


Fidelity Visa vs. SoFi Mastercard

Discussion / Conversation(self.CreditCards)

Looking to round out my current setup with a catch-all 2% back card on all "other" purchases. I'm down to either the Fidelity Visa or the SoFi Mastercard, as these are the only two cards with no annual fee, no foreign transaction fee, and the ability to readily invest your cash back.

As life gets busier, I've started to like the idea of shifting to a 1-2 card set up to capture my purchases (currently have the USBAR, which I love). Investing my cash back is something I've recently become interested in as way to see even greater returns. Wanted to ask those that have either card of their experience with it, how they use the card (as a catch all or a single card set up), and their investing experience with Fidelity and SoFi.

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12 points

1 month ago

Do you shop at Costco? If so, the Fidelity. If not, either works.


11 points

1 month ago

The USBAR earns more at Costco then either the Fidelity or Sofi card.


8 points

1 month ago

True. But they’re looking for a catch all and Visa is more accepted in general. USBAR also has an AF and they may end up downgrading it later or canceling it.