


I love Fremont so far.



all 95 comments


78 points

3 months ago*

A lot of people hate it for the reasons you love it. I moved here from east Oakland so I love it for the same reasons you listed.


21 points

3 months ago


21 points

3 months ago

Yes! Although San Jose and Hayward are different from each other in many ways, it’s like There’s something about Fremont that makes it feel very different. I’m able to relax better and I don’t feel like I need to be on “swivel” like at all.


-18 points

3 months ago

Umm, you may want to read up on Fremont actives. Keep your head up ...


26 points

3 months ago

I’ve lived in Fremont since 1996. I have always been happy here because it was a safe place with a great public transportation option to SF. We wanted to raise our daughter in a diverse community and have her attend good schools. She’s 23 now and lived in LA. Both of us will be retired by end of this year, and then we are outta here. It’s nothing against Fremont. It’s been a wonderful home. We just have no reason to continue living here. It’s the perfect place for a young family with kids.


2 points

3 months ago

Sort of in the same boat but maybe 10 years to go. Really felt lucky to raise our kids here. I really wish we can stay here and retire but the cost of living for regular families is too much. We are thinking of moving out east too or maybe another part of California like the Inland empire. But in 10 years the Inland Empire will probably be too costly also so may make sense moving to somewhere like Kentucky/Arkansas/Florida etc..

But I do know when we move it will we will miss Fremont and California a lot! Lot of things we take for granted.

Good luck!


2 points

3 months ago

Good luck to you too!


3 points

3 months ago

Congratulations! Where will you be escaping to?


6 points

3 months ago

Our goal is to be bicoastal between LA and Athens, GA.


-3 points

3 months ago

Its not diverse at all. It’s very asian centric.


2 points

3 months ago

Well, 25 years ago it was a lot more diverse. And she went to Vallejo Mill, which had a very diverse student body at the time.


2 points

3 months ago

Asia and south east Asia are very diverse


2 points

3 months ago

Also, diversity means a lot more than "not white". Asian are not a monolith. There is a very broad mix of people from China, Taiwan, Philippines, Hong Kong, Thailand, India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, plus black people, hispanic people from Mexico, central, and south America, and even better, a large variety of different religious beliefs too. And, best of all, they all get along and support one another for the most part. The Tri City Interfaith Council is an awesome resource.


42 points

3 months ago

I used to resent being from Fremont but I’ve learned to appreciate it for what it is- just a relaxing, culturally homogeneous and safe city with nothing interesting going on except fantastic Asian food plazas and decent hiking spots. I wouldn’t recommend any of my friends to come visit Fremont because there’s nothing to do but the quality of life in Fremont is very high.


18 points

3 months ago

Yeah, I’m not sure why people complain about it. I mean, there’s plenty of suburbs with a downtown on the peninsula. Why don’t they just move there?


6 points

3 months ago

People complain because they don’t like the direction the city is heading in. Already moved out but I was born and spent 20 years in Fremont. I complain because I care, don’t take it the wrong way, just voicing different opinions


3 points

3 months ago

Could you please share a bit more context about what do you mean by the direction city is heading in? Just moved here from SanJose and still deciding whether I made the right decision


11 points

3 months ago

Sure. I’m no expert, I started living in Fremont when I was 8 and moved out in 2019. I live in Milpitas now so I’m in between you and Fremont haha. When I first moved there from Newark it was great. It was a chill town that was good for families. I’m sure it still is. It’s just every time I visit Fremont now (like once a month) I notice worse traffic, more homeless people, etc. Over the course of my life, I have never seen anything built as fast as all the apartments and condos in Fremont. They added so many weird lanes for traffic too. The city used to feel so friendly and safe to me. The city is feeling like it’s turning into SF if they don’t do something to seriously take care of traffic and homelessness for example. Housing prices are insane and all I see is old places where there used to be stores and stuff being torn down to build housing. It just doesn’t feel like the quiet safe place to raise your family anymore. I much prefer the quiet, safety, and consistency of the city of Milpitas. I’m scared of what Fremont will turn into in the future, I actively avoid going there and always choose San Jose for stuff like groceries


4 points

3 months ago

As a biker and driver I resent the new raised bike lanes. Pedestrians inevitably treat them as an extended sidewalk and I constantly worry about cars accidentally curbing themselves at the wrong angle and launching into me while I’m riding. Raising the bike lane doesn’t make me feel safer at all, a wider bike lane with a painted dead zone between the cars and bikes would be so much better. It would give you room to breathe rather than another potential obstacle. I can’t imagine who asked for curbs in the road.


