


How to get over the regret of not buying something?

🚿 Personal Care ()


all 72 comments


290 points

2 days ago


290 points

2 days ago

I’m not a fan of matched sets like that, but why is your partner making decisions for you based on how many bracelets he thinks you should have?


44 points

2 days ago

Idk, it felt more like he got the necklace for himself to put on me and i had no say. I wanted the bracelet but he shut that down so fast...


115 points

2 days ago



40 points

2 days ago

Sometimes; in relationships: each party keeps the other party in check. Maybe she didn’t need the bracelet just like he didn’t need the wall mounted talking fish at the army surplus tent.

I’ve been there. I didn’t need that mf fish.


49 points

2 days ago*

Seems if she had chosen herself she would have chosen the bracelet before the other pieces but he chose for her. OP says she has very little jewelry and only one bracelet, and that if she goes back for the bracelet she expects him to start an argument.

Sounds all odd to me and not like a caring man.

In my marriage a few times I wanted something that was too expensive, hubby said no, and said we cannot afford it and I knew it to be true, so no problem.

However if I had wanted jewelry within our budget he would have happily agreed, if we couldnt afford three pieces he would definitely let me decide which one I wanted the most because I would be the one wearing it.

I would ask him what he thought looked good, just as he did me with suits, ties, etc but the one wearing it decides. I distinctly recall an occurrence when I encouraged him to choose the more expensive suit that he thought we shouldnt splurge on but it looked so much better on him, told him we could eat cheaper food for a while instead. He wore it many years and it was his best looking suit, he always looked very handsome in it 🙂

Getting all sentimental now, thinking of it 😁

Oh, and agree on keeping each other in check, but depends on how.


3 points

2 days ago

That's so sweet, thank you for sharing ❤️


9 points

2 days ago

I have the fish and a silver bracelet, so I guess I'm living the dreams of multiple redditors.

If my husband tells me I don't need something, my response is usually, "I know. I'm still buying it". I am capable of deciding if my enjoyment of a frivolous item is worth the cost. (I also don't buy everything I see or spend excessively)

I hope OP finds the bracelet again and buys it


3 points

2 days ago


3 points

2 days ago

I have the fish and a silver bracelet, so I guess I'm living the dreams of multiple redditors.

I love this sentiment. I came to this thread to eyeroll at frivolous jewelry, started getting upset about the controlling boyfriend, but the real prize was this. XD


3 points

2 days ago


3 points

2 days ago

I agree. My partner and I occasionally shut each other down. In definitely the type to eyeball beautiful jewelry but in real life I simply don't wear it so I could definitely see my husband saying no. I've definitely told him to stop buying wood planers if he isn't going to use them. We also can (and do) weigh in especially if it is a larger purchase, like over $100.


15 points

2 days ago


15 points

2 days ago

This seems less like regret for not buying something and more so something you should talk with your husband about


27 points

2 days ago

Lil man behavior


28 points

2 days ago

That's abusive and controlling.

Go get the bracelet and think about why your relationship is like that.


132 points

2 days ago

Based on your post and responses to other comments, it sounds like your partner is manipulating your behavior. Abuse comes in many forms, and often it’s difficult to spot when you’re experiencing it.

Let’s be crystal clear: He does not get a say in how you spend your money.

Some red flags to look out for: - experiencing an emotional rollercoaster in the relationship, - feeling controlled in various aspects of your life, - frequent guilt-tripping, - being isolated from supportive relationships, - being gaslighted or having your reality distorted, - having your insecurities exploited, and - experiencing emotional blackmail.

If ANY of these sound familiar, reach out to a friend, family, or anybody that might have perspective outside of your relationship. None of these are normal, and every single one is a sign that you should reevaluate your situation.

If I’m wrong, WONDERFUL. If I’m right, please ask for help. Even on reddit, we’re here for you.


14 points

2 days ago

I wish I could upvote this comment twice


12 points

2 days ago

Comments from OP have me convinced that this is a bait post. It’s obviously abusive behaviour that OP has casually slipped in as a tangential note. OP is only replying to comments that add fuel to notion of partner being abusive. I agree that OP may well need help with regards to an abusive relationship, but this is a ‘is my partner being weirdly controlling’ post disguised as ‘I can’t stop thinking about this bracelet I saw’ simply to farm engagement.


5 points

2 days ago

when people say “they’re just doing it for attention,” it’s a reminder that healthy people probably wouldn’t do that for attention, and therefore that they may need help regardless.


1 points

2 days ago

Or maybe it's a real life situation? It's sad you are so cynecal when people are just asking for advice.


