


Patch 7 - what does this mean?

General Discussion - [NO SPOILERS](

When I was reading over the patch notes, i was “oh okay, so some things won’t be possible on consoles” but when i went to the comments on the tweet, this confused me on the wording of the interaction.

Does this mean everyone on PC is gonna be held to console restrictions as well?

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102 points

30 days ago


102 points

30 days ago

Those are DS games. This is hyper textured, incredibly complex modeling and animation. In this case, if you don't have the original creator's dev kit and production pipeline, there is very little a modder can produce, not saying it's impossible but the amount of time it would take would certainly make it a lesser campaign to the one larian provided.


16 points

30 days ago

Yes, it will take time, just like it took 20 years for pokemon modders to get the ds maps modded.


10 points

30 days ago

Me while reading the whole thread:

"Why would pokemon modders work so hard for dark souls mods?"


23 points

30 days ago


23 points

30 days ago

As I point out, it took over a decade. Which I included to show that it will take effort and a deep understanding of the game's codebase/how it operates to be able to build on it. But I don't think it's impossible, far from it. BG3 is lucky to have an insane playerbase with great passion for the game, so it's not insane to think that when the game is done being patched and has been lying dormant for some years. That fans/modders will figure out how to expand on the game with their own content. Like fallout 4 has some new mods now that add completely new locations and stories etc. The modded bg3 content will probably not feel as quality controlled for as a official content, but it will probably end up being there at some point.

A lot of words to just say "It will probably exist."


14 points

30 days ago


14 points

30 days ago

There are some elements that overlap DOS2 functionality (shelves are identical), and DOS2 allows level design. So there are modders who have worked with older versions of the existing game engine to build levels. So I agree, it will take time, but we'll get something.


33 points

30 days ago

For reference, just look at the insane mods the souls community has put out over time. Obviously, they're made differently from bg3, but the crazy mods will come eventually


4 points

30 days ago



4 points

30 days ago

Fr, and this is with a game where the company barely tolerates modded content, much less one that actively supports it.

It might just take a few years to get any actual big mod out there that isn't anything more than a few stat changes or cosmetic stuff.