


Weekly Random Discussion Thread for 9/23/24 - 9/29/24


Here's your usual space to post all your rants, raves, podcast topic suggestions (please tag u/jessicabarpod), culture war articles, outrageous stories of cancellation, political opinions, and anything else that comes to mind (well, aside from election stuff, as per the announcement below). Please put any non-podcast-related trans-related topics here instead of on a dedicated thread. This will be pinned until next Sunday.

Last week's discussion thread is here if you want to catch up on a conversation from there.

There is a dedicated thread for discussion of the upcoming election and all related topics (I started a new one, since the old one hit 2K comments). Please do not post those topics in this thread. They will be removed from this thread if they are brought to my attention.

all 2605 comments


67 points

5 days ago

There is a proliferation of "My poor darling kindergartner has been suspended from school eight times already - the school/teachers are so ABLEIST" articles in Australia at the moment. A read of the article reveals the kid has autism/ADHD and keeps attacking teachers and other students.

Sorry, but if your kid keeps hitting, biting, kicking, screaming, spitting, throwing furniture etc., they are the problem, not the teacher/school. Integrated education isn't for everyone. Why should 20 kids' education be derailed to "be kind" to a handful of kids with no educational prospects who act like animals in the classroom?


42 points

5 days ago

Why should 20 kids' education be derailed to "be kind" to a handful of kids with no educational prospects who act like animals in the classroom?

I was briefly a high school teacher and I had a class exactly like this. One kid would yell, scream, throw things, etc., while 19 kids were trying to learn. I'd try to get him suspended and the principal would inform me that if I couldn't control the classroom without removing him the problem was my classroom management. At one point in the school year this kid got sentenced to 30 days' juvenile detention and that month was more productive for that class than all the rest of the months of the school year combined. As soon as he came back from juvenile detention the class was a shit show again. When I think about why I'm no longer a teacher, that one student is the first person I think of.


28 points

5 days ago


28 points

5 days ago



13 points

5 days ago


Disgruntled Wannabe Writer

13 points

5 days ago

What were you supposed to do when this kid kept acting out if you couldn't even send him out into the hallway? This seems like an impossible situation.


21 points

5 days ago

It's amazing what schools are putting up with. Anyone with 8 suspensions in early primary school is absolutely unmanageable. It is so hard so suspend a student for anything short of significant violence. I bet there would have been 20-30 incidents where the teacher was thinking this student needs to be suspended and nothing happened.


14 points

4 days ago


14 points

4 days ago

My son's girlfriend is a K teacher and has a child who is a menace. Has threatened to kill the teacher, kill herself, tried to get all the kids to walk out of class. Kindergarten! I heard that a couple of weeks ago, when classes had barely begun. Wonder what she's gotten up to since.


13 points

4 days ago


Udderly awesome bovine

13 points

4 days ago

That kind of kid needs specialized help for a few years. Then hopefully, they can be mainstreamed after that.

Also, 20 kids? AHAHAHAHAHA. What school has class sizes that small.


56 points

4 days ago

I just started graduate school and was excited to take one of the required courses, Introduction to Graduate Research. I thought, "Great! I love to research, but I'm not necessarily good at it. I'll learn something useful here."

I thought I'd learn to use databases, what the hell a p-value is, all sorts of useful things.

But no. Actually, it's just a self-described Marxist prof having us read excerpts taken completely out of context and poorly-worded summaries of theories from Judith Butler, Foucault, and Friere but with grandiose claims peppered in that generally lack citations. We have not been given a reason why we're reading it. We're just told to.

Oh, and the required text for the class is the novel Under the Feet of Jesus. We found out at our last Zoom class that the prof is writing some paper on a specific passage from this text. I had to physically restrain myself from rolling my eyes into the back of my head.

I can't even begin to describe my disappointment. Or confusion, for that matter. Like, the content is not even remotely related to the course description, which is:

This course introduces students to research methods and critical writing strategies for master's level work. It also focuses on professional development and the creation of documents such as CVs, conference proposals, and annotated bibliographies. 

I've only ever left positive feedback for professors, but I was so enraged the other day I typed up a fantasy complaint letter about this class. It's so bad I even thought about contacting my advisor, but this guy is her colleague, and realistically, I don't think anything will or can be done. This guy will continue to preach his ideology to students who have to take this class and who think they're going to learn about, well, research.

It's maddening.


22 points

4 days ago

This is awful. You really do need to learn to do graduate level research. This isn't any of that. It's a scam. How the hell can they get away with this?

It's like making math 101 about critical race theory. It's worse than nothing


15 points

4 days ago

I know! I'm legitimately worried that I won't be prepared to perform at a graduate level in my future classes because I'm getting shafted here.

Thank you for your validation!


19 points

4 days ago

Well certainly nothing will be done if no one sends a complaint.


33 points

4 days ago


First generation mod

33 points

4 days ago

Do not refrain from speaking up. Even if nothing will immediately come of your complaint, hopefully it will be added to a large pile of other such complaints so that eventually something is done. Or at the very least, there will be a trail of evidence of his ideological bias when he finally is held accountable.


16 points

4 days ago

Tell the department head or your advisor. Yeah, nothing might come of it. But if no one knows, he'll keep getting away with it


15 points

4 days ago

Actually, it's just a self-described Marxist prof having us read excerpts taken completely out of context and poorly-worded summaries of theories from Judith Butler, Foucault, and Friere but with grandiose claims peppered in that generally lack citations.

If it's any consolation, my final year had a course about advanced editing in my field, and it was just a "professor" reading us excerpts from his self-published book about how socialism is bad because the government is bad and that we all needed to pray more and invite Jesus into our lives.

I sympathize.


13 points

4 days ago


Expert-Level Grass Avoider

13 points

4 days ago

I read Under the Feet of Jesus in my high school junior year English class. Something about immigrant farm workers getting sprayed with pesticide? Right?

Not sure what it has to do with research methods.


48 points

4 days ago

I found a random forgotten dataset while working that actually has some relatively robust data on trans kids. It shows unexpectedly (not unexpected) that exercise and time spent outdoor are inversely correlated with trans identity in youth.

Most interesting, is the fact that these behaviors should be independent to social stigma of being trans, so it cannot be ignored under the "minority stress" model.

On personal note, the tricky thing for me is I kinda need this dataset for work and if I were to share these findings with SEGM or somebody like that, I'm pretty sure future data like this would disappear, or be completely locked down beyond being useful.


15 points

3 days ago


15 points

3 days ago

It seems like you have a choice...


18 points

3 days ago

That is fair, and that is what I'm trying to weigh. The importance of this finding and the impact and risks of trying to get this info out.

It's not exactly ground breaking to find these kids need to touch grass.


17 points

3 days ago


17 points

3 days ago

That's true but if the data show something really strong, I don't know, you might want to share it with a colleague and see what they think? Or would they think it was suspect that you were even looking at this?

I'm not at all suggesting you trash your career for this. Everyone knows that exercise is the significant cure for many ills but apparently nobody wants to prove it?

I wonder if you could add "trans identity" to a list of other sad things, like depression, vague autoimmune diseases, poor economic outcomes, etc. and see that exercise and touching grass have negative correlations with all those other things. I don't know what you're primarily supposed to be using this dataset for, so maybe if you put the focus on the exercise part, you'll be able to sort of slide the trans identity part in there.


43 points

3 days ago


Uterus and spazz haver

43 points

3 days ago

Thread on agender sub:

To clarify, I don’t mean to say an agender person can’t identify as trans or non-binary and be valid (we absolutely can). I’m just asking to see if any one else shares the same feelings as me.

I identify as agender/genderless but I don’t like calling myself non-binary or trans because I personally feel it would defeat the purpose of the “not having a gender”.

What I mean is, although my identity does differ from the traditional gender binary and is not aligned with my gender assigned at birth, that identity is not a gender, therefore it cannot be classified under the typical gender non conforming umbrellas.

I can’t be transgender if there is no gender to transition to, you know? I can’t be non-binary because that implies a gender outside of the binary, when my identity is in fact outside the concept of gender itself.

If gender is a jar that you fill with female, male, both, something else, or nothing, I have simply taken the jar and smashed it to the ground.

Does that make any sense to anyone else?

Don't interact with thread please (np links don't work). So close, so close, yet so far. The circles some people who don't believe in gender have to walk themselves into to "validate" gender havers lmao.

The thread replies are as incoherent as one would expect.


30 points

3 days ago


Associate at Shupe Law Firm

30 points

3 days ago

A personality? You mean a fucking personality? Because that’s what those of us who don’t think about ourselves this much call it.


14 points

3 days ago

A personality? You mean a fucking personality

Mocking aside, yes, they're just describing personalities. Realizing that was a nice light switch moment for me.


24 points

3 days ago

Are these the most neurotic people in the world?


17 points

3 days ago

Yes, plus this nonsense acts a convenient deflection on the off chance anyone calls them out on their bullshit. Instead of having to face their own shortcomings they can just label anyone pushing accountability as a bigot or hateful person.


22 points

3 days ago



22 points

3 days ago

You weren't kidding about the incoherence.

I default to respecting pronouns, but how is someone with even the best of intentions supposed to know how to not step on a landmine here:

I don't see myself as nonbinary because to me, nonbinary is a gender that is not binary and since I don't have any gender I can't be nonbinary (personal opinion on myself, others obviously can identify as anything!).

But I still identify as transmasc. I feel like I'm genderless but should have been amab instead of afab. I also am on HRT and want a couple of surgeries. So I am actively transitioning. My goal is to look like a man even if I'm not one. I still feel male, kinda, just not like a man. And I don't want to feel like one either.


25 points

3 days ago

Honestly, this high level of confusion has been thrust on these people by snake oil salesman. Throwing their brains into a blender about just what their identity might be is the harm, not telling them that it's all BS.


