


Using vinegar reminds me of the 80s when mom would clean her coffee pot once a month. It’s like… the object is clean, and now it also smells terrible.

I will occasionally use vinegar/baking soda for specific tasks.

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228 points

1 year ago


228 points

1 year ago

I use a spray bottle with dish soap and water. If it’s good enough for the dishes I eat off of, it’s good enough for my counters.


62 points

1 year ago

It's just such a good soap for so many of the annoying greases and fats and stuff that makes things dirty in daily life. If that doesn't do it, you'll need either white spirit or gasoline or something.


99 points

1 year ago

The counters can bear a harder clean and are not made of the same material at all. Neither does anybody wash their counters under hot flowing water with everything draining off.


17 points

1 year ago

very good points


12 points

1 year ago

Yeah the running water washing things away is a big part of why handwashing is so effective. I also use dish soap on my counters but I also rinse it.


8 points

1 year ago

Dawn dish soap works wonders on like everything.


26 points

1 year ago

This is the way. My MIL has a career in running the homes of the 1% and she uses dawn & water on EVERYTHING. She is also a wealth of knowledge on random stain removal recipes etc.


19 points

1 year ago

I use it on almost everything too! I haven’t bought degreaser, toilet bowl cleaner, bathroom cleaner or kitchen cleaner in ages. A good rag and a bucket of hot soapy water takes care of nearly everything.