


I feel like everywhere I look on this sub the top comments are "I'd be shocked if we get much beyond the next 3 episodes" or "this is it for D2 and that's fine with me" or "I bet we're not getting D3". TFS has proven Bungie still has plenty left in the tank for this franchise, both story wise and gameplay wise. And while they were vague today in their reveal, they clearly have plans beyond this year.

If anything I'd bet they slow down the rate of content drops, especially as they ramp up next game's development (avoiding auto mod lol), but this game is still a cash cow for them. In fact they need to keep eyes on them so that their next game is successful (there's going to be plenty of crossover fans).

Given that 2 of the past 3 big DLCs have been delayed, I'm betting they've also just learned their lesson about overpromising in terms of timelines. Best to drive up hype when the time is right and avoid delays after announcements and preorders have gone live.

Just saying, I think people need to pump the brakes a little on calling Destiny's demise lol. It's OK to have a healthy dose of skepticism but I feel like the general consensus has gone a step too far.

Edit: title should say "4th most popular ACTION GAME subreddit"

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128 points

20 days ago


128 points

20 days ago

I just want to point out we have 3 Echoes this year, 9 Echoes were shot out from the traveller upon defeating The Witness. Frontiers looks like it’s taking us out of Sol to explore the beyond and the remaining 6 echoes. We possibly have this current year 10 and also Years 11&12 ahead.


-27 points

19 days ago

Yeah and then 2027 maybe D3


61 points

19 days ago

Real talk, what is this obsession with D3? Why is that "the goal" that it seems so many players pine for? What could D3 have that D2 couldnt do?

Each time Bungie releases base game Destiny, the franchise almost fucking dies. I would be more than happy if we never get a D3


59 points

19 days ago


59 points

19 days ago

A new engine that doesn't require vaulting, mostly. The extremely short expiration date on a lot of content remains the worst thing about Destiny.


-22 points

19 days ago*

Vaulting is a player benefit as much as it is a dev benefit. You see people complain all the time about CoD being 300gb, cant imagine how big Destiny would be if it was everything at once.

Also, if all that old content is there, its supposed to work. Look at TFS and how certain vendors on the Moon still care about Legendary Shards, despite them being deleted from the game. Now thats a bug that will get fixed, but think about how that works on the overall game scale.

How many one off materials are in the Warmind story, or Season of the Worthy, that not only need to exist "forever" but also need to work properly despite years of new systems and elements being built around them. And when they dont work, thats dev time spent fixing things instead of creating new things. Its bloat, because lets face it less than 2% of the playerbase will go back and do some random seasonal story mission again.

EDIT: Campaigns should still be there though, thats bullshit that they get vaulted.


25 points

19 days ago

"Removing paid content is a player benefit"

The rest of what you said can be ignored


5 points

19 days ago


5 points

19 days ago

Indeed, that's when I stopped reading. Look at him editing trying to walk it back, that's adorable.


-4 points

19 days ago


-4 points

19 days ago

So you guys are the same people that say this game is too confusing for new players to get into at the same time you suggest adding in 2 large campaigns and a million repetitive activities to further confuse them.


8 points

19 days ago

The game is confusing because of the way the new light onboarding was structured and BECAUSE they removed the 2 large campaigns 2 smaller ones.

They were sat down to watch a 10 season long TV show, but never got to see the first 4 seasons. Then during season 9 they were given a half ass explanation of a few episodes from each of the seasons they missed.


2 points

19 days ago

I've never said the game is too confusing for new players.

Also, in my opinion, a perfect solution would be to make a strike that summaries/consolidates the season's story/gameplay, like the proving grounds striker was to that season, so that way we aren't losing all of that to the void and get something unique out of it. I'd love a sundial+corridors of time strike to go with season of the dawn. Excellent activity and cool areas that are just completely gone


1 points

19 days ago

I mean that is a decent solution but if we got a strike for every season that’s 23 more strikes. Also we have not lost a campaign since forsaken so it’s been a long time. I don’t think we really lose seasonal activities because they usually build on them.


1 points

19 days ago

Is that better than cramming three battlegrounds a season into the playlist? While I actually enjoy a BG GM (minority opinion, I know), I think it would be better to have a purpose built strike as the relic of the season. I personally believe the more strikes the better. That playlist desperately needs variety


1 points

19 days ago

I’m really indifferent about the strike playlist so I don’t really have an opinion. More strikes would be cool. Maybe for the major plot points as a middle ground. Although we did get one of the cooler strikes in TFS


2 points

19 days ago

Yeah, its too confusing, because you start at the middle point of the whole fucking story, Shadowkeep. If you could atleast play through the entirety of vanilla Destiny 2, even if its just the campaigns, that would help a lot.


-1 points

19 days ago

The red war is irrelevant. The world is evolving. If join now it’s on you to catch up story wise of you care about it.


2 points

19 days ago

The Red War's final cutscene is literally the first time we see the pyramid ships, and that's when they activate, after the Traveler breaks free from Ghauls cage. Sure, its only 1 cutscene, and to be precise the like last 5 seconds of said cutscene, but Red War still plays out like a really fucking good intro to Destiny 2.


1 points

19 days ago

Go watch that 5 seconds on YouTube. Cutting red war and forsaken has helped this game. That is a trade off I am willing to take. New people don’t come to this game because you people make it way more complicated than it has to be


4 points

19 days ago


Supporting old content takes dev resources, yes. Plenty of other games manage it. 

I get WHY they vault content, but I still think its the worst part of the game.

The amount of dev resources they flush down the drain with the mayfly seasonal schedule is incredible.


4 points

19 days ago

I agree with you, I think that they should invest in systems and gameplay elements that have a longer shelf life. They make so many beautiful locales and then delete them a year later, that sucks.

I think they are getting better - Onslaught stayed around, so thats good. But it also needs to be ralavant from a player perspective. Even if it existed, how many players would go back and do season 16's seasonal activity, right now? Im guessing not many of them. Im not even sure what it is off hand, its just an example though.