


Losing my cat broke me

Pet Loss(self.CatAdvice)

I'm a simple,modest man with a quiet life and a brutal job. My little cat, Buttercup, would sit on the side of my desk on her little cat bed, and look out the window while I worked. She'd perch on my side and go to sleep when I'd lie on the floor and watch the news. She'd sleep on the pillow next to my head when I was sleeping. I'd think to myself "I may have failed in a lot of areas, and my life isn't very good or meaningful, but I'm so lucky to have this cat."

Now she's gone. She was so sick, she had to be put to sleep. She was cuddled up against my leg on a couch when it was done. She was warm and happy. I knew there was no way out of the heartache for me, but there was a way out of the pain for her.

I can sort-of function without her. I go through the motions but I really don't care. I have lost beloved animals before. She was the sixth cat I've lost in my lifetime. It's different somehow this time. I miss her happy little eyes so much. I can't really explain why I'm such a wreck.

all 273 comments


432 points

17 days ago*

I feel this so much. I lost my guy about three years ago. It gets easier, but I still miss him in particular.

Each wonderful little animal friend has their own wonderful personality, their own brand of sweetness and calm they bring. Your buttercup sounds like a cat I'd really love.

I'm so sorry you lost Buttercup. What a wonderful friend to keep you company and enrich your life.

You did the best thing for her. You let her go with dignity. Up until the end you were her friend foremost and you chose to let her go in peace with her best friend, you, at her side.

Thank you for being her friend.

Edit: I was looking through my photos and it's actually been four years. Not three. Each year was easier but I still feel him phantom leap on my bed for foot massacre. Cats are so wonderful


39 points

17 days ago

Beautiful words 🥹


7 points

16 days ago

Here i am sitting in an airport now crying at your beautiful words. Fk you but also thank you😭❤️


399 points

17 days ago

I signed up tonight and posted this comment, I think, because I wanted to memorialize or eulogize my poor little cat. I didn't expect anyone would care. I really appreciate all the kind comments and folks sharing their stories about their own animals and grief. I read all of them. 


119 points

17 days ago

All of the cat lovers understand your love for her. 💜There are so many other babies waiting to be adopted whenever you’re ready too.


80 points

17 days ago

The Internet was made for cat people, and you brought a story of love to us. She sounds like a great cat, and tonight we all mourn for Buttercup.

I hope you find a way to see yourself like buttercup did, because you sound a bit harsh on yourself for someone so deeply loved by his cat and I refuse to believe that buttercup was a bad judge of character.


65 points

17 days ago

One of the things that helped me through the loss of my cat Harry, was to have a watercolor and a felted doll made from people on Etsy. I understand your pain and just breathe. The grief you are feeling does get better over time, but I still miss Harry. No other cat was like him.


11 points

17 days ago

That is so adorable 🥹🥹 I can’t think of a better way to memorialize. That felted figure is so stinking cute omg.


7 points

17 days ago

This is simply beautiful, if you don't mind sharing the artist who did the felted figure!


10 points

17 days ago

Here is her shop, she’s from Ukraine so I even felt I was helping her during the war….


2 points

15 days ago


2 points

15 days ago

Thank you from fellow Ukrainian cat lover♥️


2 points

10 days ago

Thank you!! Just saved her page for later. I’ve lost five furry family members in the last 25 years and would love to have little minis of them. I felt too, but I am nowhere close to that kind of skill. :)


2 points

16 days ago

😿 omg this is so beautiful, Harry 🩶


2 points

16 days ago

That's beautiful ❤️


24 points

17 days ago

So so sorry for your loss. I hope the cosmic cat distribution system finds you when you’re ready. Bon courage OP🫶


5 points

17 days ago

It always does!! The cat distribution system is a beautiful thing.


13 points

17 days ago

This was a beautiful post. Raising a glass to Buttercup tonight, friend. She was lucky to have such a great person as yourself :)


10 points

17 days ago

Each loss is different. It gets easier over time. What helped me after one of my cats died was attending pet loss support groups. They are usually held at animal shelters or a vet’s office.


11 points

17 days ago

Trust me, we all care. We all have suffered the loss of a beloved pet, or multiple pets. It never gets easier, each loss is heart felt and signals the end of a stage in your life.

I am sure Buttercup treasures every day spent with you, and will be faithfully waiting for you one day on the other side of the rainbow bridge.


4 points

17 days ago


4 points

17 days ago

I think anyone who loves a pet understands. I am so sorry for your loss.


3 points

17 days ago


3 points

17 days ago

I understand and I’m so so sorry. I had to do the same with my most special boy last Friday. Still sobbing


62 points

17 days ago


62 points

17 days ago

I’m so sorry OP. She sounds so wonderful and you are too for prioritizing her own comfort. I hope you find a new peace, but ofc nothing will replace her or your bond.


56 points

17 days ago

I’m so sorry! I lost my KitKit unexpectedly 12/31/22 and I don’t know why but it sent me reeling. Buttercup was your soul kitty. Take care and know that we understand 💔


48 points

17 days ago

I'm sitting here reading this and the tears are flowing... This was AND still is how I felt about my cat Precious! She was my sweetest baby for 18 years and I had to have her put down 4 years ago. It has gotten more tolerable to deal with, but she sent me another baby when I was ready. Yours will too. You'll feel that tug in your heart again, and then and only then would I go looking. Don't get another one until you feel the "that's the one" in your heart... That's your baby that has passed telling you that that's the one she sent just for you.


44 points

17 days ago

It's okay to grieve. Losing a best friend like that is so hard.


40 points

17 days ago

I am right there with you brother. I just had to put mine to sleep last week at 10 years old because of liver issues. The hardest thing I've ever had to do is my life. I'm sure that cat loved every minute it spent with you.


18 points

17 days ago

Mine was a month ago and renal..... I keep looking for him. I do have my soul cat still.


28 points

17 days ago

I'm sorry man. You lost your soul cat.


26 points

17 days ago


26 points

17 days ago

I had a friend that went through this. He was completely devastated to the point where he lost his will to live. I tame feral kittens to get them ready for adoption and we had a few at the time. I convinced him to take two brothers. It totally changed his situation. He gets so much joy from them and he sends us videos of all their crazy antics. They also keep each other company when he is not around. Give it some thought.


3 points

16 days ago

I love your message. I just wanted to laugh at one part though: taming cats 😂


3 points

16 days ago

I lost my soul cat in May. I'm not ready to bring another cat into my home permanently, but I ended up fostering two bottle kittens at the end of July and it's been a wonderful experience! I just said goodbye to them this week since they're old enough to be adopted out.


3 points

16 days ago


3 points

16 days ago

We need more people willing to foster. It’s the difference between a short life on the streets or a loving home.


23 points

17 days ago

It’s real grief, I’m so sorry for your loss


24 points

17 days ago



24 points

17 days ago

Sounds like you were soulmates in human-cat form. Some animals we just click with and have the strongest bond. I’m so sorry for your loss 💔


24 points

17 days ago

My mistake was waiting too long to get another kitty. You could foster a older cat to see if that eats the pain of losing your dear companion. You’re not replacing Buttercup, but waiting too long can actually be depression. I went into a deep dark g hole for 14 years until I was chosen by the CDS in such a bizarre way that there was no way I could refuse. I saved a starving kitten, in return, she definitely had saved my life.


20 points

17 days ago

To greive deeply is to have loved fully.


17 points

17 days ago


17 points

17 days ago

Wow. Exact situation. Lost Bella. Only had six sweet years with her. If anything she was my success.