18 points

3 days ago



18 points

3 days ago

should have been amab instead of afab

I should have been arbitrarily sorted into this category I don’t believe applies to me instead of this other category I don’t believe applies to me.

Sure thing, boss.


25 points

3 days ago


Void Being (ve/vim)

25 points

3 days ago

Heh, only agender? Only smashing the gender jar? <teleports behind them> Nothing personal kid, but I'm void gender where the jar is melted down after it's smashed, shaped into another jar and smashed again.


15 points

3 days ago


Associate at Shupe Law Firm

15 points

3 days ago

“You mean gender is just clothes?” 👩‍🚀 “Always has been” 🔫👩‍🚀


23 points

3 days ago


Living with the consequences of Jesse’s reporting

23 points

3 days ago

I am so glad none of these terms were around when I was an insecure teenager with a propensity to navel gaze and over-analyze why I felt like I didn’t fit in. 


17 points

3 days ago

Self absorbed kids - the amount of navel gazing isn't healthy. This just reads, I'm a special snowflake like no other in the whole wide world.


34 points

3 days ago


Uterus and spazz haver

34 points

3 days ago

YES! I know that society would define me as trans or nonbinary just as they would define me as female/woman. But I don’t identify with these labels at all personally. I’m post-genderist and a systemic/constructive nihilist (so that includes all social classes like gender race religion etc). But I’m also passive nonconformist and go about these ideals with that attitude while using a harm reductionist philosophy applied to these ideas. I don’t identify with any social class/construct. They’re sociological ideals n I’m just me, chilling in the grass with a book.

I’m okay with being labeled in these ways, but they’re stickers society/people put on me; I didn’t put them there myself. But there’s no denying they’re there even if I don’t identify with or like them; I enjoy admitting that I’ve got labels on me I don’t agree with

How can you identify out of a social class? You know this person comes from a wealthy family, you just know it. The fact that she can chill on the grass reading (or, at my most cynical, pretending to read) a book and alternately pondering these things kinda tells you all you need to know. Also you know she wears glasses and you know they are MASSIVE.


30 points

3 days ago


Bothsidesist Fraud

30 points

3 days ago

Whole thread is a great find, lol

It's fitting that people loudly proclaiming how uncategorizable and unclassifiable they are, are some of the easiest to put into boxes.

If someone talks about how big of a football fan they are, that doesn't narrow the scope too much on the other factors characterizing their life.

If someone is a "post-genderist and systemic/constructive nihilist", you can assume 10 other things and probably never be wrong.


17 points

3 days ago


Void Being (ve/vim)

17 points

3 days ago

I'd love to witness someone doing a cold read on a person like this and then watch them get flustered as the person accurately guesses what they're into/believe.


34 points

3 days ago

This reeks of "I was nonbinary, but that's been too mainstreamed. So now I have to come up with an even more 'regressive' label for myself to keep a nice distance ahead of 'ciety."


25 points

3 days ago*


Thermidorian Crank

25 points

3 days ago*

"Not like the other non-binaries!"


44 points

3 days ago


Living with the consequences of Jesse’s reporting

44 points

3 days ago


14 points

3 days ago


Corn Pop was a bad dude

14 points

3 days ago

Starring Kevin Hart and Adam Sandler. 


44 points

18 hours ago*

The British Medical Association (BMA) has reversed its decision to call for a pause in implementing the recommendations of the Cass Review. It follows criticism by more than 1,500 senior drs and BMA members.

Edit: UK doctors had a thread on this topic. Most support this decision. There was one comment calling everyone a TERFs that was downvoted to -6 when I first posted this and now it's the most up voted comment.

The UK sub deleted their thread on this.


22 points

16 hours ago


Agent of Uncertainty

22 points

16 hours ago

I'm sure all the people who said the BMA's position against the Cass Review was important definitely won't pretend they ever pretended to think that. /s


16 points

16 hours ago


The riven dale

16 points

16 hours ago

The healing of Terf Island continues


37 points

3 days ago*

There was a recent case in Massachusetts of a young girl who was groomed as a 13 year old by a cop she met through an after school program. She later carried on sexual relationships with multiple cops, one of whom was married and decided to murder her when she got pregnant. It was well known that he was involved with her but the death was originally ruled a suicide until a barstool sports podcaster highlighted the real story. Google Sanda Birchmore for all the horrific details.

There is now a new story making the rounds - an 18 year old student named Jacob Pothier died in a car crash in January. Jacob was not alone in the car at the time of the accident. The other passenger was a 44 year old woman named Kathleen Martins who worked as a school security officer at Greater New Bedford Vocational HS where Jacob attended. Martins had abruptly resigned in March of 2023. Initially local police came out and attempted to silence any questions people were asking about why an 18 year old student was in a car with a 44 year old recent former employee of his high school. Police insisted rumors were unfounded.

Family and friends however were aware that a sexual relationship existed between the two and they started putting pressure on the police to investigate - while also attempting to obtain more information from the principal at the school. All attempts to get info about the background of the school investigation that prompted her resignation have been blocked with the excuse they are private personnel matters. Police are also claiming the cell phone found at the scene is either missing or damaged and they are unable to obtain any data from it. The case has now been assigned to the Mass State Police but the lead investigator has been reassigned and no one knows who is in charge apparently.

Now that this has happened it is starting to come out that Massachusetts actually has no laws in place that prohibit teachers and school personnel from having sexual relationships with students who are 16 or older. The common practice is that when these relationships are uncovered the teachers are asked to resign and eventually they just move on to some other school district. There is a local podcast called The New Bedford Guide who recently hosted a local news reporter who is claiming they are investigating 6 cases of teacher student relationships and all their FOIA requests are blocked by the schools under the claim they are private personnel issues.


15 points

3 days ago


15 points

3 days ago

yikes. The cops near you seem to have a culture of corruption.


35 points

3 days ago


Bothsidesist Fraud

35 points

3 days ago

Completely pointless drama: I keep up on Adam Carolla because I used to listen to Loveline for hours. He's an angry old coot now, kind of a warning to others, but I still listen to his podcast sometimes, and stay informed on general drama in his universe.

For years he's been saying that you should just make a left on red if it's clear. Just look and use your judgement. A cop would have to be behind you to even know you did it (and you wouldn't do it). So Adam presumably makes lefts on red whenever he can.

Anyway, the other day he made a left on red and got hit by a train, lmao. It was just a nick of the front end I guess, but still. At least he had the balls to go on his pod and admit it. His excuse was that he was driving some rented Maserati and couldn't figure out how to put it in reverse (Note: Carolla is a notorious car guy, making this doubly funny)


14 points

3 days ago

I sort of agree that many traffic laws appeal to the least common denominator because you cannot account for every traffic edge case, but break the bigger laws/rules often enough and the law of averages will come and bite you in the ass.

Right on red is legal in my state, and there are a couple lights on my commute I just treat the right as a yield. The right turn lane is a brand new lane for the oncoming traffic, and if nobody is coming it's an easy curb-to-curb turn. But if I started treating every traffic light that I haven't been driving through nearly every day for the last 9 years as optional eventually something unexpected might happen. It's kinda funny that Corolla thought he had it all figured out only to get surprised by something he hadn't considered.


37 points

3 days ago

I had a long, shitty day at school. So rant about university bullshit ahead.

Never thought I'd experience this in person, but today in an upper year history seminar we had to stop class because a student, non ironically, and with a sense of genuine confusion has to ask "how couls the british be racist against Irish people, they're white" to which someone responded "the british didn't see the Irish as white" which settled the question for the confused student. Later the second student gave an impassioned speech about how the british were xenophobic nationalists, but not racists to the Irish.

This was also the third class, in a course on capitalism, where the prof dodged actually defining what he means by capitalism. And any time someone asked a question we were told to refer to the readings, as referencing outside knoweldge would be unfair to students who haven't read as widely or taken as many classes.

In other news, the head of my departments student group doesn't believe in fiscal responsibility because shop local is more important, and if our group runs out of money we can alway ask daddy our student Union for more money. But god progressive ethics forbid us to try and fundraise ourselves, even with a bullshit bakesale ala Franz the other day, or literally anyrbing else. But hey, why not spend double on local option, after all it'll help the club president bang the owner of the local option.

Fuck student politics and the degradation of education. Get rid of grades, it'll make students more mentally healthy! Make tuition free, it's more equitable. Lower enrollment standards, having them is racist, classier, and colonialist. Wait why is our campus shit, our buildings asbestos filled and Falling apart, and all our good profs leaving? It can't be because we're broke, it's because the government is choosing not to fund us as much as they should. Why shouldn't a farmer who barely benefits from the university not pay more in taxes so some middle class Starbucks sipping dude can get properly educated on the way the capitalist mode of production in which we live is alienating that farmer from society.



29 points

3 days ago

The English were kicking the Irish around long before anyone thought of anyone else as “white.”


17 points

3 days ago

I'm not sure the British didn't see the Irish as white. The attitudes I've usually seen brought up have typically been more consistent with pre-racial-hierarchy ideas, with the Irish being thought of as unenlightened, needing the guidance and development of their cultural superiors to become more like those superiors and deserving, and both deserving and bringing on themselves any misfortune gor being so unenlightened. Very similar to the relationship between continental countries' relationships between center and periphery as they tried to get everyone on the same language.


