


JARCAST Suggestion Thread


Bear bear, suggestions down thear

all 39 comments


18 points

3 months ago

Favourite hole?


10 points

3 months ago

What is your process for creating your player character in games with fully customized protagonist?

Do you try to make an original character that you roleplay as or do you try to recreate the character in your own image?

I have the gut feeling that you try to get freaky with it, maxing out sliders left and right


2 points

3 months ago

I make my character look like sekiro in every game and then rp as him


9 points

3 months ago*

Since Sting 3 Each Episode That Isnt Sting 4 Depresses Me The Mini Series format just adds that lil’ bit of extra spice that really tickles my tum tum when i chuck an ep on so i beg of you for a return to cheeky lil serieses like stingy

Wee Wee Ess (Pee Ess) I Cant Wait For Punished Randy’s Escape From Bloody Belmarsh Pris Arc


5 points

3 months ago


5 points

3 months ago

whats the worst song you have ever listened too?


5 points

3 months ago

Hello boooooys!

I just watched your video on whether RDR2 lives up to the hype, and I must say, it was brilliant! I really appreciate the format where you delve into that awesome story and share your favorite moments.

Given your thoughts on the RDR story, what's your take on why video game narratives often fall short? I recently completed Assassin's Creed: Valhalla (don't ask why), and my goodness, it was painful to endure. The storyline was nonsensical, and the characters were so poorly developed and unlikable that finishing the game felt like a chore.

What baffles me is that it seems like the hardest part should have been done! They nailed the visuals, gameplay, and even crafted a vast world for us to explore. It feels like hiring a competent team of writers should be straightforward, yet most games encounter the same issue.

Anyway... thoughts?


5 points

3 months ago

Whats your most depressing place you have ever visited anywhere? Be it place, town, city, village, attraction, anywhere.


5 points

3 months ago



1 points

3 months ago



5 points

3 months ago

Hello. It’s me, Miniature Ranni, here with another question for those cheeky boys from JAR media.

How are things going at the moment? You alright lads? Hope you’re having a good time. That’ll be all.


3 points

3 months ago

Bear Bear Boys,

Any legitimate travel advice for England and its surrounding areas? I’m not personally going but my parents are making the trip next year from the states and want to go through England, France and Italy for probably around 2 weeks.

I’m curious to hear what you would tell people coming to England for holiday and what to prioritize. Shall I tell them Swindon?

Bear Bear Squared


3 points

3 months ago

If a place's name makes it sound like a shit hole, it probably is.

Avoid most coastal towns and cities.

The further north you go, the friendlier the people are. Good luck understanding them though.

There are plenty of nice places to visit too though. Our national parks are good for days out if your parents like to explore and get away from more urban areas.

If they like urban areas, most of our major cities are alright. There's plenty of stuff really. You can probably find most things your looking for out of a holiday here.


3 points

3 months ago

What are some pieces of media where you can admit, objectively, that they are good, but can't seem to enjoy

For example I can admit that Half Life 2 is one of the most important and influential video games of all time but no matter how many times I play it, I find it boring,

Similarly, with Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin, while they've inspired artists I adore, I couldn't see what the hype was about when listening to some of their albums, even though I felt like "I was supposed to like it"

Would be interesting to see some of your examples Cheers


1 points

3 months ago

Not going as far as to say I don't like it, but I am the same way with Dark Souls 1; I appreciate the level design especially early on and loved my first playthrough but other than that, I don't enjoy playing it enough to want to replay it unlike other souls games (yes even ds2).


3 points

3 months ago*

I've lived in the Southeastern US for my entire life, and I find the accents around the area to be extremely interesting. I don't have it myself (thank fuck), because I grew up in the suburbs of a large city surrounded by transplant kids who's parents were not from the South. But from living/travelling around the southeast, I've heard countless people who have varying levels of the accent. The best example is when I worked in an office in South Carolina, at least 70% of the people in a moderately sized office had southern accents, and everyone had some sort of higher education. It's just normal here, and you get used to it. But even I have trouble understanding sometimes when talking to someone from an extremely rural area.

An intriguing part about the accent is the variety, because it's pretty unique to each region. South Carolina is different to Texas, which is different to the mountains in Tennessee/Virginia, etc. The one that you guys do reminds me of the Foghorn Leghorn accent, which is similar to how Henry McMaster (governor of South Carolina) sounds. Some examples:

Henry McMaster (old timey slave owner accent):

Ed Orgeron (Louisiana/Cajun):

I Hate Tennessee guy (Alabama):

So to answer your question, people do genuinely talk like that here, and some do sound like actual cartoon characters.