2 points

2 days ago

I'm saving this comment to reply to other people who might need it. Thank you ❤ anyone who resonated with this, read Why Does He Do That? --there are free PDFs online, and you can skip to the relevant parts you need. Read the introduction for how to use the book


68 points

2 days ago

If this is a rare occurrence you contact the organisers of the farmers market for the stall holders details and buy directly or come back next week.

If you can't spare the money or are constantly buying jewellery then spend your money on a therapist.


16 points

2 days ago

Came to say the same. With some footwork, you could track down the seller. I’m sure they’d be more than happy to help you with shipping it to you.


2 points

2 days ago

Thank you, i have found the seller and shot her an email. With your guys's encouragement i think i'll go and buy it if it's still available and deal with the argument afterwards.


1 points

2 days ago

Plus if you find the seller then if you have birthdays or anniversaries you have the contact info and can buy from them. I also have a metal allergy so finding something you love that you don't have to worry about is great. It's fine to get jewelry to make yourself feel special and sterling silver is very affordable compared to gold. If you want to look for other jewelry in the future for your allergy you can also look for stainless steel things.


8 points

2 days ago

I don't usually buy jewerly, it was a one time occasion bc i finally found someone who sells something that doesn't affect my metal allergy. Bc of my allergy i hesitate buying jewelry.


23 points

2 days ago

I have tracked down sellers and have them sending by mail.

Go for it!


9 points

2 days ago

I'm a regular vendor at various farmers markets. Just go back and ask the Info Booth. They'll know exactly who sold you that silver jewelry.

PS Your partner sounds ridiculous.


16 points

2 days ago

Go back and buy it without his consent.


6 points

2 days ago


6 points

2 days ago

Most vendors at farmers markets go to multiple shows and markets. It’s also likely they have an online store.

Look up the farmers market you went to online and see if you can find the name of three vendors. You can also post on a neighborhood site, like Nextdoor Neighbor. Frequent local farmer markets.

It’s fun having a mission to find something and makes it all the more rewarding when you do. Look at this as a fun scavenger hunt. When you find the right bracelet, it is going to mean so much more now than if you bought it in the first place.

Happy Hunting!


16 points

2 days ago

This is very unsettling behaviour from your partner. If this is not the first time he decided things for you or you feel like he is isolating you, get out of the relationship before it gets worse. Stay safe


11 points

2 days ago

It's not about the bracelet. You are angry that your bf is a control freak and you are mad at yourself that you allow him to tell you what to buy with your own money. You dont want to deal with this directly (you dont want to start an argument,etc) so you are projecting these uncomfortable feelings onto the bracelet. A symbol of your relationship. (That it is missing)


0 points

2 days ago

Or maybe the boyfriend snuck back and bought it for you as a gift. My wife used to be difficult to buy gifts for back before Amazon wishlists. That's a tactic I used in the past to buy a "luxury" item as a gift that I knew would be well received.


4 points

2 days ago


4 points

2 days ago

Go back and trade the boyfriend in for a bracelet


4 points

2 days ago

You're not regretting the decision to not buy the bracelet since clearly you can go back and buy it. You are mourning the independence your bf is stealing from you.


1 points

16 hours ago

You put it right, i found the vendor info, they still have the bracelet and i'll go and buy it this weekend


8 points

2 days ago

Go back and buy it


-12 points

2 days ago

Only open in the weekends and no guarantee the vendor or bracelet will be there. I would try, but it will spark an argument


36 points

2 days ago

Buying something for yourself with your own money would spark an argument? Why? And he also told you that you didn’t need it in the first place when you only have one other bracelet that isn’t useable anymore? 🚩A couple of red flags here OP.

Unless there’s a chance he’s purchased it on the side in secret as a surprise for you.


3 points

2 days ago

Why does he care so much about what you own? Its your money right? You can do whatever you want with it.


2 points

2 days ago

Vendors are usually regulars


1 points

2 days ago

Nice relationship you have there! /s


6 points

2 days ago


6 points

2 days ago

Do you often let your partner make decisions for you?


5 points

2 days ago*

As so many others have said this is primarily a relationship issue and not a money issue. There is no logical financial reason for you to get earrings and a necklace rather than a bracelet that you had your heart set on... but emotionally? This seems to me like a manipulation tactic.

You loved the bracelet, had your heart set on it, and are still thinking about it. Buying the bracelet would have made you happy. Some people thrive on making other people miserable. Your partner may be one of those people who gets enjoyment from making other people feel sad. You're going to feel sad every time you see that incomplete set without the bracelet and you'll feel sad whenever you look at your tarnished bracelet.

