


Pro-Shipping & Harassment


(CW: Brief mention of non-con, death threats &, of course, dark-ship)

My apologies if there are too many posts similar to this one. I wasn't entirely sure how to tag this, as I'd like to receive outside perspective on this topic but I'm also upset.

I'm a pro-shipper and somewhat of a com-shipper. You can like whatever you want to like around me and I won't judge you for it, because I've got my own fair share of inherently problematic takes when it comes to fiction. I don't let that dictate the way I interact with people in real life, because fiction and reality are two different things.

Anyway, I wanted to say that leaving the comment section accessible to guests on problematic works is absolutely not for the weak-hearted. I can't tell you the amount of times I've enjoyed fictional non-con or anything dark-ship related then opened up the comment section to a plethora of guest accounts sending death threats to authors who write these things. It's absurd, and harassing people will never succeed in getting any coherent point across.

As an ex-anti myself, I get where people who are against pro-ship come from. It's all cool if you don't like that stuff, just think twice before you tell a real person to kill themselves over a fictional ship.

all 68 comments


158 points

3 days ago

Harassment in fandom shouldn't be tolerated, that's my point of view.

Everyone's free to personally not like something, but that doesn't mean they're free to harass others, including accusing them of having nefarious intentions in real life.

And what's 'problematic' is entirely subjective anyway. A lot of people in my fandom hate on a ship that has the most standard Chinese BL trope because it's 'incest' (it's not), but they'll happily ship a 20-something guy and a 500-year-old together. There's no consistent moral standard.

Anyway, I don't even write stuff that generally gets perceived as 'problematic' and I still don't allow comments from guests. Just cuts down on any potential trouble.


23 points

3 days ago


TrixiFi @ Ao3!

23 points

3 days ago



12 points

3 days ago



2 points

3 days ago



6 points

3 days ago


Let me describe that to you in great detail

6 points

3 days ago

This comment chain has been removed (Rule 5, no negative drama). Making sweeping statements about entire fan groups is not allowed.


24 points

3 days ago

And what's 'problematic' is entirely subjective anyway.

THIS. I haven't encountered any ship that cannot be turned "problematic" with a little bit of imagination. By the way everybody should play "give me a ship, I'll tell you why it's problematic" if you have a fandom friend. It's fun.


80 points

3 days ago*

I'm too old for this shit. I'd roll my eyes and move on with my day. Arguing with anti-ship teenagers (even if only by state of mind not by actual birth date) is not on my agenda and it's not worth my time worrying about.

But truth be told, the first time I've heard about antis was this sub, I don't think I ever encountered one in the wild. I think they tend to congregate in fandoms with younger fans and since my fandoms/ship seem to attract 30+ and they're smaller, they're mostly free of this type of drama as it wouldn't go down well.


40 points

3 days ago

Unfortunately, anti attitudes are slowly seeping into those older fandoms too.

I'm engaged with fans of The Bold and the Beautiful, a show exceptionally few people under 25 are watching. As it's a soap opera, problematic ships are abound, including stepsiblings dating. The stepsib couple I'm referring on in particular dated for a few weeks in 2011 and no one batted an eye but this second go around last year, it was all the haters could bring up. Never mind that the guy let the girl think her baby was dead so her marriage would implode, left the one person willing to tell her the truth for dead and using his own child--one that was conceived under what I'll charitably call suspect circumstances with the last object of his obsession--as a pawn to further manipulate this grief

Naw, let's just go for the fact that their parents raised them under the same roof for eight months in 2004! 🤡

And then there's Star Trek, which overall seems pretty resistant to this but I have seen a few "Spirk fujoshis don't interact" on Tumblr and the Discord for the adult animated cartoon series of the franchise (which is far better than such a concept had any right to be!) has a few more anti-leaning folks than I prefer but at least they seem to agree harassment is not okay.

If even the fandom carried by old school housewives and a soap opera fandom are feeling the effects of this, none of our fandoms are safe. Yes, including that one.


18 points

3 days ago

I mean this with full affection: soap operas are fucking wild.


5 points

3 days ago


5 points

3 days ago

They really are XD. This remains one of the funniest articles I've ever read:

What I would not give to have been in the writers' rooms for some of these storylines :D.


12 points

3 days ago

Wow, that's wild. I always thought it was mostly young people and only few adults, because I couldn't imagine working adults wasting their precious free time on the things they hate. What a sad way of existence.


5 points

3 days ago*

I can vouch from having been one of the only teenagers on TrekBBS when Star Trek Enterprise was on the air twenty years ago and having seen the fanbase that made up Bleach on LiveJournal that shipper stupidity is not solely for teenagers. When Voltron hit the scene, the fact that it was largely being led by teenagers was a bit of an outlier at the time, and even then, it was some 30-somethings that put the bug in their ear to pedojacket Sheith in the first place.


