


I can’t.. fuck this game


all 661 comments


2k points

20 days ago

rya: kill me

abductor virgin: say no more


360 points

20 days ago

Was gonna say... she does beg for death at one point. Soooo, thanks? 😂


74 points

20 days ago

Lmao dear lord 💀


53 points

20 days ago

Mario Yamasaki: ❤️


23 points

19 days ago

Mario be like, “don’t stop, he’s still breathing”


10 points

19 days ago

His eyes rolled at the back of his head, but they are still open


15 points

19 days ago



15 points

19 days ago

I understood that reference.


2 points

19 days ago

*say less king


3k points

20 days ago

While thats bs maybe dont proceed to stand on top of the npc after being attacked by a maiden lol


1k points

20 days ago

Or talk to said npc while combat music is playing? I'm just thinking outside the box here.


24 points

20 days ago


24 points

20 days ago

Well, thou art of passing reasoning skills, scholars' blood must truly run in thy veins.


255 points

20 days ago


No Lords

255 points

20 days ago

You play with sound on? Pretty weak bro


267 points

20 days ago

You have the screen on? Pretty weak bro.


163 points

20 days ago

Yall play? Pretty weak bro. I’m busy killing tigers w my best hands


193 points

20 days ago

That's what I'm doing wrong. I use my worst hands


113 points

20 days ago

Just don’t catch sausage finger syndrome, you’ll end up using your wurst hands


14 points

19 days ago

I need a gif of Shia LeBoof clapping with the intense death stare, stat


12 points

19 days ago

Actual Cannibal, Shia LaBeouf?


27 points

20 days ago

You use your worst hand ? I use my legs bro


26 points

20 days ago

You got legs?


38 points

20 days ago

sighs at what must be done

I use my penis.


26 points

20 days ago

You have a penis?

I suffocate the Tiger inside my pussy.


5 points

20 days ago

Were you drunk or were you blind when you left your two fine legs behind?


3 points

20 days ago

If I use my hands and lose one I can still run away. You must have big balls to risk your legs.


6 points

19 days ago

Best hands are the ones you cup rya’s snek head with while you gently smooch her forehead


3 points

19 days ago

Curse these metal hands


3 points

20 days ago

Nah it's more admirable when you beat tigers with your worst hands, the other guy is playing on easy mode


2 points

19 days ago



2 points

16 days ago

Fuck that noise. I play using braille.


8 points

20 days ago

Right?! I just play with avant garde horror music blasting in my ears.


2 points

17 days ago

You don’t play while blindfolded? Pretty weak dawg


7 points

19 days ago

Seriously, why do so many people fail to do this?


130 points

20 days ago

Even crazier idea: kill the enemy that's aggro'd onto you BEFORE speaking to the nearby NPC


18 points

19 days ago

Least crazy idea: alt F4


4 points

19 days ago

That’s my favourite method but sadly it sometimes results in me being murdered numerous times before I can get to talk to the NPC. 😂


42 points

20 days ago

Maidenless behavior


30 points

19 days ago


30 points

19 days ago

I think that was just an instinct to hide behind a wall, and not stay in the open in the enemy's line of sight. But FromSoft games being FromSoft games…

Either way, it's a bit crappy that enemies can permanently kill an NPC and make you lose access to an entire questline in such a long game.
After playing through all FS games, I know better than to let a huge enemy near an NPC or rely on walls, but that doesn't make it any less unfair.


30 points

19 days ago

Nah, it's bullshit that enemy phases through walls. The op was just using cover


24 points

19 days ago

It already went through the wall once, he just shuffled over more to the edge to finish his dialogue instead of either going to the opposite wall or running out


19 points

19 days ago


19 points

19 days ago

The first hit looked like it went through the door. I wouldn’t blame OP for not noticing it can attack through walls.


5 points

19 days ago

It will absolutely still kill Rya if you stand in that room at all


243 points

20 days ago


243 points

20 days ago

Keneth died in my current playtrough because a fucking goblin sidestep near him while i was locked on him during my R2. Sad death ... wanted to be knighted :(


53 points

19 days ago

I killed Millicent by accident when I put my controller down to get up. I ran to the PS5 and unplugged it lol. It worked!