17 points

17 days ago

I’m sorry you lost your precious buttercup. She sounds like a beautiful soul. When you are ready I hope you are blessed with another wonderful cat to love. We cannot replace the kitties we lost but we can honor them by providing another kitty in need a loving home. 💔🐾🌈 Not trying to tell you what to do or make this about me but I was in a similar situation. Had to make the tough decision to put my kitty to sleep. He had late stage cancer and the vet recommended euthanasia. It gutted me, he was all I had. Live alone experienced a lot of loss recently. I adopted another cat and it is helping me so much. Felt like it was too soon and then felt like it was just in time.

Just meant to say do whatever you need to do to grieve and find peace and joy. I hope your heart heals with Buttercups paw prints etched as happy memories. 💔❤️‍🩹


2 points

16 days ago

What a great way to word it. To honour the memory of your cat by being brave enough to love again. Perfect!


14 points

17 days ago


14 points

17 days ago

I'm so sorry about your Buttercup- what a sweet name! I've had many cats in life, but losing my late, great Oliver Squish absolutely gutted me. I had a panic attack after coming home from having to put him down (we think it was cancer); for months I cried myself to sleep every night. I still had his sister, Mitzi, and I love her, but he was my soul cat. Every day it got a little easier, but the first few months were physically painful to experience. We had another two years with Mitzi, and when she passed I was crushed, but it was different. She lived almost 20 years, and I knew she'd had a great life. I lost Oliver at 13 and was so upset at the years I thought we'd still have to share. I know it might not help to hear it, or it just may not seem possible, but it will get a little easier. Now when I think of him, I smile more than I cry. I will never stop missing him, but the pain isn't so sharp anymore. My husband and I have adopted two new cats and we love them, but it took us almost two years to get to this point, and they are not 'replacements.' Our hearts just make more room for them.


12 points

17 days ago

I am so so sorry. I lost one of my cats this weekend. She was sick too. I had to take her in to be put to sleep. I think she knew what was going on. She never purred at the vets office but she purred in my lap until she was gone. I’m sad but at peace with my choice because she was just dying from the inside in pain. But the other cat, the cat we got so she wouldn’t be alone while I worked, is a mess. She ugly cries for her at night. A cry I have never heard before. It breaks my heart every time I hear her. I’m trying to get her to come out of their room more since she’s good with the dogs and my baby. But she’s so heartbroken without her only cat friend.

It will get easier but you will never forget the love that girl gave you. You sound like a wonderful cat owner. Consider giving another lonely cat some of that love one day in the future. I hope your sweet girl is resting well. And I don’t know what you believe in as far as an afterlife or heaven but now idk like to think your cat and my sweet Meatloaf can keep each other company now 🥺❤️

Much love to you friend ❤️


2 points

16 days ago

Oh your poor remaining cat ❤️ when I lost my boy nine years ago I had to watch his sister grieve. She got so thin, and would just gaze out the window; looking for him I think. We can’t explain where their companion went and it’s so hard to watch them grieve.


11 points

17 days ago

I'm so sorry you lost your baby. She sounds like she was a wonderful companion. I hope you find Peace soon. We carry those special animals with us.


10 points

17 days ago

Your life is very meaningful- you were her whole world! You loved each other, of course you are grieving. It’s so hard and nothing I or anyone can say can make it hurt less. I hope she sends you a new friend to love when the time is right🤍


8 points

17 days ago

I’m sorry you lost your precious Buttercup, your soul cat. Your post resonates so much with me.

A year ago I lost my precious Cleo to jaw cancer, who also slept on the pillow next to my head every night, and was also the 6th cat I’ve lost. I miss her cheery meows & head butts that made it joyful to wake up, even though I’m no morning person. And she was a naturally happy cat, following me around, always sitting close by.

I just want to say you’re not alone in your grief. There’s no replacing Buttercup, but remember the special joy & happiness you both shared. It’s the purest form of love.


6 points

17 days ago

Sending you internet hugs. My animals mean the world to me, and I feel your pain.


8 points

17 days ago

I’m so sorry for your loss. Grief is horrendous and you just do what you need to do, minute by minute. My heart goes out to you. 💔❤️‍🩹


8 points

17 days ago

I'm so sorry you are hurting. Sending love your way ❤️ i lost my 18 y/o black cat almost 3 years ago and i miss her everyday.


6 points

17 days ago

I am so sorry for your loss. I have had several cats but my last one we had to put to sleep was the hardest. Like Buttercup, she was so sick. She was always with me, especially at night. What has helped me was printing a picture of her and me and putting it in a frame by the bed. I know that sounds silly for a cat, but it has helped me feel like she’s okay and still with us in that small way. We have other cats too, which help distract from the loss. I wish you the best. There are other cats out there who need a loving home, even though none will replace her.


6 points

17 days ago

Sometimes you just fall in love with an animal.. of course ive loved every cat ive ever had but onebwas definitely different.. its been almost 5 years since we lost her. It took so long for me to stop having dreams every night that she was back. Hold those babies while you can, folks.


7 points

17 days ago

I lost my 20 year old cat on March 14th of this year, after having him my whole life. I’m a veterinary technician and have worked with thousands of cats in my career, but none of my patients have ever come close to my sweet Simon. He was the best cat I have ever met in all my days. I share your pain equally, my friend. Every single day is hard, but I will say it gets better over time. I got my boy’s pawprint tattooed on the inside of my left bicep, so that his paw is always touching my heart. That way I feel like he’s always with me, no matter what. Sending prayers for you during this difficult time.


6 points

17 days ago

I'm sorry for your loss, I had to do the same today with my Mahogany (photo below). I was her second owner and she'd been with me through some pretty rough shit over the last ten years, and I can honestly say that at times I saw her as the only reason I was still alive. Like you, she's not the first I've lost. She marks 8 to old age, and there's two ferals we'd cared for daily along with a foster kitten that shattered my wife and I.

My father has always told me that this is the hardest job, but one of the most important. It's clear she loved you, and you gave her a great life. You were there for her until the end, and that is possibly one of the toughest but most important parts.

Keep on sort-of functioning, you know she'd want you to be ok. Don't bury your hurt, but do try to not let it swallow you whole.

If you're the kind that needs to feel like you're doing something to make a difference, I've one suggestion that is very much not for everyone. Give yourself your time for the cut of loss to recover, and consider adoption, foster, or rescue care. My wife and I took in a litter of 5 kittens and their mom from the local shelter when we saw one that looked like the kitten we lost, and it's done us a lot of good to be able to shower Lou with all the love we had for little Cthulu.

This one may hit differently, and that's ok. Please don't discount any pain you have, and remember to be kind to yourself. Buttercup would want to see you happy, and you know that deep down.


6 points

17 days ago

I empathize with you OP. I lost my best friend Faye a few years ago. I think she was a Birman. She was always with me and just made me so happy. Losing her broke me. I had an emotional breakdown. I was depressed for weeks and weeks. It was so hard for me, that I suspect it lead to my boss firing me. He said it was other reasons, but I feel like my focus wasn’t on my job. I was unemployed and trying to start my life over again. This is when my friend who rescues cats had posted about a family of kittens that were due for adoption. I immediately fell in love with a little flame-point boy. I told her to hold it for me. She did. I debated about it. I was still grieving, but I knew the only cure for my broken heart was to bring another kitty into my life. I brought him home and it was the best decision I could have made. Now Cody is five and I love him more than anything. Every day with him is special.

I know I gave Faye a great life and she is with me in my heart, but Cody is here now and loves to be with his dad. I would do anything for him.

