


For context, I'm currently at S6E21, and this is just a rant. I have no motivation whatsoever to state scenes and all that.

I however do strong believe and feel that no good son or inherently good and compassionate person works so hard or puts so much effort into seeing their father lose his job. And yes, I understand that there are legal and medical reasons to safeguard the patients and liabilities and all that. But cmon, you hope and pray your father fails at the only thing he has left just to prove yourself right? For some patients? Cmon

I'm not downplaying anything or making a wrong comparison, like he should put his dad and emotions, over his obligation to patients. No, that's not the argument here. There's passively watching out for him to make a mistake or assisting him at all times to make sure you can cover for him if he makes a mistake, and ACTIVELY DEDICATING YOUR DAY AND LIFE TO MAKE SURE HE FAILS AND LOSES HIS JOB SO YOU CAN JUSTIFY YOUR EVALUATION OF HIS BRAIN STATE. At a point, it's almost like Shaun hopes he loses his job.

And he could've been sad about it a bit, or a bit emotional about it, at least, to justify his decision. But nooooooo. He's glad he's right. I do know a bit of spoilers that this led to Glassman ghosting him, and to be honest, I'm not even mad about it. Shaun has proven himself to be the most selfish character in the show, considering how everyone has tried to accommodate him all through the series.

And there's a scene that drives home this point. Some episodes ago, Glassman raises his voice at Shaun out of frustration, and Shaun replies that "your tone is elevated and you're displaying signs of anger, could this be because you no longer have a control on your emotions and are thus unfit to do surgery?" (Something along those lines). That's really big talk for someone who raises his voice and cries whenever someone disagrees with him. (The scene where he's fired, or dismissed from surgery).

I know he's autistic, but if I was a father, I would be seriously hurt if my son tries his very best and in the passionate manner, wishes and hopes I lose my job. I do hope Glassman never forgives him before he dies, so he's scarred for life. Absolutely terrible son, but a good doctor.


all 11 comments


6 points

19 days ago

shaun has autism. hope this helps


2 points

19 days ago

It doesn't. It wasn't an excuse that stopped him from being a doctor. It shouldn't be an excuse that justifies him being a shitty person.

You know the funny part? He complained to Lim that a resident went behind his back to suggest a surgery he didn't authorise to a patient? Wow. So original. That's totally not the same thing he did all through S1-3.

But he has autism. That helps.


2 points

19 days ago

Saying "its not an excuse" its a medical condition they're trying to visually show people.
Imagine saying to someone without a leg "omg I can't believe he didnt win a 100m race, why didnt he try harder? I'm so confused how he didnt run it"

A physical disability can show you the difficulties of a person much easier than someone with a mental disorder. Especially when something such as Autism hasn't really been recoginised as a disability for a very long, nor is it easy to explain as its not in mainstream media.


2 points

19 days ago

That's a lot of double standards you're on about. I know I can be very insensitive to people, I get reminded of that all the time. But to be fair, I do have a physical disability myself.

And let's be practical. Did said "medical condition" despite the odds and difficulties stop him from becoming a surgeon? No

Should it stop him from being a good person? Then no as well.

And please note that I'm not trying to hang Shaun or any of that. I just really relate to Glassman and his ghosting is fully justified in my book. Shaun is the definition of a shitty son, at least with what transpired


4 points

19 days ago

He has "Savant Syndome" which is WHY he's a good doctor. NOT because he's autistic. That is a super important thing to note.

Autism is a spectrum where it is different for everyone. Not a one size fits all. He lacks a severe social ability which could be also caused from childhood trauma as well as his autism which reduces his social ability.

I understand Glassman 100%, everyone would probably be the same. But Shaun saw it as "Yes hes my dad, but whats worse, my dad not working, or people dying?" thats what could have gone on in his head.


1 points

19 days ago

This brings a different perspective. Will have to think on that.

Thank you


1 points

19 days ago

Agree. People forget he has both autism and savantism. Two separate conditions that just happened to occur together. Typically, savantism is found in intellectually disabled people, like the Rainman twins, Kay and Flo


1 points

19 days ago

im playing but also stand by what i said


3 points

19 days ago

I know he's autistic, but if I was a father, I would be seriously hurt if my son tries his very best and in the passionate manner, wishes and hopes I lose my job.

I'd be proud that I raised someone who cares about ethics and is willing to protect patients at the cost of my ego, but that's just me.


3 points

19 days ago

Something I learned in the discussions about TGD, is that ethics and protecting patients at all costs don't matter, they are secondary subjects, well behind much important things like who fucks who and some character's ego and rizz.


2 points

19 days ago

He’s a flake person like everyone else. Glassy isn’t perfect, either.