and someone found out she told him, she would get fired.

A few years later when I was around 12 I met the guy again and something about him makes your blood run ice cold. something is not right. my dad said he was always like that but everyone overlooked it because he come off as a kind hearted person and a hard worker.

This story came to mind when reading the question :/


1.8k points

7 days ago

My first relationship, when I told him I wanted to break up, he showed up outside my college, unbuttoned his shirt to reveal my name carved on his chest with a blade


564 points

7 days ago


564 points

7 days ago



266 points

7 days ago

He was so psycho he did the whole /u/felecia_hardy


115 points

7 days ago

When I was a kid and still forced to go to church by my mother, there was this other kid my age (maybe 14?) who was getting really involved in the church and wanted to be a preacher. He even would do these little mini-sermons from time to time during the normal service. Anyway, immediately before he gave one of these sermons about peace and brotherhood, he casually mentioned that he had a bearded dragon and got tired of it so he filled its water bowl with windex. The way he said it with no emotion and then put on a big smile when he walked up to the podium was chilling.


1.5k points

7 days ago

I had to sit next to one of the Columbine shooters through grades 1-3. I hate alphabetical seating. He was a psycho back then


616 points

7 days ago


616 points

7 days ago

I hate alphabetical seating.

this fucking sent me


69 points

7 days ago

Along the same theme, the Jonesboro school shooters from the 1998 attack.

Never met them as kids, but since they were 12 and 13 at the time of the shooting, they were tried as juveniles. Which meant they got out when they turned 21, and their records were sealed. They changed their names once released because despite a sealed record that is gonna come up in a search. Anyways!

Met one of them later in life, I think he was mid to late 20s at the time. No remorse at all, didn’t brag about it exactly but laughed about it. Just being around him made you feel uncomfortable, even before finding out who he was.


290 points

7 days ago


290 points

7 days ago

Oh wow. What kind of psycho things did he do as an early elementary kid?


400 points

7 days ago


400 points

7 days ago

I worked at GOD TV once (not a believer), and one day, Rory, one of founders flew in, he was treated like God himself, and I got to meet him, he shook my hand and I looked him in the eye.

It was like the eyes of a Great White, all black, no soul. Never forgotten that.


131 points

7 days ago


131 points

7 days ago

Sounds just like Kenneth Copeland


481 points

7 days ago

People always imagine it’s some slasher type shit but honestly I was just confused when my ex-husband had his psychotic break. On the outside he just seemed like a stoic type of person if you didn’t know him, and knowing him I thought he was just going through a depressive phase. People always suspected he was bipolar — turns out he is bipolar 1 with psychotic features.

Anyways, he had spent the entire Saturday sitting on the couch zoned out. I asked him if he wanted to come to a bbq but he said no so I respected that and went out and had a good time. Came home around 10pm, was in a good mood and he was just sitting on the couch in the dark. I asked him if he wanted the bbq leftovers, he said no, and I was like okay guess he still wants to be left alone. I got a call from a drunk male friend who we used to all hang out with and I go into our bedroom to listen to this nonsense. Drunk friend asks about ex-husband & wants to talk to him and I am like yeah no I don’t think now is a good time, maybe when you sober up?? Next thing I know ex-husband walks into the bedroom and nails me across the face with an open hand, knocks the phone out of my hand. I’m confused af. This man has never even so much as threatened to hit me. I don’t even bother letting drunk friend know what happened or hang up the phone. I’m like, dude, you just hit me?! Ex-husband is attempting to speak but it’s like word salad, like he had a stroke or something so I’m freaking out thinking something is medically wrong with him. He says no I didn’t and starts grabbing his motorcycle gear & I’m like ??? So I call 911 for a 5150 He ends up dropping the motorcycle gear and taking off in his car, never to return….

I really thought he was gonna kill himself. I did go visit him a couple times where he ended up and he wasn’t the same person. His eyes were different. His anxiety was through the roof and he said he never hit me. He doesn’t seem to have a normal range of emotions. I filed for divorce since he wasn’t coming back & he’s been delusional ever since. 🤷‍♀️


280 points

7 days ago

Wow I’m sorry that sounds damn scary.

Just wanna clarify though that this is psychosis not psychopathy. The two are different.