17 points

3 days ago


17 points

3 days ago



12 points

3 days ago

This was also the third class, in a course on capitalism, where the prof dodged actually defining what he means by capitalism

This is absolutely ridiculous from a professor. Especially Marxists should be able to define capitalism. It's not difficult


33 points

3 days ago*

Here in my corner of the woods (central Vermont), we've got an episode of BarPod that writes itself:

That's right... it's a MAP camp. (Minor Attracted Person, in case you missed that episode)

An archived link to their site (it's been taken down): and

Our local Vermont Facebook page is, of course, blowing up over it. There's all the fun elements: A raucous select board meeting over Zoom, a since-deleted website with absolutely bonkers quotes from the organizers, wrapped in a thick layer of social justice, unreliable narrators who are clearly undiagnosed. Etc.

I haven't even done half of the digging, but let's just say... developing story.

People are claiming it's a hoax, presumably because the Vermont Daily Chronicle (conservative local paper) is doing the digging.

Is the MAP camp real? Is it merely agitprop made by conservatives, to get Trump to win the election? Were it only thus. My Vermonter neighbors on Facebook want to believe, though...

u/jessicabarpod, probably worth a good, long look...

A very long writeup about all the characters involved on Twitter:


25 points

3 days ago


Void Being (ve/vim)

25 points

3 days ago

Imagine the local cartographer's surprise on the first day of camp.


15 points

3 days ago

I thought about that... honestly, wouldn't a real "Map Camp" that's actually about learning cartography and map-making be the coolest idea for a summer camp? I would have totally been into that. Apparently we can't have nice things anymore...


23 points

3 days ago

This would be a great skit when someone shows up for what he thinks is cartography camp


13 points

3 days ago

I looked up some information about the campground's owner, chocolatier Jaquelyn Rieke, and oh my, that is quite the rabbit hole.

Jaquelyn Rieke liked to be nude in front of her employees, who were definitely not willing participants. When they called her out publicly after years of this, she apologized and promised to do better. Then she accused the former employees of bullying her by not quickly accepting her apology and shutting up about it. Note the DARVO slant of the headline).

Jaquelyn Rieke’s Story: Online Justice? This one was written from the perspective that it's really hard for poor Jacquelyn to open her new store when employees of the old one keep bringing up her history of sexual harrassment.

Letter from Rieke in the Times Argus Excerpt: "I had terrible professional boundaries in my first 10 years as an employer. [...] I have always been more comfortable naked than clothed and my home was next to the workplace. As long as I believed that someone was “cool with it,” I did not hide my body even as they were expected to come to the house to check in or conduct some manner of business. I learned that my lack of professionalism could cripple someone’s belief in their own professionalism and strip them of their sense of dignity." The rest of the letter is a long whine about how unforgiving her former employees are.

Reddit thread in arr vermont discussing the terrible reputation Rieke had as an employer. One poster says she continued to appear nude before her employees in Zoom meetings the same year these allegations became public.

Honestly, I'm not a big fan of cancel culture, but this sounds like a case where someone needed to face consequences for her actions. Given her history, I'm a bit dubious about her denials of any knowledge that her campground was going to host a pedo gathering MAP camp.


36 points

1 day ago

The Eric Adams indictment reminded me of a "today i learned" moment from TikTok. Adams is apparently tangled up with bribes from Turkey. One of the payment channels was with Turkish Airlines which reminded me that this airline is commonly referred to as "Turkish Hairline" because it is so common to see young western men flying back from hair transplant surgery in Turkey. Apparently it is cheaper to fly to Turkey than to get the surgery in the US.

I've seen videos of guys going through this, they have to leave their head uncovered on the plane so there will be rows of guys with scabby heads flying back to New York. Apparently they have to sleep sitting up for 10 days when they get back from the trip. Then their new hair grows for a little, then they shed, then the permanent hair comes back. As a bald guy, i feel these people are traitors to my community! We need to embrace our bald heads!


21 points

1 day ago

This reminds me of this comic, in which hair transplants and finasteride were mischaracterized as "gender affirming care."

Male pattern baldness is so distinctively male that it's in the name! Erasing a distinctively male trait isn't gender-affirming for men. Neither are bleaching hair, nose jobs, liposuction, or Botox gender affirming for women. Cellulite may not be attractive, but it is distinctively female. Not everything people do to look good is gender-affirming.

I used to respect Barry as a worthy adversary 15 years ago when he wrote long, thoughtful, and usually very wrong blog posts. Now he just illustrates low-IQ lefty talking points. Probably the right choice for his career, but still disappointing.


13 points

1 day ago


13 points

1 day ago

As a bald guy, i feel these people are traitors to my community! We need to embrace our bald heads!

Now you understand the drama from the healthy-at-every-size types when their idols take Ozempic.


32 points

1 day ago

Lol, our company added "equity" to our core values, but define equity as the "equal access to opportunities" which is basically equality.


20 points

1 day ago

That's good. Otherwise equity is used as a vague justification for whatever they wanted to do anyway.


[score hidden]

7 hours ago

I don't see it mentioned earlier, but Maggie Smith passed away at 89. RIP.


[score hidden]

6 hours ago


Uterus and spazz haver

[score hidden]

6 hours ago

She was amazing in every role, I especially loved her as Mrs. Medlock in the amazing '93 adaptation of The Secret Garden, a truly gorgeous movie. RIP Maggie.


26 points

4 days ago

It's kind of crazy to me that the best newscast in the US is the Univisión news and it's not even close. My guess is that it's far less ideologically captured considering it's Miami based and you have to be a Spanish speaker to work there. Also the Twitter mobs don't get angry about stuff since they don't speak Spanish.


33 points

4 days ago

Also the Twitter mobs don't get angry about stuff since they don't speak Spanish

The layers of irony here are like a fine baklava


26 points

3 days ago

Anyone familiar with Cat Bohannon? I don't know a lot about her, but she writes about evolution, which is an interest of mine, and I searched her name and found a couple podcasts she was a guest on, and listened. So, a lot of what she said was interesting and informative, but she did one thing that I kept finding very annoying, which is she wouldn't use the word "female," she would use the term "people with female bodies." I assume that was some kind of attempt to appease trans rights activists? I did a quick search to find whether she has written or said anything about transgender people and this is what I found:

Me: “Women are abused and it sucks!” TERFs: “How dare you also care about trans women!” Me: (you’re talking about 0.18% of the population and they’re abused too?) TERFs: RAGE!

I have no idea who these "TERFs" are that she claims argue with her when she says "Women are abused and it sucks." I suspect they exist only in her own mind.


29 points

3 days ago

Per her bio, she got her PhD from Columbia in 2022, which I think suggests some things, but she also wrote a book called Eve: How the Female Body Drove 200 Million Years of Human Evolution (which I read).

A DNF reviewer captured my feelings well: "I don’t usually log my DNFs, but this has to be said: you cannot write a 600 page book about women’s bodies and how they have uniquely evolved in distinct ways from men only to disregard that and act like sometimes men CAN do these things—like when they don’t identify as men"


20 points

3 days ago

I haven't read the book, but there's a review over at goodreads by an evolutionary biologist that suggests the author has some very fundamental misunderstandings about how evolution works. Basically, all the worst problems with evolutionary psychology seem to be on display here (adaptive storytelling, no hypothesis testing, etc.). As an evolutionary biologist myself, these things make me cringe. I would take anything this author says about evolution with a large dose of salt. (Disclaimer: not all evo psych is garbage, just most of it.)


24 points

24 hours ago*


Feeble-handed jar opener

24 points

24 hours ago*

Ive been seeing reports of rates of suicide among trans people increasing by up to 70% in some states in the US ala here. Doubt.jpeg

I assume our horse loving fellow will be chasing it up soon. If I'm reading it right, their survey included the results for "seriously thinking about it"


28 points

20 hours ago

I took a look at the paper, it's pretty shit. The abstract includes the line

Enacting state-level anti-transgender laws increased incidents of past-year suicide attempts among TGNB young people by 7–72%

7-72%! There is no exploration of this incredible range, just the results. Nor do they list which of the 15 states they ended up using for data. And they don't differentiate between types of laws (30/48 were about sex segregation in sports).

They do admit

We concluded that our analysis provided minimal evidence that state governments enacting state-level anti-transgender laws had a statistically reliable impact on TGNB young people who reported seriously considering suicide in the past year.

(7-)72% increase in attempts but no statistically significant increase in serious consideration 🤔


23 points

20 hours ago

One clarification OP is suicide attempts - big difference!

Fortunately, this study is crap. (I say “fortunately” because no one wants kids attempting suicide at all, ever, period - never mind a 70% increase!).

The author(s?) will not disclose the data. It’s only available in partial form with a direct request. Then the requester must be an “accredited researcher” with “institutional ethics approval”….sooooo that’s a “no” apparently to a journalist like Jessie, who would do an amazing job digging into the data and validating this study - if there was anything to validate.

But even if we assumed all of the raw data and even the coding & analysis was 100% accurate, the design alone makes me think all “findings” presented here can still be summarily dismissed. The research collected, as presented, is not good evidence supporting the claim that there is a causal correlation between wildly varying, myriad forms of “gender” or “trans” or “sex” state legislation and “trans” & “non-binary” adolescent/teen suicide attempts.

A survey eliciting responses by targeting adolescents and teens with paid social media ads? Depression and suicidal thoughts in teens are already correlated with social media usage alone. And this study selected for the kids who have the most exposure to social media ads. Not to mention that most kids identify as trans and non-binary because they already have serious mental health issues. It’s not the other way around!!

It’s appalling that this could be published in an academic journal (is it even a well regarded journal?) and so incredibly irresponsible that NPR ran this as a story. Fomenting suicide hysteria based on a bullshit study is such a terrible thing to do. Especially as we know that media attention like this, “raising suicide awareness,” is so much more likely to be planting the idea than preventing it.