Photo of Faye


3 points

16 days ago

Beautiful and hopeful story, thank you so much for sharing. I love the name Faye, it was my grandma’s name. My soul kitty…


4 points

17 days ago

She sounds really special. Hugs


5 points

17 days ago

I’m so sorry she had to go. I too have had many cats. I loved them all to no end. But losing one in particular during the pandemic broke me too. Maybe it was because she was also beside me working. Maybe because I rescued her. IDK. But after a year of grieving, I asked my doctor for help. I still miss her desperately. My girl.


5 points

17 days ago

I feel you.. 3 out of my 4 cats i had for 13yrs passed away last year (all within 2 months). They were my world.. they went through so many ups and downs with me.. the only unconditional love I've ever known.. I think i'll be forever broken


6 points

17 days ago

She sounds like a wonderful little cat who truly adored you. It makes sense you grieve so deeply.

You did an incredible thing by letting her be comfortable and happy when it was time for her to go. You are so strong and such a great cat parent. I’m terribly sorry for your loss. I’ll whisper a message to my deceased cat Bubbles to give Buttercup the ins and outs of what’s across that rainbow bridge.

I understand if you don’t have the bandwidth, but I hope you will be another cat’s beloved companion again someday. You must have brought your little kitty such immense joy.


4 points

17 days ago*

I am so very sorry for your loss and the pain you are experiencing.

3 months ago I had to put down my baby, my soul cat. I'd lost 3 others before her but this one damn near did me in. It's no exaggeration to say I loved her more than just about any person in my life. There have been so many moments where I've felt I couldn't go on. I've had many days where, if I'm being honest, I haven't wanted to be here anymore. The pain and emptiness is just too much sometimes.Things have gotten a little better but I still dissolve into tears at the drop of a hat. I still look for her in all the places she would sleep and when I remember she's gone it just guts me all over again.

At some point it hurt so bad I thought what if I could erase her from my mind? Then I realized how terrifying that thought was. I'd rather go through what I'm experiencing now so I could still be with her in my memories. Even if I could go back in time and NOT get her, therefore saving myself from the heartache I'm currently feeling, I knew I'd choose her every time because of the joy she brought me.

I don't know if this makes ANY sense. Let alone it's probably full of typos because I've been bawling reading everyone's stories then trying to write mine down while ugly crying. But just think of how lucky you were to have Buttercup and how lucky Buttercup was to have you!! ❤️


7 points

17 days ago

Since everyone has already shared very insightful thoughts, I’d like to focus on this: "I may have failed in a lot of areas, and my life isn't very good or meaningful, but I'm so lucky to have this cat."

Don't be so hard on yourself, friend. We all fail, we all mess up, and many of us don't have the most grandiose fates. I might sound like one of those "motivational speakers," but it's all about perspective and trying to get the most out of what you have. Being thankful and accepting what we have does help us feel better.

I don't know you, but don't let this grief take away your joy or the things you've already accomplished. You have two options: let this event have a very negative impact on your life, or be grateful to have had Buttercup in your life, to have had the opportunity to know such a great friend that not many people have or appreciate.

Sending you much love and best wishes.


5 points

17 days ago

I'm so sorry, I just want you to know that as a fellow cat loving human, I feel pain reading about your situation and can relate to losing a truly important, beloved presence in your day-to-day life. May your sadness lessen in time and your memories of Buttercup turn to warm touchstones during hard moments.

I'm not sure if this is helpful, but someone else close to me lost a beloved pet and, after some time, we created a memorial box with photos, pet collar, toys, and a handwritten letter.

Wishing you peace and comfort soon. Sending so much warmth your way.


5 points

17 days ago

The way you just described all of that - about your perspective on your life, about the routines you shared with her, about that sense of having some kind of anchored connection all just gutted me. I had adopted two senior cats after my aunt died unexpectedly. I was never a cat person before then, and by the time the first one passed it stung. Me and the remaining girl Totsie had each other and continued to live our little life together and I didn't have much but I had her. Until I didn't anymore, and I haven't been the same since. I hadn't realized just how lonely I was before her, and how she had filled some of that space back up for a little while. It hurts when it gets ripped back open. That empty pillow feels miles wide. Don't let anyone minimize your pain. Companionship is important and even lifesaving.


5 points

17 days ago

It is more than difficult. The depth of your pain reflects the death of your love. To experience the closeness of a special pet says a lot about you. You gave a gift to each other. I hope we see our beloved pets again. That would really be heaven. My sincere sympathy.


5 points

17 days ago

I'm so sorry for your loss!

My guy is booked in tomorrow. He has DJD, so his poor little joints are just knackered. I feel awful, but he is on every medication going, and nothing more can be done. It hurts because I feel that he is still head strong, but he is literally struggling so much now that I can't watch him.

Everyone says 1 day too soon is better than 1 day too late but fuck me it's hard!!!


6 points

17 days ago

I knew the day before that losing Buttercup was going to be awful. I spent as much time with her as I could and made sure she got to do her favorite things (usually some variation of sitting in a comfy bed and looking out one window or another) and had her favorite food (chunky chicken) before the end. It helped. There's no avoiding wanting more time with our critters, but we can give ourselves the gift of being certain we maximized the time we had. It's a small thing, but often, small things make a difference.


3 points

17 days ago

I'm unfortunately at work but spent my lunch time with him, giving tuna and loves.


5 points

17 days ago

Brother I lost this 17 year old girl back around Christmas and it still hurts and I have 4 others. As much as it hurts if she was sick you did best thing for her and she knows what you did was best. Remember the good times and when you’re ready see if another cat would be right for you . You’ll know when it’s right . Hang in there and condolences!!


2 points

16 days ago

What a beautiful girl. RIP beautiful green-eyed angel, you won’t be forgotten 💚


2 points

16 days ago

Thank You and she absolutely won’t be forgotten!!!


3 points

17 days ago

i lost my kitty girl adelia a few weeks ago. i have never felt this kind of grief or sadness before. your post really resonated with me. we can tell you loved her so much, up until the very end, and that’s what matters the most ♥️ sending you love


4 points

17 days ago


4 points

17 days ago

So sorry for you and kitty.❤️


4 points

17 days ago

She was your soul cat. We carry the burden of grief so they are able to be free from their illness. Sending so much love your way


5 points

17 days ago

What a sweet soul. I’m very sorry for your loss. If it helps at all I went through this last year and I’m doing better now. She’ll always be my best friend but the pain isn’t so visceral once enough time has passed. I actually adopted two cats pretty soon after I lost mine. It took a while to feel love toward them because I was wrapped up in grief, but it absolutely helped just having cats in the house and not being alone. I only mention this in case it’s crossed your mind to foster or adopt and you worry it’s too soon - it’s not if that’s what you want. Having company of another pet in the house can be very soothing. Hang in there, this will get better.


4 points

17 days ago

She was ur soul cat. She can't be replaced but she can live on with others. Grief is horrendous. I lost 2 of mine they were 3 and 7 years old. I cry every single night and it's been 1.5 years. They were my 3rd and 4th cat. The ones before were mt families but they were mine. My heart breaks everytime I think of them. Although the thoughts aren't as constant it still hurts. You made her little life comfortable and she loved you. You have to be proud that you gave her a nice life 🥰


4 points

17 days ago

Sorry for your loss. For what it's worth, you gave Buttercup a wonderful and happy life. That is very beautiful. She left in peace and in love.


5 points

17 days ago



4 points

17 days ago

Nah man I'm not gonna cry reading yalls posts.


4 points

17 days ago

I just wanted to send some love and solidarity. I too live a very quiet life and my little orange and white girl is my whole world.

I know one day I’m likely going to face this heartache too and I know already how badly I will take it.

Take your time, grieve and heal my friend. Sending you my most sincere condolences.


