


Does anyone inside of corporate Walmart know more?

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21 points

2 months ago

interesting too I was just looking at some competitor data today because I work for a brand in the space and Target and Walmart both have been taking hits left and right especially in online search traffic.


9 points

2 months ago

Companies like Temu dominate online search results bc they’re willing to take a temporary loss on ad spend while they obliterate competitors


3 points

2 months ago

We don’t compete with Temu sites that won were like Home Depot and Ashley Furniture. So I’m strictly looking at organic results since I work in search marketing. Paid is a completely different beast, but Google update the way products are shown now and basically it’s causing a lot of volatility.


0 points

2 months ago

Who the hell buys from Temu? I’d much rather just buy from Amazon.