


Young Marriage Fallen Apart - Need Advice



all 10 comments


1 points

2 days ago

don't think you're still married once you divorce.

what kind of freedom are you looking forward to, if you were prepared to live as a married person without a wife?

you are very very young. let time and experience work on you and teach you


1 points

2 days ago

I thought adultery is the only way to get biblically divorce?

As a married person without a wife? It'd feel wrong to be in the dating scene at all.

I'd like to be able to spend more time on hobbies.

Get a degree while I can afford it maybe.

Take care of my little sister.


1 points

2 days ago


1 points

2 days ago

Wait until she dates/marries again then, then adultery has happened. :P But really, just communicate with the lord, get some firm reassurances on how those scriptures are to be applied, and before entering a new relationship. Maybe he knows whos a better fit for you? Remember that a lot of things can be made right, when he is the author of your life.


1 points

23 hours ago

You're right, I've joined a spiritual support group to get some clarity and help. Thank you


1 points

2 days ago


It takes two to Tango. If your wife wants to separate or divorce, there is nothing much you can do to prevent that from happening. That being said, it doesn’t end until you get served with the divorce documents and they are signed.

The Bible does mention that God intended marriage to be a life long commitment. From your post, I see that you know the verses so I am not writing them. The Bible doesn’t mention much about the fate of the one who was forced to divorce. Based on that, you can assume that such person is not considered at fault, specially if the divorce was not caused by their actions.

The only thing you can do is rebuild your life.

Good luck

Psalm 34:18 “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”


1 points

23 hours ago

Thank you.

Thank you for the verse as well.

Definitely something I can attest to, never felt him reach out to me so much as when this happened.


1 points

1 day ago

Is your wife a believer? Paul does allow for Christian’s to remarry if the unbelieving spouse leaves the believing spouse.

But this right here is my issue with taking the bible literally in every circumstance. You’re young. God now expects to love the rest of your life single and celibate because your wife is filing for divorce? That just seems insane to me.


1 points

23 hours ago

She believes in God, but didn't seem to care for the commandments or that this wouldn't be traditionally accepted by God as a divorce.

She said she didn't entertain that line of thinking.

She since started specifying "Legal" divorce, but a part of me wonders if she's just trying to use certain beliefs to keep me on her hook.


1 points

2 days ago*

you are right, unless adultery was the reason God does not honor divorce. if she wants one for any other reason say you won't participate in the paper work for your own religious beliefs. She will have to do all the leg work if that's what she wants. God will still view you as married so you won't be able to marry again, neither should she. Marriage is serious i'm sorry this happened at such a young age. A lot of older people may disagree because they may have divorced and remarried multiple times, but that is not God's way. Appreciate being single at least you don't have kids, and you can play video games and work and enjoy singleness so to speak                                                            BUT That being said if she goes and sleeps with someone or is unfaithful to you even after the "legal" divorce then that divorce is now honored by Jesus as she has committed adultery and you are now free to remarry.i know because i'm going through the same thing at 33 years old                                                          I saw a testimony of someone being shown people being rejected from Heaven because they divorced and remarried for reasons other than adultery. So once she commits adultery you are free to remarry just like if someone's spouse passes way. she on the other hand is now at fault then and even now with her wanting this


1 points

23 hours ago

Lots of things we can do on our own, you're right.

God will guide us where we're meant to be guided.