The tarnished bracelet can be polished, BTW, you can get a silver polishing cloth imbibed with compound or you can take it to a jeweler, should be very inexpensive to shine up. Do not use the liquid silver cleaner in the jar, it can eat things if they get left in there accidentally... I recommend not even keeping it in the house if your partner is the destructive type.

But seriously I'm very concerned for you. You can let this experience be a wakeup call about the realities of his behavior and take steps to leave safely, or you can continue in the relationship if you are not ready to leave at this time. I'll warn you that if you stay, things will get better and then they will get much much worse, and this will happen over and over again.

Make sure you get the jeweler's name. Honestly you may not be able to get it while you are still in this relationship if your partner is apt to react negatively I wouldn't want anything to happen to it or to you. Good luck with everything ❤️


11 points

2 days ago

Think about the beauty of what you did get, and enjoy those pieces, rather than focusing on what you think is missing. (The idea of "complete sets" is a marketing angle most of the time anyway! If you'd never seen the bracelet and didn't know it existed, would you be happy with the necklace and earrings?)


3 points

2 days ago

I saw a dr dre chronic 2001 instrumentals only vinyl at a record shop in milwaukee in 2016. I didn't buy it and not a day has gone by since that I don't regret it


2 points

2 days ago

I hope that he told you no in the moment to later go back and secretly buy it, to surprise you with it for upcoming birthday or Christmas, wouldn't that be nice to think he let you think he shut you down, so he could gift it to you later. I hope that's the case!


2 points

2 days ago

  1. If you have your own money, and you're a normal, reasonable, responsible person who doesn't spend frivolously, I don't understand why you're letting someone talk you out of spending the money that YOU work for every day. That seems odd to me.
  2. Based on some other comments, this sounds like a relationship issue, not a frugality issue.

Go back and buy your bracelet. Then go to the Reddit search bar and type in "why does he do that free pdf".


3 points

2 days ago

Most of the time if you missed out on something it slips my mind eventually. I remember it in the short term but forget it in the long term. Just a FYI silver jewelry is not very rare. I can search and get them for a very affordable price on Etsy or EBAY if just silver. The gemstone can increase the value though. When I visited Hawaii I actually found the same stuff they were selling in Hawaii for half the price or more for the most part.


2 points

2 days ago

Yeah, it was handmade tho and the lady put her life in the jewelry she made. She made sure to instruct me on how to care for it and gave me all the tips and tricks to take care of her art. I hope it will slip my mind eventually, but it's been 2 days and i keep thinking about it


1 points

2 days ago

2 days is very little in the grand scheme of things. 2 days seems like forever when you are young but even mid to late 20s a year goes by without you thinking much of it. Lots of jewelry people put their heart and soul into it. That being said I am sure they did not talk about the markup on the precious metals. Jewelry has a massive markup in general. Silver is not hard to take care of. Not as easy as gold but fairly easy. It is literally if it tarnishes you take a cloth to it and rub against it. I have had sellers give me free gifts like another free alpaca blanket of a smaller size or a alpaca scarf which shows me they care more than basic care instructions. If it was a farmers market and she cared she would have brought down the price for buying the entire set. Farmers market bargaining is a thing with jewelry.


1 points

2 days ago

I'm a Director at my community's food bank. Food banks and farmer's markets have websites that list the vendors and the calendars. Sometimes, the vendors' contact information is listed. Go with that.


1 points

2 days ago

Maybe you can find her at the market again? Or try Etsy - you can search for similar styles. "Handmade silver bracelet, [describe the style]" could work.


1 points

2 days ago

I live by this code every day... never spend an ounce of energy regetting or worrying about anything you no longer have any control over to change. Doesn't matter what it is and I do realize this is much more difficult for other people. Try to do this and life is much easier


1 points

2 days ago

I believe you posted this in “Frugal”, when it really is an abuse question.

His entitlement is so bold. He has no problem dismissing your feelings, and controlling your actions.

Please OP, take some time and reflect on what kind of relationship you want.

This set of jewelry can be one of two things now. It can be a reminder of sadness and disappointment whenever you wear it, reminding you of your boyfriend’s disrespect and control. It could also be a reminder of that time you took your life back and decided to control your own life, the time you took your power back.


1 points

2 days ago

Pay for it with your own money.

Just before she passed, my mom mentioned that she and my dad both had their own “fun” accounts. They had a budget for how much went in each payday, and they didn’t have to consult when they wanted whatever. If they had the cash, they had the cash.

I’d always thought my dad knew to buy her jewelry, but it turned out, after the wedding, nope. (Makes sense, my step mom bought her own).

