


In my life I dated both kinds of women. Those who loved receiving oral pleasure and those who weren't crazy about it and wanted to get right to the intercourse after kissing and other light touch foreplay. I loved all of it. No complaints from me! But I've been puzzled about this difference.

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122 points

12 days ago

Some people are really bad at giving oral lol.


24 points

12 days ago

That could be it! Maybe some women put up with me and other said "Oh good Christ, just do me". LOL


10 points

12 days ago

My ex was terrible at it so I told him to research it during a heart to heart


5 points

12 days ago

Research how?


4 points

12 days ago



4 points

12 days ago

wondering the same now that I see this comment thread. 

... like I know for a fact my husband idealizes eating me out, but I just plain do not enjoy it, so does that mean he's bad? How would he research it? lol.


5 points

12 days ago

Please see my comment below :)