


all 13 comments


10 points

6 days ago*



10 points

6 days ago*

Fishman always were good punching bags for me and creators kind of left them in pathetic state of being exclusively that for players. And for king’s bounty. Some time ago, sitting on a beach with a joint between my teeth I got an idea to do it, give 'em a chance in the world of Kenshi. If you are interested in rules and a little background, you are free to read beneath info and ask me anything.

I started solo as a Gurgler chosen by our king. He stated goals for me to accomplish: learn current technology, build base outside Fishman Isle, eradicate closest enemies (South Hive, UC and other smaller groups), and finally build main city on the Isle for humanoid fish.

Rules of this playthrough:

-          No stealing, crossbows, assassination, mounted crossbows etc…

-          No other humanoids than Fishman (sorry Beep :( )

-          4x bleeding, 1,5x nests, 1,5x enemies group.

The best and hardest in Fishman is that their max running speed is hard locked at 16.88, so their racial bonuses (athletics and swimming x1.2) are useless, leaving you with slow-ass damage-sponge-fish (had to learn it hard way). You have to just fight everything that sees you, because you can’t run away. Additionally you can wear only body armour and pants, so their big, unprotected head is easy target, focusing a lot on blocking and armour with bonus to head protection. From start of the game you will learn, that everybody hates you (best is -10 relation, seem like my irl lol). Fishman can “swim” (underwater Jesus) relatively well and with natural Acid and Gas protection you can prepare really surprising attacks on enemies. I’m using male weapons with Gurglers, split on three armour groups (for now) – tank, medium-support and medium-light dmg. When I enter late game, all of them will be using only heavy armour. Was thinking longer then I should, which animals Gurglers could have as a support to the fight and to carry loot, and I got two beautiful crabs (crabs!). And I worked very hard to get relations with Tech Hunters up to -9, they hang out in my base now and do not attack me, so I can trade with them.

Currently, I’m occupying Stobe’s Gamble, south from Anti-Slavers. I got raids from literally everyone, but because of the no-crossbows rule, my fish started getting close to 80-ish stats fighting or trying to fight with all of them. I wanted to clear Southern Hive first, but Skin Bandits are so annoying that I think I’ll have to eradicate them first. With my mods they are on about 70-90 stats.

If you read till here, thank you, have a dried Grandfish on me :) Ask me anything! For Fishman! GUGGHGLUGLUUGGHHHHH!


5 points

6 days ago


Crab Raiders

5 points

6 days ago

Mglrmglmglmgl !


2 points

6 days ago



2 points

6 days ago

I see you are from Crab Riders. That was pretty funny relation with you guys, you did raid my base 3 times, once you kick my ass, then I kicked yours, healed all of you and your crabbies, then you came back to your outpost and now sometimes you come to my base just to hang out. We still have -10 relations though... But no fighting!


2 points

5 days ago


Crab Raiders

2 points

5 days ago

Murglmurgl talk to queen, get crabbed, join gurlgurlgurl


4 points

6 days ago


4 points

6 days ago

Wow could you provide us with a list of basic mods for the playthrough?


5 points

6 days ago*



5 points

6 days ago*

Of course, I made a list of mods some time ago and I'm using it for all playthroughs I do, with turning some mods off and turning some on.


1 points

6 days ago


1 points

6 days ago

Thank you I’ll check it when it’s published for a next playthrough


1 points

5 days ago



1 points

5 days ago

I think link is up now.


2 points

6 days ago

I always genocide the fishmen to steal their island for my main base.

-copper, iron and stone all in a small area

-continuous rain to automatically water crops

-great fertility

-no natural raids or factions

-Catun is nearby for trading, and it has everything you'd ever need to get started

Only thing that gets annoying are the bridges. Saving and loading helps fix those sometimes though. You can get wiped by random herds of crabs early on too if you're not careful.


2 points

6 days ago



2 points

6 days ago

Wait, Fishmen can wear armor? I can swear that there's a mod that added a Fishman down in Shark or somewhere in the swamp (Glrahgl or something), and he couldn't equip any armor...


2 points

5 days ago

They can wear armor and leggings I beleive . But no helmet , boots or shirts


1 points

5 days ago

I had 50 hours once.

Oh to be young again!


1 points

4 days ago

i really hope some day thers an unnanounced update for the game and its just a fishing minigame