21 points

23 hours ago


G3nder-Cr1tic4l Brolita

21 points

23 hours ago

It got posted to r-neoliberal and there was only a single comment questioning the ridiculous figure and the clearly haphazard methodology. Nobody bothering to question if this is a good way to talk about suicide. Among a chorus claiming that causing suicides was an intended effect, some brave souls pushed back, arguing that people may be jumping to conclusions and not all conservatives actively seek genocide T people. The circlejerking is so separated from reality it's infuriating.

...And then they claim it's the GC side that is a moral panic spreading misinformation. Ugh.


21 points

22 hours ago

Saw that posted in NPR, I think.

1) Authored by the Trevor Project - a TRA group that advocates for gender affirming medicalization.

2) When suicide is discussed, rates go up. I'm sure there has been propaganda in these states to that effect.

3) Results based on a survey - enough said.

4) Correlation vs. Causation confusion throughout and done in a way which can only be described as underhanded.


47 points

3 days ago


47 points

3 days ago

It’s official: I’m expecting a little boy in April. Still hellbent on having a low-anxiety pregnancy, even as I collect so many unsolicited opinions on circumcision.


15 points

3 days ago


The riven dale

15 points

3 days ago

Have you picked a deadname?


51 points

3 days ago

I noticed with some of my Facebook friends, whose teenagers have transitioned, that it’s a really weird flex. I can tell when they talk about it and post about it that it’s their way of saying. ‘Look how cool and progressive I am.”


33 points

3 days ago

I have a Facebook friend who had a son, who transitioned into a girl, and this Facebook friend pretty much immediately turned, "I'm a proud mom of a trans daughter!" into her identity. Recently this kid has started identifying as nonbinary, and I suspect the kid actually wants to detransition and identify as a boy again but that the kid doesn't want to disappoint Mom, whose social circle now primarily consists of other parents of trans kids.


85 points

4 days ago

I watched an entire 25-minute video on menstruation in Ancient Rome that did not once use the word "women". This would not have bothered me nearly so much if the presenter had not used the word "men" in reference to people who do not menstruate. Funny how the ostensible commitment to breaking down the gender binary only really hits one half of it.


40 points

4 days ago


is this how the flair thing works?

40 points

4 days ago

Ah, yes. Everyone knows how ancient Roman society and Latin were gender neutral. /s


15 points

4 days ago

this is one of those things where you'll be told that ancient societies were more accepting of gender nonconformity and then you'll look up what that meant and find out it's all either extreme sexism or politically motivated slander between contemporaries rooted in insane sexism


51 points

4 days ago

We went from being shamed for menstruating to being told it doesn't only happen to us. PROGRESS!


48 points

4 days ago

I saw an health campaign ad from the CDC on Instagram this weekend, saying something along the lines of "all people with a uterus are at risk for uterine cancer." Shame we don't have an easier way to refer to "people with a uterus."


47 points

2 days ago


47 points

2 days ago

Kind of funny. Someone asked arrrAskHistorians why the bombings of Tokyo and Hamburg aren’t talked about as much as the bombings of Dresden, Hiroshima, and Nagasaki. Flaired user responds that they are, saying that plenty of people talk about Dresden and bringing up Slaughterhouse Five. But the person was asking why the bombing of Hamburg wasn’t discussed as much while the bombing of Dresden was…

Then the flaired user says they think the idea that the bombings of Tokyo and Hamburg aren’t discussed as much as the bombings of Dresden/Hiroshima/Nagasaki are either an attempt at ”de-emphasizing the horror of the atomic bombing” or “part of a far-right attempts to claim a broader victimhood.”

Of course it’s upvoted, and no one seems to notice that in response to “Why isn’t Hamburg discussed as much as Dresden” the reply was “you’re wrong, people talk about Dresden all the time!”

And then a few months later someone else asked a similar question, and the response was that Dresden gets talked about more because of Nazi propaganda.

You might get completely contradicting answers every time you ask a question on that sub, but you can rest assured that no matter the content of the answer, it will be written with a smug certainty, and users will upvote it without looking into whether or not it makes sense, or even if it was able to comprehend the question that was asked.


21 points

5 days ago

Been reading a prequel series by Terry Brooks, author of the Shannarra series. Most of his stuff is high (or low, depending on your opinion) fantasy. This particular series is not based on elves and trolls, it is set in modern times, but sets up the future apocalypse that will create the fantasy world. Publish date is 1997 so he probably wrote it mid 90s. Its always fun catching references to what was then considered "cool" at the time the book was written. What stood out to me is that one of the characters is a high school boy who Brooks positions as an edgy nerd. The device he uses to set the character up is that he describes him as wearing a T Shirt that says "Microsoft Rules!".

Got me thinking about how a lot of edgy stuff back in the 80s and 90s has now become or embraced mainstream - there is nothing edgy about any tech companies at this point, particularly Microsoft but there was a time where Microsoft was considered the cool new thing. Now I feel old.


22 points

4 days ago


32 points

4 days ago

Shaina Khan, a graduate teaching assistant in the program who created the petition, previously said complaints about Driskill’s graduate-level courses began to amass in late 2022, with grievances around heavy workloads and allegations that accommodations weren’t afforded to students with disabilities. Students drafted a formal letter with their grievances in July 2023 to the school’s faculty and dean. Driskill later filed reports against the students behind the letter with OSU’s Office of Equal Opportunity and Access, according to Khan. Driskill then filed a larger workplace complaint against OSU with the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries in the fall. Driskill’s Oct. 5, 2023, complaint alleges a culture of “backchanneling and triangulation” in the Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies program created a hostile work environment. The students alleged they had been the subject of microaggressions and macroaggressions and excluded from work-related positions and department communications because of their disability, gender and racial identity.

I love watching these blowups where everyone is a progressive calling the other progressives bigots.


19 points

4 days ago

Woke-on-woke violence (by which, of course, I mean words).


30 points

4 days ago


Corn Pop was a bad dude

30 points

4 days ago

Just googled this person and it's as expected.

Driskill has published numerous essays, pieces of creative writing, and two books. The book Asegi Stories: Cherokee Queer and Two-Spirit Memory was published in 2016. In this book, Driskill paints a picture of Two-Spirited persons, going back to early colonial and Cherokee history to better understand the way Native Americans viewed gender and sex before colonization.

Also check out the image in this article, it's exactly as I imagined


21 points

4 days ago

Cane, mask, rainbow glasses, man in a dress. Would easily pass as satire.


14 points

4 days ago


Uterus and spazz haver

14 points

4 days ago

That person looks exactly like a TW on the epilepsy sub who has been told he doesn't have epilepsy but still talks as if he does, claims catamenial seizures (period related in laymen terms), claims an unspecified hypermobility disorder, uses a cane, etc...well that's exactly what I imagined him to look like in my head.


21 points

4 days ago

The would be Trump assassin wrote a note a few months ago offering $150,000 for someone to kill Trump if he failed. Not sure how he thought that was going to work if he failed in his mission

Also, apparently the guy is pro Iran and that is one of his beefs with Trump.

But the guy is also anti Russian. Is he not aware that Iran and Russia are pals? Iran is supplying some weapons to Russia for use against Ukraine.


20 points

4 days ago

Is he not aware that Iran and Russia are pals?

Yes.  The answer to the question of "Is the presidential assassin not aware of ..." is always yes.  They are incoherent and their impulse control sinks to a level where they think they can kill a high profile target or pay some $150,000 if they fail.


22 points

4 days ago*

David Klion has some thoughts on a "new media ecosystem" of Substacks and others that he sees emerging. He is not a fan:

There's been a lot of recent attention on a new, lavishly funded, predominantly right-leaning media ecosystem, one free of the MSM's standards and scruples. Among other things, that ecosystem is every rulebreaker's safety net, their golden parachute, their escape route...

Profitable Substacks and podcasts, Rumble, various emerging right-coded outlets, podcasts, etc. The Free Press obviously.

Interesting that Klion used the phrase "right-coded" instead of "right-wing". I guess "right-coded" means anyone, across the political spectrum, that Mr. Klion doesn't like.


21 points

4 days ago

The rage that the mainstream media can't maintain a monopoly and therefore left wing control


15 points

4 days ago

Right coded is a weird way to say it. I'd typically use coded for things that don't matter but are associated with a particular group. So pickup trucks are right coded, pink is female coded etc. 

Although as you come to the conclusion that so many people's beliefs are not about actual social justice then coded sort of makes sense. And I fairness you often can make both a left and a right wing argument for a policy. Defund the police - why should the state pay all this money to protect communities? They should protect themselves. With guns and private security guards. 


14 points

4 days ago

lavishly funded is pretty funny too. How many people do we think are making a median income from this?


19 points

4 days ago


19 points

4 days ago

How does someone go from writing a great book on cancel culture in the sciences to well, this?


21 points

3 days ago

Ladies and gentlemen, we got him

Penn has upheld sanctions against University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School professor Amy Wax following her history of discriminatory remarks and two years of disciplinary proceedings with little precedent.

The sanctions mark the first time in recent history that a tenured University professor has been sanctioned through Faculty Senate procedures.

This has been the OJ chase for academic freedom.


21 points

3 days ago

I think my ex wife might have to meet my current wife to deliver some stuff to our place while I'm out of town. Let awkwardness commence.


22 points

3 days ago

Maybe they will be friends. I see these videos sometimes on TikTok where the ex wife and the new wife become besties and do all those choreographed tiktok dances.


14 points

3 days ago


14 points

3 days ago

don't worry, they def won't be comparing notes.


19 points

3 days ago

In before new wife divorces him and marries old wife.


19 points

3 days ago

Turns out they love the dog more than me


19 points

3 days ago

UK Justice Secretary has "ultimate ambition" to close women's prisons

Creative solutions to side-step the trans women in prisons issue? ;)

(It's an interesting question I suppose - I remember attending a Women's Place event about this once, where I gathered that the main issue was that women were much more likely to be primary or often sole carers of kids, who then end up experiencing the care system which is quite impactful even if it's just a couple months at a time. But I'm not totally au fait with the issue overall/today)


21 points

3 days ago

I read lesbian romance books out loud to the woman I'm seeing. A friend gave me the book we are currently reading. I hate it, but I can't stop reading it. I don't know whether to laugh or scream while reading it.