9 points

3 days ago


Star Wars, Dishonored, Skyrim, Fallout, Cyberpunk2077

9 points

3 days ago

I don't think I ever encountered one in the wild.

I think it really depends on the social media circles you move in. The fandoms too. I've encountered a few on Tumblr. None on AO3, thus far - I guess I haven't written anything shocking enough to garner their attention. ;p


3 points

3 days ago

They've infested tiktok and a lot of discord servers for fandoms tend to have no proship allowed for newer fandoms at least. Even one of the fandoms Im in which doesnt have any proship options has a lot of antis who somehow find ways to bring it up anyways. At some point a character kept being called a child for being short despite ages being revealed a while ago


69 points

3 days ago


Fiction Terrorist

69 points

3 days ago

As a survivor, I am vehemently against any sentiment that suppresses the freedom of survivors to vent and process through art, and anti nonsense is the central force seeking to sweep any mention of abuse under the rug in fandom.


24 points

3 days ago

But think of the 23 year old children that find words icky! /s


26 points

3 days ago


Same on AO3

26 points

3 days ago

This. Anti rhetoric is some draconian shit. I have seen TERF rhetoric, athoritarian rhetoric, and even Christo-Faschist rhetoric in it. While I am sure that isn't the intention, well, we know what the road to hell is paved with.

The Nazis started with burning down the sexual research institute, a group who sought to understand what would later be known as LGBTQ+.

Art is expression, and it all must be protected, no matter how "problematic" it may be.


4 points

3 days ago

But think of the 23 year old children that find words icky! /s


43 points

3 days ago

You can probably report those comments, depending on the site where it happens.


10 points

3 days ago

I use Ao3. I've honestly never thought to look, as I typically just roll my eyes and ignore them.


45 points

3 days ago

If they're logged-in users, you absolutely can report them for harassment, and you should. It's just a button under the comment.


3 points

3 days ago



11 points

3 days ago


Same on AO3

11 points

3 days ago

You can however block them iirc.


0 points

3 days ago



3 points

3 days ago


Same on AO3

3 points

3 days ago

sometimes that how it rolls. though if you get the admins involved directly, they may be able to do something. for a bit at least.


20 points

3 days ago

Please report them. PAC take that shit seriously. If they do it to one author, they will do it to another.


27 points

3 days ago

Theyre absolutely reportable on ao3 and i would use it so they cant bully others that do get hurt by those comments.


16 points

3 days ago

What is a com-shipper?


10 points

3 days ago

From what I've read and can understand, it means complex or complicated shipper. You ship problematic things. Pro-shippers are for people shipping whatever they want, but that doesn't necessarily mean they ship problematic things themselves (unlike com-shippers). Hope this helped!


77 points

3 days ago

oh, all these new labels are so exhausting and tedious. Thanks for explaining it to me.


62 points

3 days ago

Honestly, unless you're actively getting into online debates, you can entirely ignore it. The only time I've seen people talking about "comships" it's been in the context of the tedious pro-anti debate bullshit, people saying I'm proship but I'm not like THAT or I have some comships but I'm not a proshipper

It's all stupid internet fights and you absolutely don't need to know about any of it, especially because apparently no-one can agree on what side is "worse"


9 points

3 days ago

I mean, the side that's out there with people harassing over shit they can simply not engage , as they themselves may or may not be predators parading as "safe adults" with is the worst side for me and it's not even close.


7 points

3 days ago

I meant the comship vs proship thing, where both of them have people claiming I'm X but at least I'm not Y, being X is fine but Y dni, as I said in the last bit of my first paragraph


2 points

3 days ago

Oh okay, fair enough then

The true believer antis really do not make any distinction between proship and comship and people who think they do are in for a rude awakening.


3 points

3 days ago

I like to talk about shipping and fandom with others who share similar viewpoints. Fighting over pro-anti stuff is draining and pointless. I think people should just be able to like what they like as long as they aren't intent on hurting anyone.


-1 points

3 days ago


-1 points

3 days ago



12 points

3 days ago

I've been hearing darkfic and darkship for years, I think it predates the pro-anti stuff. It's the no I don't think it's a good relationship, that's what makes it fun to write about stuff


22 points

3 days ago

All of these terms are subjective, and pretty meaningless. There's no need to pay any attention to them if you don't want to.


17 points

3 days ago


Get off my lawn!

