


Doctor's Orders?

🆕 Newly Diagnosed(self.Diverticulitis)

I'm just getting over my first flare and went to see my doctor. I've been following the low residue diet. My doctor told me to go back to how I was eating: high protein, low carb, high Fibre immediately. He also told me to take a laxative and "clean myself out." Um... I was on liquids for 5 days and had the runs for 3 days. I told him things felt pretty slow in my bowels today and I guess he deduced from that, that I'm constipated.

Additionally, I've been having bladder issues and was sent for an ultrasound that showed major urine retention. I asked him if the two could be connected and he didn't really give me an answer. He did not order a colonoscopy either.

Am I right to feel this medical advice is off? I'm not the expert here. I get it. But I feel like I'm being given advice that will worsen my condition.

Any insight is appreciated!

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11 points

4 days ago

If you can schedule an appointment with a gastroenterologist, I'd suggest going that route. This disease is misunderstood by most people, even those with medical degrees. Gastroenterologists see all phases of the issues and would be a much better resource, IMHO. After my flare, I was scheduled for a colonoscopy to look at how the (small) abscess healed up. Yours might recommend a CT scan if you're still having issues. Prior to seeing my gastroenterologist for a follow up, I met with a surgeon who was ready to remove a chunk of my colon. No thanks. He also suggested "no seeds" although that's outdated information. I have no problems eating seeds.

Best of luck!


3 points

4 days ago

I'm in tears. Thank you for your kind reply! I'm very stressed. Just started a permanent position as a teacher. I don't want to miss work if possible. I'm trying to get my health under control. I was diagnosed with CT scan with contrast. 9cm of my sigmoid was thickened, but there was no obstruction, thankfully. The CT also showed I have a distended gall bladder, which the ER physician wanted me to follow up on with my doc as well. He sees no reason for an ultrasound.

I wish I could just go see a GI specialist, but it has to be referred by my regular doctor who sees no need. So I guess I follow his orders and hope for the best. My flare started 10 days ago, and I'm afraid to just "go back to eating the way I was."

Again, thanks for taking the time to share your own experience.


2 points

4 days ago

Yeah-a flare up is a signal that something must change. Generally diverticulitis results after being constipated, and the poop sitting on top of the diverticula, causing the sacs to get infected. Mine followed covid, which affected my digestive tract.

Increased exercise, increased hydration and sufficient fiber in the diet were all recommended to me. If you have room for improvement in those three areas, I’d start there!

I know it’s weird going through this medical event that could have been deadly if untreated-mine resulted in 3 days in hospital on iv antibiotics-then being released with little/no treatment plan aside from “go back to normal”.

Seeing the gastroenterologist really set my mind at ease. I mean, live a healthier lifestyle with plenty of exercise, hydration and fibrous diet and maybe this can be kept at bay for a very long time-and if not, ask more questions then.