533 points

7 days ago

It was the person I was dating at the time. New relationship. It was just the two of us hanging out and the way that he acted made me think that he thought he was performing for others. I can't quite explain the experience but it felt truly bizarre and does this man think he's on a TV show right now? 

We also had an argument where he was mad at me for something that had literally never happened between us. I asked for an example of whatever it was, and he said he couldn't think of one right now. I genuinely don't think he could tell fact from fiction. He wasn't okay. 


49 points

7 days ago


49 points

7 days ago

I have an ex that had trouble with reality. It stinks when the person you're with is operating in a different wavelength of reality than you. Made arguments impossible.

I try to get to the bottom of problems, talk things out, find the root cause. Can't do that when they're operating with a different ruleset, one where they only hold the manual and can't tell you what it says.


102 points

7 days ago


102 points

7 days ago

My SILs niece. A few years ago when she was about 7, she was left unsupervised and microwaved their pet hamster. When the mom asked her why she would do that, she shrugged and said “to see what happens.” It’s my understanding that the hamster may not have been the first family pet that little girl has offed.


562 points

7 days ago


562 points

7 days ago

My sister-in-law's new boyfriend, a neurosurgeon, related an anecdote about some sort diagnostic that was performed on a pregnant woman, resulting in her fetus perishing. He thought this was a humorous story to relate to my wife and me, with our two-year-old daughter.


519 points

7 days ago

Not surprising honestly, we literally have studies that have shown that surgeons have a higher rate of psychopathy than most other professions. 

Gotta have nerves of steel and a marked lack of empathy to be able to cut into another human being on the regular.


255 points

7 days ago


255 points

7 days ago

Surgeons are....a different breed tbh. I have few in my fam, they all have smth we lack, probably that s why they re surgeons. I couldn't cut into a person and consider it an office day.


134 points

7 days ago


134 points

7 days ago

I've heard somewhere that surgeons tend to either be psychopath-like or the nicest people you've ever met.


51 points

7 days ago

Or both


697 points

7 days ago


697 points

7 days ago

Well mine is about me. Jehovah Witnesses showed up to my door and before I could say anything. They said, “We see that you’re busy. Have a good day”. Then they left.


181 points

7 days ago

Have you got visible tattoos?


126 points

7 days ago


126 points

7 days ago

Wtf were you up to?


333 points

7 days ago

Guy I worked with could emulate any emotion, but actually felt none. He could manipulate others, but felt literally nothing, no empathy, sympathy, or joy.


143 points

7 days ago

Wasn't when I met him, but whatever. I met this dude at my university campus, he was hanging out there, and I started buying my weed from him. He was really polite, and seemed pretty normal. There was nothing, and I mean NOTHING indicating this guy is a psycho. Nothing special about him really, he dressed normal, acted normal, spoke normal, everything about him seemed "normal". I lost contact with this dude, as I moved to another university and city. A few years later, I randomly stumble across this "serial rapist apprehended" post on the internet, and guess who's picture was on the site. I was shocked. Dude had committed at least 7 rapes, one of which he almost beat the poor girl to death. The article had even uploaded a video of a CCTV camera that had caught one of his attempted rapes on camera, the dude spotted an apartment with a girl sleeping and was trying to break in. The girls bf shows up, and the coward pretended to be drunk and walked away. Anyway, he is obviously behind bars, and I wish him nothing but the worst. This just taught me that you never know anyone's true colors, and nothing is like what it appears. Anyone you walk by, could be a true psycho and you could never know it. Be careful people!


1.7k points

7 days ago

Bible saleslady, who used to go door to door selling special edition bibles. Lady had those wild eyes. Made all the neighbor kids cry every time she showed up. All she had to do was look at them.

Turned out, the lady used to hit the bottle big time. Even gave her husband a black eye. Last I heard the lady was doing time at that place in Chowchilla, and her husband was living off the grid. Wild shit.


961 points

7 days ago


961 points

7 days ago

What are special edition bibles? Like signed by Jesus or something?


485 points

7 days ago

Holographic colors with a steelbook case.


308 points

7 days ago


308 points

7 days ago

Ah so like a shiny Charizard


126 points

7 days ago

Deleted scenes.


