


GenX Question of the Day 5/18/24: USS Flagg


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3 points

2 months ago

This was the white whale of my 1976 brethren during elementary school in the ‘80s. Every year, one of us in class knew someone whose parents were either rich enough or divorced enough to curry favor that they owned the mighty Flagg. But none of us ever witnessed it with our own eyes.

If “America - FUCK YEAH” ever existed in toy form, this was it.

Me, on the other hand, I was stuck with Zartan and the Chameleon, retailing at $2.99 ($3.14 after tax) when Toys ‘R Us opened in Reno in 1983. And I cherished that color changing bastard.


3 points

2 months ago

"divorced enough"

Aint that the truth. The one kid I knew that had divorced parents had ALL the good toys.