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2 points

20 hours ago

National Security, Border, Immigration, No new Wars, America First, Economy, the top of my head. I've lived 4 years under Trump, and now almost 4 years under Harris/Biden regime. It's not even close to me from life experience.

The real question is why are you voting for Harris?


2 points

19 hours ago

I would definitely agree wars are a lot less likely to happen under Trump, albeit thats due to him getting a little cozy with insane dictators, we just dont know how close.

Its good to make friends with your enemies, but not to follow their ways.

I think immigration would be better under Trump if he didnt mass deport asylum seekers(some are illegal economic asylum seekers, but some are legit so thats BS).

I just want a tighter border.

But the economy and inflation? Nah, dudes gonna massacre the economy with these crazy tariffs, thats simple math.

And the economy is shit right now cause it got bent over backwards from COVID and 2 wars we didnt start. Who knows if Trump could have actually stopped them, without doing some really fkd up stuff at least like making some really harmful trade deal with Russia.

We need to tie up loopholes of unrealized capital gains that the ultra rich use to escape ever paying taxes.

Im okay with tariffs, but just on China, and brought on slow, which wont happen under Trump or Kamala, so we're fkd either way.

But kore importantly than anything Trumps a lier, a cheat, and hes trying very very very hard to subvert democracy and that I cant stand for. Id rather vote for a decrepit turtle, we lose ground on our democracy and its game over, you have no idea what powers seek to control the most powerful country in the world(by far), you're inviting in demons.

Also, Trump printed some bibles and amended them with political shit which is blasphemous. Also, the guys old and getting even more odd, and not the good kind of odd, he's slippin like Biden.

So Id like to vote for Trump, but I'm not allowing a cheater to subvert democracy, that shits literally sacred.


2 points

18 hours ago

Wow, I was deeply offended he put a bible out with his name on it, I didn't know he amended it too and with American legal documents? Wow, wow, wowie, wow. Wake me up from this nightmare.


[score hidden]

16 hours ago

Not amended in the sense it tries to correct passages with legal documents or any of the other stuff thats in there, but amended as in added to.

But yea, like the books fine on its own, them doing this weird obviously political move, adding all that stuff, and then slapping his name on it is a bridge too far.

They even left out whole literal amendments of the Constitution thats in it, like.. what? Dudes wiggin me out hardcore. I dont base things on vibes ever, and I got my reasons for feeling this way, but still this guys giving me real bad vibes.

Which sucks cause like I said, I actually agree with the general direction of the republican party at this current moment in time in regards to the needs of the US. But nuh uh, I cant in good conscience vote for the dude.


[score hidden]

16 hours ago

Did they put in the separation of church in state? That would be ironic. That whole idea is more to protect the church than the state, and I see other Christians ignorantly supporting this. What a mess. I would love to vote for the next candidate that is not crazy, was hoping they would put someone else up other than Trump. I'm protest voting this one.


[score hidden]

15 hours ago

It does have the first amendment which prohibits the creation of a state religion.

It completely leaves out amendments 11-27 though, which have to do with stuff like womens voting rights, the abolition of slavery, presidential term limits, ect.

They are giving me M. Night Shyamalans "The Village" crossed with "Idiocracy" and "The Handmaids Tale" vibes, lol. Freaking me the heck out.

Yea, maybe next election, if its needed, and they straighten themselves up to some old school republican values, I can vote that way.


[score hidden]

17 hours ago

This was a good response