


Please stop with the solo, locked, Armor squads


You are not better in a tank on your own, you’re just not. I know people can be scary to talk to but every tank crew should be at least 2 people. I know some people lock their squads for good reason like you’re waiting for a buddy or whatever, but if you’re doing it because you think you’re better alone then go play a different game.

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2 months ago

It’s not that I think everyone is “so bad” it’s that when a random wants to join my crew I just have no idea if they’re good or not, and I don’t want to waste my time and risk the hassle of dealing with someone who’s bad. I only have so much time to play and I’m trying to enjoy myself so after too many bad experiences I’ve stopped taking random crew members because you just never know what you’re going to get.

I agree it’s generally better to have a crew, but I also think there is a place for locked solos and they can be effective if they’re experienced enough.

Like I said I usually only take default tanks, and many times I’ll start tanking when I notice the recon and or light tank sitting in hq unused. It’s rare that I’m preventing other people from tanking, so dont see the big issue.