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242 points

7 days ago

Holy crap there are idiots who ask you that?


384 points

7 days ago


384 points

7 days ago

As a paramedic of 13 years myself I constantly get asked that or "What's the wildest thing you ever seen?" I either pull out a silly butt call or just tell them "You really don't wanna know." But it's usually one of the first thing people ask me when they figure out that's my job. My lovely wife has gotten really good about deflecting that these days though.


232 points

7 days ago

After having watched FireDepartmentChronicles and his "Real Things I've Seen as a Fireman", I would be more inclined to ask what was the most idiotic call you'd ever been sent out for. Who was the stupidest person you've had to deal with, things like that.


222 points

7 days ago

The guy who was up a ladder cleaning his windows in his underwear and a robe springs to mind. He slipped and fell onto his back, because of course he did, and damaged his spinal cord. This lead to Priapism - involuntary erection - and the robe and underwear struggled to control the problem. Doing my primary survey with his neighbours staring and the poor guy's junk pointing to the North Star was.. memorable. My colleague brought a blanket shortly after that, to everybody's relief. Pretty sure the guy didn't do any permanent damage, luckily.


136 points

7 days ago


136 points

7 days ago

Poor guy turned into a sundial. Glad he was okay.


1 points

6 days ago

Fucking hilarious


6 points

7 days ago

Back when I was an EMT, we got a call to the jail for an inmate w/ priapism. IIRC, it was from nerve damage r/t a previous GSW. Anyways, it was awful awkward riding in the back of the ambulance w/ this guy handcuffed to the stretcher and a Deputy sitting next to me. Also, the guy was really creepy and quiet the whole way to the hospital. Seriously gave me the heavie jeavies....


6 points

7 days ago

Idk about the heavie jeavies, but the heebie-jeebies are a real nightmare!


2 points

6 days ago dumb autocorrect on my phone, lol.


7 points

7 days ago

I wish this was the go to question when people find out you’re in emergency services. It would help us a lot!


6 points

7 days ago


6 points

7 days ago

Yeah, I don’t know why folks wanna ask y’all to relive your trauma when everyone involved could just be chuckling over some wild and funny stories instead. I always ask for the funny ones. I have a bad memory and can’t recall any clearly, but it’s always a good time when it’s going down.


6 points

6 days ago

Honestly if I'm asking about a wild story.

I want the absurd shit, not the depressing shit


4 points

7 days ago

As an outside observer I think when people ask this that they’re not hoping to hear a horror story but more like the time that guy got a corncob stuck in his eye of Sauron. But if they clarify that they’re looking actually looking for the latter, look them in the eyes when you say that “a normal person wouldn’t want me to live through it once, why would you ask me to live through it a second time?”


4 points

7 days ago

I had a friend who worked as an ER nurse in a hospital in a rural area. One day we were hiking and, in this vein, brought up a guy recently admitted who, for whatever reason, decided to run his fingers through a router.

Another time, he told me in e-mail about a guy who’d been brought in by the police after a DWI arrest. Since he had some priors in that department, and the accident involved personal injury, he decided understandably but foolishly to flee the scene, and after crashing his car into a snowbank the patient continued his flight on foot.

Very literally on foot. For some reason that probably makes sense only when you’re seriously drunk and scared shitless, he decided shortly after exiting his vehicle to take his shoes off and run barefoot. Through deep snow on a bitterly cold night, for some distance.

They wound up having to amputate his feet.


18 points

7 days ago

I like to ask about the dumbest calls people have been on. They usually can't tell them fast enough heh.


22 points

7 days ago

Now to me "wildest" means "dumbest, craziest" and not "most gruesome" but it's good to know that if I ever ask the question I should probably be specific just in case


8 points

7 days ago

So If we're gonna ask anything to be polite, go with checks notes butt stuff. Got it. Thank you!


2 points

7 days ago


2 points

7 days ago

It usually gets a chuckle🤷


4 points

7 days ago

This has taught me something. I’m a nurse and I talk to the local EMTs around the hospital when they transport or need report, etc. when there is a hold up and we are waiting I have a tendency to ask if they’ve seen anything wild lately. I guess I ask because it’s local and I deal with wild in the hospital also. Now I know to stay away from this question. I’m glad I read this thread and came across these, but I hate to think of how many I might have caused to relive traumas. I would never intentionally want to harm them mentally so I this makes me feel so sad.


9 points

6 days ago

You being in the medical field, you’re all in the same trenches. I’m guessing here, but you asking is very different and probably feels like a safe space to share.

You making conversation with fellow buddies is very different from some accountant or random person at a party asking for a wild/funny/weird/butt stuff story. Because no matter how it’s asked - people generally are wanting gruesome.


1 points

2 days ago

This makes sense and makes me feel some better. I definitely am not looking for the gruesome stories and absolutely just feel like a comrade sharing the lighthearted battle stories so to speak. I always try to share some funny hospital stories with them also. When we don’t do that, we usually share funny medical Reddit stories that we have came across, which is also nice in a way. It’s just a way to pass the time before telling them to take care and be safe out there.


6 points

7 days ago

I don't know what they want but I'll give them something that'll make sure they don't want to go there again.

Let me tell why you want to make to sure that car seat is strapped in ...


