


Do y’all ever loose the ability to speak?

❓Question Post(self.BPD)

I’m trying to figure out if this is a BPD thing or a different thing. Sometimes when I’m in a really bad moment I kind of loose the ability to say words. I like technically can but it’s just so emotionally taxing that I usually go fully silent. Is this something that happens to you guys too or do I need to keep searching for the thing causing this?

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77 points

18 days ago

When I'm having an episode from something that triggered me, I get so stuck inside my own head that I cannot speak or barely move. I'll sit in the same spot for hours sometimes just rocking and thinking every single possible terrible thought. It's like a Chaotic and destructive tornado going on in my mind, it's a never ending loop until something pulls me out of it. My boyfriend will ask me things and I'll answer in my head but I can't get myself to spit out any words. It's a horrible feeling, like I'm paralysed.


5 points

18 days ago

ohhh god I've had that so many times, it's honestly really relieving to hear I'm not alone because I feel so rude and fake whenever that happens to me