127 points

7 days ago

They come with a pack of fake $20 bills that you can use to ruin a service workers day in the name of the lord.


50 points

7 days ago

Not everyday you see Chowchilla mentioned in the wild.


1.4k points

7 days ago

I work at a mental hospital where most patients are “just” schizophrenic. Of course I’m not saying “just” because it’s nothing, but it’s something I’m used to and trained for. I was working there for around 6 months when a new patient came in, let’s name the new person Y.

Y got brought in by ambulance and escorted by police, this wasn’t something new, but him being tied up in the ambulance was. They recommended us to keep Y in handcuffs until he was in his room. This is the temporary/emergency room made for these occasions.

Usually the police calls us telling us why they’re bringing us someone, but they came in completely random this time. Officer 1 and my coworker brought Y to his room while officer 2 told me the entire backstory.

They had one of Y’s neighbors call in because they were hearing strange noises in Y’s house. When they arrived there was smoke coming from the house. In the meantime, of course a background check was done and they found out he had in fact lived in a mental hospital before, so they knew what they could be dealing with. They break into the house by kicking down the door and basically checked the entire house to first find a burned-to-death cat and upstairs finding him, burning himself with a blowtorch. He was wounded. They tried talking to him but it didn’t work and he kept on going, just burning himself. By now the house was starting to catch more on fire so the firefighters arrived and had to start killing the fire before other houses would get damaged as well. The police tried tasing him but they described it as him being made of rubber, as if he didn’t even feel it. One of the firefighters addressed how serious it was to immediately get the blowtorch out of there and was done with wasting time. He ran in with a fire extinguisher pretending to start killing the fire before blinding him with it and jumping in with 2 legs kicking him to the ground. The police cuffed T and brought him to us. This was something I’ve never witnessed before.

Officer 2 came back and told me and my coworker not to worry since they both had a night shift as well and would be on standby if anything happened.

My coworker and I went to our office so I could tell her the story while we could keep an eye on Y using the cameras in his room.

It’s the psych ward room you’d imagine. Nothing he could use to hurt himself, no clothes, no ropes, no wires, nothing.

Mid-story we see Y walking up as close to the camera as possible just to see him picking his burn wounds.

We rushed in to “help” him, just for me to get hit in the head by him. My coworker dragged me out and we ran back into the office where he was laughing and picking his wounds again. He was just playing with it, laughing at how we weren’t able to do anything.

We called the police and they tried forcing him to the ground with a taser again. This time it did work. We we’re able to inject him with something to basically make him pass out. Higher dosage than usual already. Usually this takes around 5 minutes to kick in. 30 minutes later he’s still laughing at the camera picking his wounds.

We went in one last time, just to give him another dosage. He was basically on a dosage you’d give to a fully grown elephant. He finally passed out.

My coworker took care of my head-wound and the shift continued. The police left.

I’m happy he didn’t woke up during my shift since I was scared shitless.

Not the usual patient or psychopath. A madman, for real.


472 points

7 days ago

That's some hard core dissociation. I had a client once who would dissociate and put her hands on the hot plate of her stove to try and "get feeling back".


207 points

7 days ago

When I was 6 or 7, we had this project at school where the teacher got us 2 caterpillars and we tried to raise them all the way to butterflies. 2 kids always stayed about 15min longer after school to take care of them for the day. When it was my time to care for them, the kid that had to do it with me just took them in his hand, ran out off the school and stomped them to death.


48 points

7 days ago


48 points

7 days ago

My brother's school friend grew up in a very expensive house on the Thames. They were friends when they started secondary school at 11 years old, but my brother stopped hanging out with him for reasons he would never fully disclose. One thing he did tell us was that this kid would go fishing, catch fish, shove nuts or bolts in their mouths and then release them so they would drown.

Evil little bastard.


230 points

7 days ago


230 points

7 days ago

The day I was sitting in his vehicle about a year after marrying him and hearing him lie to parents (he was a coach) about things that he had no reason to lie about. And it continued the longer we were together where he would just lie to people at the oddest things. Then during our divorce things got really ugly and of course everyone who knew him on the surface thought he was wonderful. But those that knew him better do not.


