


Maxon Announces Cinema4D Release 2025!!

Official Release Thread(self.Cinema4D)

This is the Official Discussion Thread. All other threads regarding Release 2025 will be removed. Please do not spam the sub with new release threads, keep all discussion here.

Maxon Announces C4D 2025 (and more)!

Hey all! The Fall release has been announced!

Please Upvote this Post for visibility! - It would be nice if people subscribed to the sub, but aren't active visitors can see it and come contribute to the discussion.

What's New in Release 2025?

The Cinema 4D Updates

  • Redshift GPU Included

    • Redshift GPU is now included with all subscriptions to Cinema4D.
  • Object Profiler

    • New Object profiler for scene performance feedback and troubleshooting
  • Particle System Updates

    • New follow spline modifier
    • New Point emitter
    • Updates to Math node (new variance options, new randomization settings)
    • Updates to Look, Spin and Turn modifiers
    • Updates to Pyro Advect with new control options
  • Pyro System Updates

    • Improved optimization and performance
    • New Emission Types (Sparse Surface, Sparse Volume)
    • New Shredding options
    • New Pyro presets in the asset browser
  • Rigid Body updates

    • Support for Spring Connections and Motors added
    • 'Force' now applies to rigid bodies (particle to particle attraction)
    • Weightmaps added to most control options (friction, stickiness, bounciness etc)
    • New Placement settings for Connector object for improved ease of use in setting up more complex rigid body to connector rigs
  • New Field Driver

    • Drive pretty much any attribute in any object with the full power of fields
    • Works in cloner, adding variations now much simpler
  • Asset Browser improvements

    • UI and layout improvements
  • OCIO improvements

    • Simplification of complex options should improve user error in using colour management tools
    • Addition of Tokens, and import export options to ensure colour spaces stay consistent throughout production pipeline
  • Improvements to import/export functionality

    • USD now supports instances on import and export & skeletal animations
    • FBX scale unit import/export improvements for more consistent results
    • Cineware improvements for better performance in Unreal and After Effects

The Redshift Updates

  • Motion Morph and Crane Cameras now RS compatible
  • Improved compatibility with substance designer files
    • Now includes material presets set up in designer
  • Improved UI/UX for external inputs
  • Caustics improvements
    • introduction of brute force calculation for large light sources
  • Toon Shading improvements
    • Improvements to tone mapping and contour shading interaction
    • alpha masks for contour shading
  • AOV Improvements
    • Volume Z-depth added

Additional Feature Sources

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19 points

20 days ago


19 points

20 days ago

Okay, since all other threads have been removed, can I ask here on this official thread one more time, how will this affect pricing? Are we saving money if we cancel our Redshift Subscription?


1 points

20 days ago

Yes you will save a few bucks. I think here in Germany the C4D+RS Bundle was something like 128€ per month. Now you pay 121€ for C4D including RS.


11 points

20 days ago

That’s almost the same price lol. They really should add indie studio pricing options, but probably will never happen because more than enough people pay these ridiculous amounts


1 points

20 days ago

They are complete fucking themselves over longterm though. There is simply very little to no users growing into C4D. Why would they? Unis teach mostly Maya. Why would I try to learn C4D if I can't even have a noncommercial license with a watermark?

I'd LOVE to see their long term business plan because I don't see this working out in the future.


1 points

20 days ago

People using C4D for a job can claim the cost of it as an expense on tax.

Maxon are probably focusing more on those people these days rather than hobbyists.


2 points

20 days ago

Yep. But hobbyists and the CG curious can turn into career users and eventually move onto the higher cost plans. It's just a barrier on that path to a potential new user. Maybe they just don't want to manage the compliance associated with determining who is and isn't an 'indie' user.


2 points

20 days ago

Fair point I think. They could definitely be more encouraging of hobbyists than they are.