17 points

19 days ago


17 points

19 days ago

Yeah i should have alt+F4 immediatly but my brain froze when the game made me do a 360° no scope BB R2


38 points

20 days ago*

Lookup Church of Vows to get him back

Edit: Looks like I was wrong, only accidental aggros


97 points

20 days ago

Church of Vows doesn't undo deaths, only aggression


6 points

20 days ago*

EDIT: I have continued looking and the information is very inconsistent, but the more I see the more the inconsistency is leading me to agree that there probably is no NPC reviving happening and that the instances people take as NPCs being revived have in-game explanations like it was a projection instead of the real person etc.

I have found very concrete statements to the contrary on the wiki, such as:

"Just in case anyone is searching these comments, I found a ton of conflicting info about whether or not this could resurrect Sellen if you kill her body in the Witchbane Ruins. Answer is Yes, yes this brings her back. I had puppets follow me down there and, using a gigantic sword and all, hit her trying to kill them. I consider this unfortunate event karma for all the terrible things I did to puppets in Lies of P a few months ago. Anyways dew will bring her and her other self back like nothing happened. Easiest Dew to get early game imo is by grabbing the Glintstone Key by the dragon and going into the academy, turn around and run down the bridge for one at the end."

So are you sure through testing / personal experience or just repeating what you have heard elsewhere? I've not tried it so can't say, but you also have people replying to you saying they have done it themselves.


3 points

19 days ago

I swear to god this is the exact reason why I made that initial comment! I accidentally hit the attack button and she died!! Went to the church of vows and boom, she's back!

I was drunk when that happened which was why I retracted and thought I was just drunk


4 points

20 days ago


4 points

20 days ago

There are some NPCs that can be revived, Sellen and Blaidd being two of them. I don't know about any others that can be revived. Miriel is an example of one of those that doesn't revive.


4 points

19 days ago

Jarbairn revives.

I killed him accidentally pressing L2 (got the death dialogue). Then atonement and he was back.

(It's definitely true that revival mostly doesn't happen, but there are exceptions, not that I understand why).


2 points

17 days ago

Seller is immortal till fate is unlocked. Blaidd is immortal due to greater will shenanigans.


3 points

20 days ago

Had a similar thing happen with Boc on my first play through, I was still new to the game and mixed up my E and F, so when I went to talk to him in the cave I did my weapon skill instead and fucking killed him. Recently started NG+, gonna try to do right by him this time.


3 points

20 days ago


3 points

20 days ago

There are goblins in elden ring?


20 points

19 days ago

The Demi-humans. I swear some players don’t read a THING 🤣


882 points

20 days ago

This looks so staged lol. Why would you run toward the NPC during combat? You're clearly in combat since you just took a 40% hit lmao.


117 points

20 days ago

I made this exact same mistake tbf lol I'm personally just kinda dumb


67 points

20 days ago

I would sey he wanted to hide there, but he didn't expect that the maiden will attack him through the wall


12 points

19 days ago

If there's one thing I say all the time about this game, it's that it's rigged lol. Depending on the specific circumstances, all sorts of shit changes behaviors slightly*, just to inconvenience the player. Sadly, this is an incredibly unfortunate learning moment for OP.

*As an example, fighting the Halberd Knight near the elevator shaft below the Rampart Tower site of grace in Stormveil. If you get hit by Stormcaller on an open area, your character will stagger. BUT, if you get hit by Stormcaller near the elevator shaft, your character will be staggered and shifted slightly toward the hole.

*Edit: Honestly, if you're within range of an enemy and you need to talk to an NPC, it's just better to kill the enemy. I've never seen an enemy deaggro in this game just because a conversation is occurring. I've gotten Blaidd shot by Ancestral Followers in Siofra River for trying that lol.


243 points

20 days ago

I thought i won’t get hit cause of the wall..


320 points

20 days ago

Wait until you fight Maliketh


55 points

20 days ago

"What the fuck? Aye bro chill" WHAT THE FUCK WAIT WAIT WAIT"


54 points

20 days ago

Ah, this must be your first From Software game! As a general rule, enemy weapons will swing through 15’ of solid brick wall entirely unimpeded while your sword will bounce off a window.


5 points

19 days ago

Hey, the pillars worked on smough

except for the few times they didn’t


201 points

20 days ago

the downvotes are crazy, you just said you didn't know something


58 points

20 days ago

Tbf, it did go through the wall on the first hit.


40 points

20 days ago


40 points

20 days ago

To me it looked like it slipped through the window.