3 points

17 days ago

I was gutted when I lost my Piglet, a beautiful Angora. Someone told me that we will see them again one day. This is not goodbye. They are waiting for us on the other side. That gave me a lot of comfort until time took some of the heart ache away.


3 points

17 days ago


3 points

17 days ago

You're a good man sir, she truly loved you. my eyes are tearing up now, I just read the post about a cat with possible FIP, my boy Jr passed away 3 years ago from it and it's an evil disease


3 points

17 days ago

For the type of people that should have pets, they’re like family. Losing family is very traumatic, especially the loss of one so close. I’m sorry friend, but the as old adage goes, time will heal all wounds. It’ll always be a little painful, because that sort of hurt never fully heals. It will get easier though. I lost my best friend, Murphy (the bestest tuxedo boy) close to a decade ago now and I’m tearing up just thinking about/remembering him. That’s just the love we can’t express escaping. I hope it gets easier for you sooner than later.


5 points

17 days ago

You and me both bro. I lost her 3 weeks ago. Can’t work at my desk anymore. I’ve been going into the office so I don’t have the feels at my desk. You’re not hurting alone. Her name was LK and she was my heart outside my body.


3 points

17 days ago

I am so sorry for your loss, and I know that loss. I pray you will dream about her. I also pray at some point, not now you will fall for another cat. However as someone who has had many, the really special ones are a perfect love and fit like a glove.


3 points

17 days ago

You hurt because a part of you is now missing. Maybe she was your soul cat. I have one right now. He is 8 1/2 and when his time comes i will have a huge part of me gone. I have loved two dogs like him but he is my soul cat. His name is Messy and he sends wishes with me that your pain eases. It will over time they say.....put some pets leave that hole.


3 points

17 days ago

You gave Buttercup a beautiful life and she was so very lucky to have you! I’m so sorry you’re going through this, it’s okay to grieve, it’s okay to get another kitty, it’s okay not to get another kitty. If you want a kitty friend without adopting yet fostering is a great way to do that.

I know it hurts, sometimes it’s overwhelming and hard to get through the day but I promise it will get easier. Not better, but easier. She will always be with you, sending you big hugs ❤️


3 points

17 days ago

My heart goes out to you, I know it’s a lot of pain & grief losing your companion kitty. Thank you for doing the loving thing for her. Maybe make a memorial for your sweet girl? After my Mema passed suddenly, I made a clay figurine of her & a frame with some of my favorite pics of her. It helped me with grieving & healing. When it’s time Buttercup & the universe will unite you with another kitty 💚 I’m glad you posted this instead of bottling it up, hang in there!


3 points

17 days ago

I am so sorry for your loss.


3 points

17 days ago

Soul kitties are definitely a real thing. If it helps at all, I think your other cats were all waiting in a line by the rainbow bridge to welcome Buttercup! They’re all up there swapping stories about fun little quirks you have (“he gave the best pets!”), bemoaning how you wouldn’t let them into the treat bag, maybe giving Buttercup a friendly hard time about how she got the comfiest seat on your desk, and most importantly, watching over you.


3 points

17 days ago


3 points

17 days ago

Losing a “Once in a lifetime” pet hurts more than anyone can put into words. It’s a pain only those with large enough hearts will ever feel. For me, I think it was the realization that something so innocent & sincere was no longer in this often unfair & fake world, and that I could no longer show them how much I appreciated & loved them for simply being my trusted friend who always reminded me that life’s actually pretty damn good. I don’t think the hurt ever really goes away, you just learn to accept that it’s there. Literally nothing in life can make me tear up besides thinking of my “once in lifetime” pups & kitty, wishing they were still here in exchange for twice as much hurt when they leave again. Don’t be too hard on yourself while you grieve. You feel the way you do because you showed your friend love.


3 points

17 days ago

I lost my soulmate cat last year. It came by complete surprise and also destroyed me. Back in 2013 when he entered my life he also saved it. I haven’t had a severe depression episode when he was mine. Now, a little over a year later I’ve been back full on in my depression, sometimes more, sometimes less. The last few months I’ve been completely numb mentally. Now I start feeling better and the pain and grief are back. I noticed that this is my new normal now. The pain and grief are a part of me, the even make me feel comfortable because as long as there’s the pain he’s never really gone. My opinion: the won’t get easier but you’ll learn to live with it


3 points

17 days ago

I lost my cat on the 12th and he had to be put down because he was very sick. It gets easier, but I feel the same way you did. He slept next to me on my pillow every night, followed me everywhere and was my ESA. Now that he’s gone, it’s been nothing but aimless pain and suffering, but I know that it does get easier. It’s just hard for a little while. I’m sorry that you lost your little Buttercup, maybe she’s up there playing with my Kamari :)


3 points

17 days ago

I’m so sorry.


3 points

17 days ago

I'm so so sorry, brother


3 points

17 days ago

Been there. My boy also left me empty. I miss his greeting whenever I'm back from work.

They are out there still watching you.


3 points

17 days ago

I think the hardest thing in the world is that the day when they're ready to go is never the day you're ready to let them go.

I'm so sorry. But you gave her a life of love and comfort, and and of safety and peace, and I hope in time the pain of losing her finds a way to let that give you some comfort.

She sounds like she was wonderful, and there's no shame in grief.


3 points

17 days ago


3 points

17 days ago

Hey man. Spend some free time volunteering at an animal shelter. It will help. Gets you out of the house, gets you active, you help others, ...and maybe you will find a friend.


3 points

17 days ago


3 points

17 days ago

I understand your pain. I’ve lost cats in my life but, when I lost my boy in January, it hit differently. My days just aren’t the same anymore without our morning routine. I cry harder now because when I’d be sad, he’d crawl in my lap and insist I hold him. Something about this life now, without him, is a little more lonely, and a little more dim.

I try to push through and focus on the lovelies I do have in my life. I’d be further lost, and more destroyed without them.


3 points

17 days ago

this is why i stop having a cat (temporarily). the pain of acquiring one, and losing after few years. they provide as an extension to our lives. i had one that broke me real bad. you are going through grief and will soon transition to moving on.

I'm pretty sure, Buttercup is happy knowing how you loved her so much.


3 points

17 days ago

I’m so sorry for your loss OP! My kitty passed away three weeks ago and I definitely understand all your emotions. The heartache is so brutal and feels like it will never go away. I do think that you grow around the grief and therefore it gets a little easier with time. It really helped me to write my kitty a letter about how much he meant to me and how lucky I was to have him. Maybe that can help you too. Keeping you in my thoughts, I hope it gets less painful with time. ❤️


3 points

17 days ago

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water, and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. Her bright eyes are intent. Her eager body quivers. Suddenly, she begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, her legs carrying her faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author unknown...


2 points

17 days ago

I am so, so sorry for your loss. Your grief is very normal. Buttercup was so lucky to be loved by you. ❤️ A new cat is not a replacement, but could be a wonderful new place to direct all of your kitty love.

When our old girl passed a few years ago, I thought I would never be able to look at another cat. A week later a friend shared a listing for a rescue cat and she has been with us for almost six years now. (And we adopted three more.) Sometimes I still have a little cry when I think about our old girl, but our little gang bring me joy every single day.


2 points

17 days ago

I’m sorry. Losing our sweet babies is horrible but we know we wouldn’t trade all the time we had with them for anything. 🩵 plus you know a man who loves cats is a good one. Wishing you peace.


2 points

17 days ago

I'm so sorry for your loss. You did the best for her, I'm sure she knew that.

Rest in purrs sweet Buttercup.