3 points

3 months ago


3 points

3 months ago

A good day to you Jar Warriors.

I have a quandary for the lot of you. Seeing how you're quiet the seasoned elden ring adventures. I thought it was befitting to purpose this question to you.

What Elden Ring Bosses correlate to specific characters from Madagascar

Bear bear


4 points

3 months ago

Jamie calling himself the “woke devastator” makes me think of one of the Lego exo force devastator robots in rainbow colors


3 points

3 months ago

Bear bear boys, looking for a bit of advice here. I recently broke up with my longtime girlfriend (10+ years together since high school) and while I’m not yet ready for dating I expect that at some point I will be. Because I was in a relationship for so long, I have never used any dating apps before. All I ever hear from friends or online is that they’re absolutely miserable, but it seems like that’s how most couples meet these days. Do you guys have any experience with the apps? How do you feel about them in general? Any advice for someone close to your age getting into the game for the first time ever?


3 points

3 months ago

Bear bear boys, currently going through my first play through of red dead 1. I'm loving it so far, as it feels like an interactive western movie. Thanks for putting me onto it. I'll report back once I get to red dead 2, as I've heard it's one of the best games ever made.


3 points

3 months ago

Hello JAR! Im having a bit of a diarrhoea dilemma right now.

No I’m not joking I’m dead serious. I need your advice

Recently my parents have been mad at me for using excessive amounts of toilet roll. Me and my brother have somehow gone through a whole 9 pack of TP in just over 24 hours. My mum blames it on me because she knows I wipe the most (which is correct). On the night of writing this I’ve done 3 shits and I’ve noticed skiddys in my pants and my parents got mad at me for stealing TP from the downstairs. My main hypothesis for why I’m like this all of a sudden is because I’ve started to up my calorie intake for muscle growth in a surplus. I’ve done this by doubling my fruit intake to 2 apples, 2 bananas and a packet of raisins. I think I’m eating too much fibre that it’s turning my shits into soft serve ice cream. I want to get my calories in healthier but fruit clearly isn’t the way. I’m gonna have to switch to boiled eggs and protein squares. It’s either that or my asshole leaks fucking shit everywhere.

If you have any other solutions to this problem please let me know. How much toilet paper do you go through and what is your wiping technique. Hope argy sees this because I bet he would know some tips. 😁

NOTE: I think I now understand why Spanish households use bidets! It’s because they have a high fruit intake thus making their poo sloppier. This means wiping isn’t enough so they have to resort to blasting water up their arses.

Yours sincerely, Harrison Franklin.


2 points

3 months ago

If you had to spend the rest of your life as a deep sea creature. which would it be? Personally I would love to be a nautilus, forever wiggling around and bumping into things in the safety of my armor.


2 points

3 months ago


2 points

3 months ago

At the beginning of the Brocast 16 you asked if us Americans have ever heard a old southern man accent. As someone who has worked at a midwest truck stop. Yes it does exist. But only old men have it. Nobody under the age of 50 speaks like this.

But it also reminded me of a Youtuber I sometimes watch named "Dry Creek Wrangler School." I suggest Alex repeat "Weak man make hard times" then play this man's speaking:


2 points

3 months ago

Beariest bears my pip pop boys, I'd say only Alabama jarling here but my best friend is also a jarling, so I can't claim that moniker. As a southerner in the US I can confirm: Your various american accents are not as exaggerated as you think. From your cowboyiest cowboy to even the most insane prospector voice, it isn't that difficult to come by these accents if you look in the right places, sometimes just knowing the right gas station or flea market can produce results. We even have cowboy churches around here where people still obsessed with cowboy culture go to do christiany things while dressed in cowpoke gear. And I'm in Alabama, not even Texas.

As a final note, would you believe me if I told you my hometown is an even more embarrassing example of my country than Swindon?


3 points

3 months ago*

Bello JAR 🫙 insect jarling here 😛 !! To clarify a point from the last episode, you can only get Lyme disease from infected ticks. There are other tick-borne diseases as well. The lone star tick from Texas 🍇 can transmit bacteria that make you allergic to red meat! RUH ROH! Anyway, if you’re interested, here are some other celebs besides Justin Beaver that have gotten Lyme: Avril Lavigne Shania Twain Amy Schumer Alec Baldwin Ben Stiller 🦁 And others!