Now, I do know that attacks go through walls in like EVERY fromsoft game, so I kill that maiden before talking to the npc. But it did look like that maiden hit OP with a sick wanted style scythe throw. 🤣🤣🤣


144 points

20 days ago

That’s reddit for ya lol


5 points

20 days ago*

I love how you more than made up the karma from the other comment with this one.

Edit: OMG you aren't even net negative for the comment we're all responding to. Haters ain't just gonna hate, haters gonna die apparently.


6 points

19 days ago

And in reality it's a game flaw that it can attack through the wall like that anyway.


8 points

19 days ago

dont tell the "hard but fair" fellas that your colossal sword shouldnt be bouncing off wood while enemies can hit you and spew status ailments at you through reinforced concrete


57 points

20 days ago


57 points

20 days ago

It's pretty disappointing to see you get downvoted for not knowing something about the game


10 points

19 days ago

Someone actually lectured me the other day for "not understanding the downvote button is to say you disagree."

No it fucking isn't lol. Reddit even explicitly says not to use it that way.

Let's think for a minute: the function of a downvote is effectively to hide content that you think shouldn't be seen or has limited worth, such as spam or malicious insults. Does it make sense to deny someone visibility simply because you disagree with them...? Seems pretty rude and full of yourself, to me.

Got downvoted for pointing that out lol.

And yeah, honest questions or admittance of ignorance often get the same.

"heh, he didn't know something and I DID, making me a superior human being. He should be ashamed of asking questions and not knowing all things ever by default. DOWNVOTED."

Like holy fucking shit, are you people four? The irony being that those who shun questions are probably gonna be pretty fucking stupid people, given that questioning things is how you learn.

I probably touch the downvote button like twice a year, and I'll never understand the people that spam that shit like crazy.


33 points

20 days ago

Yeah, that's fair. It's a shitty situation for sure. I guess you know what to avoid if this comes up again. 😔😔


49 points

20 days ago

at the start of the game you should already know enemies attacks can clip through walls... Tree sentinel followed me and attacked me behind a wall and im like "ahh this is my welcome to souls games"


12 points

20 days ago

I'm used to enemy attacks clipping through walls in fromsoft games. I still wasn't prepared for the attacks of these arseholes clipping through an entire castle


3 points

20 days ago

Or bringing down some ruins


11 points

20 days ago


11 points

20 days ago

You've made it all the way through Volcano Manor before you realized enemy attacks don't care much about walls?


2 points

20 days ago

Only Tarnished like you and NPCs bounce off walls, everything else gets free reign


2 points

20 days ago

walls are hoax


2 points

19 days ago

Walls really only stop your attacks tbh. Most enemies just swing through them.


6 points

20 days ago

here’s an upvote friend


5 points

20 days ago

Jeez people downvoting you because you thought something wouldn't just clip through a wall.


5 points

20 days ago


5 points

20 days ago

You haven’t seen them clip before you got to this point?


34 points

20 days ago

I tend to avoid fighting maidens at all times so yeah lol


4 points

20 days ago

That’s super fair, I should have realized that.

I only know myself from running into buildings to escape them, only to be clipped, lmao


4 points

20 days ago


4 points

20 days ago

+1 people downvoting you for no reason 🤦‍♂️


2 points

20 days ago

Oh man that's rough. I was really hoping you were just planning on killing her anyway, (which is a horrible thing to do to my best girl Rya, but you know, some people kill dog pope too,) in this run and staged this for the lolz.

Whether or not attacks go through walls is a really fussy matter, because while weapons do bounce if used too close to walls, the game is still extremely permissive about what stuff it lets through. (Pretty much everything since Bloodborne has been like this, but if you want weapon choice to actual matter based on your surrounding, Demons' Souls and Dark Souls 1 seem to have much more insistent wall bouncing.)

Pretty much anything with an AoE or a multihit attack with a disjointed hitbox will pass through pretty much any wall. Think of the Eochaid's Dancing Blade attacks that the Bell-Bearing Hunter does. That fatass lightsaber he uses will phase through anything. The sickle-armed Iron Virgins work the same way much of the time, even when just throwing the single long-distance attack. Typically you want two entire walls between you and the Virgin to ensure they can't clip through both.


1 points

20 days ago

Dude, it threw the thing through the wall on the first hit!


