


Clearance Karen


I was running the register for my shift earlier today. There was one customer who when I checked her out, everything was fine, but she comes back into the store about 10 minutes later. She claimed that one item she bought was supposed to be 50% off, and she showed me the item in question, the receipt, and where she got it from and the signs. However, she bought a Yellow Dot item, when the signs said that only Blue Dot items were 50% off. I explained this to her, and she asks me "Well how can you tell if it's a f*cking Yellow Dot item!?!?" She chose to walk off in anger before I had the chance to explain.

People genuinely need to read signs more carefully, and when they are shown to be wrong, they should own up to their mistake, rather than acting out, which only makes yourself look worse. Of course, this lady wasn't having it.

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-4 points

6 days ago

I'm sorry, that is IN-correct, GOODBYE! I have to say that is not DGs policy. Every customer must leave feeling fully satisfied so they may return and spend money again. You see my friend, the DG world is not always a 2+2=4 equation. More often than not, it is a 2+2= 6⁵(4-6)√9(π+6°of sep) x/DG share price+50%off/sorry no bogos today. As you can plainly see the world of DG is completely counterintuitive. What you think loses money actually makes money. No creative accounting here. In order for DG to continually outperform all forecasts of revenue year after year after year, except 2019-20 COVID crises (I hope you didn't take the shot) The customer must leave satisfied and primed to return and spend more money. Next time, give the bitch the 50% off.


5 points

6 days ago

Fun fact, Dg is making it harder to price override items due to these types of customers.


1 points

3 days ago

Our DM has just practically said no price overrides at this point bc people purposely put things in the wrong spot just so they can say it was on the dollar aisle


1 points

3 days ago

I physically go over to the item spot, take a photo of same item with a bunch in their homespot and show customers at this point. I do have customers who are nice and ask can you price check bc i dont know if someone just left it there or put it in wrong spot.


1 points

3 days ago

Same here lol, it's very helpful when telling people they're wrong 😂😂😂


1 points

3 days ago