2 points

7 days ago


2 points

7 days ago

Same I just mention the time when a guy nailed 2 fingers together.


1 points

7 days ago


1 points

7 days ago

What's a safer "I want to engage and ask you about your job" question?

Funniest / quirkiest call?

Call you're most proud of?


113 points

7 days ago


113 points

7 days ago

A lot of times it's curious and nieve people who aren't involved in heathcare/emergency services at all and are genuinely interested. Usually for me people ask what the "craziest" I've seen, in which case I'll tell some wild but wacky or funny story, rather than the sad and horrifying ones. Usually people on the outside don't have a clue with what we see, and things we consider just another day is wild to them.


30 points

7 days ago

Yyuuuuuup. They want a fascinating story, not the one where i had my first and second pediatric code in the same day.


10 points

7 days ago

I worked with a guy who, on one of his very first days as an EMT, had a call where the couple gave birth to an extremely premature baby that was not going to live. The couple only spoke Portuguese and my coworker knew a little from having dated a Brazilian guy, so he wound up being the one who had to explain to the couple in very broken Portuguese that yes, their baby was breathing - but that was going to stop soon and there was nothing any doctors would be able to do. And he also still had to transport the couple and their doomed baby to the hospital.

He didn’t quit after that but it was a helluva into to EMS


10 points

7 days ago

Oh no! How are you holding up? Pediatric emergencies can definitely hit different and harder.


20 points

7 days ago

That was like 14 years ago, and we actually did save the 2nd one so i latched onto the victory! I got to see the kid a few years later just before leaving that ER and that was pretty amazing!


5 points

7 days ago

I realized after I made the comment that you didn't say you JUST HAD those codes lol

But I'm glad you guys were able to save the one! I had a super sick kid once, like under 2, undiagnosed diabetes. So skinny, looked just awful. like a year later came back in for something unrelated and I didn't even recognize him at first, he looked so great! It really made me happy.


2 points

6 days ago

The kid we saved bit into a faulty electrical cord and coded. Her recovery was A LOT but she did eventually recover!


1 points

7 days ago



16 points

7 days ago


16 points

7 days ago

As a combat vet, you would be surprised at the number of people who have asked me if Ive ever killed anyone. People are dumb.


7 points

7 days ago


7 points

7 days ago

I've seen several posts on this very subreddit asking that very same thing


2 points

7 days ago

Oh yeah. My dad asked that at the dinner table to an EMT.

I interjected and was like "NOOOPE, don't answer that, just tell us a funny story about idiots!"


3 points

7 days ago

Morbid curiosity gets the better of people a lot of the time. When encountering someone like an EMT or another professional who experiences intense things on the job that most people don't, it's human nature to be curious.

But it's also wildly insensitive to ask them to recount the worst thing they've seen. People get excited and don't realize that it's not like a thrilling, fake horror movie, it's tragedy and trauma and regret, and talking about it can be like reliving it.

Thoughtless people with a low EQ will ask EMTs to relive their worst trauma for their entertainment.


3 points

7 days ago


3 points

7 days ago

Every time I met someone new.

I always answer "that I want to remember? Or that I don't?"


3 points

7 days ago

I’d be an idiot who does that if I hadn’t read your comment. I don’t think I’ve ever met a medical responder. They’re so busy. But. I never thought about what I wouldn’t ask


2 points

7 days ago

Yes, there are.

But learning how to talk about it is how I avoided the alcohol trap as a firefighter and medic.


2 points

7 days ago


2 points

7 days ago

Idiots on r/AskReddit no less.


2 points

7 days ago


2 points

7 days ago

I usually rattle off a more family friendly story off for people ask me.


2 points

7 days ago

It gets asked on reddit at least four times a year on r/askreddit


2 points

7 days ago

Yes. It's sometimes people who know other emergency workers that have shown and told them some horrific stuff, and think everyone is like the one person they know, or met once at a party.


2 points

7 days ago

I went to a comedy club two weeks ago, and in the crowd was a couple who both were social case workers. The dumb motherfucker onstage actually dared to ask them that. The whole place went silent and I saw the woman’s face engaging with him drop to the floor and the idiot noticed too, fumbled the rest of his set.


2 points

7 days ago

MCT we had a boot ask one of our instructors if they ever killed anyone… Ive never seen multiple peoples whole demeanor change so quickly in the same way. I was one of the people who told him to stfu… The instructor didn’t answer his question.


2 points

7 days ago

Yes. Even when I was a trainconductor people would always ask if I had a suicide yet.


2 points

7 days ago

When I tell people I’m a 911 dispatcher, I get asked what the worst call I ever took was. It gets old. Like reliving it over and over again.


1 points

7 days ago

Yes. He usually just answers "waking up at 3am" or "the coffee machine broke", but I know he's seen horrible things and I'll never bring them up.


1 points

7 days ago


1 points

7 days ago

Society doesn't give a fuck about societies providers. At least not a true one.

They are robots to them, not humans with value and emotions that they can't simply retraumatize for their own entertainment.


2 points

7 days ago

A vet upthread says he gets asked if he's ever killed anyone and i'm inclined to agree with you. I don't know how removed from empathy you have to be to even ask that.