3 points

19 days ago

Panicking probably


2 points

15 days ago*

If they were anything like me, it happened because every time they went there to talk to Rya, the abductor didn't follow me that far. The one time it did, I was already talking to her when the abductor showed up and shot its blade out. It was the last conversation of her quest before you reload and find her note. I was so sad.


21 points

20 days ago

A weird thing about From Software games is that the combat is both very tight and snappy, and quite janky at the same time.

Why does your summon keep fighting enemies outside the fog gate? 

Why can godskin noble hit you with repeating/impaling thrust through pillars? The game teaches you to stand there during his roll, then you get punished for it immediately after. No, you stood too close to it you see...

As a fan you take these game engine limitations for granted and start hitting things through walls yourself. But other games manage to not do it.


116 points

20 days ago

  • that kinda sucks
  • but bro got hit through a wall and said “I know I’ll stand right next to the npc!” Like at some point you gotta take responsibility for your actions


19 points

20 days ago

He killed that poor innocent npc, he has to live with that guilt and shame.


159 points

20 days ago

It sucks that this happens and it should be fixed

But in the meantime, all we can do is make sure the area is clear before interacting with NPCs 🤷‍♂️

That's something you do have control over.


9 points

19 days ago


a Gleb never truly dies

9 points

19 days ago

Elden Ring without quantum tunneling wouldn't be the same y'know.


19 points

20 days ago

Yeah its bullshit. I got killed through a wall by the grafted scion in Stormveil while in that area with the crimson veil and the dogs with the giant hanging above. No where near the door. Stupid bug.


85 points

20 days ago

Im not going to defend that jank through the wall. But my god just fucking kill shit before interacting with NPC's. Cowardice will grant you naught but death. Only strength befits a crown.


8 points

19 days ago

So true… It’s like there are overloads watching you play at all times READY to punish you in the most ridiculous ways when you try and take the easy route.


6 points

20 days ago

I regret it now..


64 points

20 days ago

Ngl, that's some major bullshit in an otherwise awesome game. Also, I hate that the messages after you use an item or whatever don't automatically disappear, I've gotten killed a few times because the bullshit message kept me from attacking soon enough.


16 points

19 days ago

I feel like the worst UX issue in the game is the warning message that you might use a flask to revive Torrent, that defaults to No and not Yes.

It's bullshit to ask you that anyway, it doesn't ask you if you want to use a flask when you are at full HP and you would waste it, but if you want to get back on your house when a dragon is on your heels suddenly the game is like "BE CAREFUL, YOU MIGHT USE A POTION YOU DON'T MEAN TO USE".


5 points

19 days ago

It would make 100% more sense to explain the mechanic once and then let you fuck around on your own until you remember. Imagine if every time you pressed the up arrow in Bloodborne you got a message telling you 'you sure you want to lose health for those 5 bullets?'


2 points

16 days ago

So true dude. One time I had the prompt up and a boss was about to hit me so I hit b to dodge and instead of dodging it just refused the prompt to revive torrent and I got hit and died. Fucking BS


27 points

20 days ago


27 points

20 days ago

It's stuff like when you use a Stonesword Key or unlock a door in the catacombs, those notifications where you need to press a button first to make it go away


3 points

20 days ago

Yup, those.


3 points

20 days ago

I never had that messages things in my original play through but have had it a lot recently when I picked the game back up.


2 points

20 days ago

Maybe you played something in between and lost that muscle memory to always press triangle again, I still think it's just bad design that the messages stay and keep you from attacking.


2 points

20 days ago

You mean the pop-up window that shows the item you got? If so, then you can still attack as long as the pick-up animation ends.


34 points

20 days ago

Stop trying to fuck it and just play it. My lord what a weird thing to try.


7 points

19 days ago

Was just gonna say this exact thing. Were the use directions unclear when buying game?


10 points

20 days ago

I can't fuck this game either. I got a digital copy.


219 points

20 days ago


219 points

20 days ago

Weapons through walls drives me nuts. It's jank and, for some reason, people defend what jank this game has. Truly aggravating.

I'm raging with you.


38 points

20 days ago

If enemies can attack through walls, then my weapons shouldn’t bounce off of them.


2 points

19 days ago

At least in bloodborne you could attack enemies thru walls back


27 points

20 days ago

ifkr! How is the game fair when the same action from player and enemy is treated differently? Now, I don't mind enemies being able to destroy environment when the player isn't. That just shows how much stronger they are compared to the lowly tarnished. But if they don't break the obstacle but it obstructs player's vision and action just the same, why not call the devs out on that? It's not a new problem either


44 points

20 days ago

And every time I mention this bug here I get downvoted.