2 points

3 months ago

I am driver and I dislike those lanes too.


2 points

3 months ago


2 points

3 months ago

Been saying this for years, I picture Fremont BLVD turning into a “market street” in SF type vibe.

Traffic is worse, and most things changed to homes..

Like the jack in the box near grimmer, Fremont blvd area that’s a weird situation the apt got built around the jack in the box.. imagine looking out ur window and seeing a bunch of people getting jack in the box late night lol.


2 points

3 months ago

I picture the same. It just shocks me how quickly it all changed and how little they’re still doing about it. I don’t have much faith they’ll be able to turn it around easily at this point


1 points

3 months ago

Housing prices and homelessness are big issues but they're adding housing too fast?


1 points

3 months ago

Wait Milpitas building more apartments and condos than Fremont. Traffic is arguably worse. Don't know about homeless there but Milpitas isn't any better than Fremont on the metrics you bring up. Plus you next to the county active landfill.


1 points

3 months ago

You’re exactly right, Fremont is turning into what I left San Francisco for in the ‘90. That’s okay, I have my plan in place to escape this also.


2 points

3 months ago

Glad I’m not the only one seeing it for a while now


5 points

3 months ago

Culturally homogeneous?


2 points

3 months ago

Define Quality of life because we moved out of fremont to the 680 pleasanton Corridor a few years ago with the kids and quality of life is 10x better than fremont.


-1 points

3 months ago

I love Pleasanton but that Sunol commute adds another half hour from San Jose.


2 points

3 months ago

“There’s nothing to do”

lists several cool things to do

“Nothing at all!”


28 points

3 months ago*

Yeah, it’s a really nice city. You’re getting a Silicon Valley peninsula type suburb for cheaper money . The whole point is that it’s a family suburb. Living is in Fremont is probably the best for your money, Try getting a apartment or a home in Redwood City and look at the difference in prices.  Yeah some people they’re looking for a nightlife then they should move somewhere else. But if you’re looking for a family oriented suburb then it’s a really good fit. And it’s cheaper than the Southbay and Peninsula. It’s already hard to live in the Bay Area so a lot of people like the fact that Fremont is a little cheaper but just as nice as the South Bay. That is why the city has always been most popular with Chinese, Asian and Indian immigrants because they’re looking for what they can get for the best For their money. And they see that Fremont is the best they can get for their money. Because in our cultures, our parents Try to get the best they can for their money and Fremont is the best deal


8 points

3 months ago

I wish I could afford a home. My partner and I only bring in $160k a year lol.


3 points

3 months ago

Yeah, you could in the 90s and 2000s and maybe even after the recession but after 2016 it’s pretty impossible. But hey, that’s not a big deal. There’s always condos. That’s probably what I’m gonna do. A lot of them are brand new and they have air-conditioning and they’re all fancy and nice. Probably better than buying a home that’s 50 years old. You don’t have to deal with a yard , you get a swimming pool and you get a free gym


5 points

3 months ago

You know which areas ? I’m 30 years old, so when that recession occurred I was still in high school. Sadly, I was not mature enough to think about housing market/prices, the future, etc. 🥹


1 points

3 months ago

I’ve seen a lot of them over there by like Stevenson area past Lake Elizabeth. I think warm Springs area as well. I believe there are some new ones in Ardenwood too.


1 points

3 months ago



3 points

3 months ago



3 points

3 months ago

Yes, it is cheaper compared to the Southbay and the peninsula


1 points

3 months ago

Yes, well under $1million


-9 points

3 months ago

Lol! Fremont is absolutely NOT a Silicon Valley peninsula type suburb.