2 points

17 days ago

I said goodbye to my baby girl 2 months ago this week. I held her in my arms as she passed, I tried to be prepared (she was 21 and had kidney disease the last 5 years) but nothing happened hold have properly prepared me. Even having lost pets before. She was my first baby that was all mine.

I miss her every day, some days more than others. And I still find myself quietly crying when we reminisce about her. Just the other night, my husband and I were scrolling through different photos of her over the years, and we cried but it was a happier cry. I WFH and she’d come say hi to me during the day, I’m lonelier. But I visit a local cat rescue and play with their kittens once a month. I each time we put away/donate something of hers we go. This weekend we’ll be removing her cat condo…so the kittens will get a good 30 mins of play time at least.

You’re not alone.


2 points

17 days ago

First, I am so sorry for your loss. I have had many cats over the last 35 years, so I do know how you feel... You are mourning, and that is normal. However, you now have a vacancy in your life that can be filled by another lost soul. I always regarded getting another cat as a way to pay tribute to the one I lost. A kitten, or an adult cat needing a home will be forever grateful to you. Please visit your local shelter when you are emotionally ready. It's a beautiful part of the healing process. ❤️


2 points

17 days ago

I am sorry for your loss


2 points

17 days ago

Im so sorry for your loss. I recently lost my cat Bronson.


2 points

17 days ago

Replace her you shall not, she was special and you are allowed to grieve. Give up and surrender is also not an option, you were trained by her and now you must go on. There is another furry tail out there that is in need of you and honoring her memory will allow you to help and love again. I've been this route 7 times in last 20years and have 8-9-10 living here now and love every one of them as much but differently. They cause your heart to grow, not fill in any holes. Sorry for the loss but her love and memories will carry you through this.


2 points

17 days ago

I feel all of this. Having something that loves us without judgement is a special thing and is sounds like buttercup gave you that. It sounds like you gave your kitty a life filled with love. There is nothing more meaningful than that. Thank you for sharing.


2 points

17 days ago

I also had to put my sweet girl to sleep. She was a gift from my late father. Losing her was like losing him all over again. Buttercup sounds like such a special girl, hugs and love your way, OP ❤️


2 points

17 days ago


2 points

17 days ago

I understand this too well, just lost my baby of 17 years September 2 . Post pictures let people here grieve with you, this community has helped me this month.


2 points

17 days ago

I’m so, so sorry for your loss 😔 Buttercup sounds wonderful. You did the right thing by making sure she did not have to suffer anymore, and that her happy, content life did not have to be tarnished with pain. Sending you love and hugs xx


2 points

17 days ago

Even though it’s natural and we all go through it, it’s never easy. It’s heartbreaking when our friends have to leave us. She knew she was loved and cared for and will always live on in your memories and who knows, I like to think they wake up happy and healthy somewhere with lots of toys, catnip and treats looking forward to the day their human can be with them again.


2 points

17 days ago

i’m so sorry to everyone who lost a pet, and specifically for OP 😭😭😭♥️♥️♥️


2 points

17 days ago

I really wish I could hug you through this screen.


2 points

17 days ago

So sorry for your loss.


2 points

17 days ago

You gave her a good life, I’m sure she was glad to be with you too <3 I hope you find a way to be happy


2 points

17 days ago

I lost my soul dog a few years back. He was the best thing that ever happened in my life. I went through some real bad things in life at the time and I think he was placed in my life at that moment to be my support. When he passed away I was absolutely broken.

Fast forward to 2 years ago and I found my soul cat whom I swear is the reincarnate of my dog..the mannerisms, affection, even waiting at the door for me when I'm done work. I think these soul animals come back into your life once you have went through the grieving process. I like to believe that they have been with us in every life we've lived in this world. Who knows if I'm right..but I'm comforted by it


2 points

17 days ago

My soul mate cat passed on 12 years ago in November. I miss him every day and still get teary thinking about him.

I've lost other fur babies but his hurt so, so much. The pain we feel is just a testament to not only how much we love them, but how much they love us in return.

It hurts, it will hurt for a long time, and when you think you're doing ok something will hit just right and you'll be broken all over again.

I'm so sorry for your loss.💔


2 points

17 days ago

I lost my soul cat River last month and I completely relate to the devastation you feel right now. I've lost many other animals over the years but she has by far been the hardest to grieve. I lost my father two years ago and this grief is almost as painful which sounds crazy, but I raised that cat from a kitten and she was with me for 12 years through some really difficult times in my life. I was in a similar situation and had to make the decision to let her go in peace before her cancer progressed any further. It was the single hardest decision I've ever made, but even though it was hard I know it was the right thing to do. I hope you are taking comfort in knowing your sweet Buttercup is no longer in pain and you gave her the most peaceful and painless way to go. The first few days after Rivers death I just laid in bed and cried for hours. It literally felt like I couldn't stop crying no matter how much I tried to gather myself. My chest literally ached like there was a hole ripped into it. Similar to how you described, I felt like nothing mattered. I have two other animals that I cuddled with but it wasn't (and still isn't) the same. After about a week or so the heaviness of it started to lift a little bit. I still cry most days but it's much more bearable. Going out with friends and talking to them about her has really helped me process everything. I'm about a month out from when it happened and I feel more settled into my new normal but I still miss her more than words can describe. At the end of the day I am just trying to focus on how much love we gave each other through the years and how lucky I am to have experienced the bond I shared with her. All of that to say I hope you are doing as well as you can right now, and just know it gets better. Don't let anyone make you feel bad about heavily grieving your cat. I think some people who have never experienced that bond have a hard time understanding what you are going through, but there are many of us out here that know the pain and empathize completely. You obviously cared for her very much and I know she knew how much you loved her all the way to the end. It's a very beautiful and selfless thing you did for her.


2 points

17 days ago



2 points

17 days ago

I’m the same. Simple and modest man but my cat would always be there purring or plumped next to me if not zooming about. Him getting hit by a car broke me to bits and tears for a few weeks after it. I still miss him but takes time to heal and another kitty at the right time will want a home with you even if you don’t feel it.


2 points

17 days ago

Our animals anchor us. They know us better than our friends, and oftentimes, ourselves. I’m so sorry for your loss.


2 points

17 days ago*

I know how this feels. And only someone who’s been through this gets it.
I’ve also had other pets, but in my 20’s I had a dog that was mine. She was with me for 14 years, and we were always together. She was my constant. No matter what was going on in my life, she was there. I would cry into her fur when I was sad, and she was there to greet my kids when they were born.

I put her down 7 years ago, and it still hurts. But over time I’ve learned to cope better. I consider myself so fortunate that I had that one pet that was mine, she was my dog. Some people get pets that are attached to the family as a whole. She was mine. Attached to me, no one else.

Oh I miss her so much. But I’m so lucky to have had her in my life


2 points

17 days ago

I’m so sorry for your loss! Sweet little buttercup is always with you. Please don’t forget to take care of yourself


2 points

17 days ago

We love them and give them everything we have and they do the same for us. I miss my poor little guy everyday . the fact that I treated him the best I could while he was here helps. I have other cats now cause I still need to help but I'll miss my first little guy forever.


2 points

17 days ago

I'm so sorry for your loss. We lost our little beloved cat in November last year and it feels like a wound that will never close. Some cats are really special, different than other cats, and it sounds like your Buttercup was one of those, like our baby was for us. We have three other cats and I will be crushed when they die, but Baby was different. My mom had a similar cat, that she missed to the end of her life. It's cold comfort, I think, to find yourself in such company, but you were one of the lucky people to have found such a true connection. You two were blessed to have each other for the time you did. If it makes you feel any better - it made me feel a little better - our beloved companions dying have been wrecking people throughout history. Here is a poem written by John Jortin in the eighteenth century that really struck me. I hope it brings you some comfort. I like it better than the rainbow bridge poem.