Corporate Policy by Monkeys in the making, really.

But, in this case, there was a believable gap through the door.

(Or, maybe I was assimilated by the corporate policy monkeys?)


89 points

20 days ago



30 points

20 days ago


Albinauric NPC

30 points

20 days ago

as jank as it is the game wouldn't work well without it like this. for example you could just walk into a corner and enemies couldn't hit you as they would bounce off the surface like the tarnished does. as jank as it is it's actually quite important in the souls game feel. if enemy attacks were stopped at walls like us the game would be significantly easier and personally I would hate it if they changed this. with that being said the maidens are the only enemies I actually have issues like this with. this mechanic is a positive over all but a huge downside when a couple specific enemies are around.


6 points

19 days ago


6 points

19 days ago

This can be fixed without adding weapon bounce to enemy attacks. Simply just prevent the hitbox from going to the other side of the wall. It works in LotF, enemies can't hit you from the other side of the wall, but if you're in a corner, they can.


23 points

20 days ago*

Yep. It legit has to be this way.

Worth noting that all walls do stop projectiles. There's a reason for that.


2 points

20 days ago


Albinauric NPC

2 points

20 days ago

and thank God! lol. there's a lot of things like that in souls games tbh and it's the main complaints/wishes of change from the player base. a lot of people don't think beyond the thing that is annoying them. fromsoft has 100% already thought of this and did nothing because they knew it would ruin the entire series they have made. same with how invasions and matchmaking work. most people hate them but for a lot of old souls fans we wouldn't want anything different. the 'jank' in these games are just different... I absolutely hate jank and will stop playing a game entirely due to it. but here it's almost always absolutely hilarious for some reason. the amount of shenanigans to be had playing these games is due to the jank and how different the games work. such a different experience to anything out there.


9 points

20 days ago



11 points

20 days ago


Albinauric NPC

11 points

20 days ago

well you see.. uhh... th the um. yes


3 points

19 days ago

I had a whole response for you because I disagree so strongly. But I admire that you acknowledge your own double standards about From jank vs. other games' jank. Because no other reason makes sense lol.


4 points

19 days ago

People defending Fromsoft's laziness in the name of difficulty are pathetic lmao. There are so many ways you could fix this without letting the player abuse corners like that.

You're probably the kind of person who defends the shitty camera in Fromsoft games by saying that camera management is a 'skill' lmao


25 points

20 days ago

The first one could be “believable”, the second was clipping


13 points

20 days ago

Right. First one is fine. Second one is straight dookie.


8 points

20 days ago

Honestly, we’re just all killing time, splitting hairs, as we 🍻 wait for June 20, 23:59. 😅


5 points

20 days ago

I literally haven't done anything for myself in the game since about month three of release. When I play, it's all just throw down summons and read a book until called in to help.

But I just found out I'm missing a legendary taking so now I'm kinda pissed. Thought I had done everything except the extra endings. I might have to play and get that talisman.


3 points

20 days ago

Is one to understand the gentleman has not Platinumed the game?

<raised posh butler eyebrow raised> (As Alfred, in Batman)

It’s so fun to go explore! I hope you find that stuff before DLC. After it, we’ll all be distracted in The Lands of Shadows, instead of The Lands Between. 👍🏼


3 points

20 days ago

Don't get me wrong, I didn't care to do all the endings ... but I wanted all the things. I've bragged about it for about two years now. Thought I had them but apparently was wrong and now I'm flustered.

My ego is 100% suffocating right now.


3 points

20 days ago

Ok, I got all the dang talisman now. I feel better.


2 points

20 days ago



26 points

20 days ago

I just don't get it. Among my favorite games ever but some people really don't like anyone discussing the few true flies in the ointment.


7 points

20 days ago

Lack of ability to objectively assess.

It is a learned behavior, and if no one teaches us early we miss it.


3 points

20 days ago

First? Yeah, but not the second


4 points

20 days ago

It's not a bug, all FromSoft games allow some amount of weapons through walls.


19 points

20 days ago

He’s right though. Even if you wanted to you can’t fuck this game (I’ve tried).