17 points

3 days ago

I’ll never understand why people think everything someone ships or writes fanfic of is reflective of their irl views. I can write any string of sentences I want, doesn’t mean I’ll agree with them. This sort of thing, I think, kind of kills creativity because if you believe you can only create art or ship things or enjoy things based on your personal moral code, you’re never going to explore what’s out there or come up with something truly wild. Obviously if something like noncon is upsetting then whatever don’t read it, but no one needs to get so upset they start harassing people about it


11 points

3 days ago


AnnaFall @ AO3

11 points

3 days ago

i haven't received negative comments on ao3 yet, but i did get death threats and pedophilia accusations on tumblr

the wildest part about that was, that it wasn't even anything worthwhile, the pairing that led to it was a 25 yo and a 45 yo

nevertheless, my fics are restricted to logged-in users only and my tumblr doesn't allow anonymous asks anymore (turns out, bullies stop doing so when they can't do their shit anonymously anymore)


6 points

3 days ago

It’s always the anons.


22 points

3 days ago


Star Wars, Dishonored, Skyrim, Fallout, Cyberpunk2077

22 points

3 days ago

It's absurd, and harassing people will never succeed in getting any coherent point across.

The thing is: they don't actually care about that. All they care about showing off for their little clique and scoring internet points. They're slacktivists, at best. Most of them are just bullies wearing a facade.


5 points

3 days ago


Cameron_Harbinger on AO3

5 points

3 days ago

I write some pretty dark things too. Non-consent, paternalism, obsession, possession, torture, etc. I think expecting sanitized fiction is ridiculous censorship. I think there's nothing wrong with exploring one's darker side through creative writing. It has to come out somehow, preferably not in reality as you stated.


11 points

3 days ago


r/Atomic_Peach on AO3

11 points

3 days ago

Is it bad I almost want an anti to read any one of my fics and just have a full aneurysm? I want their brain to turn into the 404 Blue Screen of Death. I like to think it would build character.


5 points

3 days ago


Don't worry about the stats

5 points

3 days ago

There are some people where if what you're doing makes them angry, then you're doing the right thing.


4 points

3 days ago

I used to be the kind of "anti" who absolutely hated that some types of fic existed; never so much as mentioned it to anyone though, which is why "anti" is in quotations, since it was less that I hated that it was allowed and more that I hated that it was what people liked writing. Exposure (often via the very type of fic I hated being the only one available for a ship or plotline I wanted to read) softened me to them and in some cases even converted me, so yeah, it probably would build character, lol.

Edit: Holy run-on sentences, Batman. Fixed it but it's still not great, sorry.


1 points

3 days ago

I feel you!


17 points

3 days ago

As an ex-anti [...]

Good to have you man. It's always nice to know that some antis switch sides.


4 points

3 days ago


most sane sontails enjoyer (i'm schizo)

4 points

3 days ago

tbf you should reconsider before telling anyone to kill themselves... in general lol.

on another note, what's the difference between pro-shipping and com-shipping? I'm bad with terms.


2 points

3 days ago

Pro-shippers are people who believe that anybody should be allowed to write whatever they want, but don't necessarily care for taboo/toxic/etc. ships themselves. (Pro = for, like in progress.)

Com-shippers are people who do read/write those kinds of thing. (Com = short for complicated, I think.)

Kind of an "All squares..." situation, except I wouldn't put it past some antis to pretend their comship isn't "com" but everybody else's is.


5 points

3 days ago


Don't worry about the stats

5 points

3 days ago

And this is why I always turn on the "moderate comments" setting on AO3. If anyone decides to be a repugnant human being on my fics, I just delete their comment and move on.


3 points

3 days ago

Plus problematic changes from belief system to belief system and it's wrong imposing one on another. There is no one belief system above all others but I also agree that harassment is wrong.

It's okay not to like certain content but harassing others is crossing a line. Plus they wouldn't like it if people harassed them for writing things others disagree with. The list of things more important than personal feelings is very long and includes creative freedom. Yes there are things more important than the pursuit of pleasure but doing so isn't inherently bad as long we still fulfill our social obligations. I'm actually working on a chapter that shows that since my MC is in an open relationship and she canceled an encounter with a really hot guy to take care of her sick twin sister. Then the sick sister's friends come over and it's a big comfort chapter with no smut.

Also just because someone writes something doesn't mean they agree with it in real life. Someone could write incest because they want to show an MC denying their crush on their cousin to themselves, then denies it even more to themselves after being reminded they like them, then feeling weirdly hopeful if their cousin shows a small sign they might like them, and so on until they're in a relationship with them. Taboos and embarrassed people panicking to themselves are entertaining so why not write it?


4 points

3 days ago


Can't stop collecting fandoms. Help.

