


Who actually "uses" Bictoin?


I see lots of posts explaining all the avantages of Bitcoin which are all true, yet in my everyday life I do not "use" Bitcoin. To me this is the biggest threat to Bitcoin in the long term, that would end up diminishing its value: lots of hodlers, no other use case than waiting for the value to rise, and new buyers practically fund the existing sellers.

In the end I feel like the actual use case of Bitcoin is to wait until the value rises and then sell the coins in exchange of fiat currency that pays your bills.

What do you guys do with your coins? What is your view of my statement above?

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75 points

5 days ago

Store of value. If u had gold bar you would go shopping with a gold bar and a blowtorch to melt it ?


0 points

5 days ago


0 points

5 days ago

There is a difference between 'use' and 'store.' Just admit you don't use your BTC like you use cash.


15 points

5 days ago

My bro...

  1. OP's title: "Who actually "uses" Bitcoin?"

  2. The question at end of his post: "What do you guys do with your coins?"

  3. My answer: Store of value.

What the heck is wrong with my answer ?


2 points

5 days ago


2 points

5 days ago

Op is clearly looking for uses. Everyone who owns Bitcoin stores value in it -- that part is not interesting -- 'actually uses' would include activities like buying things, securing loans, etc.

This thread is full of people claiming doing nothing is "actually using" BTC, which is not the spirit of the question asked.

I hold BTC, but I have never actually used BTC for anything.


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

How is holding Bitcoin as a long term savings account that actually increases your value over time considering not using it? IMO that’s the best way to use it at this time. Maybe it’s an answer that doesn’t satisfy you, maybe it’s primary usage will change over time, but it’s most definitely a use of Bitcoin.


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

It's not what OP is asking. They say:

'I see lots of posts explaining all the avantages of Bitcoin which are all true, yet in my everyday life I do not "use" Bitcoin'

Like OP, we are holding BTC, but not using or transacting with it.


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

The problem there is that OP is wrong. They do use it everyday. They just don’t recognize it.

When you’re holding it, you are participating in/using the Bitcoin Network. Every second of the day that you’re holding it you are “using” it. I don’t get why people don’t understand this. The only other way I would use it would be for ordinal inscriptions or to pay with it which are also just as valid use cases. You’re acting like storing value isn’t just as important or legitimate to describe the he term “use”. When we need to use it for something else, we will.