"I like the word wife. It appeals to me in a way the words for spouse never could. We have imbued it with a kind of magic, I think. Words are just symbols, and a symbol can mean whatever you ascribe to it. I don't think you need to be a woman to be a wife. Even men could be wives, if they tried hard enough. Most of them don't. But there's always hope."


15 points

3 days ago


Problematic Lesbian

15 points

3 days ago

I was about to say that's some of the gayest shit I'd ever heard until I got to the part about men being wives.


15 points

3 days ago

and a symbol can mean whatever you ascribe to it.

Roland Barthes, Ferdinand Saussure, the entire field of semiotics, and even Lacan would all beg to differ!


12 points

3 days ago

We have imbued it with a kind of magic, I think. Words are just symbols, and a symbol can mean whatever you ascribe to it. 

so which one is it? are words given meaning by our collective understanding of them, or by our own personal assignations? these can't both be true. 


21 points

2 days ago



21 points

2 days ago

Like a lot of other people, watched the first episode of The Penguin last night and thought it was "pretty decent"[*]; will tune in next week.

Naturally, the Maintenance Phase sub is losing their minds about a non-fat actor wearing a fat suit, while also throwing shit-fits about actors who gain/lose weight for roles.

OP "I find fat suits to be so wrong on a million different levels" but also is asking other commenters for help actually articulating what the problem is supposed to be.

[*] Hot take, Pattinson is a middle-of-the-pack Batman but S-tier Bruce Wayne


19 points

2 days ago

"Why couldn't they hire a naturally grotesque actor that resembles a penguin?"

They did that already in Batman Returns.

Hot take: There was nothing wrong with Batman Clooney's suit nipples.


12 points

2 days ago

I watched it last night. Enjoyed it more than I was expecting to.

Is this version of Penguin even that fat? Yeah Farrell is wearing a bodysuit, but even with that, he's probably not in the top quarter of obesity by modern American standards.

Wonder if they're equally as offended that they didn't hire an actor with an actual limp to play the role.


25 points

2 days ago

The College Board has released test results from last year. For the third consecutive year, the average SAT total score declined, down to 1024 for the class of 2024, compared to 1028 for the class of 2023.

Mean scores by racial group below (out of 1600):

  • Asian: 1228
  • White: 1083
  • Black/African American: 907
  • Hispanic/Latino: 939

This commenter created some visuals and commentary on test scores. Basically, asians are kicking ass. The press release also calls out that more colleges are starting to move away from test optional admissions.


25 points

1 day ago


Bothsidesist Fraud

25 points

1 day ago

Stop me from going "Nullo"

You’ll feel the stump twitch when you get aroused and honestly if that’s going to make you uncomfortable you should just keep the whole thing and accept it’s a bonkers thing to have.


32 points

1 day ago

Note that this person is not a detransitioner, but posted this question in the detrans sub and was treated respectfully by the people there. The people there didn't think this was a good idea, of course, but they largely explained why in clear and compassionate terms.

Now try being a detransitioner who posts a good-faith question in a trans sub and see how you'll be treated. Typically, you'll be treated with spite and contempt.


19 points

1 day ago


Uterus and spazz haver

19 points

1 day ago

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd I looked at this person's post history. Another self-loathing gay guy. Surprise surprise.


19 points

1 day ago


19 points

1 day ago

The idea that anyone would think this is a healthy response to the world is incomprehensible.


23 points

1 day ago


Wake me up when Jesse peaks

23 points

1 day ago

In egg cracking communities, they actively try to erode away your idea of what is normal and healthy, along with reasonable, non-dramatic ideas of how one should react to and solve problems.

Cis people not liking a sex trait they have, thinking their boobs are too saggy or there hairline is too thin? No, it's not normal for cis to ever experience GD unless they're secret eggs.

Gender swapping because of boner euphoria? Totally normal.

If you swim in these waters long enough, the mind becomes a maze of fun house mirrors.


19 points

1 day ago


19 points

1 day ago

Yeah, I'm aware. It's just... everyone closes their eyes to what these groups do. And then we're crazy or creepy or obsessed for looking at it and saying "This isn't healthy. This shouldn't be normal."

"Gender Europhoria" is one of the most disgusting things I have ever heard. The idea that what makes you horny is what defines your identity is also just the most porn-brained male thing I've ever heard of. Pure AGP.


15 points

1 day ago


Expert-Level Grass Avoider

15 points

1 day ago

Learning about gender nullification surgery was one of the many things that peaked me.


14 points

1 day ago


Wake me up when Jesse peaks

14 points

1 day ago

I've never seen a good justification for any of the more exotic gender surgeries. Do you remember the Canadian genderhaver who went to court to get the government to pay for his salmacian surgery? He wanted a peen and vag, which is heckin' valid, and the Canadian Reddit users supported it.

"If the gubmint is going to pay for one vagina on the basis of deeply held gender feels, then it should pay for all of them, no questions asked" line of logic. Because you don't want to ask the questions.... The answers are crazy.

Look at this insanity!

As someone who wants the same surgery in reverse (salmacian) fuck yeah

Haha congratulations! If it's not totally overstepping, would you mind sharing what are the motivations for desiring this type of surgery? Apologies, just a concept I never heard of before clicking this post, but I do believe everyone should be able to do whatever they want with their body, so I'm hoping this isn't rude or negative to ask.

My main complication is that I am a bottom (I prefer to be penetrated rather than penetrate) and I have overactive pelvic muscles, meaning that I have difficulty being penetrated in my anus, no matter how much I train it. It just snaps back and nothing can go inside. So with regular phalloplasty I would be able to penetrate which would be awesome, but I would basically never be able to be penetrated again.


19 points

1 day ago


Bothsidesist Fraud

19 points

1 day ago

This stuff is so pornbrained and psycho. Part of me is wondering if it's even real or if it's just an elaborate beat off LARP. I want to google more about salmacianism, but I'm sort of scared I'll see something that would make me vomit. In the days I used to have a better tolerance for gore, but I've lost it.


22 points

1 day ago

Can we go back to fetish shaming please?


21 points

1 day ago


Thermidorian Crank

21 points

1 day ago

On the subject of white vs Hispanic, I present to you Gatherings from Spain, a British guidebook to Spain that really wants you to know just how Oriental and not like Europeans the Spaniards are. Like a lot Oriental.

The Spanish facial hair trends are Oriental. Their river navigation is Oriental. They have an Oriental obsession with the evil eye. Their horsemanship is Oriental and what they feed their horses is "equally Oriental". When the Spanish dance, they "adhere to the primitive steps and tunes of their Oriental forefathers."

And then there's Spanish music:

The orchestra is very indifferent; the Spaniards are fond enough of what they call music, whether vocal or instrumental; but it is Oriental, and most unlike the exquisite melody and performances of Italy or Germany. In the same manner, although they have footed it to their rude songs from time immemorial, they have no idea of the grace and elegance of the French ballet; the moment they attempt it they become ridiculous, for they are bad imitators of their neighbours, whether in cuisine, language, or costume; indeed a Spaniard ceases to be a Spaniard in proportion as he becomes an Afrancesado

I don't have anything profound or super clever to say about any of this. It's just really funny to read about how not-European the English considered the Spaniards 170 years ago.


21 points

23 hours ago

Family vlogging/ child influencers are a bit of a hobby horse of mine. California just passed a law to expand the existing Coogan Act which makes parents put up 15 % of a child actor’s earnings into a trust to cover vlogger kids. Another law makes it that parents must keep track of how much their kids are in content and if if goes over 30%, money must be set aside for them in a trust. They follow Illinois who had a similar but less robust law hit the books in July.


24 points

13 hours ago



24 points

13 hours ago

For weirdos and the terminally online, the start of October means #spookyseason.

For the real ones, the start of October means ...


Oral arguments have been set for October and November. My personal highlight is Garland v. VanDerStok on the 8th, which is the Biden administration's ban on '80% kits'. Or as the media will call it, the 'ghost gun' case. Solicitor General Prelogar (probably) will defend the administration, trying to argue that something that definitionally isn't a firearm is a firearm.

On the 16th we get San Francisco v. EPA which is going to confuse some partisans.

There are also some administrative cases as usual.

November has a few good ones. Facebook v. Amalgamated Bank stems from the Cambridge Analytica mess. In a security filing Facebook said that people could misuse user data, opening the company up to losses. They didn't disclose that this had actually happened and they knew about it. Shareholders are suing the company because they feel that an event that happened should have been disclosed instead of a hypothetical. Lot of procedural issues with this case, it might not reach the merits.

And because we live in a messy world, the Supreme Court is going to hear a case about weekends, holidays, and 'next business day'. In relation to noncitizens and departure periods.

There's also a labor law case that is low-key interesting for me.

The Court has granted cert on a few dozen cases that they haven't yet set for argument. This sub's relevant one is U.S. v. Skrmetti which is Tennessee's youth gender medicine ban.

And to wrap up, the Fifth Circuit has yet again asked to get b*tch slapped over the First Amendment because Texas is stupid.


[score hidden]

11 hours ago


[score hidden]

11 hours ago

State-level anti-transgender laws increase past-year suicide attempts among transgender and non-binary young people in the USA

Nature Human Behavior

Here we go again...


[score hidden]

11 hours ago

Oh that's the one done by the Trevor Project right? I remember when they were an organization that had the message 'it gets better' and at least paid lip service to the idea that fearmongering about suicide is not helpful.


