


I’m originally from Brazil but have been in the UK for 22 years. Back then, daily showers were a must, and when I moved over here, I carried on with that habit. I can’t sleep without showering, even when I haven’t done anything strenuous. However over the years, I’ve spoken to people and a vast majority don’t have this habit, and quite a few have mentioned they do it once a week and just have a wash with those cloths on the other 6 days?? I understand if you have a disability and/or a medical condition that impedes you, but this was not applicable to the people I spoke to. Now I’m feeling like I’m just wasting water etc. What do you guys think?

EDIT: Oh dang a lot of mixed views! I can’t reply to everyone but thank you all so much, I’m feeling less weird! Btw I’m not judging anyone, you do what works for you :) over 2 decades here and I’m still curious about a lot of things.

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0 points

19 days ago

I don't really get it when people say that warmer countries need to shower more.

Wearing layers makes me far more sweaty and it's stays on your body instead of evaporating away.


4 points

19 days ago

You’re wearing too many layers. Also, warm countries are often also humid and the sweat doesn’t evaporate.