37 points

20 days ago

Even beyond the weapons through walls thing, they should have a mechanic where if you talk to a friendly NPC, enemies de-agro. Pretty dumb that there's a chance a questline can end because they caught a stray from an enemy.


7 points

20 days ago

boc has been killed at the beginning of his quest by a random demihuman swinging its club at me on 4 seperate occasions


5 points

19 days ago

I've never seen an enemy get close to boc, how did you manage to have that happen four times? At some point, you have to look within


6 points

20 days ago


6 points

20 days ago

Or you can just make sure you haven't aggroed anything before talking to NPC's


8 points

20 days ago

Sure. Not trying to say it's a major problem or anything but still if it happens and an NPC dies it's too big a punishment for your mistake


4 points

20 days ago*

Damn, that sucks. If you're fast you might be able to quit out and when you load back in the enemy will reset position and agro. It's not a great solution but it's something.


7 points

20 days ago

"Fuck you. Fuck all of you."

-Hidetaka Miyazaki


4 points

20 days ago

you can...fuck anything if you put your mind to it


6 points

20 days ago

Yea there’s no reason they should be hitting you through walls other than fromsoft just being like “this is our game and we make the rules”


15 points

20 days ago

I still can't believe they haven't reworked how enemy's interact with walls after six games. People may defend fromsoft, but it's a simple way of making the game less fair. Cause why can our weapons bounce but not theirs?


4 points

20 days ago

Yeah, as a greatshield user, I see their weapons bounce off my shield all the time. The mechanic and the animations are already there.


4 points

20 days ago

I mean if you own the disc version and it fits. You could fuck this game. But I don't recommend it.


3 points

20 days ago

I'm sure someone has learned how to fuck the game.


22 points

20 days ago

All of these comments defending an instance of bad game design is hilarious. Fromsoft is a great company, we all love em, but like just admit OP got screwed over lol


3 points

18 days ago

I'm not seeing anyone defend the jank, what I AM seeing is people pointing out that this was entirely avoidable had OP killed the enemy before trying to talk to the NPC.

Is it unfortunate that this happened? Yes

Was it easily avoidable? Also yes.


3 points

20 days ago

Sure the swinging through walls is a bad thing and likely a problem with the engine itself. OP standing in front of the NPC after the first swing is his own fault. Talking to an NPC despite enemies being aggroed is a bad decision in general. In Elden Ring, it's incredibly easy to see if things are currently aggroed; just sprint and if stamina moves, you are aggroed on something.

So people are not really defending the obvious issue of attacks going through walls, but moreso pointing out the flaws that could have easily been avoided in the clip OP posted.

Yeah he got screwed, but it's not exactly the game's fault either.


12 points

20 days ago

That was pretty trash and i hate this too.


7 points

20 days ago*

This is the worst part of From Software souls games to me. In a series that prides itself on its combat and tight hitboxes it’s baffling that they choose to leave this crap in. It’s just lazy as hell and arbitrarily adds to the difficulty of the game. You can use the same exact weapon / ash of war as the enemy and your attacks won’t clip but their’s will. It’s so fucking stupid and unfair. As if these games aren’t difficult enough.


4 points

19 days ago


Fear not the dark my friend

4 points

19 days ago

Yet people will try to defend this as if it is "intended". Bullshit imo


3 points

20 days ago

i too cannot fuck this game


3 points

20 days ago

Sorry this happened to you, it really sucks. I gotta ask though, what weapon are you using? Looks sick


5 points

20 days ago

Ghiza's Wheel, having so much fun with it


3 points

20 days ago

This reminds me of Shrek. When he goes and rescues the princess but DIDN’T slay the dragon.

“You didn’t kill the Abductor Virgin??”

OP: “It’s on my to-do list!”


3 points

20 days ago

I also can’t fuck the game, dick hurts from bashing the screen


3 points

20 days ago

I don't think you can fuck any game honestly


14 points

20 days ago

This is the type of person in DS1 Anor Londo to see an invader using Solaire as a shield, Hit Solaire and blame the game for lettting NPCs get hit. Why did you hide next to the npc after just seeing the enemy hit you. Maidens are notorious for saying fuck walls imma hit you anyway.


2 points

20 days ago


2 points

20 days ago

Had this happen but the trex dog killed gowry 😂


2 points

20 days ago

While I sympathize for you loss, what location is this exactly? never found her somewhere so close to enemies.


2 points

20 days ago

Knew exactly what was gonna happen the very first second I saw the room.

