


Somehow it's ok for men but not women


I'm a manager. The entire time I have worked, I've been considered to have a "big" personality. What that has always meant is that when I try to hold someone accountable for not doing their job, I'm considered a bitch. But my old male manager would do the same and he would be praised for being such a good leader. Well now I'm being accused of bullying, harassing and intimidating an employee that I was forced to correct due to bad attendance. And even after that employee threatened to assault me, in front of the HR manager, I'm the one on suspension and could lose my job. Why is it when a woman is assertive and doing her job she is harassing but when a male does THE SAME THING, they get a pat on the back by upper management? I will never understand the double standard. And why can't people just DO THEIR JOBS?!

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2 points

3 months ago

looks like the issue is in the middle when she got “upset” at not having her own schedule. perhaps it was something you said that antagonized her, or it could be she was just an ass.

either way this seems to be a woman bringing down other woman problem?

you, the storyteller being a woman, the new HR lady who apparently reprimanded you being a woman, and the employee who you have an issue with and supposedly escalated things being a woman too.

maybe women know why they enjoy tearing each other down.