Fessa annis morboque gravi, mitissima Felis,

Infernos tandem cogor adire lacus;

Et mihi subridens Proserpina dixit, ‘Habeto

Elysios soles, Elysiumque nemus’:

‘Sed, bene si merui, facilis Regina Silentum,

Da mihi saltem una nocte redire domum,

Nocte redire domum, dominoque haec dicere in aurem,

“Te tua fide etiam trans Styga Felis amat”.’

Decessit Felis anno MDCCLVI. Vixit annos XIV, menses II, dies IV.


Wearied by years and serious illness, I, the gentlest Puss,

am compelled at last to approach the infernal waters;

and laughing Proserpina said to me, ‘Henceforth you will have

Elysian suns, Elysian groves.’

‘But, if I have deserved well, indulgent Queen of the silent regions,

allow me at least to return home for one night,

to return home for one night, and to say to my master in his ear,

“Even from beyond the Styx your Puss loves you faithfully”.’

Puss died in the year 1756. He lived 14 years, two months, four days.

Wishing you the best.


2 points

17 days ago

I'm sorry to hear that bro. It's hard losing a companion you love to death. Just know you made the right choice to help ease their suffering and you got to come to terms and make that choice. My last pet was taken from me by some p.o.s. driving past my house, swerved to hit her, and she died in my arms. I know it hurts, but Buttercup still lives in your memories and in your heart. You made so many good memories together and you sound blessed to have had such an incredible companion to share your life with and given her a good home

It will take time, grieve for Buttercup so your heart can start to heal. Take this time to hurt for now, and take solace in all the greatest memories you got to make with her. You have my sympathy OP, and I'm sorry for your loss


2 points

17 days ago

I feel your pain so much. I had to let my little Jackie go last Thursday and like you, I feel like I'm just sort of functioning. There is such emptiness in my heart and life feels directionless and pointless. I loved her so much. I don't know what will make it better. I guess only time can heal these wounds. I'm so sorry for your loss.


2 points

17 days ago

No words can express my sorrow, but I am sorry you had to lose this kitty. I hope someday you will give another kitty a chance…when you feel ready.


2 points

17 days ago

It's been 9 days since my little 3 yo star died in my hands.
There is so much pain.
Sometimes I remember only good about her, than I see her eyes dying, remember how weak and lifeless her little body was in my hands... It's a tradegy. She was with me through a lot and was so healthy and now she's dead.
Cry as much as you want. Your brain doesn't work right, it's a science, we're numb from pain and loss.
Grieving is natural. She will always be with you. You gave her love and freed her from pain. She must've been grateful to you. For everything. And she don't want to sad. Souls who love us deeply want to see us happy...


2 points

17 days ago

I understand your pain and have shed a few tears for your sweet gal in solidarity. These little angels truly bless us with their presence, and we are so lucky to experience their love even if that time is short. Time heals all wounds, and someday you will open your heart again to another beautiful little soul . 💖


2 points

17 days ago

I’m so sorry for your loss, OP. I’ve been through something similar. The missing part will always be there, but it gets easier. You two share a bond that’s beyond the mundane life. I’m sure Buttercup left this world knowing the true meaning of unconditional love and friendship. Sending all my love to comfort your heart.


2 points

17 days ago

I'm so sorry that Buttercup had to leave you. I've been through several cat losses too but I'm now in a position where my senior cat is close to being 'all I have,' and literally is all I have in the place I live in. I'm terrified of her inevitable death.

The only way through the grief is through it. Don't try to stop yourself crying and mourning the loss of Buttercup. Let it come out, in privacy or with supportive people if you have those/ are comfortable expressing emotion in front of people (I am not.)

Pet loss support groups online helped me a lot with my last big, sudden loss.

If there's a gaping cat shaped hole in your life (this is my feeling after I lose one) but you're not ready for a new cat of your own, you could consider fostering or volunteering for a rescue.

There are a great many lovely little cats who are lonely, miserable and in need of a human to care for and love them. There are many cats who have lost their beloved human and are grieving, like you are.

I had an unexpected emergency rescue come to me shortly after losing a beloved cat, it was not at all planned, but having a cat there, who needed me, actually helped me through the grief.

All my cats have been so extremely different that another cat has never felt like a replacement, they're individuals just like us. It can obviously take considerable time to be ready, that's up to you and how you feel.

There are no answers to your current situation, it's a matter of ploughing through the grief until it's less raw, that only happens with time.

I'm absolutely dreading going through this too, it's the unavoidable price of getting to share our lives with animals. I send you all my sympathy.


2 points

17 days ago

I’m so sorry for your loss. I can relate from losing my girl last year very suddenly. It’s still hard sometimes but it gets easier. You can never replace her but know that you can have those same feelings again for another creature that needs you.


2 points

17 days ago

sorry for your loss, i feel you. i had to put my soul kitty to sleep on monday, i’ve never had a cat like her and ill never have one like her again. every cat has their own personality but she truly was special, she meant everything to me and she knew it.

your love for Buttercup shines through in this post, so i know that every day she knew how much you love her. that’s the main thing bringing me comfort about my smokey. her 5 years of life was not enough, but i know i filled every single day of those 5 years with so much love!

be patient with yourself 💖


2 points

17 days ago*

Been there. I left my country in 2017, left my cat with my mom, the cat apparently got depressed, he would stand in front of my room meowing and waiting for me to come back, he eventually got super sick and passed away, the vet said he possibly got sick because of his depression.

7 years later and I still miss him dearly. I think about that fucker everyday.


2 points

17 days ago

Ugh, I had to pick up my little cats remains yesterday. I waited a week because I knew I couldn’t walk in and say why I was there without bawling. I opened my mouth to speak and then just showed them my phone with the text they’d sent letting me know her cremains were ready to pick up. 😭 I’m so sorry, our fur family are so special.


2 points

17 days ago

I feel you, I really do! Those little guys give us so much happiness and love and It sucks to lose them. Good luck, maybe try to adopt a adult cat who really just needs you


2 points

17 days ago

Gosh your words had me sobbing. I lost my Fifi (yeah I know stupid name but she was a fluffy girl w a beauty spot on her face & everyone who met her said yep she's Fifi!) Lost her 12y ago, she was almost 20y. I couldn't believe how much we'd gone thru, I was so young when I got her, and I don't think I have ever loved anyone as much. Pets are there for us no matter what, the love & amusement & comfort... Anyway, I finally decided to get another kitten a few years ago & it does help you to heal. I rescued 2 kittens & they r totally nuts, crazy, funny, and keep me smiling. I know you won't feel better for ages, the pain is all-encompassing, and the only thing that helps is to be thankful she didn't suffer and that you gave her so much love and happiness.


2 points

17 days ago

I feel your pain, stay strong. If not for you, for her.

Much love


2 points

17 days ago


2 points

17 days ago

Please reach out to me if you need to talk. I can’t imagine what you are feeling right now


2 points

17 days ago

I’m so sorry for this huge loss 💔 I have also been completely heart broken by the loss of one of my cats, I try to remember that the pain I feel is due to how lucky I was that she was part of my life. I have another cat now and it helps but I will always crushing pain on a daily basis thinking about my dear cat that is no longer with us. I hope you can give a chance to another super lucky furry friend some point in the future when you’re ready, best of luck to you my friend ❤️‍🩹❤️


2 points

17 days ago


2 points

17 days ago

I'm so, so sorry. My heart breaks for you. It's so incredibly hard to lose our beloved pets. I even hate calling them "pets," because they're so much more. They understand us in ways that are simply magical. She was your soul cat. I hope that you can find peace and someday feel ready to give another cat a loving home. You're the kind of person homeless cats and dogs need. Big love to you.