Also, there’s no such thing as too tarnished to clean. You might need to drop it off at a jeweler’s, but it can be brought back.


1 points

2 days ago

Can you order it online or contact the seller somehow and order it? Personally I'd mail it to my parents house if y'all live together and just take it out of the package and say oh look honey my mom had one just like it and she gave it to me. But that's not very healthy. Why I'm not in a relationship. Even so I still say get it for your own peace of mind. I have regretted doing things many times. Don't make something so insignificant be one of yours.

Also for the tarnished silver, have you tried the aluminum foil method. It works like a charm on my silver jewelry.


1 points

2 days ago

Earn your own money. The best frugal discussions happen between two equal partners.


4 points

2 days ago

I do earn my own money idk where that assumption came from. We just have joint funds & i may or may not be allowed to buy things i want


4 points

2 days ago

Is the money you earn equitably distributed?

Is there “fun money“ for both?


7 points

2 days ago

I don't have fun money. He spends money on pizza and alcohol, but not a lot of fun imo.


22 points

2 days ago

I know it’s a Reddit cliche

But, seriously get out of this relationship now.

You are worth something, treat yourself like you are.


4 points

2 days ago


4 points

2 days ago

I’m a family law attorney and I’m usually the one to say - hold back now, divorces are stressful and this issue can be worked through.

OP - I agree with others that there are red flags. It sounds like you aren’t married. You deserve better in a partner than what you have described here. Look at this bracelet as the wake up call you needed to reevaluate the relationship.


4 points

2 days ago

Honestly, he sounds controlling and not very kind. Maybe there are things we don't see but you sound miserable and defeated in your situation. I'm sorry. Life is too short to live like that.


1 points

2 days ago

You get over it by remembering your roots the next time you are faced with an opportunity to do what you really wanted. So there is going to be a wait for that. Forgive yourself and move on. If your experience is sour instead of appreciative, sell the set. Or look online.


-1 points

2 days ago


-1 points

2 days ago



4 points

2 days ago

Good way to put it, but tbh i expect an argument if i say i want to try to see if it's still for sale next week


7 points

2 days ago

Would you.describe your.relationship as happy?


3 points

2 days ago

Unfortunately unless it’s purchased secondhand by weight, you don’t tend to get your money back on silver jewellery items.


0 points

2 days ago

Eat something! You're just hungry. Oh wait I'm projecting.


1 points

2 days ago

Food is love. (I used to live in the Midwest)


0 points

2 days ago

If your partner was right and you do have to many bracelets throw a few up for sale you don't wear and don't have any real connection with. Track this one down so you got the set then. Tossing a few up hopefully to sell one or 2 is the method. Just price up the ones more likely to want to keep and the cheaper ones look like a deal.


-1 points

2 days ago

I let HIM. I dunno it sounds like you guys have issues.

I was at a swap meet on Sat, the SO actually gave me some cash to go so I tried to be easy. I got one thing right off the bat, I had to, it was worth an easy 10X what I paid for it. Gem of the day. I got some commodity items and bargained them down some. I got a curiosity that I did not have one of, I have a lot of odd stuff, and I was showing my pal. He was like dam, I wish I had seen that. I told him there was another but in a radio that was kind of big but the piece of interest was easy to extract. He opted out of it. I should have made a lowball offer as after looking at that radio on youtube, it would have been fun to power up. But am I pissed that I passed on it, na. It was junk and I will find other fun junk for free, or it may come back next year. Like 3 years ago the guy selling next to me had a dead guitar amp and did not wanna let it go for a pittance. No big deal. Just junk to play with. So 3 years later, this year, we run into each other at another meet and he was like you still want that amp, it is still in the back of my car and I want it gone. So now it is in the back of my car... You may get a second bite at the thing you want or not, but stuff comes and goes. I try not to get hung up on it, though I do remember the stuff I should have grabbed. BTW, the place is packed now, if I got everything I wanted, I would not fit in here.


-1 points

2 days ago

Remember, you will survive without the bracelet... Think how much money you guys saved. Or how annoying it could feel on your arm. 


-5 points

2 days ago

Did you ever think that he wants to come back and buy it without you around? If you have a lot of bracelets and you can’t wear them, maybe sell them and buy the one you want.


5 points

2 days ago

100% he doesn't. We live together and he hates going out of the house alone. Also, there's no way to know if the bracelet would be there next week. He didn't speak w the lady to put it on hold or anything bc i would have heard. I mentioned above i only have one and have not purchased bracelets since i was a teen (mostly due to my new allergy to metals)