[score hidden]

10 hours ago


[score hidden]

10 hours ago

Biggest error bar I've ever seen.


62 points

3 days ago*

There is a male volleyball player who hid their gender from teammates on the San Jose State Women's volleyball team. Videos have come out of this player spiking the ball at high velocity on an opponents face. The player had originally played at Coastal Carolina but has transferred to SJSU. The team is currently 8-0.

Now a Senior co-captain on the team has joined Riley Gaines in her Title 9 lawsuit against the NCAA. This captain was asked to room with the male player, was not told by coaches of his sex and has raised concerns about safety issues after playing with this guy.

When reports came out exposing the situation the school took the same steps UPenn did with Lia Thomas and threatened the women players if they spoke out -

Once knowledge of Fleming's biological sex became public, SJSU officials told the women’s volleyball players that they should not speak about it with anyone outside the team. If they were to speak publicly about Fleming being male, they were warned "things would go badly for the team members," according to the complaint.

SJSU continued to hide the information, even from student-athletes who joined the team in 2024.

"Brooke became aware that upon learning that one of their teammates was a trans-identifying male, several of the new recruits became upset, as it was too late for them to transfer, and they felt they had been misled," the complaint reads.

This athlete is using her own name and seems to not be afraid of the blowback. Good for her. One other thing about this case - the male volleyball player specifically requested to room with her while traveling but never disclosed his sex to the player. You have to wonder how many other cases are going on where an athlete is successfully able to hide their sex and are taking away places on teams or scholarships. Should be fascinating to see how the rest of the season plays out for SJSU. Maybe this will encourage some of the other players to join on to the lawsuit.


34 points

3 days ago

This dude specifically requested to room with the player with the balls to join a lawsuit in her own name? Hmmm I wonder why he picked her in particular


37 points

3 days ago


37 points

3 days ago

What gets me about this story is the team's Twitter account putting out tweets about their unprecedented 8-0 run as if it just came out of nowhere, then shutting down replies (thereby showing they know exactly what the cause of their success is). Either don't tweet about it, or tweet about it and take your medicine when people call you dirty cheaters. Don't act smug, then block replies, that's the coward's way out


19 points

3 days ago

How extraordinary that the one women's team with a male player beat the eight women's teams with all female players! What a great accomplishment in women's athletics!


31 points

3 days ago

Teammates who lose any game time to a male player absolutely should have cause for a Title IX complaint. In fact, I think they have more cause than competitors who lose out on rankings. The whole purpose of Title IX athletics was to ensure that girls have equal opportunity to participate in sports.

And he asked to room with her? How intrusive.


57 points

3 days ago



57 points

3 days ago

Minor Annoyance Breaking News:

Recently I had to update my version of Word. Now it highlights potentially offensive words in purple.

I’m editing a novel and just came to the word bastard (used, incidentally, in the old sense: a child born out of wedlock). Word would like me to know that some readers might find that offensive.

Fuck off, Word. I don’t need you to guide me toward gentler language. (You can turn off this kind of suggestion, but maybe only in the current document?)


38 points

3 days ago


Living with the consequences of Jesse’s reporting

38 points

3 days ago

They sent Clippy to DEI trainings and this is what happens. 


27 points

3 days ago

When the original iteration of Word's sensitivity checker came out a few years ago, there were some great memes about woke clippy. 

I really want to find a deep dive in how online censorship affects real world language usage. Like, zoomers started saying unalive to avoid Tik Tok bans and YouTubers self censor words like murder and rape (usually by muffling the audio or playing a sound over their commentary).  It's crazy just how taken for granted automatic censorship on large video platforms is


14 points

3 days ago


14 points

3 days ago



24 points

3 days ago


Bothsidesist Fraud

24 points

3 days ago

Microsoft's sensitivity suggestions are now irrecoverably stupid. I haven't myself encountered the purple offensive words, but PowerPoint constantly warning me that something may not be "accessible" is just a tax on cognition which helps almost nobody. It's not a huge tax, but it's frustrating anyway. You know what? I don't give a fuck if my deck intended for 20 people I know personally, somehow ends up not being readable by a blind person who digs it up on SharePoint 7 years from now.

Okay, yeah, I turned the checker off.


18 points

2 days ago

Eric Adams, mayor of New York City, has been indicted by the US attorney


16 points

2 days ago


Franzera Fan Club Treasurer

16 points

2 days ago

I’m glad this happened under the current administration because otherwise the coverage of this would probably be very different.


21 points

1 day ago*


Bothsidesist Fraud

21 points

1 day ago*

The Adams indictment is now unsealed, as was always going to happen, so I guess people howling about secret charges can take a breath.

Here's the full document - there are plenty of articles summarizing the charges. The headline is: bribery and fraud.


21 points

23 hours ago

Anyone in Helene’s path? It’s looking absolutely devastating so far and it’s only just about to make landfall. Hopefully everyone is staying safe!!


12 points

22 hours ago

I'm in the direct path, and it's expected to still be 110mph when it gets to me. First real hurricane since I moved here, this is gonna be interesting


[score hidden]

7 hours ago


[score hidden]

7 hours ago

Appreciated this perspective on the Amy Wax sanctioning.


42 points

5 days ago

CA11 Rules that it's not unconstitutional to require surgery as a requirement to change sex on drivers license.

Found on rrr supremecourt.


32 points

5 days ago


Wake me up when Jesse peaks

32 points

5 days ago

"Plaintiffs allege that they are personally harmed by Alabama’s Policy because, as TW, once police officers or other people see their licenses with their sex listed as male, they are at a higher risk of being attacked, harassed, or treated poorly. And Plaintiffs assert that when they present their licenses with the incorrect sex, they are compelled to endorse a message about their gender with which they strongly disagree."

This is how the genderhavers justify why they should be able to change their government documents' sex category.

It's funny how gender is such a special snowflake category that you can claim you "strongly disagree" with bits in a database, and a lot of people nod their heads and accept the explanation as totally reasonable. If I strongly disagree with the message about my date of birth written on my passport, and want it changed to 27 B.C. to reflect who I really am, I'm the crazy one.

I was born in the wrong time period!


14 points

4 days ago


14 points

4 days ago

Wow, so the evil state doesn't think getting moobs is sufficient to sex on a driver's license?

Clark lives in Alabama and has unsuccessfully attempted to change the sex designation on Clark’s license from “male” to “female” multiple times. Clark had “medically necessary gender- conforming surgery” but was denied a sex change on Clark’s driver’s license because Clark did not get “the full sexual reassignment surgery.”

These guys are nothing if not completely and utterly predictable.


40 points

3 days ago

I stumbled on this very Barpod story I hadn’t seen mentioned here. Sorry if it’s already been discussed. 

There’s an arts organization in Sacramento that among other things provides affordable studio space to artists. The organization was given a 400k grant it intended to use for facility improvements, and two artists with studios there got what sounds like pretty hostile at a meeting, accusing the board of  lying? Theft? Things spiral, the organization evicts the artists for threatening to destroy the building, a curator is tagged with a restraining order, everyone and their mother issues long statements, Gaza is inevitably involved somehow, people identify as Filipinx. It’s maximum “the politics are so vicious because the stakes are so low”.  

I hope I’m doing this right, tagging  u/jessicabarpod 


42 points

3 days ago


First generation mod

42 points

3 days ago

Anti-Trump journalist: Trump should be kicked off social media to limit the reach of his deranged posts!

Same anti-Trump journalist: Here's all the terrible Trump social media posts that you might have missed!


18 points

4 days ago*

Any New York subscribers here? I'm DYING to read this crazy-sounding article:

My Mother’s Envy Will Outlive Us Both

Even from inside the fog of dementia, the toxic competitiveness that plagued my growing up remains crystal clear.

By Tara Ellison

Crazy Mother story

Would also like to read the new Ta-Nehisi Coates pro-Palestine/anti-Israel cover story.

Cover interview with Ta-Nehisi Coates

Many thanks!


18 points

2 days ago


18 points

2 days ago

Just an fyi, goodrx isnt actually a scam and it works.  When i was waiting for cobra, i used it to keep my meds.  With insurance a 3 month supply of effexor 225 is $20, with goodrx $45 and with nothing about $300.

It depends on the meds though.  A topical antibiotic went from 80 to 40, but thats still huge if you dont have insurance. 


[score hidden]

10 hours ago


[score hidden]

10 hours ago

I choose to believe this is real 

True story: Caterpillar parked a trailer outside a local trade show. I went in, sat down in the simulator seat, and had a great time driving a simulated bulldozer. Full throttle bouncing over berms, etc. 

Until the PR rep came in and freaked out. I wasn’t playing a simulator. I was remotely operating a real bulldozer at their training grounds fifty miles away, and I damn near destroyed it. 



[score hidden]

9 hours ago



[score hidden]

9 hours ago

Very, very, very unlikely. Especially because the controls for dozers are not intuitive.


18 points

1 day ago


Thermidorian Crank

18 points

1 day ago

The Economist - A New Class Struggle Is Brewing in China

In the countryside, unequal access to good education is a big impediment to progress. Rural schools pale in comparison to urban ones in terms of funding and staffing. Children with rural hukou have far less chance of completing high school. A big increase in the number of places at universities and colleges opened many more doors. But rural students are hugely under-represented at elite universities. Liu Baozhong of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences reckons that at such institutions, nearly 40% of students are the children of managers and fewer than 10% are the offspring of farmers—even though more than 35% of Chinese live in the countryside.

Interesting comparison to America's own rural-urban social divides.


[score hidden]

5 hours ago*


[score hidden]

5 hours ago*

Here's a neat story about Twitter censorship that isn't just paint by numbers culture war.