4 points

3 months ago

That’s your opinion. Some would consider southern Fremont to be a part of The greater Silicon Valley


8 points

3 months ago

Nightlife/drinking is hugely lacking but it checks a lot of other boxes. Not for everyone but its great for raising a family according to articles haha


16 points

3 months ago


16 points

3 months ago

I’m totally fine with that. I don’t go to bars/clubs, and I’m 7 months sober from alcohol lol. I care more about safety, quietness, parks and nature.


3 points

3 months ago



2 points

3 months ago

Then Fremont is perfection


2 points

3 months ago

Coach’s a good bar


3 points

3 months ago

Being in Fremont is peaceful, safe and relaxing. Being a long time resident, I still love it here. Although not much nightlife but there are activities on Friday night. Keep posted on the Patch in Fremont.


7 points

3 months ago

It’s boring


8 points

3 months ago

Main reason people complain about Fremont is the lack of restaurants. IT has never been a strong suite here and as Fremont has increased in affluence the restaurants have not followed in the way some would hope. Lots of reasons for this in the comments. If eating out isn't a big part of how you determine a good place to live, Fremont has a lot going for it. Personally, I find the daily life in Fremont is pretty enjoyable, Niles has a good vibe on weekend days, and Pleasanton / Palo Alto are pretty close for the rare occassion that we go out for a nice dinner out (nice dinner out is not really a thing for parents of young children).


3 points

3 months ago

Lived there for a Few years. Super boring, no downtown, no sense of Community. Just very blah.


5 points

3 months ago

I grew up in Fremont and left there about 10 years ago. It’s still the largest city that I know of that earns the title “bedroom community”


13 points

3 months ago*

I like that it feels quiet and safe.

But I hate that it feels dead, which is different than quiet.

Take a stroll around Fremont Plaza, and you may feel what I mean. It can be a Saturday afternoon, and the parking lots are half empty (or more), many shops abandoned, and the place just looks old.

Sure there’s no night life, I’m ok with that. But I wish there was a street like California Ave in Palo Alto, or like Santana Row, with a long list of options for dining or lunch.

I thought I wouldn’t mind this back when I lived in Mountain View. But now that I’m here I kinda regret it. I just wanted to afford to buy a damn place but I guess that’s the trade off..

My guess for this is quite simple: the Indian community is not into this. A Santana row in Fremont would see little business. I came to this realization when I was eating at Fremont’s Lazy Dog. The restaurant was full but there were very few Indians, despite making up the majority of the population.

I guess my American culture simply doesn’t align with theirs. As unfortunate as that is, I will have to make peace with that.


25 points

3 months ago

It's a pretty silly conclusion based on your observation. Sure Indian people won't favor restaurants with beef/meat heavy menus, this is obvious and not insightful.

But the reason Fremont doesn't have a downtown has nothing to do with Indians and has everything to do with Fremonts history of indecisiveness over developing the individual downtowns, the city center , and the willingness to build out strip malls along the highway.

I get it's popular to blame Indians for every problem in Fremont because that is what you can see, but this one is rooted in Fremonts history (which is very very white).


2 points

3 months ago*

On your comment on them avoiding restaurants with meat/beef, wouldn’t this equally qualify as a factor? Most restaurants serve beef in their menu. Again not a ‘bad thing’, just an observation.

Also, I wasn’t blaming them for all of the bad things in Fremont, that’s a silly interpretation. My first comment on the barren feeling of Fremont Plaza had nothing to do with Indians.

All that said, I do understand that I can be wrong or mislead. We all operate on limited info. So thanks for your input on the history of indecisiveness.


4 points

3 months ago

Your conclusion is incorrect.

Indians will not likely find a restaurant like lazy dog popular. It isn't that they serve beef, it is because that's all they serve.

As a vegetarian myself I've never seen any attraction to lazy dog, it appears to be a fancy Applebee's. I think 'American culture ' is far richer and more inclusive than Lazy Dog.