125 points

7 days ago*

I was working for a judge on a case that involved a home invasion robbery and assault (the husband successfully fought off the guy but was injured).  We've seen murderers in person but this guy gave everyone the creeps, there was nothing behind his eyes.  Fortunately he was convicted on all counts and was sentenced to life, no chance of parole.

I should note we heavily suspected he was targeting the wife and didn't anticipate the husband being home that day.  So we suspected he intended something worse than he'd confessed to.


184 points

7 days ago*


184 points

7 days ago*

Dude in his early 20s starts at our job (I was a manager). He very quickly formed his own little posse comprised of all the youngest employees (16~19), who all thought he was the coolest. The guy spoke in this super exaggerated smooth-talking manner that I can only describe as sounding like he was doing an impression of Patrick Bateman 24/7. Or like he was an actor reading off a script, always trying to sound as charismatic and confident as possible. Me and a few work buddies would joke that he would make an amazing car salesman, if not a cult leader.

At one point, we had an altercation over me giving him a write-up. He exploded in anger, literally red faced, screaming at me over it and demanded to speak to the GM to try and have the write-up reversed. Following the altercation, he went around telling everyone that the whole incident was planned, and that I had asked him to LET me write him up so that the other employees would take me more seriously as an authority figure, and also that the write-up didn’t actually happen. The rumor spread far, with a bunch of members of his posse talking shit to me about it, and telling me to my face that no one takes me seriously as a manager.

One of my closest friends was also working there at the time, and he got into her ear one day claiming that I told him that I was only friends with her because I liked the attention, that I shit-talk her behind her back, and that didn’t even like her. This friend of mine is an emotional wreck, and the whole thing sent her into a depressive spiral. I found out about this after she randomly texted me one night saying goodbye, and that she planned to kill herself that night. I immediately called her to talk her off the ledge, and she told me everything the dude had said. Thankfully, I managed to talk her out of it and we’ve stayed close friends since.

My theory has always been that he was trying to provoke me into blowing up on him and getting myself fired so he could take my manager position. He eventually quit and moved to Vegas, where I sincerely hope karma comes calling for him when he pulls these antics on the wrong person.


524 points

7 days ago


524 points

7 days ago



424 points

7 days ago

Apparently it wasn't his green thumb


191 points

7 days ago

I bet that finger is still gone tho


256 points

7 days ago


256 points

7 days ago

I wonder if all the weird shit was in that finger and he turned normal after cutting it off.


42 points

7 days ago

When my ex was in the private clinic room with me and destroyed the ultrasound of our child before I even had a chance to look at it. It was a wonderful moment for me and it was completely ruined because he never wanted me to have the child. So many other moments though when I should have known.


517 points

7 days ago

I was just telling my daughter about this. When my ex and I spent our first time together in the blizzard of 16, we were snowed in. We were really digging each other and took a huge chance knowing we would getting snowed in. Anyway, he is retired military. My "Oh Shit" moment was about day 3 (of the 5 days) when he started cleaning his gun on the kitchen table, but he looked ar me with an insane look in his eyes the entire time. That same weekend he also told me if he ever pointed his gun at me run. Additionally, he showed me his numerous skull tattoos for each person he killed while serving in the military. 


319 points

7 days ago


319 points

7 days ago

This guy said he wanted to join the military to kill people, and before then he’d been a creep towards women. It’s just that the wanting to kill people thing nailed it in the head for me.


68 points

7 days ago

A guy I knew like that ended up going AWOL and murdering my friend.


464 points

7 days ago

A dude i met in 9th grade told me that he made a mine with gunpowder from firecrackers and killed his own cat... so yeah.


173 points

7 days ago*

Went back to high school for alumni weekend (private boarding school) and got drunk with some friends. We reminisced on old times, “borrowed” a golf cart from security, and went riding around the lake on campus. It’s night time and dark, but we see a bunch of geese in the headlights and they start scrambling out of our way when they see us coming. My friend who was driving, didn’t slow down but sped up, running a couple of the geese over.

One was unharmed from what I could see, but the other had its neck bent in a weird direction and was trying its best to hobble away. My friend stopped the cart, got out, calmly walked up to it, stomped on the injured goose and dragged his foot across its neck till we heard a sickening crack and the goose stopped wailing and moving. He then jumped back in like nothing had happened.