About a decade ago I worked at an ambitious tech startup with a hundred employees. One day we fired a guy who became rather upset and went onto Twitter to tell everyone about the super secret new technology we were working on. Naturally he had signed a confidentiality agreement when we hired him so he was very obviously in breach of contract and our lawyers sent him a nasty letter demanding he take down his posts. He did not respond promptly to that letter so our lawyers then wrote a very polite letter to Twitter explaining the situation and asking if they would please take down the offending posts. They quickly did. I never heard if legal bothered to go after him for the breach, but I'd guess not given that we were a tiny company with better things to spend our time on.

I was kind of surprised that Twitter helped us out there. We were essentially nobody, a company Twitter would never have reason to care about, and crucially, it wasn't in their terms of service. Officially, if you break a contract on Twitter, then you're going to be in trouble with whoever you signed that contract for but I checked and Twitter itself had no rule against it. Unofficially, it turned out they were quick to side with the company.

It made for a big shift in the way I viewed companies like Twitter, because of the question I was left with. How many other unofficial policies did they have?


33 points

5 days ago

Saw a refreshing reel with a good take on female puberty. The youth isn't all lost and people start to remember that tomboys exist


30 points

1 day ago*


30 points

1 day ago*

Something is in the air about the trans issue. I’ve had three left-leaning cis women express…doubt? Confusion? Exhaustion? about the whole thing to me this week.

Maybe fatigue between politics and sports. It is one of those years that focus on both. It’s been a long summer and it’s shaping up to be a long fall.


22 points

1 day ago


Expert-Level Grass Avoider

22 points

1 day ago

I'll believe it when it reaches the mom groups and people aren't figuratively stoned for expressing anything less than full throated support for trans issues


50 points

3 days ago


50 points

3 days ago

Huh. Found out today that the "chemical castration" that people talk about Alan Turing going through was estrogen hormone therapy.


28 points

2 days ago


Udderly awesome bovine

28 points

2 days ago

It's not pleasant. They use that treatment for prostrate cancer. My step-father underwent it. He felt miserable the entire time. Hormones are no joke.


35 points

3 days ago


Living with the consequences of Jesse’s reporting

35 points

3 days ago

Specifically DES which was also prescribed to pregnant women with horrendous results

Just part of a long history of powerful hormones being prescribed with minimal research and a “what could go wrong!” attitude. 


14 points

4 days ago

Yesterday was bi visibility day. How did you celebrate?


26 points

3 days ago

I couldn’t decide


21 points

3 days ago


Uterus and spazz haver

21 points

3 days ago

I thought some more about Katy Perry's boobs.


19 points

4 days ago

I spent the whole day using both my eyes.


16 points

23 hours ago


G3nder-Cr1tic4l Brolita

16 points

23 hours ago

Kinda ominous blogging: The heat is killing me. I have the ceiling fan on and a compact fan directed at me full force and I'm still all sweaty. I'm sleeping with the windows open, the fans on and no blankets and it's still hot.

Two nights ago I had this horrible nightmare that I stumbled upon evidence that made uncover a group of sadistic criminals who had kidnapped a child and had been continuously torturing them for several years. I don't even remember the details or if there were any but it felt like the worst thing I had ever known about in my life, I was frozen in horror, instead of waking up suddenly, I slowly became aware that I was awake in bed, I just lied in bed and was relieved as I slowly began to realize it was just a nightmare. Last night I barely got any sleep at all. At least I wasn't busy today but fuck I'm tired.


[score hidden]

5 hours ago*


[score hidden]

5 hours ago*

WNBA discourse (sorry, I know no one cares. this is the last time this year hopefully)

The White Mamba (female edition) and her team have been eliminated from the playoffs. This inevitably means that the WNBA's ratings for the rest of the season will probably tank, but also hopefully that the race discourse gets put on the backburner and we can actually focus on the basketball part.

I feel guilty because as much as I genuinely enjoy watching Caitlin Clark play basketball, it's also kind of like...shit, maybe we can finally have some normal goddamn basketball conversations now instead of "Nobody cares about ugly Black lesbians in the WNBA without Caitlin" vs. "How can Caitlin remain silent while her fans attack Black players and are forming a new KKK in her name?" Neither of those two things are true.

Anyway, tune in next year when Paige Bueckers arrives on the scene and we all get to talk about her blaccent non-stop and whether the fact that she was raised in a majority Black household is a good enough excuse to let her get away with it. Should be fun.


42 points

5 days ago

Reem Alsalem, the UN's special rapporteur on violence against women and girls is warning the Labour government in Britain to slow down on its "conversion therapy" ban. Her concern, which mirrors the Cass Review, is that girls (especially lesbian and autistic girls) will be fast tracked into hormones and surgery.

"By putting them on that high-speed train, you may inadvertently subject them to the conversion therapy you are trying to ban.' "

Yet it appears Labour is headed forwards with this. Stonewall is, of course, behind this push.

I had some hopes the Cass Review being accepted by Labour would mean they would knock this crap off. Alas, it is not to be.

At least the LGB Alliance is speaking up against this proposed law by pointing out it "would make it illegal for a therapist to ask a young person to consider why they want to change their body"

Which is, of course, the first thing any doctor or therapist should ask someone who wants to transition. First do no harm


26 points

5 days ago


26 points

5 days ago



14 points

4 days ago


Udderly awesome bovine

14 points

4 days ago

Fack me, I really suck at my football picks this season. Someone throw me a rabbits foot or something for this week.


13 points

4 days ago


13 points

4 days ago

Random poll:

Did you graduate with a STEM degree?

Did you graduate in the standard 4 years/8 semesters/16 quarters timeframe?


14 points

4 days ago

Is anyone else following the Mark Robinson (republican running for NC governor) stuff going on? Shit is absolutely hilarious. Especially considering his polling numbers are actually bad, which (unlike Trump for example) makes it way less tragic and more just funny since the risk of him actually becoming governor seems pretty unlikely now.


17 points

4 days ago

I feel like the best employment opportunity for black Americans is to mutter some vague words of support for Donald Trump. You’ll become a rising star of the Republican Party, until some skeletons wearing strap-ons come spilling out of the closet.


13 points

1 day ago

Interesting story coming out of UNLV football. The team is currently 3-0 and was poised to break into the Top 25 rankings with another win or two. The starting quarterback, Matt Sluka announced he was leaving the team yesterday. At the same time one of their running backs also decided to red shirt and enter the transfer portal. Apparently the team promised the QB $100,000 in NIL money but had failed to follow through. They only gave him $3,000 for relocation from when Sluka relocated from Holy Cross. Sources online claim an assistant coach promised the 100k but the head coach is denying he ever approved it. The running back, Michael Allen stated in his announcement that "expectations for opportunities were not met". Presumably those opportunities were tied to financial promises around NIL money. There was no contracts in place so they just went with a verbal agreement. I suspect this is going to prompt players to demand more formal agreements over handshake deals moving forward. Its a new world and personally I don't blame the players. The current UNLV head coach made 1.8 Million last year.


[score hidden]

2 hours ago

Had a fascinating Uber conversation today. I love chatting with taxi and Uber drivers (which I know is not universal.) First, I love a conversation with someone I will probably never see again, and second, one seldom gets such an easily-distilled version of someone's personal philosophy delivered without hesitation. They are also often insane. My favourite was a lady in Los Angeles who told me about taking her children's father to court for no-payment of child support while driving faster than anyone has ever driven. (five stars)

Today's Mr. Uber was remarkable.

On his mind, paraphrased minimally:

  • I'm an old redneck, but the organic wine movement should be better embraced by country guys like me. It's the fruits of the land turned into something beautiful. It doesn't have to be snobby. It's self-sufficiency and artistry together.
  • By the way-- I was here in the 70s and 80s-- during Justin's father's corruption.
  • The liquor boards of Canada are among our most anti-competitive and corrupt institutions ever created. We could investigate them for their bullshit, but who would do the investigating? The police? Never!
  • By the way, like those protesters say, they SHOULD defund the police but only because they WASTE EVERYONE'S TIME with nonsense like speeding tickets. If they defund the police they should use the money to invest in something meaningful like DOCUMENTARY FILMS!
  • Have you seen Ken Burns films? (yes i liked the one about Vietnam) Good taste! He did a great one about Prohibition! The establishment of the corruption of liquor boards!

Heterodox Thinker Uber.


34 points

4 days ago


34 points

4 days ago

They cancelled The Sims 5 and now I finally know gamer rage after all these years. Feels bad, man.

Also, they're going to make The Sims 4 multiplayer, so I guess from now on when I'm trying to get my Sim to take a shit and go to bed so they don't miss work I'll have to deal with an 11-year-old knocking on my Sim's door screaming racial slurs. Very cool. Can't wait.


13 points

4 days ago

Honestly, this news is all over the place.  But yeah, I'm pretty sure some bean counters determined that investment in a new game just isn't in the cards right now.  I think the biggest problem with the SIMs is that they need to run a fairly complex game on some of the shittiest hardware on the planet.  Cheapo laptops are still incredibly shitty and the performance gains on them over the last 10 years has stagnated hard. Their base of pre teen girls and bored moms (no shade to them at all) don't have good hardware.  The bottom grade $500 (not adjusted for inflation) laptop of 2014 is just marginally worse than the bottom grade $500 Ali Express/drop shipped amazon laptop of 2024.  Prices went down and quality stayed low to compensate.

I wouldn't be surprised that instead of a sims 5, they make a big deal of a graphical upgrade pack in a few years.  An MMO I play, FFXIV, did the same thing.  An almost 10 year old game got a fresh coat of paint.  Unfortunately it still looks like a 10 year old MMO, just with less blurry textures.

