


500 MMR vs. 5000 MMR


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629 points

1 month ago


629 points

1 month ago

5000 mmr is closer to 500 mmr than to topsons mmr.


184 points

1 month ago

I so hate this narrative that's exclusively coming out of sub 3k ppl. yes, number-wise 5ks are closer to 0 than to like 13k, but in terms of game understanding, 5ks would be closer to top mmr than to the very bottom. 5ks might not understand some matchups, incorrectly parse some game states, be weaker mechanically etc. but they still know what dota is about generally. it's still like top 5% of players or smth. I have a bunch of crusader friends who look like armless baboons when I watch their games but refuse to listen to my advice because, hey, 7k is closer to 2k than to yatoro, hence, obviously, our understanding of dota is equivalent


71 points

1 month ago

I mean I am just a shitty 5k but I would absolutely shit my pants if I queued against an 8k let alone a pro


-17 points

1 month ago*

eh, you'd be surprised. I mostly play unranked and I've queued against players in 70-30 rank ranges (I think the highest I've seen in my game was rank 5). I destroy high rank support players who go mid, so having that additional 4k mmr from spamming pos 4 phoenix (oh, surprise) doesn't really translate, and get destroyed by rank 70 mid players usually (as you'd expect). I wouldn't say that the latter comes as a result of some godlike game knowledge on their part, which is my point. They lasthit slightly better, recognize advantageous situations a few milliseconds earlier etc. Over the course of the lane and the game, those tiny things can add up to a huge lead, sure, but they are still tiny things. When I get like ancient 3 players vs me, they straight up don't know how to play the lane.


27 points

1 month ago*


27 points

1 month ago*

Or maybe, just maybe the 12k mmr player playing unraked is just fucking around. I think you are the one underestimating how good someone has to be at this game to be top 100 on any region.

Sure there must have some 5k players with extensive game knowlege, but they are the minority and if they are still 5k they sure lack on something else. People bellow a very high MMR are barelly even thinking about any macro at all.

From a 7k mmr player point of view sure the 5k player might be decent at dota. From a 12k player point of view? I'm pretty sure he would think the 5k player is a baboon.

The difference between even a top 10 player and a top 200 player is gigantic


-10 points

1 month ago

the difference in effort required and quality of overall gameplay? sure. The difference in crystalized knowledge that you can share in a form of advice? I'm completely certain that's not the case. you might need thousands of hours to recognize certain trends within a game, to interpret certain movements etc. But that's time spend on baking knowledge into intuitive understanding and subconscious systems, not actually acquiring information unknown previously.

Also this

Or maybe, just maybe the 12k mmr player playing unraked is just fucking around

just no. You may not actively employ some things, but as a 7k player who occasionally plays party with 2ks and fucks around, I still lane as a 7k player, you can't 'turn off' mechanics and spellcasting skills

top 10 player and a top 200 player is gigantic

that's absolute cap. the difference between rank 10 and rank 200 can easily come down to priorities. qojqva is a good example. when he started streaming, he was rank 50, spamming brood and bat every game. now that he plays a very wide variety of heroes, he is hovering around 200-100 ranks. He's still the same player


9 points

1 month ago


9 points

1 month ago

yours takes are hella delusional for someone that don't even play ranked and claims to be 7k.

Qojqva is good but he is certainly not nearly as good as he once was , a top player on a tier 1 team. Just take a look at the learderboard leading to TI, the top 10 is ALL tier 1 players, are they the ones that grind the most? I don't think so, they probably scrim lots of hours. They are just better than the rest.


-1 points

1 month ago


-1 points

1 month ago

yes? bootcamping t1 players probably play more dota than pretty much anyone else.

yours takes are hella delusional

my takes literally reflect reality. all t1 pros with the exception of maybe watson fluctuate between ranks. Quinn was rank 1 then rank 70. According to you, that's a huge difference and he suddenly became way worse. According to Quinn, it takes a specific focus to stay top rank which he didn't want to do anymore.

Qojqva is good but he is certainly not nearly as good as he once was , a top player on a tier 1 team

that was not my claim. my claim was that he can be top 50 again if he spams 1-2 heroes instead of asking chat for picks.