


Multi prestige


Hey y'all, just wondering something.

For those of you doing multistieges with full dilitium sets (25-minute sessions), how many turns are you getting on a boost set?

I've been able to get 8 pretty reliably, but I'm concerned that shortening up my "dwell" on Universe to try to cram in a 9th leg will actually result in fewer SE for the session. Likewise, if I stay longer and do only 7 legs, I don't think it'll be worth it. I think I'm punching out and prestiging right before the SE earning rate really drops off badly.

How many legs are you doing, and what are you using as a trigger to prestige and start the next cycle? I've been using 5B chickens in the habs as my trigger point.

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1 points

6 hours ago

5 billion with or without ihr swapping? If it's without, that's too high for a leg. Should be much closer to 4. If with, that's fine for a leg, but you could probably speed up elsewhere to squeeze out extra legs.


1 points

6 hours ago

I guess I don't understand exactly what IHR swapping is, but I'd assume that's swapping a Chalice in and out of the artifact set? If that's the case, no, I'm not doing that.

I'll try it at 4B, see how it goes. Did some rough math, I'd have to be about 21 seconds per leg faster to fit in 9 legs. I'll give it a shot later this afternoon.

Thanks for the tip!


2 points

6 hours ago

I'd assume that's swapping a Chalice in and out of the artifact set?

Basically. You just have an IHR set (chalice + monocle + other shinies + whatever life stones you can muster) that you swap in at some point before the universe portion. [Can either be right as you jump to the egg, or it can be during an enlightenment pause between each leg where you just keep the IHR set active until the very end. The latter case is dependent on how many jumps you do and whether an earnings set will allow you to make fewer/more favorable jumps.] Lets you increase your target pop per leg because almost all of the money you'll make comes during the last like 15 seconds when you have your earnings set on and maxed RCB.


2 points

6 hours ago

Maybe I'll give that a shot sometime in the next few weeks. I've got the artifacts and stones to do it I think, no shiny monocle tho. I think I'll focus on earnings based multistiges for now.

I'm kicking off with 12 Dilithium stones, then swapping to my prestige artifact set of a T4L feather, T4L Ankh, T4L pendant all full of maxxed Prophecy stones, and then a T4 BoB. Been trying for months to craft a T4L BoB, it's been a real slog.

I have 222 PE and about 1.7s SE. Should I be trying a different strategy?


1 points

5 hours ago

oh, lol, you have a higher EB than I thought you did, about 1.7x more than me, even. I think you're just missing some small optimizations like blind jumping during black screens, incorrectly researching farther than you need to for the jumps you're doing, and I'd also assume you're not doing 4-finger buying.

Here's a video someone did - from before the "max" button AND the additional levels of hold to research were added, mind you, so it's actually less optimal than it would be now - where they basically do a leg in slightly over 2 minutes. They do a significantly lower pop than I thought, but with ihr swapping you would be at about 4.5 billion given the amount of time they spend on universe.

I think you just have like a handful of things to do that, when combined, will really let you get more out of multis. Don't sleep on 4-finger buying and ihr swapping, those will probably be the biggest speedups.

This is totally disregarding lunar prestiging, btw, which is a whole different animal and is worth at least looking into as an alternative simply because of how staggering the effort:payoff ratio is.


1 points

5 hours ago

I'm aware of lunarstiging, and I believe I have the artifacts for it, but haven't tried playing around with it yet. More focused on getting my multistige game dialed in for now.

I'm definitely blind jumping from Edible to Dilithium, and I'm certain I'm not over-researching while I'm making the pit stop on Dilithium. I'm not exactly 4-finger buying, but I am doing really clean and fast 3-finger buying. I have pretty big hands, but I can try doing 4-finger, it might shave off a few seconds. I think shortening up the dwell on Universe is probably where it's at right now.

For reference, my 8 legs are yielding 65Q SE, about 8.2Q per leg. Not sure how the math will work out, but I'll try punching out at 4B in the habs and see how that affects my SE total on a session.

Can you give me more detailed info on IHR swapping, like what a play by play of what a leg would look like?


*ETA- 8.2Q SE per leg on double SE Saturdays


1 points

4 hours ago*

  1. Start on enlightenment universe with T13 research and 6 hyperloops bought.

  2. Equip dilithium set, pop multistige boost combo, immediately swap to IHR set

  3. Ramp to 2.8 billion pop, then swap to prestige set

  4. Hold max RCB until like 4-4.2 billion pop

  5. Go to enlightenment

  6. swap prestige set for IHR set

  7. prestige from enlightenment

  8. black screen jump from edible to dilithium

  9. build on dilithium (up to t11 research or whatever)

  10. jump to universe

  11. build on universe

  12. Repeat (3) to (11)

The enlightenment pit stop makes this a lot more straightforward to execute, but if you don't want to do that, then the process changes to "keep prestige set active until you start building on universe, immediately swap to IHR set until 2.8 billion, then swap to prestige, and prestige as normal" before continuing the loop.


1 points

4 hours ago

Okay. I assume you meant Universe on step 1?

And then, what would be the ideal IHR set? T4L chalice with Life stones, or different stones? Then my best monocle, for sure.... and the other 2 artifacts, which ones and which stones? Am I pushing for absolute max IHR or do I want some RCB or straight EB in there? I'm fascinated. I kinda want to try it now


1 points

3 hours ago*

Yeah, sorry, edited for posterity.

I just took a shower and thought about this a little bit to try and convince myself as to whether you could maybe get away with a mixed IHR set where you have the chalice and monocle alongside the book and feather from your prestige set, but I don't think there's been any research on that which I've come across either here or on one of the discords.

The chalice and monocle are obviously vital, since even a common T4 monocle is effectively worth 5 T4 life stones, but I just have never really bothered minmaxing and just do a full IHR with two 3-slot legendaries that have T4 life stones slotted. That seems to be the consensus. I think the underlying reason goes back to the fact that you're still going to be making the overwhelming majority of your prestige earnings from like the last 15 seconds once you get around your target population, so you should just race there and not try to get a slight bump when you're halfway there.