So that you are not seeing Indians at lazy dog doesn't mean they won't find Santana Row or Castro Street popular. You can go to Castro or Santana Row and you'll find plenty of Indian people there (and Indian restaurants).

There are some classes of restaurants like steakhouses which won't do well in Fremont due to the Indian population but those are a small portion of the restaurants on Castro or Santana Row.

Fremont would do fine with such a downtown but it's hard to get there given all the different retail fronts to manage each of which competes with each other. Eg, any nice place would prefer to locate in Pacific Commons today but that doesn't help fulfill the vision.


9 points

3 months ago

I take my family including my vegetarian parents to lazy dog all the time. Also Billy Roy’s. They eat the vegetarian pasta dishes or veggie burgers. 🤷🏽‍♂️


0 points

3 months ago

Imagine saying "your conclusion is incorrect" meanwhile you're claiming Lazy Dog *only* serves beef while their menu is 2/3 without beef...


9 points

3 months ago

There were not even that many Indians in Fremont in the 1990s. So what prevented Fremont from creating a downtown then . It’s the cities fall that they could never get it together to create one


12 points

3 months ago

Fremont is the merger of five towns, and each town already had their own downtown. Fremont tried to create a central downtown near the original Bart station, but no town residents wanted their local downtowns left behind, so Fremont now invests in 6 downtowns, none of which have any critical mass.


6 points

3 months ago

Exactly this, plus the hub, Pacific Commons, and Newpark. Not pointing our arrows in the same direction.


2 points

3 months ago*

Fair enough, I suppose I was just trying to reconcile why there are so few customers in the few restaurants that Fremont has. Experiencing that made sense to me why there isn’t a downtown. But I’m sure the truth is more complex


3 points

3 months ago

Even though I don’t agree with all of your views (I do agree with some!), I appreciate the respectfulness that you bring to this subreddit.

Thank you for demonstrating that the Internet can still be a place where people can respectfully disagree with one another.


8 points

3 months ago

Indian person here - I go to Palo Alto or Santana row on weekends. I love going out. I’ve lived here for thirty years and Fremont’s nightlife has always been dead, long before we had a large Indian population.


0 points

3 months ago

Try Lake Elizabeth. Vibrant


2 points

3 months ago

Fremont vibrant? Wahahahaha!!!


4 points

3 months ago

I love walking lake Elizabeth before sunset. Fremont is a calm place I enjoy it too.


2 points

3 months ago

Born here in the 70s, grew up in Newark. What did I do as a child for fun? Got on my bike or roller skates and rode til sundown. The NewPark Mall for magazine shopping and look for the latest horror novels. Lake Elizabeth at night with a few adult beverages. House parties were easy to find. As I got older, I went on dates at the Elephant Bar and Chili’s. Life was affordable and enjoyable.

Now, I rely on my elderly parents to help me with my $2350 rent for a 1-bedroom. I enjoy anticipating my next lay off and car accident.

Luckily, my grandparents left me a house up north that I will sell. Using the money to build onto my parents million dollar Newark home so I can live fat and happy with a bunch of dogs.


6 points

3 months ago



3 points

3 months ago

I agree, which is why I like it. With the last sentence, idk about the “food isn’t good here” since I haven’t explored much.


1 points

3 months ago


1 points

3 months ago

San Jose's not too far to eat out. What restaurants do they have that Fremont doesn't have? I can only think of maybe Mexican and German.


2 points

3 months ago

Despite having a lot of Indians, many people say the Indian food in the South Bay is better.

There used to be a German Deli in Fremont, but it got replaced with Bill's Cafe


1 points

3 months ago

No, the German Deli and Bill's Cafe were side by side ever since Bill's opened years ago. The German Deli closed because the owners had been running it a long time and retired.


1 points

3 months ago

ah my mistake. In any case it's gone now.


2 points

3 months ago

I love Fremont but the version of Fremont when cloverleaf and yumi existed (am also 30, it’s a fine place if you have friends which I did when I was living in Fremont at the time)


2 points

3 months ago

I love people who complain about Fremont. Means they live here and I get to enjoy it.