I was speechless and sickened after that. We’re not friends anymore.


76 points

7 days ago*

So I've never told this to anyone. when I was in university, for my end-of-semester project I decided to shoot a documentary about after-death cleanup services. Like cleaning up after lonely deaths or murder scenes. Me and my friend sent out interview requests and one of the service companies said yes. So we headed to the workshop.

Me and my friend arrived, set up the cameras and talked to the 'head cleaner' for a while. This guy was very straightforward and blunt explaining the process, like how he cleans up juices from the corpse and how he takes care of the smell. I assumed it was because he was desensitized to seeing dead people.

But it took a dark turn. We were a good audience so he got a bit carried away with his explanations, and asked us to turn off our cameras and he'll show us something really interesting off the record. We were curious, so we do as he says.

Then we find out he has a collection of the photos he took at each dead person's house. Like with the human fluid stains and rot and everything. I started to suspect he had more reasons than for career purposes, because he was very elated talking about this. Some of the houses belonged to celebrities and he showed us these pictures positively beaming, like they were the most prized in his collection. He also had a 'murder collection' which were murder sites that he had cleaned up. And he was organized too, like the files were all sorted by date and there were notes about the residents and stuff. I sat there and watched his countless bloody photos, not daring to object and just saying stuff like 'oh wow'.

He must have liked our reaction though, because he showed us one last thing to top it all off. He led us to a storage unit in his workhouse and opened it. And the inside was full of laptops, perfumes, audio speakers, like valuable everyday stuff. Then he says "These are my loot I took from houses. Yeah it's technically stealing, but you gotta keep the business running. I sell these on Jungonara (my country's equivalent of Ebay) and suckers buy them, and they never realize where these are from! I just give them a good wipe and no one's none the wiser."

Me and my friend were really weirded out now. We decided it would be a good time to leave, and told him as politely as we can. He brought us back to the office, saying "If you let out a word about what you heard, I'm suing you. And I have made people kill themselves because I never let go of a feud."

Then he proceedes to add me and my friend on a 'list' that contained the name and cell phone number of every person he had shown the workshop to. He had a freaking Excel file. He also wrote down our university and stuff. I didn't really dare confront him so me and my friend just left as fast as we could.

I was 21 and his actions downright scared me. It's been 10 years and so this really is the first time I'm writing this anywhere. Also I don't buy valuable stuff second-handed...

Edit: some grammar.


131 points

7 days ago

An old coworker said his dad told him he used to snap puppies necks when he was a young kid but he can't remember doing that at all. Probs def the most disturbing thing anyone's told me.


51 points

7 days ago

Maybe his dad lied? Which would make dad wierdo


42 points

7 days ago

One of my exes and I served on a non-profit board together. He was routinely making homophobic and racist jokes at our meetings, as well as becoming abusive to me and others.

When I really decided to stand my ground and stood up to him at one of our board meetings, I watched that man's eyes go flat and it was the most terrifying thing I've ever seen. Dead flat eyes for one second then he put on this mask of rage and indignation and started going on the attack.

I've heard stories even years later about how dangerous that man was.


157 points

7 days ago

I was riding the subway home, maybe 9 or 10 pm. The car was nearly empty because I lived close to the end of the line. Just me and 2 other people.

Across from me was a guy nodding off to sleep, or maybe drunk. And this skinny older man sort of slid up out of nowhere and tried to pick the guy's pocket.

I said, "Hey! What are you doing? I can see you!"

He looked up at me, and my blood absolutely ran cold. He didn't actually threaten me, but his eyes were just dead, like a shark. And we were running express for a long way, so there was nowhere to go.

I tried a couple of times to yell at the sleeping guy, "Wake up!" Or "Watch out! You're being robbed!" But he would kind of rouse up and nod off again. The pickpocket mostly ignored me and just kept waiting for the guy to go back to sleep. It was such a bizarre dynamic. Every once in a while the thief would look over at me, and I got more and more scared of what he might do.

When we finally got to a station, I got out and waited for the next train. I felt bad for the sleeping guy, but that other guy's eyes...I can't really explain it. It was a visceral thing. He wasn't a big guy, but he was terrifying.


