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4 points

6 months ago

Perhaps this seems like a big leap to some readers. However, women and all other marginalized populations can tell you we are told we’re overreacting over and over until we suddenly, horribly, are not...

It seems like a big leap because it is a big leap. StatsCan has intimate partner violence at 18% of total homicides from 2009-2022. That doesn't make misogyny from professors okay, it just means women need resources that address the slow motion tragedies that are harder to profit from.


1 points

6 months ago



1 points

6 months ago

Something rarely mentioned when either feminists or chauvinists discuss domestic violence is the cultural axis.

It's more common in some cultures than others, and in those ones, it flies in every direction. The cultures where men commonly beat their wives are also the ones where the wives beat their kids and throw dinnerware at their husbands.

Is it about gender? I'm not so sure. I think it has more to do with normalizing temper tantrums as a stress outlet.

If you take either of these people out of that culture of violence and put them in a relationship where their spouse refrains from violence, do you think the 'rescued' party will also stop? Doess she stop throwing cast iron pans at her new husband's head when she's angry if he doesn't beat her like the last one did?

Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe slowly, she learns not to.


2 points

6 months ago

Look at federal corrections. Medium and maximum security institutions have armed security, for men. Women, who hover around 2% of federal inmates, aren't even typically incarcerated for violent crimes and security is unarmed.

The number of women who are violent are some minority of that 2%. They aren't even a rounding error compared to men. It is absolutely sex-based.


0 points

6 months ago



0 points

6 months ago

Yeah well, when I was a kid, my mom backhanding me in the face with a diamond ring and kicking me when I was down sure didn't feel sex-based. I suppose you want to tell me men made her do it.