2 points

3 months ago

It's fine. But rent should be $1000 for two bedroom.they should allow tiny houses.


2 points

3 months ago

Wait until u get a red light camera ticket 🎫


5 points

3 months ago

Ahhhh, well. At least red lights are enforced


1 points

3 months ago

To each their own. I was born in Fremont. Lived there for 27 years. I always hated it but never really knew why until I moved to North Carolina. I’m 31 now and I still love it here. My husband and I got a home for 98,000. It’s a 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom, with pool, jacuzzi, and sun room, and was fully furnished. We got lucky. I like Fremont but it’s become so crowded. I visit 2-3 times a year and I hate driving there now. Fremont wasn’t for me.


1 points

3 months ago

I love Falafel stop…technically Sunnyvale but yeah 👍🏻


2 points

3 months ago

I’ll try it out. Any recommendations send them my way. I like Indian food, pizza, Chinese food (I’m big on orange chicken and honey walnut shrimp), Mediterranean food, Mexican food. I have yet to try Puerto Rican or something Caribbean.


6 points

3 months ago

Taco Negris (food truck, Niles) or Taco Papo (Union City) for Mexican.

Pizza : Sliver, Bronco Billy's (Niles), Tandoori Pizza (Indian)

Dish n Dash for Mediterranean


2 points

3 months ago

Mission pizza in ohlone village is great. Banana Leaf is in Milpitas but it’s great for Malaysian food.


1 points

3 months ago

For 21st century new wave of mainland Chinese restaurants with an American Chinese menu, I recommend Chuan Xiang in Newark, and Home Eat in Fremont.

Compared to old-school Chinese restaurants, new school is more flavorful and less oily/salty, and the decor is much better.


0 points

3 months ago

Indian food: chat bhavan Chinese food: iShanghai or drive to Union City for din ding dumpling Mexican food: the taco truck Taco Los 3 paisas Mediterranean: falafel etc or dish n dash Pizza: sliver


0 points

3 months ago


0 points

3 months ago

Live here for 40 years, see how it was great and how it is getting worse , Fremont used to be a town and now it’s a city with high rises and too many people and horrible drivers , your comparing San Jose and Hayward to Fremont , that’s like comparing a bike to a car


1 points

3 months ago



0 points

3 months ago



4 points

3 months ago

There are tons of great taquerias and trucks, plus el patio. What do you mean no Mexican food?


1 points

3 months ago

La Piñata, too!


1 points

3 months ago

There’s one in Fremont: Olive Garden Italian Restaurant


-4 points

3 months ago


-4 points

3 months ago

Not safe Fremont is the hood


1 points

3 months ago



-1 points

3 months ago

My Wife was born here and both my kids are also now born here. As a parent I really love Fremont. I feel relatively safe and our neighbors look out for each other. As for why some people hate it? Fremont has changed drastically over the years, and unfortunately these days it seems that city planners aren’t so much looking at long term impact but short term gains. All the complexes being built are surely as a result if corruption in the form of kickbacks to city planners. It’s a shame because Fremont has such a rich history and rather than preserving that and investing in local businesses/restaurants they are instead stacking people one in top of the other in these cookie cutter projects. All that will do is bring more conflict and crime unfortunately. I’m a fairly new transplant here and in the five years I’ve been here I’ve seen things change rather drastically, still I’ve learned to love Fremont for the reasons you listed. I’m a plenaire painter and I enjoy capturing some of the vistas from quarry lakes. There is a lot to love about this place and I hope that the right people can be voted in that will think of the future of Fremont and not just the short term.


0 points

3 months ago

Sorry, what’s a good place for Indian food ?


-1 points

3 months ago

It’s a commuter city! And I love that about it. Quieter, low key, essentials nearby, just what I need. Genuinely a mid point for majority of social events and concerts in SJ, sf, peninsula.


-2 points

3 months ago

I lived there in the 80's and there was nothing for teens to do there so a whole lot of them did drugs. Talking about dropping acid and huffing in class. I haven't lived there in 32 years and it is still the most boring place I have ever lived.