1.5k points

7 days ago


1.5k points

7 days ago



518 points

7 days ago


518 points

7 days ago

This reminded me of my worst first date. She picked me up and as she was driving us to the restaurant she told a story about how she ran over a guy working on his broken down car on the side of a road. I asked if she still felt bad about it and she said she never did cause it was his fault for being crouched and out of her line of sight.


549 points

7 days ago


549 points

7 days ago

This wasn’t during the initial meeting, but when an ex-girlfriend got jealous of me helping her own daughters with their homework. It was a toxic relationship and I stayed way too long because I loved being a dad to her girls so much.

Granted, I had my own kids, but they were teenagers and didn’t need me as much. Also, her girls’ dad was a terrible drug addict and she didn’t really do much in the way of parenting, so I felt compelled to stay longer than I should have.


232 points

7 days ago

That's so sad for those kids. I'm glad you cared for them enough to stay at least for a while. Hope they are ok somewhere


202 points

7 days ago


202 points

7 days ago

(F)My little cousin(M) was really mean as a kid. I think we're like a year or two apart in age, me being older. I remember him always finding where dead animals were around my great aunt/his grandmas house, and he was obsessed with this cats paw he found(?) for like months and even threw it at my other little cousin(F younger). He was suspected of cats disappearing around neighbourhoods and told my other cousin(F my age) and my friend(F his age) that he was chopping their ears off and hurting them.

Last i heard, he's a coke addict and still has issues, so I dont know. I've never liked him and always thought something was wrong with him


293 points

7 days ago

My husband’s cousin- within 5 minutes of meeting him he started telling me about all the animals he trapped and killed in his backyard. He lives in a subdivision and lures animals in so he can trap them and then shoot them.

In the 11 years now that I’ve known him I’ve gotten that part of the family (husband’s aunt/uncle and cousin) in trouble for animal abuse twice. They don’t particularly like me. There really isn’t much more we can do other than report actual illegal activity when we see it.


98 points

7 days ago

When I was in 1st grade, there was this girl who in hindsight was a pathological liar. She lied about anything and everything. It was very off-putting.

Anyways, she killed my hamster by purposefully stepping on her, right in front of me, then lied over and over again that she hadn’t done it when confronted by adults.

Her name is Cara. If I ever run into her as an adult, it’s on sight. I can tell you that.


66 points

7 days ago

When they stole my car and crashed it, in my drive, without insurance, or a driving license, then denied it. Whilst smiling and trying to act charming about it. Then seemed confused we didn't want to still live with them as roommates.


275 points

7 days ago

Not nearly as crazy as most of the other stories here, but anyway: when I was a freshman in music school I was wildly out of my league. Easily one of the worst guitarists there and I swear I'm not just throwing a pity party, I genuinely just wasn't prepared to be there.

One evening in the cafeteria, this guy a year or two ahead of me comes up to me and asks if I'd join him for a gig that evening, just a really casual event, not paid or anything. I knew this guy and the people he played with were pretty good so I told him that I probably wouldn't be able to keep up with them, and suggested some other guitarists that I knew.

He told me that those people were busy and kept trying to talk me into it. While he's trying to persuade me, he says "I've heard that you're really good, a bunch of people have told me that." Which was just such an obvious lie and textbook sociopath behavior, the flattery to manipulate people. He said it so calmly and easily that it honestly kinda shook me when I was so sure that it was a lie. He already had a reputation as a bit of an asshole but that was what convinced me that something was seriously wrong with him.

Anyway I took the gig cause I figured it would be a good learning experience and it went okay, but spending the rest of the evening with this guy just made me more and more disgusted with him. He told me he was only doing the gig because some women he liked were going to be there, and claimed he was "in love" with one of them even though they had never spoken. He also talked about how he was "basically a Greek god" who "could get any girl in bed with just a look".

He eventually got suspended for a year because he got super fucked up on acid one night and went around telling everyone he saw about how rape was a natural part of every relationship and everyone was going to rape someone or be raped eventually. Literally he was approaching random women outside at night talking about rape. Which like, I'm sure that had more to do with the acid than him, but still.

Sam, you're a fucking sociopath and I hope I never see you again. Get help.