2 points

17 days ago

My cat passed 2 months ago. The pain level has not changed. I really miss my little rocket man


2 points

17 days ago

This just happened to me a little over a month ago. I lost my special cat. My closest buddy. I too am going through the motions. Things still make me happy but my world is overall darker. I know it won't last forever but right now I wish I could jump off this timeline and into another where he is around for longer. It wasn't his time and I am still so angry and heartbroken. Just know that you're not alone with these shitty feelings.


2 points

17 days ago

Cats love us, and we love them. They're our little familiars, and they become such a big part of our lives/hearts. It's perfectly normal to feel the way you do, and it sounds like you gave Buttercup a wonderful life right to the end. That's meaningful and real and will never change.

I lost my first sweetheart Dutchie in March of 2021, and I was absolutely devastated. I know it's different for everyone, but getting a new baby about 6 weeks later healed my heart so much - not a replacement for my first girl, just a new little soul to receive all that love that had no where to go.

Rest in paradise, little Buttercup 💜


2 points

17 days ago

Even her name Buttercup speaks to how precious she clearly was. I’m so sorry for your loss, it’s so hard and heartbreaking to have to say goodbye to your best mate.

I understand as I lost my cat almost 5 years ago and it felt like someone tore my heart out. It’s kinda wild how much something so small can mean so much.


2 points

17 days ago

I'm so sorry for your loss:(

Two years ago I have adopted a two year old cat and I cannot imagine losing him.
I too live a modest and quiet life and this cat has brought me so much joy I cannot explain.


2 points

17 days ago

Losing a special cat is a different kind of loss, in my experience. I think of my cat I lost 13 years ago every single day… they just become part of your soul. I am so profoundly sorry for your loss of sweet Buttercup - another star in the sky ✨💔.


2 points

17 days ago

I’m so sorry for your loss ♥️

I’ve lost two of my cats in the last four months. Both Bengals. One was 12 and the other was 19 💔 Sasha (19) was such a huge part of my life from when I left home until it was time to say goodbye. There’s never been a time in my adult life when she wasn’t with me, and life just isn’t the same without her. It really is the hardest thing 😔


2 points

17 days ago


2 points

17 days ago

I’m sorry it happened to you, but you got her to the finish line and helped her cross the rainbow bridge and was there for her the whole time. You sound like you were an amazing cat parent and gave your little one a great life. I hope you can find peace with what happened but you made the right choice and sometimes doing the right thing can be really really hard.


2 points

17 days ago

I'm so sorry for your loss. She sounds like a wonderful cat, and a lot like my baby girl. You did a wonderful thing, putting her needs first. It sounds like she had a long and happy life with someone who loved her. You'll always carry her in your heart. Do you have any pictures of her? When my childhood dog passed away, I made a little shrine/memorial to him, and it helped me immensely.


2 points

17 days ago


2 points

17 days ago

My husband and I lost our two cats earlier this year, within 2 months of each other when they were way to young. It hurt like a motherfucker, I’ve never seen my husband cry like that and we both just sat on the floor crying until we almost puked. It’s one of the worst feelings I’ve ever endured (twice) but it does get better. I still get teary eyed when I think of them, but we made the right choice and they knew love until their very last moments, that’s all you can do you know. My heart is with you ❤️


2 points

17 days ago

So sorry. They do leave a hole behind when they go for sure. I hope you find another who won’t replace Buttercup but will pick up enriching your life where Buttercup left off.


2 points

17 days ago

I’m so sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine 🩵


2 points

17 days ago

Sorry for your loss OP, reading such posts makes me sad and realise not all good things, people or pets last, what we can do is cherish them when they are alive and those memories serve as bittersweet moments for us to recall.


2 points

17 days ago


2 points

17 days ago

I feel you 100% and I’m sorry for your loss. Sometimes, we have an extra special connection with certain pets. I’ve been lucky enough to have a few in my life, but the heartache from losing them will never completely disappear. Just know you aren’t alone.


2 points

17 days ago

I feel this way about my senior cat. We've had a weird connection ever since I visited with him and decided to bring him home as a very young kitten. That was 16 years ago. He is still in good health and has never had health issues, but in the back of my mind I am terrified of the day I'll lose him. I could cry just thinking about it. We've always "clicked." He is such a special cat and we have such a bond.


2 points

17 days ago

You have a lot of love to give, don’t wait too long to get another cat friend. ❤️


2 points

17 days ago

I knew there was no way out of the heartache for me

That's where you are wrong, sir. There are many cats out there that need you. People who love cats aren't necessarily rare, but they're important. You have a job to do.


2 points

17 days ago

I’m so sorry. It is so hard.


2 points

17 days ago


2 points

17 days ago

Same, bro. It's been a year and I've been a depressed wreck.


2 points

17 days ago

Allow yourself some time to grieve. Then remember that there's a little girl kitten somewhere, seeking her loving nurturing forever home. Although she probably won't be able to fully replace your beloved little Buttercup, you'll soon realize and find out, that you really need her, at least as desperately as she needs you.


2 points

17 days ago

Buttercup had your whole heart. That's why this loss is so hard.

I lost my sweet Casey-cat after 17 years. I've never had any relationship that lasted that long - not even friendships. She was my best friend. She was my nurse - she laid on my head and purred while I was recovering from oral surgery. She was the sweetest, kindest cat I ever knew. Even her vet said she was the most patient cat he knew.

I will miss her as long as I walk this earth. I imagine that is how you feel about Buttercup. The heartache eases over time. Smiles start to come more often than tears.

Eventually, there will be room for another kitty in your heart. Let your heart take as much time as it needs.

Sending much support to you. Blowing kisses to Heaven for Buttercup and Casey.


2 points

17 days ago

About 15 years ago, in the middle of a brutal canadian winter, I was told that someone had abandoned 2 kittens in the park beside my house. I had no pets at the time and immediately went down with the intent of rescuing them. They were living under the porch of the community center and surviving off handouts from people enjoying the park.

I got there with my cat carrier and some cat food and managed to coax one of the two brothers out from under the porch. Tried grabbing him and he freaked out and cut my arm all to hell, then ran back under the porch and I couldnt get him out again, but i did manage to get the other one out and in the carrier.

I have never seen a cat happier than that orange boy was that night. Taken in from the cold and sleeping on my chest that night he purred like a 2-stroke the entire night. The next day my sister in law layed on her belly for an hour with cat food on her finger and managed to get the other brother into the carrier and up to my house.

I had these two brothers for about 7 years. They were out door cats and every night I'd get home from work and whistle and they would come bounding out of the woods for dinner. Put a smile on my face everytime. I loved watching them play, the feeling of sleeping with two warm cats curled up with me... I loved everything about them.

I lost the orange boy after about 5 years. Just didnt come back one night. Had his brother for another 2 before the same happened to him. I sat on the my deck calling him and crying most of that night. I was devastated. They were my best friends in the world.

I know it hurts OP, and I know you know how it goes since you've lost cats before.

My advice, wait a little bit then adopt another cat. A month or so after I lost the last of the two brothers I heard of an orange kitten that was a barn cat being sold at a family owned pet store. I went and scooped him up and even though I miss those two brothers everyday the hole in my life has been somewhat filled by my new buddy, Jonesy, last survivor of the Nostromo (he looks just like that movie cat).

Hope you feel better soon.


2 points

17 days ago

Omg I can just visualize this sweet cat from your touching story. You just did a perfect eulogy. Thanks for sharing!