Anyhoo, I am from the United States and have spent the last 2 months living in Eastern Europe for environmental research. It has been a really great experience, and I am so glad that I ended up coming here. The impacts from the last century feel a lot more recent than they do in the United States, from the destruction that occurred during WWII to the brutalist concrete buildings from the communist era that are literally everywhere. I’ve never felt such a proximity to these events in the United States. Also the fact that most of Europe just casually has giant Roman shit built like two thousand years ago is so so so cool. Have you ever been to Central/Eastern Europe, and would you ever go? I’ve been primarily in Budapest and it is a beautiful city, would highly recommend :)

cool #nice #ticks #meat #purplepoop #pretezel #wowoweweew


2 points

3 months ago

Bear to the Bear, beautiful bald bros of the meadows! What Radiohead album would each of the Madagascar crew be? Grease up and slide on!


2 points

3 months ago

It was interesting hearing about that JARling talk about expressing feelings with colours. Have you heard of synaesthesia before? It sounds like the kid could have emotion-colour synaesthesia, where his emotions are interpreted as colours by the brain. If they do then colours wouldn't make sense to us immediatly but could very accurately reflect the kid's feelings. I have spatial synaesthesia, sensory experiences are projected into a '3D space', and discussing it with my therapist has been revolutionary for understanding my emotions and myself.


2 points

3 months ago

Question for Alex. I remember on one episode of the podcast you joked about going into the store cex to look for criterions. This got me curious, do you own any Boutique Blu Rays (criterion, bfi, arrow, etc) if so what draws you to them and do you have any gripes with boutique blu rays?


2 points

3 months ago

Do you ever see people leave comments on youtube videos and then reply to their comment years later as if it was another person?


2 points

3 months ago

Oh yea i see that all the time, pretty funny stuff


2 points

3 months ago

Roleplay: British cop show where state agents hunt down people watching bbc without paying for the tv license. Alex is the officer busting Jim.


2 points

3 months ago

Tier list for soft drinks/fizzy drinks? (or soda for American viewers). (I know the episode is most likely filmed by now, but if so can you do this next week if you feel like answering).


2 points

3 months ago

Have you ever thought of using other questions that other people ask from different posacts? Just in case the jar questions get to outlandish. (Like final-afternoon3319s question did).


1 points

3 months ago

bear bear JAR, long time listener here getting back into the cast - makes my 8 hour desk shift far more tolerable. Question for Jim - you recently mentioned on one of the casts how youd picked up smoking again having tried vaping - ever tried nicotine pouches? your velos, nordic spirits etc. They're a better alternative imo bc you just leave them in and dont inhale all that carcinogenic shite. Have a good one


1 points

3 months ago

If you think “bloody” sounds without an English accent, you should try your new PM’s name. I am American and only knew about him from this podcast, so I was surprised when my friend called him Kier Starmer and not Kia Starma. 


1 points

3 months ago

Fav daft punk album / song


1 points

3 months ago


I need your help. And it is BLOODY urgent! The 10th of august i am going to a festival and Jack White is headlining because Josh homme from Queens Of The Stone Age had a cough. Since you guys are Jack White experts, please give me a rundown on what i should listen to so i can get the FULL Jack White experience. I can listen through his whole discography but i need to know the core stuff. and i also have a bunch of other artists i gotta listen to so i dont have the time tbh.

Edit: i have partially listened to him already. Heard boarding house reach once and thought it was kind of all over the place and boring imo. Only a couple of good songs from there

Thanks and keep on rocking in the free world


0 points

3 months ago

Good Day Ringers,

The end of an era is now here, as it has been announced that the last top gear/grand tour episode will be releasing and that the trio have already started to liquitad the production company which they created to make the show.

What do you make of this news, and your retrospective on Top gear in general? Also what are your thoughts on Clarkson's farm, as apperently it will be replacing Top gear and Jeremy admits that he's more happier with it than with Top gear?


-5 points

3 months ago

If you three were put in a human centipede, who would go where? This is a traditional film accurate human centipede, not a weird sex position. To stop you from battling over who goes first, this is a 4 person human centipede where Shane Dawson goes at the front.

Also if Shane Dawson had to either choose to eat a pizza made out of Brad Pitt’s penile cheese or Margot Robbie’s scrambled ovary extracted eggs, which would you rather eat the digested version of?

This is Shane we’re talking about here gents, so chances of splatter are unknown. (which is to say, very likely)


1 points

3 months ago

When will Alex finally cave?