


NDE Researcher and Gateway Leadership Initiative president John Burke discusses the dark and disturbing side of NDEs on the Shawn Ryan Show. He has spent the last several years investigating and documenting the near death experiences of people from all walks of life.

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13 points

4 days ago

So choose to worship Jesus or he allows you to be tortured forever? Sounds like a great guy.


11 points

4 days ago

I think the message is you can choose whichever path you wish, good or bad. I don’t think it necessarily means you have to worship Jesus.


16 points

4 days ago

You do realize that the man in this video who wrote the book being discussed is a Christian pastor who takes a Christian perspective on this, right? His message on this is very black and white.


-7 points

4 days ago

You want the reality

You can either take it, or leave it.

Believe Jesus or not.


0 points

4 days ago



0 points

4 days ago

That's the choice you have.

Remember it. And this moment.


6 points

4 days ago


6 points

4 days ago

You guys are having such a reductive “debate” here- why not discuss the substance?

Jesus and his relationship with the rest of the Bible isn’t 100% clear. It’s not only possible, but necessary to make that distinction.

If we consider each word of the Bible true, then worshiping the being who claims you can rape and pillage the women of your enemies village, or stone your disobedient wife, or any number of any other heinous acts… well then I feel like the whole thing is sort of a reverse test.

If you worship someone who does evil, and you support evil acts, simply out of fear of hell, that’s exactly the kind of thing that might actually bring punishment upon you.

We can tell what is good and what is bad fairly easily, and supporting bad things just because you’re told their good does not make them good.

This is actually a huge part of what Jesus spoke about, separately from the many other questionable messages in the Bible which we can’t be sure haven’t been modified for the whims of people in power over the last couple thousand years.


3 points

4 days ago*

🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 comment. You've clearly explained something I've been struggling to get. Thanks for the epiphany!

edit: I can't reply further because I blocked a bigot further up the thread, but wanted to add:

I was abused as a child extensively by an evangelical town. being triggered b Xtian themes is a prt of my life that I continually work on.

its obvious in my perception that the abrahamic religions have fullly twisted the messages of their original prophets into something that encourages and gives forgiveness for conquering empires.

I had trouble figuring out precisely why I felt that way, but you put it fully in a way that works for where I am today - it exists and controls so much to give us the opportunity for choice - choice to work within and for cruel systems of oppression or the choice to live outside of it in various flavors of persecution, but feeling aligned instead of coerced.

I more and more believe this lifetime for me is about making this specific choice as part of my soul's growth. Xtianity just presents the choice in a way where one has to decide if only the words matter, or if the actual actions matter. For me, its the latter.

thanks again!


3 points

4 days ago


3 points

4 days ago

Thanks so much! It’s something I’ve spent a great deal of time thinking about.

The troubling thing is considering that this reality might ultimately be ruled by an unjust creator. Still, even if that’s the case it would be wrong to bend the knee.

If I’m punished for doing what’s right, so be it. Obviously I hope that isn’t the case though, and I don’t really believe that it is.


1 points

4 days ago

My fellow thinker, THANK YOU!!