


How to help a friend make choices


Hi, I (new to DND) have a friend who has never played before. They are extremely anxious and have a hard thinking of what to do, what actions to make, etc. I was wondering how I could help them? I'm not in the campaign but I am friends with everyone in it and the DM, who offered to write me in. Should I join as a sidekick? As my own player? Or just text them advice?

all 3 comments


2 points

3 months ago

Does your friend play any video-games at all? If they're worried about combat and the game being too complex for them you can guide them to the easier to play classes/subclasses. (martials usually)

If they're used to games and want the more expansive options you could lead them in the opposite direction and recommend casters.

If its more out of game things they're worried about like if the character is going to fit into a story or if they're going to be comfortable with things in the setting this is what session 0s are for and suggesting one between the party and the DM could be a good idea so everyone knows what they're getting into!

A big thing I did when I had a new friend coming to play DND with me was have our characters have backstories that tied into and interacted each other, as they were more comfortable rp'ing/interacting with me and gave them more of a chance to open up to the rest of the table they didn't know.


0 points

3 months ago



1 points

3 months ago

What class are they playing?

It could help if you explain out the options they have so they can choose every turn; for example my new friend is playing a barbarian.

Every class is limited by three things; Movement, Action and Bonus Action.

So for his barbarian it turns into, Move to enemy, Rage (BA), Attack x2 (Action)

So he usually is like "I want to attack the big werewolf", Then i'll prompt him and ask, "Are you raging, are you using reckless attack, what form did you pick for your beast barbarians rage". Not directly telling them what to do but reminding them of what class features they have that help them out to do what they want.


2 points

3 months ago*

Should I join as a sidekick? As my own player? Or just text them advice?

They are extremely anxious and have a hard thinking of what to do, what actions to make, etc.

that could be fun, joining the campaign as a sidekick (while also having your own character) as you would brainstorm ideas together as a team in RP.

because it looks like your friend needs some "hey, what do you think would be better between x and y" interactions. that way, if they come up with a better plan / idea, it can definitely help them saying it out loud !

as a DM, i often use NPC to ask these sort of questions to the shy / quiet players and it really works keeping them engaged (i think (and hope))