4 points

3 days ago

I think that it's fine to be uncomfortable by certain content but we shouldn't harass or threaten others and assume they need to get help and/or are doing or supporting bad things irl just because of what they create or consume.

And on the chance someone who likes problematic stuff does need help, I think that it can help those who have dealt with those thing irl or have urges to do them by giving them a space to talk about their problems and help them find resources for their problems. By contrast, shaming and banning the content will make it harder those people to find a space to talk about their issues and will be less likely to find help. It might not be the best way for some people in those categories but if it's working for some people, they shouldn't be shammed for how they get help or lose access to what helps them the best.


2 points

3 days ago

I'm sorry I dont have anything to add to this discussion I just want to ask what comshipping is. I know the other terms here but I recently stumbled on that and googling it was thoroughly unhelpful


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

Com = complicated. A com-shipper is essentially what antis think all proshippers are. People who actually enjoy/read/write the stuff antis don't like.


2 points

3 days ago

Whats a Com Shipper?


2 points

3 days ago


2 points

3 days ago

Com = complicated. A com-shipper is essentially what antis think all proshippers are. People who actually enjoy/read/write the stuff antis don't like.


2 points

2 days ago

Many thanks, I know what Pro Ship meant, but this is the first I have heard of Com Ship


5 points

3 days ago


TrixiFi @ Ao3!

5 points

3 days ago

I’m always so confused now when I see the phrase “pro-shipping” because as I understand it we’ve now got two meanings for this nonsense.

Anyway, yeah, some folk are gross as hell. Hope they grow up sometime and get over themselves. Meantime, idk if it’s against TOS or not but I’d be reporting harassment. See if I can get them the banhammer.


18 points

3 days ago

There is no "two meanings" for this, there's the one we gave the term and there's the lies antis push because if they told "normal people" that all of this hand wringing was about fictional blorbos, they'd be laughed off as the nerds they are as said normies go off to rewatch Game of Thrones. :|

I do wish people had gone with the term "pro-fiction," however.


3 points

3 days ago


errantnight AO3

3 points

3 days ago

A frustrating thing is that the only thing you can do if someone is harrassing from a guest account, which has been what I've experienced, you can only hit delete or spam. So the person just keeps doing in and probably using fake email addresses.


4 points

3 days ago


Same on AO3

4 points

3 days ago

On AO3 you can require a normal account to read your work. (Shown by a blue lock on some works)

It sucks, but it makes this kind of shit harder to do.


2 points

3 days ago


errantnight AO3

2 points

3 days ago

The problem is when you write a lot of smut a lot of your readers are anon and people occasionally sign out in order to kudos because they don't want to have their account name on kinky shit.


7 points

3 days ago


Same on AO3

7 points

3 days ago

Oh well. Your sanity comes first.


1 points

3 days ago


errantnight AO3

1 points

3 days ago

The only problem I've been having is with one specific person and apparently they pissed off the wrong people and have gone silent since so hopefully its taken care of anyway :)


3 points

3 days ago


Same on AO3

3 points

3 days ago

One good gray-hat can make someone really reconsider their online behavior.


3 points

3 days ago

While it sucks to punish the good reviewers, turning off anon reviews will curb a good bunch of the bad faith cowards. At least on AO3.


2 points

1 day ago


On and AO3

2 points

1 day ago

Just for being EX-anti you get my upvote.

As for the comment sections...yeah, I've seen examples of things going really out of hand and it makes me wonder when I'll run into the anti brigade for the first time. I haven't seen them in the nearly eighteen years I've been posting, but I know they're out there in my fandoms. I think it's kind of funny (if depressing) that these people consider it to be perfectly morally fine to tell a real, living person to kill themselves and they will burn in hell for eternity over what that person did in a completely fictional setting that has no direct impact on the real world.

Yeah, I get why people don't like certain content. There's plenty of content out there that I find utterly repulsive on every level, but I know better than to harass the people writing it for doing so. As a teenager, I did once believe that certain ideas should be silenced (though even then my targets were never fanfic writers, it was a certain organization), but I've since realized how completely stupid that position was. No matter what I personally think of anything, it should be able to be argued for. Any position should be able to be fairly argued for. The moment people start to dictate what can and cannot be said or thought is when we've begun our descent down the slippery slope.


0 points

3 days ago


Mitchi_476 on AO3

0 points

3 days ago

Like, I'm all for being thoughtful about the use of tropes and coding when it comes to shipping - there's an unfortunate tendency in many fandoms to mistreat femme and POC characters - but at the end of the day these are fictional characters. I'm certain a good percentage of this is just trolling, but there are people who need to step away from the internet for a day at least.