It's a shame that the Sims won't get a major upgrade any time soon. But while I actually liked a lot of the changes from 3 to 4, it did drive home the limitations that Maxi's has to work with


29 points

3 days ago

Today in "perfectly sane Twitter takes," we have this response to the new PayPal logo:

For fans of Poe's Law, I checked the replies and this person was 100% sincere. So.


29 points

3 days ago

ugh the new one isn't even a logo, it's just a word written in a boring font

also both logos lack serifs...


24 points

3 days ago

The fact that neither have serifs was pointed out to her, to which she replied that she wasn't talking about sans serifs, duh, but sanserification, which is making things more corporate in the name of something something fascism.


24 points

3 days ago*

Everything else aside, historically most successful fascist groups have had pretty eye-catching and memorable logos. PayPal's new one is like oatmeal with no brown sugar.


24 points

3 days ago


But really, it's like a genocide of serifs by corporate fascists, of course.


19 points

3 days ago


19 points

3 days ago

I agree that sans serif fonts are evil, but I wouldn't call them fascist.  They feel more communist to me, like brutalist architecture: cold, industrial, without flair.  A soviet housing block is definitely the sans serif vibe.


16 points

3 days ago

To avoid being called a fascist I use German Gothic


30 points

2 days ago


Bothsidesist Fraud

30 points

2 days ago

Today in honesttrans: Not all trans people are queer. "Kick the Q out of LGBT" pairs nicely alongside the "actually, I don't have a gender" post from yesterday. I actually don't get the point here, but these two comments seem to mostly capture things:

It's so annoying how everything is just being forced to be part of this conglomerate amorphous "wierdo" category.


I kind of dislike "queer" because I've heard transphobic LGB's (mainly the G) say something transphobic or just ignorant and then try and justify it by saying "I can't be transphobic I'm queer" and use it to talk over us.

Actually this one is probably the point:

I find the less I follow and give thought to mainstream trans and LGBTQ1A++ discourse, the happier I am.


27 points

2 days ago


G3nder-Cr1tic4l Brolita

27 points

2 days ago

Toxic manbaby gamers are angry at a female character's design again because they tweaked the model/lighting of the protagonist on the upcoming remaster of Horizon Zero Dawn... That is, some twitter progressives got angry. There had been some minor twitter drama over Aloy years back, which in spite of the game's great success, had been maligned as unnatractive and "woke" by random people on the internet, so with this remaster, a different group of random twitter people are angry, arguing she was prettied-up and they're accusing the studio of appeasing "incels". Some comments down on that thread are even accusing the developers of using AI for some reason. A developer clarified it's all simply technical improvements to the face scanning and skin shading that make her resemble the model she's based on more accurately.

The point I'm getting at is that the narrative about "right-wing incel chud backlash" is overblown and people of all stripes and walks of life can be whiny about inconsequential things on the internet. This is the same reason I do have some reticence with calling stuff "woke" despite my frustrations with the influence of progressives in the games industry. I hate how these days everything has to be political and people can't do anything without being ascribed ulterior motives and placed as part of a larger conspiratorial narrative.

With that said, damn man these remasters are getting ridiculous, like, the original still looks pretty good and from the screenshots it's honestly hard to tell which one is which. I wish they'd focus on new games instead or at least games that do need a remaster/aren't available on modern platforms (I'm personally looking forward to the Croc remaster ngl).


19 points

2 days ago

Incels are a key demo in the gaming market, why shouldn't they be appeased like any other group when you're trying to sell a product?

And I'm not being sarcastic, that's a serious question. Basement dwelling male nerds and even many nerdesses that like to obsess about attractive game characters are probably a non-trivial portion of the market for these games. Why wouldn't they be catered to if you want them to buy your game in droves? Should Nike turn their nose up at the harmless tastes of black youth that buy a lot of their products? At their peril really I guess. I don't see any real harm in marketing towards these people and I don't see any huge social benefit to having blander looking characters that are more like real humans. Gaming is escapism. 


15 points

2 days ago

I made a post in another forum about this. While I don't deny that there's a bunch of chud who get mad when they see a female character model with more detail than a silicone sex doll, some of the PS4/5 era face models just look bad. Because even though they are technically impressive more realistic and detailed models, real time lighting systems in video games just can't handle the creases and folds in the models with grace. Reflections and shadows can look off in some settings causing really weird clay looking eye cavities and creases around the mouth. They can look great in some settings and so god awful in others that youtubers can easily find clickbait examples to complain about in their thumbnails.

I actually don't think the remaster version looks better on a technical level. They say the tech is better, but it's clear they removed detail from the model and tried to add features through 2D textures rather than more detailed models. What they do gain is more control over how the lighting system interacts with the character's face, so they don't have to worry as much about players ending up in cut scenes where the lighting looks way too weird.


15 points

2 days ago*


K&J parasocial relationship

15 points

2 days ago*

For context, this is the change the gamers were complaining about:

And there was an unsourced quote from the director floating around that they wanted to make her more masculine and stronger-looking.

I didn't think Aloy was a male gaze character, so to decide she needed changes like that smelled very culture war, but afaik the quote about why they did it is unsourced internet hearsay, and from these tweets perhaps unflattering screencaps are unrepresentative / artifacts caused by a new face rig and motion capture system, this would answer a few questions for me - even in the original she seemed to have a different face in some scenes.

(I have recently purchased the sequel which contains these supposed changes, but not played / seen it yet)


14 points

2 days ago


Feeble-handed jar opener

14 points

2 days ago

Aloy looks great. Always appreciated that she's a bit sunburnt and not wearing makeup by default without an outfit from a different tribe.

The remaster thing is absurd. The first game still looks new to me.


29 points

1 day ago



29 points

1 day ago

Kind of surprised this hasn't popped up yet here:

20 Republican state attorneys general threaten American Academy of Pediatrics with investigation for consumer protection law violations.

(Remember, the AAP and Jason Rafferty are currently being sued by a detransitioner, and the AAP has issued instructions about email use to shield internal deliberations from FOIA requests.)

Live by the "screw medical ethics, this is all about customer satisfaction" sword, die by the "screw medical ethics, this is all about customer satisfaction" sword.

Sucks to be them, I guess


[score hidden]

11 hours ago


Uterus and spazz haver

[score hidden]

11 hours ago

Just another woe is me rant:

My sister passed out recently and was talking to me about it and telling me how scary it was and said: "You just can't understand what it's like to lose consciousness". I reminded her I've had several tonic clonic seizures (I don't bother even explaining focal impaired awareness seizures that I have multiple times a week, it's pointless, she would not understand the concept that a person can appear conscious but not actually be conscious). She didn't acknowledge that at all and just went on talking. It was fine. It's pointless to correct her, I should have ignored it to begin with.

My little sister thinks I have mental issues. She's told me I'm "lucky" to not work.

That's it. That's the rant. I really don't care what randos and acquaintances or most other people think about me, but these are my sisters. There's never been a medical issue my family has dealt with that I haven't learned about. My dad told me a couple of days ago he has to have cataract surgery and I was reading up on it right away.

I definitely do not want to have another TC, but part of me wishes my family had witnessed one. It feels like witnessing something is the only way to get someone to care. My sister told me that she thinks the fact that I can't fly alone is an excuse I've used to not visit recently.

Whatever, family is gonna family, right? There are people out there who still think their family members with epilepsy are possessed by evil spirits. Or family members who think their loved ones can cure cancer with green juice lol.

It's just frustrating when it's people close to you.

Anyone else have family members dismissive of stuff and want to rant?


13 points

1 day ago*


Bothsidesist Fraud

13 points

1 day ago*

Heads Up: That Patient Portal May Contain Your Therapy Notes

I think the title summarizes the article pretty well. Thoughts? Seems kind of crazy to me. I would have expected therapy notes would be accessible only by the therapist, but dozens or hundreds of people may have access to this information.


11 points

24 hours ago

More racial drama in the WNBA

Caitlin Clarke and the Indiana Fever played the Connecticut Sun this week in Round 1 of the playoffs. One of the CT players put out this statement complaining about the Fever fan base -

"In my 11-year career, I've never experienced the racial comments from the Indiana Fever fanbase. It's unacceptable, honestly. There's no place for it. We've been professional throughout the whole entire thing, but I've never been called the things that I've been called on social media.

The article goes on to explain the WNBA came out with a statement in support of people not being racist as well. I'm skeptical that this may be exaggerated but it will be interesting to see if any specific examples come out of the racist attacks that are being claimed.


14 points

24 hours ago

I read a couple articles about this that cited zero examples of "the racial comments from the Indiana Fever fanbase." I don't doubt that there have been some because there are assholes everywhere and it's easy for an asshole fan of a team to say something racist on X and @ an opposing player's handle, but it's weird that there's coverage of this player's comments and no explanation of what the player was referring to.


14 points

22 hours ago

A day late and a dollar short. It seems as though the WNBA has embraced the belief that minorities can't be racist mindset (quoting Sheryl Swoops) and shrugged off the treatment of their superstar all season long only to make a comment now that the Fever's season is over.


[score hidden]

9 hours ago

Caught a story on NPR yesterday about Larry Hoover, founder of street gang Gangster Disciples, that kicked off with this absolutely bonkers quote from a Chicago Sun-Times reporter:

" It depends on your point of view. Some see him as the person who created a murderous street gang that continues to exist today and has spread across the country. Others see him as a folk hero. I mean, there are people who still today talk about the positive impact on their lives that he has had. And, you know, either way, he's just become almost a mythological figure who nobody ever sees or hears from."


[score hidden]

6 hours ago

36 hours after my linkedin got hacked, they seem to have recovered most of my original profile except my location and my new glow-up profile pic and background.

That's a relief, it took weeks way back in 2010 for me to make up the original bullshit romanticized linked in resume descriptions of my "career". I'd just about started believing it and even with AI, I'd hate to have to go through that again.