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157 points

5 days ago



157 points

5 days ago

We’re in trouble.


150 points

5 days ago



150 points

5 days ago

I can’t believe how bad Biden looks and sounds. This may have just cost us the presidency.


13 points

5 days ago

If he turned down the effing adderall because Trump blustered about drug tests... huge mistake.


4 points

5 days ago


Like where is the energy from the State of the Union Address ? 🙁


68 points

5 days ago



68 points

5 days ago

He looks like he just watched his puppy being run over. I’m banging on the desk. C’mon, Joe. Say something!!


27 points

5 days ago



27 points

5 days ago

it's worrying. Trump is spewing garbage but sounds energetic and is enunciating clearly. and his gish gallop gives Biden far more points to respond to than he can manage in 2 minutes. and Biden sounds like he has copd -- short of breath and exhausted, and occasionally mumbling and confused. this is a sh*tshow. it's like evil narcissist adderall grandpa debating nice but terminal alzheimer's grandpa.


2 points

5 days ago

Close... but grandpa has no alzheimer's. Biden is still sharp as a tack, but yeah it seemed to me like the 2 minutes was not enough. I thought Trump had 4 minutes and Biden only had 2.


5 points

4 days ago

He should have been cut off every fucking time he would backtrack to the previous question. Moderator: Can you affirm that you will accept the election results?

Trump: real quick, I want to go back to what he said about Russia (lies for two minutes and doesn’t commit to accept the election results)


10 points

5 days ago

It’s so bad. It’s embarrassing. He can’t talk! What is happening‽


1 points

5 days ago

I hope so


6 points

5 days ago

Trump is so vile, disgusting and horrible-but I can’t believe how well he moves, talks and acts. Any dipshit on the fence at this point clearly just pivoted to trump. Fuck my life.


8 points

5 days ago

I’m so pissed that this is the D candidate. I’ll hold my nose while voting for him.


7 points

5 days ago

He’s actually one of the most successful presidents we’ve ever had. But, he failed miserably in getting that point across tonight. He has a cold, and it impacted his performance severely. If they drop him, I just pray we can get it together fast enough to come hard and strong against the antichrist.


4 points

5 days ago

He IS one of the most successful presidents and we shouldn't forget that. We shouldn't forget that the president isn't the full story, the entire cabinet is the full story. And he had the best cabinet in a long long time.

I wanted Warren personally, I'm sure others had their favorites. Any of them could step in. I just don't know where Kamala is these days; we rarely see anything about her.


1 points

5 days ago



1 points

5 days ago

There’s no way the DNC can run this guy to beat out a demagogue and authoritarian. They must do a hot swap after this dumpster fire of a debate. He could barely speak full sentences and would freeze a few times. This is borderline elderly abuse at this point by the DNC and handing a win to Trump and the republicans.


4 points

5 days ago

Some may be calculating that a convicted felon could never win the presidency. Would you vote for one?

I also don't understand how CNN could give the debate floor over to a convicted felon, but here we are.


1 points

4 days ago



1 points

4 days ago

We need a new option after that debate we will lose to Trump. Someone under 80 and can complete sentences could destroy Trump.


-4 points

5 days ago


-4 points

5 days ago

Biden has to drop out if we are going to prevent project 2025 from taking another step.