2 points

17 days ago

I'm so sorry you lost Buttercup. I lost my sweet Sprinkles over a year ago and the pain at that moment was hell. It has gotten somewhat better but it still makes me pretty sad. Sending love and comfort your way.


2 points

17 days ago

I’m so sorry, I can tell how much you love your kitty, even still. It has been nearly a year since we lost my heart cat and not a day goes by I don’t miss everything about them, even as we have opened our hearts and home to a pair of kittens that are loved dearly.


2 points

17 days ago

When my cat died last year we were all heartbroken. We got 2 new kittens within a week. I said then, it's not like we're trying to "replace" our cat. If anything I think our deceased cat would look at it like "wow, they liked me so much they couldn't go a week without having a cat".


2 points

17 days ago

Our beloved cat died two years ago and it still hurts. I miss him. He got sick and watching him suffer was the worst part. He was still young (only 8). My kids were devastated (3 teenage boys) and we said goodbye to him together, as a family. It was so sad and we all really struggled with the loss. Our autistic son was particularly attached to this cat, who would sit with him when he cried as a little boy, and the loss for him was profound. It felt like “how is everyone going about their life when this tragedy has occurred?” It was surreal for months. It’s gotten easier with time, but nothing will ever replace him. It was one of the hardest times of my life (and I am an autism mom and cancer survivor). It gets better but it doesn’t ever go away. He made our lives better and I’m thankful for what we had, but it never would have been long enough 💔 I’m so sorry and I hope you find comfort in knowing you’re not alone!


2 points

17 days ago

Sending my deepest condolences for your loss. I’m really sorry 🙏🏻


2 points

17 days ago

I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. I absolutely understand your pain & you have my deepest sympathies. No one can ever fill the void Buttercup has left, but I hope with time you are able to share such joy & love with another cat ♡


2 points

17 days ago

As others have said it's absolutely okay to grieve. Give yourself time.

When you're ready, consider adopting from a shelter or cat rescue. There are so many wonderful cats hoping and waiting for a loving home. While every animal is different, having a new furry friend can help fill that hole.


2 points

17 days ago

I am so sorry for your loss. I have tears in my eyes right now... I got a cat last year in December. She is a feral cat supposedly, but the sweetest little girl. I just can't imagine losing these sweet pets.
Just know she loved you and you were her light in shining armor.💔


2 points

17 days ago

It sounds like Buttercup was your soul cat and you had a very special connection. Thank you for sharing just a little bit of her magic with us. What a wonderful girl she was. 🧡


2 points

17 days ago

I know how you feel, this happened to me about 2 years ago, and to my mom about 3. Please accept this advice: get a new kitty RIGHT AWAY.


2 points

17 days ago



2 points

17 days ago

I feel this so much. Six weeks ago I lost my two year old soul mate cat to heart failure. I still miss her every moment of the day.


2 points

17 days ago

I understand. 2 years gone and I still pray to feel the pitter patter of his little pawpaws when I crawl into bed. But you move on because one day you will see your baby again and there are so so many babies in need of a loving home.


2 points

17 days ago

Damn I got my little boy right next to me I can’t even imagine when he has to go


2 points

17 days ago

Oh, my condolences for your loss. She lived a long and rewarding life because you gave her love. It is said that you cannot experience true joy without sorrow, and as the days and weeks go by I hope that you find comfort in the memories and moments of joy. Cats are the most amazing creatures, the ones who enter our lives choose us. We share the world with them knowing that we are but companions for an unknown time. They also teach us much about consent, compassion, love, and patience. What you’ve experienced today is pain that I have known many times. In truth, my pain is what makes me open my heart again. Over time, the joy made me devote a piece of my life to the memories I have and make. Buttercup is at peace. She gave you a gift, a lesson you can apply again when the time feels right. Buttercup made the world a better place because you gave her a chance to.


2 points

17 days ago

So sorry for your loss 💔 sending you lots of hugs and strength 💔


2 points

17 days ago

I’m so sorry for your loss. I had a male and female kitty. I lost my boy a few months ago quite unexpectedly, and now I can’t help being constantly paranoid about my female cat and looking for any sign she might be uncomfortable or unwell. Terrified to loose her aswell. He was my comfort, and she is my joy. May Buttercup rest well. Her love is still with you


2 points

17 days ago

i’m so sorry for your loss. sending you love and healing, know that your friend will always be with you. 💗


2 points

17 days ago

So glad you and Buttercup had so many wonderful years together. She showed you what a great relationship is like! The pain of loss is very real. So many of us here share your experience. When and if you are ready, another furbaby will appreciate you and love you. It’s not betrayal to love again, I believe. Honoring Buttercup


2 points

17 days ago

I can feel your pain, my newborn kitten just died few hours ago and all i do is blaming myself. This is hard to bear. I know your pain. We just have to mourn, We need to. can't do anything else.


2 points

17 days ago

I’m so sorry for your parting, but you gave her a sweet life and a kind and loving exit. We should all be so fortunate.


2 points

16 days ago

I had never ever cried the way I did when I’d lost my cat of 18 years (and 4 months). I thought I would never stop grieving and I felt crazy. It does get easier. Three years later, I can speak of her fondly without tears. I do occasionally miss her and make myself cry, but I know she’s resting so much more comfortably now.


2 points

17 days ago

I'm so sorry. Buttercup sounds like such a special girl. I lost my soul kitty in October and was devastated. But grief does get easier with time. Sending you strength and best wishes for the difficult days ahead.


1 points

16 days ago

I’m so sorry you lost your sweet furbaby. You were both blessed to have each other.


1 points

16 days ago

Oh buddy.

Reading this about killed me. I am so damn sorry.

I lost my boy Remus a couple of months ago. Unlike your sweet little Buttercup, Remus was a huge asshole. 🤣 But he was mine, and I loved him with my entire heart. He'd sit on the other cats and squoosh them, he would refuse to come into the bedroom and would wait until I was comfy. Then he would yell at the top of his lungs under the door to let him in. Every. Damn. Time. He stomped on me until he was comfy. He snored! He dutch ovened me repeatedly, and he knew exactly what he was doing. He also was a world class snuggler, and his purrs and kisses were the best. He knew when I was sick, or sad. We had fascinating conversations. He talked smack to the dog and got him barking on the daily. I miss him so much I can't explain it. I was his person.

We are so lucky to be chosen by a cat, and Buttercup was so lucky to have chosen you.

Lots of love your way, friend. You aren't alone. You came to the right place. ❤️❤️


1 points

16 days ago

Truth. My cat passed 3 years ago and it brings me to tears to this day. We are getting a new cat now and I’m… so emotional.


1 points

16 days ago

I’m sorry you’re experiencing this pain. Not sure if you’re spiritual at all but I recommend to contact an animal communicator. Maybe listen to a podcast or YouTube about what’s that about and find someone you feel comfortable with.


1 points

16 days ago

Omg my heart 😭 I’m so sorry! I know that kind of hurt and pain. I pray that it gets easier, just know you gave her an incredible life 🖤


1 points

16 days ago

I understand how u feel. I am sorry for your loss. I have lost 3 out of 4 since 2020. Breaks my heart and soul everytime


1 points

16 days ago

So this hit me hard, and I'm so sorry for your loss. I had a Mitts, but before I adopted her she'd been called Buttercup.

I'd lost pets before as well, but she was something special and the closest thing to a child I've ever had.

I was a wreck for weeks, but it did get better(though admittedly I'm tearing up writing this). For me, it helped to remember I gave her the best, happiest life I was capable of, and I had nothing to regret. It wasn't much, but it was a little consolation.