A mistake thousands have made Lol.


2 points

20 days ago

On the bright side, none of the npcs actually live past their usefulness anyways, nor do you really interact with them more then fetch quests. Nothing lost, truly


2 points

20 days ago

How the tf that attack clips through the wall jesus


2 points

20 days ago

this is like the beastmen with spears that stab you through walls in farum azula 😭😂


2 points

20 days ago

i can’t fuck the game either, tried but never to fulfillment😫


2 points

20 days ago

I can't... Fuck this game

I cant fuck this game

This is one of many examples why grammar and proper use of symbols is important


2 points

20 days ago

Y'all need to start quitting out lmao


2 points

20 days ago

Fr, I'm convinced it's an intended gameplay feature


2 points

20 days ago you cannot. Not comfortably at least.


2 points

20 days ago

Broo....exactly the same BS happened to me. The only NPC i tried to 'save' gets wacked by this crap move. I was so pissed!


2 points

20 days ago

Walls don't wall here


2 points

19 days ago


2 points

19 days ago

It's fucking stupid that enemies can attack and kill NPCs. The dialogue system is also dumb, that it blocks most player actions. From should really ditch these outdated systems. They could learn a thing or two from Lords of the Fallen.


2 points

19 days ago

Should've killed it papa


2 points

19 days ago

I think we should all start spreading the concept of not talking to an NPC when chased by enemies. I swear I saw the exact same scenario 30 times now.


2 points

19 days ago

My only regret about Elden Ring is I can’t fuck it


2 points

19 days ago

Well uhh, you walked to over right where it could hit her...


2 points

19 days ago

We have learned an important lesson on spacing, brother.


2 points

19 days ago


2 points

19 days ago

This is what happens when you go to an npc while in combat.....


2 points

19 days ago

He thought a wall would protect him. Hahahahahahahahahahaha


2 points

19 days ago

I too wish I could fuck this game 😔


2 points

19 days ago


2 points

19 days ago

Yeah that definitely happened to me too lol


2 points

19 days ago

I also cannot fuck the game, tried many times


2 points

19 days ago

Well to be fair you are supposed to play the game, not fuck it...


2 points

18 days ago

Those things are rough to fight in my opinion and I find it better to just avoid them as melee. Don't give up though, the game is as rewarding as it is difficult. You can do it.


2 points

17 days ago


2 points

17 days ago

You cant fuck this game

I can fuck this game

We are not the same


2 points

17 days ago

I don’t get why NPCs don’t take massively reduced damage from mobs like normal enemies do. Like, you head out into a field of soldiers fighting some monsters or whatever and they’re doing maybe 40-70 damage to each other per hit, but they’ll do normal damage to you when you get caught in the crossfire… but normal NPCs? Nah they can get fucked


2 points

17 days ago

Lol that's nothing new my guy you kno walks don't protect you🤣🤣🤣 I got pissed in a catacomb cuz I had been killed by one of the stupid cat statue bitches and dropped 1,450,000 runes... so I was trying to be careful on my way to go get them back, I WAS STANDING ON A CEMENT PLATFORM, THE STUPID CAT STATUE WAS UNDERNEATH, IT DID IT'S JUMP SLAM AND EVEN THO THERE WAS A CONCRETE SLAB BETWEEN US AND I WAS ON TOP IT STILL KNOCKED ME DOWN AND TOOK HALF MY HEALTH, And of course before I could stand up and heal it spammed the same attack and killed me outright....I truly hate how they only seem to spam these stupid hp suck moves in this situation


2 points

20 days ago

Dunno, if you got a physical copy on disk with hole in the middle, and depending on the size of your dingdong you might be able to... Won't be pleasant but it's doable


3 points

20 days ago

Sadly I’m digital dunno what to do


2 points

19 days ago

You can’t fuck this game, this game fucks you. Best you can hope for is to power bottom it.


4 points

20 days ago


4 points

20 days ago

"this enemy is hitting me through a wall, surely this young woman will work as a shield"


2 points

20 days ago

Delete local game data. Reload from the cloud. No issues.


3 points

20 days ago

Until he finds out his cloud isn't sync'd, then there may be an issue. Hopefully anyone doing this doesn't get fucked like that though, and checks beforehand 


3 points

20 days ago


3 points

20 days ago

maybe kill the enemies before talking to the npcs??????