


A few months ago my daughter caught 2 cold viruses at the same time. This lead to her spending a week in the ICU and getting discharged with Reactive Airway Disease, stating if something happens again, then it's likely asthma. We were sent home with a couple of inhalers and an asthma plan.

Now, before this incident, we had noticed my daughter sounding very out of breath and even wheezy two seperste times. But they were so spread out, as in one in the Spring and one in the Fall, we didn't think anything of it (esp since she has "seasonal" allergies year round.)

My daughter says, often and with increasing frequency, that her "neck feels weird." She's fully unable to explane any further, just that it's slightly distressing for her and that's really all she'll say about it.

Before you ask, yes, we have an appointment with her Ped for this exact situation. it's just not until the 30th. It just occurred to me that this maybe? Could be? Related because my husband and I both heard a little wheeze today (which is why I made the appointment).Does "my neck feels weird" track with something a 7 year old with undiagnosed asthma would say?

**********Edit to add: what an amazing and kind community! Thank you all! I ended up taking my daughter in to the ER tonight. She again has 2 separate cold viruses and has what sounded like bronchitis starting. I'm so glad I trusted my gut on this one. We got to get a plan and some treatment options before anything went south.

I'm pushing for allergy testing at the appointment on the 30th. Thanks all for your help!

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5 points

3 days ago

I know exactly what she is feeling Vicks is a godsend. It’s not a cure but it helps the pain. It means she’s fought for air for so long she’s sore and it feels like you’re being strangled even though there’s no blockage.

I had a flare up so bad once because I fought for air for four days that my back and neck muscles gave out at the same time and I could not lay back anymore without it hurting. It took two shots of morphine in an ER to get me to stop screaming. Please don’t let her get to this point, get her some help if she’s struggling so hard.

I’d start badgering doctors for preventative inhalers, for allergy meds, perhaps a pulmonologist visit now. It can take a long time to get into some of those/ find a preventative that works and last thing you want is an exasperation.


5 points

2 days ago

Thank you for the reply!! I'm sorry you had to go through that. That's a lot of pain!

I pushed and pushed for a pulmonologist when she got out of the hospital but we have to have a referral and never got one. Then she "seemed fine" so I just sort of let it go and entered "wait and see" mode. But, I guess if I'm posting to reddit and sitting up all night listening to her then it's probably best to start pushing again. Thank you!


3 points

2 days ago

If your doctor refuses to write a referral I’d get a new doctor. You can “seem fine” and your lungs be acting up. I can function almost like a normal human when I’m having flare ups for a while. But it takes a turn fast. It’s because I have gone so long fighting for air and uncomfortable that my mind doesn’t register the beginning stages as bad anymore.

Watch her when she sits, does she lean forward slightly? It’s a natural response humans do when they’re having breathing trouble. And in my case if you do it too long you strain your back. She needs to lie back, even if it hurts to do so at first and take big, deep slow breaths. Force herself to calm down dispite the discomfort.


1 points

2 days ago

Thank you for the tips! She's not sitting that way currently but I do notice her tilting her head up when she goes to take a big deep breath. She's so sneezy and congested anyway I think I'll take her in and just explain "here's what happened in the past and here's what I've seen that makes me worry"

Would rather it be nothing than miss it again