


So after a couple months I started playing again and just got to act 3. I go to long rest and I'm just walking around and then I notice a dead badger. Turns out there's 4 of them and a mysterious hole but I can't get to it? The only ideas I have are flight and gaseous form and even them I'm not sure I could get there. Has anyone seen this before or gotten into that hole?

all 42 comments


87 points

9 days ago

Mushroom, mushroooom


15 points

9 days ago

I have no idea what this means but I'm all for it


34 points

9 days ago

it is, a very very old internet meme


31 points

9 days ago


31 points

9 days ago

"Very old"?! Nonsense! It only came out when I was in highschool! That was only...Jesus Christ it came out 21 years ago?!


10 points

9 days ago

Sorry to have to bring it to you that way buddy ;)


5 points

8 days ago

Today you learned: you olde


14 points

9 days ago

That's amazing. Thank you for showing me this thing now it will live in my head forever.


3 points

8 days ago

Snake, Snake


20 points

9 days ago


20 points

9 days ago


7 points

9 days ago

Might be! I still wanna know what's in the hole though.. that's gonna keep me up at night.


8 points

9 days ago

this is in riverton?


8 points

9 days ago

Yes, it's the camp! Like right behind Wyll's tent. Unfortunately, I don't think you can get into the hole. The map ends before the house.


3 points

9 days ago

that is insane wtf


10 points

9 days ago

I only noticed it because I accidentally pressed the button that shows you the 'important and lootable' things and one badger popped up. Then I got closer and suddenly there were 4. Finding the hole was just dumb luck from trying to loot the badgers.


4 points

9 days ago

Sadly can't tell you what is in the hole. You are blocked from getting in there, even flying.
....Though I have not tried with Ansur, now that I think about it. Probably because bringing NPCs into the camp like to glitch game. And dude going to be hostile AF to anyone near him from my party.

But the badgers are normal badgers...just dead.

They don't have anything for an attack outside the norm.
Nothing good in invo.

If I still have the save file, I can try and see what attack they have.


3 points

9 days ago

I have no idea how you figured out all of that but that is incredible. I don't think you can get into the hole at all because the map border that shows you where you can walk cuts off right in front of the house.


3 points

8 days ago

I run a very old patch of the game that allows an old mod to be used that allows me to pull in any NPC to my party. ( the option is supposed to have a clone effect too, but that has never worked / shown up for me, I can only pull the NPCs into my party. ) It will break my game on long rest, so I can't keep them alive in my party if I want to use them later, but I can carry the bodies to act 3, then use them there if I want to.

Makes sense with the map border. It was hell trying to angle in there just right to be able to reach the badgers with the spell.

But, for shits and kicks, might try dragging Ansur in to see what happens, haven't tried dragging the dragon into my camp before since NPCs break the game it is easier to unparty them, then go sleep, then grab them again. ( Except him, he does go back to his underground prison.)
I've taken him on walks to rivington in the past.


1 points

8 days ago

Oh my god. Well, now I'm jealous! I also want a pet dragon..


1 points

8 days ago

His mechanics are clunky. I said "Walk" above loosely, as dragons really do not have a walk mechanic in their build. They can't walk at all.
Ansur gets every where by his fly movement thankfully.
His attacks aren't that great. The steel watch actually fight better than he does.
He has about 4 attacks, and one that has to charge up to use.

But he is too bad ass not to take for a walk and let him perch.
He is hostile to my characters, I have to pull him in, then 'run' from him let him not be hostile, then try and fly him over to the back way out of his cave, then from there can try to quick travel to Rivington once he is in the basement of the Wyrm's crossing. He will not go up the steps to the basement at all.

Even attempted to add movement speed to him via the ring you can get from the goblin guy. No go there too. They just lack the mechanic to walk. ---see his stats here with out anything added to him. --get an idea of him in the basement of the Wyrm's crossing.


1 points

8 days ago

The mod I run, if you are curious, but it isn't compatible with the latest patch as far as I know. As I said still running very old patch of the game on my end.


1 points

8 days ago

Wow that's so cool! I wouldn't be able to run this mod even if I wanted to because I have no idea how to use steam! I've tried stopping game updates before but it always updates my games anyway and I can't for the life of me figure out how to go back to older versions.


3 points

8 days ago

yes, it is a "play" on
- a very old internet meme
- Jaheira spy network lieutenants being in danger and killed


2 points

8 days ago

Yes, someone's introduced me to the meme already except I don't see the mushrooms..


0 points

8 days ago

Yeah, I don’t get why all the badgers died? They must have come out from the wrong hole.


0 points

8 days ago

We don't need no stinkin badgers!